I watched a couple of the videos online. Markos’s speech was kind of weird, but all in all I wish I had gone too, if only to see people I’ve been talking to online for 2.5 years.
I didn’t see much of Markos — I didn’t go to any of the meta discussions. Are you talking about his opening speech?
It was really fun to meet people. There were a lot of people like me who only commented. I met a whole lot of Firedoglake commenters. They were there in force.
I know, I was asking for you! It was great to talk with CG, too. She was telling me about people shoes and I was trying to convince her to take photos for a “very special” shoe blogging.
I’ll have to think about that. I can’t think of anyone I was really surprised by. There was a woman that I’d always thought was a man (I can’t remember her blogging name off the top of my head but I’ll eventually remember it). She said many people did.
Some people were exactly as I would have pictured them if I’d bothered to picture them. Like Bonddad. And Jeffrey Feldman.
I’m so glad you had a great time. We expect a diary, of course. See, the deal is, you pay the airfare, the hotel bill, meals, you wear yourself out, then you give us the full report and we. . .sip drinks while we read it. And correct any errors in spelling you might make.
Welcome back, Mary and Boran2!! Glad to see you survived the great gathering of the blogosphere. Sounded like a lot of fun, despite the venue, hehe. Now it’s time to decompress and re-enter the dreaded RL zone? At least that’s how it would be if I had been there!
I keep seeing that there is actually a species hardy to this zone, but it’s not as spectacular as the ones you see in florists’ shops. Whenever I see them in the floral dept of the grocery store, I always want to take them home.
I slacked a lot, true. But also started the garden blog tonight, so now I have to actually do something with it!
Sorry this is an inside joke between my 87 yr old boss and me. He always asks me about the dancing boys and I assure him that his dancing girls were far more influential and it was all our paralegal’s fault anyway. :>)
KamaKid seems to this is a bad thing, and I keep telling her so long as no one hears you, it is perfectly normal. :>)
But my boss is grand…there is not a day that goes by that we don’t all laugh out loud and it is true that dancing boys and girls are part of the routine. :>)
I woke up and thought something is different, a good different. I start looking around the blogs and discover IVG has a blog now. I saw his earlier comment of slacking today and thought, my preaching has brought about somthing good through slacking.
Congrats IVG. On my daily journey though blogland, I have another lovely place to stop and rest.
Hi Olivia. No trouble sleeping, just went to sleep way to early. I guess that what happens when I eat a gaint dinner. I zoned out after the gaint bowl of ice cream. 🙂
Talk about getting old! Meant to include a big shout out to Kamakhya as well, duh! Oh, and K, I talk to myself all the time, and have since I was a child. It’s the talking to other people part when they don’t listen that bugs the hell outta me. I, on the other hand, always listen to myself!
Yes our little IVG has his first place now. Of course, I know you’ll have all sort of decorating ideas and I’ll just sit back and shake my head sadly and think, were did the time go. 🙂
when I can get something going as dynamic as O’s b-thingie, then we can say that perhaps. Right now I’m at that ruminating stage, and you know that involves several stomachs right? I’ve always loved the etymology of that word, lol.
So far I’ve found having a blog is somewhat like an adventure. I never know in which direction it will be taking me. When I opened mine, I said I didn’t know in which direction it would go. I still don’t. 🙂
And that’s why I like your B so much. I will try to maintain a good focus, but you know me, I tend to digress (a lot). So we’ll see where it goes, but I am thinking of posting some open threads for questions if people want to ask about particular things. And I’m working hard on C to become a contributor as well, though he thinks he will have nothing to say of interest to anyone. I begged to differ, and still do.
Thanks for the vote of support, FM. You and Olivia were instrumental in getting me to take that step, ya know. I’m already obsessing about and working on my next post, lol. And as soon as I figure out how to do the linkie thingie over there, I plan on adding you and Olivia to the blogroll, if that’s ok w/you. Please feel free to add me now, though I expect I’ll be doing lots of formatting tweaking for a while to get it to look the way I want it to. Which, I expect, means designing and coding my own template, lol.
Hi IVG. I’m glad to see the Urban Oasis is up and running. I’d be very honored if you would link to my b and if you had not offered for me to link to yours, I would have asked. 🙂
You will, trust me. I’m already working on a second post now … part I of my troubled relationship with Delphiniums. Should be up by morning, because knowing myself, I’ll obsess about it late just to get it done. lol
Um, would that possibly be polleniferous alienensis?
