As previously written, there are serious concerns that need to be addressed re: electronic voting. In addition, there has been litigation in several states that specifically address the issue.
Now, in Colorado, it has been discovered that records consisting of personal information of over 150,000 people are missing. In addition, officials are unsure if the files have been lost, moved or stolen.
According to the Denver Election Commission, officials didn’t know of the records were missing until June 1, but, it is thought they disappeared four months previously. Lisa Jones, a former temporary worker at the election commission, wrote that the files were missing on a weblog. Jones believes that commission officials knew of the lost files in April.
Alton Dillard spokesman for the election commision,
“We will get to the bottom of it.”
adding that
top officials of the commission are trying to determine whether lower-ranking staff knew about the situation before last week.
In addition, it has also been reported that
Mitch Given, a registered lobbyist for Diebold Election Systems, one of the vendors of voting machines for election boards in Ohio, gave Blackwell the maximum $10,000.00 donation.
In addition, Mitch Given lobbies for other companies and contributes to other GOP candidates.
Blackwell’s office approved Diebold’s selection as a vendor and negotiated the prices. However, the machines were chosen by the counties.
Blackwell spokesman Carlo LoParo
“It’s important to note that he (Given) did not contribute to Secretary Blackwell during the bidding process.”
Guess it’s all in the timing.
UPDATE:Litigation filed by the League of Women Voters is in U.S. District Judge James Carr’s court in Toledo. Kenneth Blackwell, this year’s Republican candidate for governor, claims that the 2004 election was run fairly.
Daniel Tokaji, an assistant professor of law at Ohio State University,
“I think it’s pretty clear, based on the original evidence, the (2004) outcome wasn’t affected. It’s much less important than focusing on the problems with the election systems … that haven’t been fixed yet.“
However, according to Cliff Arnebeck, a lawyer who was active in some of the lawsuits focusing on the 2004 race,
“The framing I have in mind for litigation is to look at what is being set up for ’06 and say we’re not speculating that people are willing to suppress the vote, we have the proof. It’s a positive view of the evidence of fraud in ’04.“
The League of Women Voters of Ohio is claiming to be challenging the way the way the 2004 election was run, as opposed to the results.
According to Peg Rosenfled, a specialist in elections for the League of Women Voters,
“The whole point of our lawsuit was to look toward the future.”
It has also been claimed that lessons that were learned in 2004 will be an asset, as the state of Ohio (and the rest of the county) moves into the electronic age.
xposted at epm
I also have to thank Steven D for opening my eyes to the importance of voting, as he did really emphasize RFK Jr’s article.
What voting fraud? It’s time for you to take off that tin foil and start drinking the kool-aid. It’s good for ya. π
Thanks, but, I’ll stick w/coffee! π
Have a look at the current lead article at Katherine Yurica has interesting commentary on the RFK critique in Salon.
That’s a great article. A must-read for anyone interested in the topic, as well as those uninterested folks who tend to dismiss the questions out of hand. I thought I’d re-write it as a link so as to encourage others to read it:
A Vast Political Misfortune by Katherine Yurica
Also, for those non-mathematicians who might be curious about how numbers can add up, here’s an interesting article from a while back:
Election Selection, Are We Using the Worst Voting Procedure? (note: the link is slow to load for me…. be patient if you experience same)
(found via
… figured I contribute something new, rather than just regurgitating what jcb679 already covered. π
Thanks for linking to the latter..that one really explains a lot.
You’re welcome. It’s a small contribution, but it’s what little I can give at the moment. I wouldn’t even know where to begin thanking you for all you give to this community! Okay, I’ll start with this diary. Another great one, Street Kid!
Thanks. I remember, on my 18th birthday, my late father took me to the Sec of State Office (here in MI)to register to vote. Then, he took me to the bar for my “first legal” drink. One thing about my dad, he had his priorities straight!
God, I miss him.
Thanks–that is a good one.
All that needed to be done is to clean them out once a year. What a waste of money on the all the new machines. Who’s going to be held accountable for that waste of money?
All that needed to be done is to clean them out once a year.
Cleaning out a machine should be standard/basic maintainance. Not doing so is crazy.
I’m wondering the same thing you are now…
It’s been a wonderful couple of weeks for me here in Colorado. First my credit card company tells me they’re issuing a new card because mine may have been “compromised,” i.e., yet another business lost its data. Then I find out that my voter registration information (name, address, SSN, the whole enchilada) may be floating around out there somewhere.
In light of all that, I think I’ll maintain my “Raging Hippie” persona for awhile longer, out of nostalgia for the days when it was possible to keep personal information to oneself. Most people think my real name is a pseudonym anyway, and if you Google it, you discover way too much information about a centerfold model who uses the same moniker.
Can’t blame you in the least.
MO Dem party last Sunday. One fellow was talking to me about my questions complaining that they weren’t anybody’s business. I agreed with him and asked why he voted republican in that case. He said if the dems fielded good candidates he would vote for them. But I believe he is still drinking kool aid!
Actually, I’ve had similar experiences w/the local dems. Let’s just say that I do not appeciate being repeatedly hounded for contributions, or harassed/verbally abused because I am disgusted w/the candidates that are running.
on the election rolls. It is amazing how many people move in a couple of years! He said he was repub and we were just asking if he intended to vote for Claire McCaskill or Talent.
What part of the state were you canvassing?