That’s a BIG trip to take with a toddler! If you ever stop in Greensboro to visit your brother let me know. I’d love to meet you and Andrew. Do you think he’d mind the crazy lady who squeezes his cheeks?
Andi, the baby is fed and burped and now he’s taking the grand tour of “downtown” Raleigh with Colin the tourguide and Ryan and her boyfriend. They’re hoping to sell him on moving here. Um, churches outnumber bars here at least 50 to 1 so I’m not sure he’s going to be that impressed with the nightlife. Unless of course he’s into bible study dinners.
Absolutely. I’m staying out of it, giving them a chance to reconnect as brothers and sister and maybe our plan will work. He’s really sick of Cleveland winters.
I’ve been raising hell! As usual : ) and I’ve been told I’m GOING to hell, too. Several times actually.
Was offline for a bit with moving into the house and getting to know the neighbors – all have been wonderful so far. Most are “furryners” and most have cats that run loose. I love it 🙂
I try everyday. But my rule is I have to do the Eat4Today things first. And somedays (most days?) I don’t get done with that until it’s time to be gone for work.
never have thought of that, nor pulled that off in a pic! So guess I’ll just butt in here and say hi to everyone… Andi, SN, MM, O, KB, TT, and whoever I missed downstream there so far!
Hope you’re still around for some blue MM… coming to a thread near you very soon!
Howdy, KB! How’s things down your way tonight? Dry here, alas, but very pleasant still. But I dutifully did my 1.5 hrs of watering tonight to keep everyone happy till tomorrow, when I’ll do the same thing again, lol.
Yeah, just barely…another day of tedium (you know what that is!) and too little sleep. Kind of wiped out tonight and dozed off in the chair earlier, so doubt I’ll get another entry in the B done tonight, but you never know… let me go post a pic from tonight down further on the far left, where I of course like to reside… 🙂
I’m here to pimp my Vegas photo diary which took forever to upload and to ask everybody why we’ve stopped recommending the Froggy Bottom cafes…are we all slackers? 🙂
I must still be weird from the time zone changes, cause I’m not sleepy yet…
Who knew we were so good looking around here? I wish that I could have gone, alas family is first and I must live vicariously through the rest of you. Did Cedwyn take any photos?
My my, these are busy days. So much is happening right now, I have no time for posting. But that’s kind of a good thing. Anyway, since I know you guys are jonesing, here’s some David for you
I promise, Olivia, and MM… the prairie mallow started its big bloom thing today and I’ll have pics of it soon. But for now, here’s one of my favorite new ‘babies.’
Firefoxers, right click, view image, woo hoo.
More of these to come when I get Part II of the post on the B-thingie written. These are just the early bloomers.
Nice to seeya CG!!! and thx… I’ll be doing a lot more in the near future, and adding to the post at the b-thingie.
Did I tell you I’m still envious of your weekend? (well, except for the LV part….) Markos was on Countdown tonight … at least they did a good piece on the whole affair.
Yup, took it tonight about 7ish here. Took a whole bunch of pics, but only uploaded a few tonight. I’ll pop on over and see if I can help out, since I’ve got my page open and you’re just a click away from the main page, hehe.
My guess would be three young surrealist women wearing feather regalia, standing on a transgalactic landing pad, singing praises to the impending arrival of the mother ship.
Very cool shot, but I have no clue since I’m not looking straight on (and you won’t see me use that word often), and can’t see the leaves. Yeah, I’m a leaf man… helps me out in a pinch.
If I can’t immediately identify the flower, the leaves often can give me at least a clue to the genus sometimes. Remember we identify our plants first by their leaves when they come up…
I’m down for the countdown… LOL. Just say Markos on there…. interesting, very interesting…
I hope I can get some sleep to night. If so, see you in the morning light. If not, I’ll probably be looking around for some of my favorite insomniacs to hang out with in FBL 24/7!
Glad to have bumped into ya, MM. And were you as underwhelmed as I was by Markos? Just reconfirmed for me why I’m glad I’ve been orange-free for over six months now…
Hmmm, that gives me a few ideas, seeing the leaves… Does it look kind of like a fleshy grass with clusters of buds on longer stems? And does the plant flop down prostrate and ugly after it’s done blooming?