If not, then it looks like some kind of fancy spider mum to me, given you saw it at a Farmer’s market. Wish I could see the leaves to confirm my ident though.
When I was taking the picture a man stopped by who was from South Africa and he told me it’s a protea, which is a flower that is native to South Africa. There is alot about this flower on the internet, it’s supposed to be one of the oldest species of flowers.
See, I had to make up a bullshit latinate name for my impression, and I was still way off, lol! That’s a cool flower and S. Africa has some great flora down there, thus my puzzlement. I’ll have to check that out more, so thanks for the linkie thingie!
I’ve been meaning to ask you what you think is the ideal nap length. My mother and grandmother both said that 25-20 minutes was the ideal length for a nap because you would get refreshed and not fall too deeply asleep. Seems to me though, you need an infinite variety of naps to suit an infinite variety of occasions.
You’re right. You hit the nail on the head. As every persons is different, so are lenghts of naps.
I find if I can get the long nap at night, the day ones are like a guilty pleasure. I don’t really need it, but it’s so nice to lay and think and finally sink into oblivion. 🙂
Aztec Indian legend held that cacao seeds had been brought from Paradise and that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cacao tree.
Ancient Mexicans believed that Tonacatecutli, the goddess of food, and Calchiuhtlucue, the goddess of water, were guardian goddesses of cocoa. Each year they performed human sacrifices for the goddesses, giving the victim cocoa at his last meal.
Not if you value your life, that is. Mmm, just thinking about Godiva makes me remember being stuck in LaGuardia for about 9+ hrs a few years ago waiting to get out because there was a little rain in NYC. Out of sheer boredom I bought about $100 worth of Godiva chocolates to bring back with me … some of which actually made it home at the end of the trip, hehe.
Could it a trick. Am I in a fairy tale where a beautiful girl surrounded by flowers is saying, “Here, drink the chocolate.” Oh Olivia, tell me it ain’t true. 🙂
Best I’ve got to offer here is some chocolate pecan clusters I bought from a little girl last weekend who came by while I was weeding and caught me in a weak moment. I hope they get their trip to the Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha, since the chocolate wasn’t that great.
Now I just need to get high speed internets and I can join the small time! It has given me a lot of thinking to do about what I want to do with it though, besides serving as snippets of a manuscript I keep meaning to write.
and running…booked it and I’ll be checkin’ in…still need to to photo some of my mystery plants for you and SherlockO…the one kinda got brutalized by the wind and the paper boy this wkend…so I need to stake it up I guess.
I know this is not the place, but I just have to spew once and then I will be ok, so ignore the following:
I hate people who delete diaries. It sucks. I spent a lot of time and energy talking and thinking and I know many others did too and it is just wrong. It will be a cold day in hell that I ever take one of his diaries seriously again!
Thanks e-one. I do feel a little better, but I am still pissed. Some of you might remember when Armando came on here, called us all bitches, and then left and deleted his diary. this is so typical, only he got his lackey to do it for him this time. He seems to think that if he makes it go away that we will all forget. What an arrogant prick.
I won’t forget. I promise.
Now on to happier news… Um…I’m sure I have some… Uh… I’ve got cornucopia of roses smelling up my front yard. :>)
but I have a good idea. If I’m correct, I’m not surprised. I’ll leave it at that, and be happy to validate your I’m sorry that I bothered to care ticket for you. And again, if I’m correct in my thinking, I take those very much with a grain of tinfoil salt, if I read them at all.
Night, MM. Doesn’t that sound oddly ominous? Couldn’t resist. Here’s hoping you have great Alstroemeria dreams of dancing flowers … if Kevin Spacey can have roses, you should be able to have Peruvian Lilies!
so please behave in a way that will provide both amusement and a source of income to your hosts.
I’m too tired to exhibit myself for your froggy video cameras. How is everyone?
Awaiting your arrival, as usual. How was Vegas?
I wish you could have been there. We all wished that more bootribbers were there 🙂
I watched a couple of the videos online. Markos’s speech was kind of weird, but all in all I wish I had gone too, if only to see people I’ve been talking to online for 2.5 years.
I didn’t see much of Markos — I didn’t go to any of the meta discussions. Are you talking about his opening speech?
