First I have to confess: I don’t watch TV. Not unless you count “So You Think You Can Dance” or ” The Apprentice”. Or, if you must dig further, I also know who won “Top Chef” and know what Heidi Klum has been up to, besides having Seal’s baby and modeling for Victoria’s Secret.

So now you all know…I like to escape reality by watching Reality TV. It is (one of) my weakness.

Second: I am slow. Real slow. I am still refining my ‘quick witted’ responses to 8th grade thugs, some 20 years later.

So maybe you all can explain some things to me.

  1. Am I happy that America assassinated/obliterated a suspected/known bad person instead of bringing him to a court–any court, in any country–and killing him in a civilized manner? (hanging, firing squad, IV)?
  2. Do I care about anyone else who was (may have been) killed in the same raid? (maids, drivers, etc.)
  3. Are American’s safer now from a terriorst attack, specifically from an Arab/Muslim?
  4. Is the Iraq war “won” now and can our National Guard men/women come home in time for another hurricane season and/or round up mexican’s for the grapefruit harvest?
  5. Is it polite to suggest that parts of Al Zaqarwi’s uniform/body be sold on E-Bay to help reduce the deficit? Or rebuild the Gulf coast? Or buy body armor for soldiers? Or prosthetic limbs for some vets? How about Bibles translated into to Arabic for what’s left of the residents of Fallugia?

Am I the only one who was put off by the cheerleaders on network TV who were THAT excited by one man’s death? I tried not to look…but I couldn’t help it. After all, there is so much dead TV time between Judge Judy and American Idol.

Thanks for all your help!

Anna Sukrana