I thought so. I’d like to see a full on front view of the flower itself, but after playing 20 questions and looking hard at that close pic, I’m guessing it’s Spider Wort, a kind of tradescantia. We used to have a clump of the magenta color (it also appears in blue as well, though I’ve never seen white before) but I dug it up and got rid of it because it’s only pretty for about a week if you’re lucky and it was taking over an area of the garden. We also have tons of the wild tradescantia to which this is related, though it looks more like “Wandering Jew” the houseplant and has pretty blue flowers and invades every space it gets into. Pretty weed, but I only let it go in certain places….
yup, that’s Spider Wort… I kind of regretted digging up that big clump and throwing it out, but it was taking up real estate better suited for other things. It is very very pretty while it lasts, but then… well you know the rest. That stuff grows in ditches in the country around here and is quite striking when blooming… of course the rest of the time you can’t see it flopped down looking all bedraggled.
Do you have that other kind of weedy tradescantia too? It looks just like “Wandering Jew” the houseplant, only the leaves are all green rather than purple/silver like the other variety. I will say that I usually let it go to the bloom stage because the flowers are so pretty, but then it gets yanked out… which is probably the wrong thing to do, since I should keep it from blooming to cut down on it dropping seeds….
Well if you have more room for that kind of stuff, I’d dig it up and move it to a spot where it can do its thing and not invade other stuff. But if it’s where you value the other stuff around it… well, that’s your decision!
like spearmint, feverfew, etc. But the one thing I would never plant (and we inherited it) is heliopsis aka “Ox Eye Sunflower” … that’s the stuff we’re diligently trying to eradicate this year, though it will likely take another year or so to get completely rid of it… but the major areas are cleared so far.
Well the kind we have has gotten really invasive, though we like the fact it blooms constantly and makes a good cut flower, but it’s been crowding out the bee balm so badly we decided this is the year to declare war on it. We’ll never get rid of it entirely but at least keep it under control.
Hey Manny! So cool to see ya drop in here (and at my b-thingie earlier…thx)!! I’m not even touching that due to be dial up challenged and needing to get to bed earlier tonight.
What’s up out your way tonight? Cheesecake or ice cream? Decisions, decisions….
I’m thinking it’s one of those best-of-both-worlds kinda night. I’ll take a double scoop of Cheesecake Ice Cream in a fudge-dipped, rolled-in-almonds waffle cone.
Wow, that’s some bedtime treat! All yours, buddy… I’ll do my once yearly ice cream thing when we take the pups to Snookie’s (local malt shop) for their puppy cones this summer. It’s a very dog friendly place where if you buy something and bring your dog too, they give them free little cones which are gone in about 2 bites! Pepa and Rolly love em though… oh, and btw… get Bud any Frosty Paws yet?
trying to get my bearings around blogtopia. I was dealing with my uncle’s benefit golf tourney yesterday so was thankfully away from the laptop. Who knew that I could get darker than my built-in tan already provided? At least I’m not peeling, but WOW I’m crispy.
looooong day that involved 2 hours of sleep prior since we were making tons of food to sell. The turnout was fantastic though, we had around 40 teams of three golfers each. All in all we raised over $7000 to help them pay for medical expenses and, sad to say, funeral arrangements if the chemo doesn’t work out. Tomorrow is his final treatment then we enter the “wait and see” period. It was a great day of family and kinship, showing the better part of humanity when we are committed to helping build each other up. Just gotta keep trudging along, know what I mean?
I hope that your family gets positive results Manny, and I’m happy that you were able to spend that time w/ them. You’re right, one foot in front of the other …
even better! I’m sure you can photoshop that up real quick eh? Wonder what happens if you google ‘panda porn?’ we tried that with petal one night, and the results were astounding…
I like your sense of humor, Chris. Those youtube posts are murder on a dial up connection though… but I hope to change that soon… I like what you do around here.