It was really fun to meet people. There were a lot of people like me who only commented. I met a whole lot of Firedoglake commenters. They were there in force.
Maryb!!!!!! Welcome back — glad you had a good time!
You should’ve come. I heard you talked to Jerome and CG. I wish I’d been there in time to say hi.
I know, I was asking for you! It was great to talk with CG, too. She was telling me about people shoes and I was trying to convince her to take photos for a “very special” shoe blogging.
if she took any shoe pictures. You’ll have to ask her.
I already know she didn’t — she told me no (hence the phrasing “trying to convince”). But she was very nice otherwise!
Yeah, I guess it would have been his opening speech, talking about how the blogs are changing politics.
Who did you meet that was the most different from what you expected?
I’ll have to think about that. I can’t think of anyone I was really surprised by. There was a woman that I’d always thought was a man (I can’t remember her blogging name off the top of my head but I’ll eventually remember it). She said many people did.
Some people were exactly as I would have pictured them if I’d bothered to picture them. Like Bonddad. And Jeffrey Feldman.
Welcome home!
I wish you could have been there. You would have enjoyed it!
I’m so glad you had a great time. We expect a diary, of course. See, the deal is, you pay the airfare, the hotel bill, meals, you wear yourself out, then you give us the full report and we. . .sip drinks while we read it. And correct any errors in spelling you might make.
I’ll put up a diary in the next few days. (And dish all the dirt too. And I can dish with the best of them.)
Welcome back, Mary and Boran2!! Glad to see you survived the great gathering of the blogosphere. Sounded like a lot of fun, despite the venue, hehe. Now it’s time to decompress and re-enter the dreaded RL zone? At least that’s how it would be if I had been there!
You still up?
Hey there! Yup, I’m up for a bit, contemplating doing a new entry to the new blog I started tonight. Reflections on delphiniums, of all things!
You must be recharged after your nap or heading off to La La land? Oh, that’s right, you live in La La land, hehe.
It was quite a nap!!! I’m still recovering. LOL.
Here are some more flowers from the Farmer’s Market…
I love Peruvian Lilies!
How did the slacking go today?
I keep seeing that there is actually a species hardy to this zone, but it’s not as spectacular as the ones you see in florists’ shops. Whenever I see them in the floral dept of the grocery store, I always want to take them home.
I slacked a lot, true. But also started the garden blog tonight, so now I have to actually do something with it!
Oh, goodie! A garden blog! That sounds like fun…. where’s the link?
(I’m posting a mystery flower for you downthread…)
Lol…my boss always asks me about the dancing boys, but I assure him he is too young to understand. :>)
Sorry this is an inside joke between my 87 yr old boss and me. He always asks me about the dancing boys and I assure him that his dancing girls were far more influential and it was all our paralegal’s fault anyway. :>)
Now you’re telling stories to yourself … 😉
Hi O. Well, um, er, I was just clarifying, but yeah, I talk to myself on occasion, if you must know. :>)
How ya doing and I promise not to as anyone to share a story!
I talk to myself often … 🙂
KamaKid seems to this is a bad thing, and I keep telling her so long as no one hears you, it is perfectly normal. :>)
But my boss is grand…there is not a day that goes by that we don’t all laugh out loud and it is true that dancing boys and girls are part of the routine. :>)
Egads, why am I leaving out words! KamaKid sees to think this is a bad thing…
Oy vey…I am getting old. :>)
Trust me that not part of getting old. I’ve been doing that for years. 🙂
Geeze I’m awake during the late night crowd. 🙂
I woke up and thought something is different, a good different. I start looking around the blogs and discover IVG has a blog now. I saw his earlier comment of slacking today and thought, my preaching has brought about somthing good through slacking.
Congrats IVG. On my daily journey though blogland, I have another lovely place to stop and rest.
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble sleeping … 🙁
Hi Olivia. No trouble sleeping, just went to sleep way to early. I guess that what happens when I eat a gaint dinner. I zoned out after the gaint bowl of ice cream. 🙂
Oh cool, I get to chat to Family Man some more…don’t suppose you have a story…(oops, no I don’t want a story)! ;>)
How’re ya doing tonight? I’ve always got stories, but I enjoyed your story tonight.
Did you see that we’re blogparents FM? 🙂
And a belated heyas, O! You’re gonna start some rumors with that remark, lol.