It’s one of those gotta get offa my butt things, like the b-thingie. Which, speaking of, I may just go over and post a pic, but I have so much more to say about delphiniums I may just wait until tomorrow. I do want to do quality writing when I can, so probably should wait.
Speaking of silly and suggestive, here’s one for ya…also taken tonight
No cheating on the file name… any clues?
I can’t get a good look w/out enlarging but then I’ll see the filename. The leaves look like the spiderwort, but the flower stalk looks very unique … Clues?
I’ve been trying to get these going for a few years and this one I planted last year, since the seeds I planted didn’t come back. I’m really excited to see this bloom this year, even though the pic is not that great due to lighting. Put 2 more back there with this one and hoping to see great results… you’ll know where to find em blogmother.
And with that, I think I must vacate the premises too late yet again…
I can’t believe that I’m the first one here.
when you aren’t distracted by having papers to grade.
Getting into the rhythm of summer vacation?
You know, getting used to summer vacation is like riding a bike.
We are getting ready for our little trip, so we’ve been busy doing lots of little things.
That’s a BIG trip to take with a toddler! If you ever stop in Greensboro to visit your brother let me know. I’d love to meet you and Andrew. Do you think he’d mind the crazy lady who squeezes his cheeks?
Umm, people get arrested for things like that — oh, wait a minute, you meant cheeks on a face.
Either will do. I would like to smell his head too but that might be pushing it.
Smell his head? I’ve smelled his bottom plenty of times, so why not his head?
I hope to head to my brother’s place later this year.
Andi, the baby is fed and burped and now he’s taking the grand tour of “downtown” Raleigh with Colin the tourguide and Ryan and her boyfriend. They’re hoping to sell him on moving here. Um, churches outnumber bars here at least 50 to 1 so I’m not sure he’s going to be that impressed with the nightlife. Unless of course he’s into bible study dinners.
Raliegh still has some happening bars or did back in the day. LOL Maybe he can open one called the Yellow dog.
Hopefully they’ll find something open tonight and with more than 3 toothless old drunks sitting inside.
LOL I would try north raliegh then. LOL
Do you ever come back here to visit? I’ll take you to lunch – in NORTH Raleigh. Just kidding, inside the beltline is way cool.
with a secret grin as you think about that little baby who liked to pat his head when he went to sleep.
Absolutely. I’m staying out of it, giving them a chance to reconnect as brothers and sister and maybe our plan will work. He’s really sick of Cleveland winters.
than NC summers — so I guess you won’t be asking me to give him any advice.
It’s a draw for me. If I wasn’t affected so strongly by lack of sunshine I think I could handle the Cleveland winters better.
Maybe you shouldn’t ask. It’s a shame to interrupt a good OO!
It was just going to be !!! but it didn’t pass the word test for the subject.
So I added a couple of Os
Sort of an excited HI!
so is this a general ‘excited’ or a specific ‘excited’?
Just glad to be here. It was a chaotic weekend.
just rushing in here before I head out to give Katiebird some ooey gooey huggins and squeezins… ohhhh yeahhhh
I needed that 🙂 Hope you did, too. xoxox! 🙂
{{Janet}} I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you? Where are you going?
I’ve been raising hell! As usual : ) and I’ve been told I’m GOING to hell, too. Several times actually.
Was offline for a bit with moving into the house and getting to know the neighbors – all have been wonderful so far. Most are “furryners” and most have cats that run loose. I love it 🙂
Didn’t you just move a few months ago? I don’t mean to open a long conversation if you’re leaving….
I’m going to hire DJ to do all my greetings — she sure beats my ‘hi’ all to hell.
Ah, but she’s never given me bananas for my cereal in the morning. I wouldn’t worry if I were you, Andi.
you’ll have to come by the coffee cart more often to enjoy them.
I try everyday. But my rule is I have to do the Eat4Today things first. And somedays (most days?) I don’t get done with that until it’s time to be gone for work.
But I’m always wanting to be here.
Reading in the missionary position?? : )
I need to go get ready for… well the evening. Wesley has a field trip tomorrow that I’m going to be his “aide” for. See you all later. xoxox
Be good… at being naughty.
Bouquet reflections in plastic….
Enjoying my daily ration of chardonnay! Yay Happy Hour!
oh my!!! It’s a ballet of blossoms!!!
Breathtaking!!! (((MM))))
Must be my ballet background, waltz of the flowers, LOL!
Um. Beautiful.
Thanks, KB. I’m sticking to the plan. No seconds and no eating between meals!
That’s great. How long has it been now? Time flies you know….
It’s been several weeks, but I need to be more disciplined about my exercise program. I was very good this weekend!
I didn’t do so well this weekend. Things were crazy the whole time and I just never fit exercise in.
If it was crazy I’m sure you burned off alot of calories! LOL!
That’s what I thought too. But I actually gained 5 pounds overnight. (it’s always something)
If you can gain it overnight you can lose it overnight, so no biggie!
Such an interestingly intricate shot — do you have a link to a higher res version of it?
I never did get the link-to-a-larger version thing. I tried but I was hopeless!
But you can click on this to see the original…
It will come out fairly huge, but the best I can to at the moment.
P.S. I previewed this a couple of times, and it looks like a link, so please forgive me is something awful happens when I post it!
Hi mm … Good to see you, and gorgeous flowers. Neat idea using the plastic to reflect! 🙂
Thanks, O and AndiF! High praise from two supremely talented ladies!
never have thought of that, nor pulled that off in a pic! So guess I’ll just butt in here and say hi to everyone… Andi, SN, MM, O, KB, TT, and whoever I missed downstream there so far!
Hope you’re still around for some blue MM… coming to a thread near you very soon!
Hi, IVG!!
Howdy, KB! How’s things down your way tonight? Dry here, alas, but very pleasant still. But I dutifully did my 1.5 hrs of watering tonight to keep everyone happy till tomorrow, when I’ll do the same thing again, lol.
You survived your cube-day, did you? 🙂
Yeah, just barely…another day of tedium (you know what that is!) and too little sleep. Kind of wiped out tonight and dozed off in the chair earlier, so doubt I’ll get another entry in the B done tonight, but you never know… let me go post a pic from tonight down further on the far left, where I of course like to reside… 🙂
I need your help IDing a plant tonight … I’ll link to it down there too.
I see everyone at least got thru the day…I’m fadin’ fast tonight. And having the Bu asleep at my feet ain’t helpin’
It was a nasty day all around for me — the drama of last week continues …
We’ll all have to get to bed earlier tonight … 🙂
Hey there dada-o… meet us down at the lower left extremity of the page for unfettered p*t*l p#rn.
and I’m glad you did — just I thought the detail is the large version is wonderful. It’s a great photo.
That is a completely cool shot, MM!
Thanks, TT! Sounds like you have a mellow summer vacation spreading before you!
I’m here to pimp my Vegas photo diary which took forever to upload and to ask everybody why we’ve stopped recommending the Froggy Bottom cafes…are we all slackers? 🙂
I must still be weird from the time zone changes, cause I’m not sleepy yet…
Who knew we were so good looking around here? I wish that I could have gone, alas family is first and I must live vicariously through the rest of you. Did Cedwyn take any photos?
I don’t think so, but I’m hoping boran2 might have some to add…
Thanks for the photos CB. It looks like it was an interesting trip.
I mean CG. I must be tired.
That’s okay. OT, but how’s Andrew doing?
Good night!
Did you miss me?
My my, these are busy days. So much is happening right now, I have no time for posting. But that’s kind of a good thing. Anyway, since I know you guys are jonesing, here’s some David for you
You know you want it.
So, so, so wrong … 🙂
I promise, Olivia, and MM… the prairie mallow started its big bloom thing today and I’ll have pics of it soon. But for now, here’s one of my favorite new ‘babies.’

Firefoxers, right click, view image, woo hoo.
More of these to come when I get Part II of the post on the B-thingie written. These are just the early bloomers.
Those are absolutely gorgeous IVG!
Nice to seeya CG!!! and thx… I’ll be doing a lot more in the near future, and adding to the post at the b-thingie.
Did I tell you I’m still envious of your weekend? (well, except for the LV part….) Markos was on Countdown tonight … at least they did a good piece on the whole affair.