Talk about getting old! Meant to include a big shout out to Kamakhya as well, duh! Oh, and K, I talk to myself all the time, and have since I was a child. It’s the talking to other people part when they don’t listen that bugs the hell outta me. I, on the other hand, always listen to myself!
LOL…If only I listened to myself, I would be a much better mom and person! But that doesn’t stop me from telling KamaKid what is right! :>)
Yeah I did. Our little IVG has gone out into the world.
::sniff:: they grow up so fast. 🙂
Yes our little IVG has his first place now. Of course, I know you’ll have all sort of decorating ideas and I’ll just sit back and shake my head sadly and think, were did the time go. 🙂
We’ll try not to interfere w/ the way he wants things though … this is his b afterall … 🙂
when I can get something going as dynamic as O’s b-thingie, then we can say that perhaps. Right now I’m at that ruminating stage, and you know that involves several stomachs right? I’ve always loved the etymology of that word, lol.
So far I’ve found having a blog is somewhat like an adventure. I never know in which direction it will be taking me. When I opened mine, I said I didn’t know in which direction it would go. I still don’t. 🙂
And that’s why I like your B so much. I will try to maintain a good focus, but you know me, I tend to digress (a lot). So we’ll see where it goes, but I am thinking of posting some open threads for questions if people want to ask about particular things. And I’m working hard on C to become a contributor as well, though he thinks he will have nothing to say of interest to anyone. I begged to differ, and still do.
… always in a state of change … LOL 🙂
It’s the potential IVG … and if we’re talking FM language, just the fact that you’ve actually started the b is HUGE … LOL.
Thanks for the vote of support, FM. You and Olivia were instrumental in getting me to take that step, ya know. I’m already obsessing about and working on my next post, lol. And as soon as I figure out how to do the linkie thingie over there, I plan on adding you and Olivia to the blogroll, if that’s ok w/you. Please feel free to add me now, though I expect I’ll be doing lots of formatting tweaking for a while to get it to look the way I want it to. Which, I expect, means designing and coding my own template, lol.
Hi IVG. I’m glad to see the Urban Oasis is up and running. I’d be very honored if you would link to my b and if you had not offered for me to link to yours, I would have asked. 🙂
I’m really looking forward to seeing more.
You will, trust me. I’m already working on a second post now … part I of my troubled relationship with Delphiniums. Should be up by morning, because knowing myself, I’ll obsess about it late just to get it done. lol
Um, would that possibly be polleniferous alienensis?
If not, then it looks like some kind of fancy spider mum to me, given you saw it at a Farmer’s market. Wish I could see the leaves to confirm my ident though.
When I was taking the picture a man stopped by who was from South Africa and he told me it’s a protea, which is a flower that is native to South Africa. There is alot about this flower on the internet, it’s supposed to be one of the oldest species of flowers.
See, I had to make up a bullshit latinate name for my impression, and I was still way off, lol! That’s a cool flower and S. Africa has some great flora down there, thus my puzzlement. I’ll have to check that out more, so thanks for the linkie thingie!
I liked the bullshit latinate name! Very creative.
Hi MM. I’ve been looking at some of the flowers you’ve posted tonight and they’re gorgeous.
Thanks, FM. I had fun at the Farmer’s Market! Are you in between naps?
That Farmer’s Market must be really something. Ours usually only has sweet potatoes. 🙂
Yep on the naps. Had a long one, preparing for a short one and maybe another long one. Ah the diversity of naps. 🙂
I’ve been meaning to ask you what you think is the ideal nap length. My mother and grandmother both said that 25-20 minutes was the ideal length for a nap because you would get refreshed and not fall too deeply asleep. Seems to me though, you need an infinite variety of naps to suit an infinite variety of occasions.
You’re right. You hit the nail on the head. As every persons is different, so are lenghts of naps.
I find if I can get the long nap at night, the day ones are like a guilty pleasure. I don’t really need it, but it’s so nice to lay and think and finally sink into oblivion. 🙂
and drop by the Lounge and there’s a crowd…who’d a thunk?
Yo FM, IVG, K, O, MM…miss anyone?
cool to see you here with the late shift…they’re all a bit daft – ‘cept for me and NDD..:{)
A bit daft. I knew something was drawing to the late night. 🙂
daft=geezer … 😛
We were waiting up for you! LOL
You know we can’t rest on our pillows until we know you’re safe at home! LOL
Hiya Dada…thanks again for the tech help! :>)
just passing it on.