I can’t wait to see the pink delphs.
I did see the last part of the Countdown bit. Not bad.
And with that, I’m off to bed…g’night.
Thanks, dada.
Did you take this tonight IVG?
(And when you get a minute can you click over to my b and tell me what the white flower is?)
Yup, took it tonight about 7ish here. Took a whole bunch of pics, but only uploaded a few tonight. I’ll pop on over and see if I can help out, since I’ve got my page open and you’re just a click away from the main page, hehe.
what is it?
My guess would be three young surrealist women wearing feather regalia, standing on a transgalactic landing pad, singing praises to the impending arrival of the mother ship.
Very cool shot, but I have no clue since I’m not looking straight on (and you won’t see me use that word often), and can’t see the leaves. Yeah, I’m a leaf man… helps me out in a pinch.
… and not your blue flowers?
And re: the 2nd pt of your comment … LOL … you’re funny. A leaf man. 🙂
If I can’t immediately identify the flower, the leaves often can give me at least a clue to the genus sometimes. Remember we identify our plants first by their leaves when they come up…
I’m down for the countdown… LOL. Just say Markos on there…. interesting, very interesting…
I hope I can get some sleep to night. If so, see you in the morning light. If not, I’ll probably be looking around for some of my favorite insomniacs to hang out with in FBL 24/7!
That was supposed to be just saw Markos on there… Be still o my clumsy fingers!
Glad to have bumped into ya, MM. And were you as underwhelmed as I was by Markos? Just reconfirmed for me why I’m glad I’ve been orange-free for over six months now…
Hoped ya liked the blue, hon… see you soon!
Any ideas?
Hmmm, that gives me a few ideas, seeing the leaves… Does it look kind of like a fleshy grass with clusters of buds on longer stems? And does the plant flop down prostrate and ugly after it’s done blooming?
To both of those … 🙂
Grows up in a nice big clump when it blooms… flops down, kind of invasive? If you pull it just the leaves come out leaving you with wet fingers?
It looks real messy after this past w/e’s rain.
I thought so. I’d like to see a full on front view of the flower itself, but after playing 20 questions and looking hard at that close pic, I’m guessing it’s Spider Wort, a kind of tradescantia. We used to have a clump of the magenta color (it also appears in blue as well, though I’ve never seen white before) but I dug it up and got rid of it because it’s only pretty for about a week if you’re lucky and it was taking over an area of the garden. We also have tons of the wild tradescantia to which this is related, though it looks more like “Wandering Jew” the houseplant and has pretty blue flowers and invades every space it gets into. Pretty weed, but I only let it go in certain places….
Thank you! Just googled and that’s it indeed. Now I’m going to go fix the b and give you props … 🙂
yup, that’s Spider Wort… I kind of regretted digging up that big clump and throwing it out, but it was taking up real estate better suited for other things. It is very very pretty while it lasts, but then… well you know the rest. That stuff grows in ditches in the country around here and is quite striking when blooming… of course the rest of the time you can’t see it flopped down looking all bedraggled.
Do you have that other kind of weedy tradescantia too? It looks just like “Wandering Jew” the houseplant, only the leaves are all green rather than purple/silver like the other variety. I will say that I usually let it go to the bloom stage because the flowers are so pretty, but then it gets yanked out… which is probably the wrong thing to do, since I should keep it from blooming to cut down on it dropping seeds….
Well, it is messy and you’ve got more room for other things now like you’ve said.
No to the other kind, and just have two clumps of this one so it’s not too too bad right now.
Well if you have more room for that kind of stuff, I’d dig it up and move it to a spot where it can do its thing and not invade other stuff. But if it’s where you value the other stuff around it… well, that’s your decision!
B/c of it’s invasiveness?
like spearmint, feverfew, etc. But the one thing I would never plant (and we inherited it) is heliopsis aka “Ox Eye Sunflower” … that’s the stuff we’re diligently trying to eradicate this year, though it will likely take another year or so to get completely rid of it… but the major areas are cleared so far.
I’ve got that in my front garden and it just grows in one spot … are there different varients?