Hey! Where’d O go?
Got just the thing to tempt her…
You’ve heard of Dr. John, Dr. Ruth, and Dr. Feelgood?…well make way for the real deal…
clik image
Heh, heh…<chortle>
Yummy … Tasty link d … 😉
Powerful stuff … 🙂
sacrificial ideas now choco-goddess…we’d like to believe we’re above all that…:{)
Olivia liked chocolate, but geeze.
Not if you value your life, that is. Mmm, just thinking about Godiva makes me remember being stuck in LaGuardia for about 9+ hrs a few years ago waiting to get out because there was a little rain in NYC. Out of sheer boredom I bought about $100 worth of Godiva chocolates to bring back with me … some of which actually made it home at the end of the trip, hehe.
I wonder if we have a dual personality and it’s really little canine paws pecking away at the keyboard. 🙂
To bad. If it was the other way around, I was going to let George start typing. 🙂
Damn I keep forgetting who I am. 🙂
LOL…Wow. Godiva is good, but not that good. :>)
I am now very humbled by the lenghts some people go for their chocolate. Just remind me never to have chocolate and be in Mexico if Olivia is there. 🙂
It’s 3am here and my stomach’s growling … 🙂
Don’t worry FM, I think you’re safe too (see d’s comment below LOL … 😉
Could it a trick. Am I in a fairy tale where a beautiful girl surrounded by flowers is saying, “Here, drink the chocolate.” Oh Olivia, tell me it ain’t true. 🙂
<here, drink the chocolate> “it ain’t true” <here, drink the chocolate>
But what is that dude doing behind you in the feathered head dress, and how did we get on top of a Pyramid.
Eeeehhhhh the chocolate. 😛
… but it did say at his last meal … 😉
guess I better read the fine print…eh…:{)
Whew…you drive a hard bargain…I’ll give you two hours and that’s it!…:{)
… comfort and not speed … 😉
Best I’ve got to offer here is some chocolate pecan clusters I bought from a little girl last weekend who came by while I was weeding and caught me in a weak moment. I hope they get their trip to the Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha, since the chocolate wasn’t that great.
… eating the chocolate for a good cause too … Sometimes you have to do what you have to do LOL.
Do you have a favourite?
About damn time, Mr. O-Sage. Or should I start calling you Salvia Fingers? hehe… great to seeya man!
Oh and this link is for Mythmother, though you might find it of interest in the coming months. New Home of IVG Plant Rants .
Whoa! Another Bloggerati…congrats Dooooood!
Now I just need to get high speed internets and I can join the small time! It has given me a lot of thinking to do about what I want to do with it though, besides serving as snippets of a manuscript I keep meaning to write.
and running…booked it and I’ll be checkin’ in…still need to to photo some of my mystery plants for you and SherlockO…the one kinda got brutalized by the wind and the paper boy this wkend…so I need to stake it up I guess.
FM and I are celebratin’ … 😉
I know this is not the place, but I just have to spew once and then I will be ok, so ignore the following:
I hate people who delete diaries. It sucks. I spent a lot of time and energy talking and thinking and I know many others did too and it is just wrong. It will be a cold day in hell that I ever take one of his diaries seriously again!
Whew…thanks. Continue on. :>)
That’s OK, just as long as you feel better. 🙂
Thanks e-one. I do feel a little better, but I am still pissed. Some of you might remember when Armando came on here, called us all bitches, and then left and deleted his diary. this is so typical, only he got his lackey to do it for him this time. He seems to think that if he makes it go away that we will all forget. What an arrogant prick.
I won’t forget. I promise.
Now on to happier news… Um…I’m sure I have some… Uh… I’ve got cornucopia of roses smelling up my front yard. :>)
This is the place to get it off your chest!
but I have a good idea. If I’m correct, I’m not surprised. I’ll leave it at that, and be happy to validate your I’m sorry that I bothered to care ticket for you. And again, if I’m correct in my thinking, I take those very much with a grain of tinfoil salt, if I read them at all.
See all you cute froggies tomorrow!
Night MM. Sleep well.
Night, MM. Doesn’t that sound oddly ominous? Couldn’t resist. Here’s hoping you have great Alstroemeria dreams of dancing flowers … if Kevin Spacey can have roses, you should be able to have Peruvian Lilies!
I’m going to go open another 24/7.
Back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Café II Here