Well the kind we have has gotten really invasive, though we like the fact it blooms constantly and makes a good cut flower, but it’s been crowding out the bee balm so badly we decided this is the year to declare war on it. We’ll never get rid of it entirely but at least keep it under control.
lurkers, keepers and whoever. Can’t keep my eyes open any longer.
Here’s a very weird video (3.3M) called Plants With Eyes that’ll drive Salad Fingers out of you mind…:{)…not recommended if SF creeped you out.
Sleep well, pleasant dreams
Good night dada … sweet dreams to you and Bu!
thx for the link I dare not click till I get DSL. You and Bu sleep well out there, and mark Oct. 7 on your calendar soon!
must I click on links that have specific warnings prior to bed? 🙂
G’night dada. Hi everybody else!
Hey Manny! So cool to see ya drop in here (and at my b-thingie earlier…thx)!! I’m not even touching that due to be dial up challenged and needing to get to bed earlier tonight.
What’s up out your way tonight? Cheesecake or ice cream? Decisions, decisions….
on your b-thingie.
I’m thinking it’s one of those best-of-both-worlds kinda night. I’ll take a double scoop of Cheesecake Ice Cream in a fudge-dipped, rolled-in-almonds waffle cone.
Wow, that’s some bedtime treat! All yours, buddy… I’ll do my once yearly ice cream thing when we take the pups to Snookie’s (local malt shop) for their puppy cones this summer. It’s a very dog friendly place where if you buy something and bring your dog too, they give them free little cones which are gone in about 2 bites! Pepa and Rolly love em though… oh, and btw… get Bud any Frosty Paws yet?
trying to get my bearings around blogtopia. I was dealing with my uncle’s benefit golf tourney yesterday so was thankfully away from the laptop. Who knew that I could get darker than my built-in tan already provided? At least I’m not peeling, but WOW I’m crispy.
I remember you mentioning the the golf tournament for your Uncle.
Crispy, eh? You should slather yourself in some cream … for preventative measures. 🙂
(And ya, probably a good w/e to be away from blogtopia, but hard for you to follow what happened.)
looooong day that involved 2 hours of sleep prior since we were making tons of food to sell. The turnout was fantastic though, we had around 40 teams of three golfers each. All in all we raised over $7000 to help them pay for medical expenses and, sad to say, funeral arrangements if the chemo doesn’t work out. Tomorrow is his final treatment then we enter the “wait and see” period. It was a great day of family and kinship, showing the better part of humanity when we are committed to helping build each other up. Just gotta keep trudging along, know what I mean?
I hope that your family gets positive results Manny, and I’m happy that you were able to spend that time w/ them. You’re right, one foot in front of the other …
Is anybody in the mood for a panda on the front page? Just curious.
even better! I’m sure you can photoshop that up real quick eh? Wonder what happens if you google ‘panda porn?’ we tried that with petal one night, and the results were astounding…
Now you’re talking effort. In my current sleepless state, that’s a stretch.
I’ve got one for you tonight too … 🙂
Cool. I’m using it. Do you know the panda’s name?
Looks like Tai Shan. Am I right?
According to the links on the right hand side and the comments. 🙂
Sheesh, now we’re doing panda idents! LOL… only fair for them to compete with the flowers, hehe.
Well, we gotta branch out sometime I suppose. Btw, I goggled pp the other day and it wasn’t on the front page even!
w/ quotes it’s 3
Okay, the deed is done. Thanks for the help everybody. I’m never sure if I’m being too silly with stuff for this site.
I like your sense of humor, Chris. Those youtube posts are murder on a dial up connection though… but I hope to change that soon… I like what you do around here.
Besides the late night is known for silly.
You’ve got a unique sense of humour that makes me LOL — literally out loud … don’t change. 🙂
So now we’re calling it pp huh? Saves me time typing those asterisks!
So, you don’t have any excuse for not having hi speed?
I just switched from dial up and it’s amazing IVG. You must do it if you can …
It’s one of those gotta get offa my butt things, like the b-thingie. Which, speaking of, I may just go over and post a pic, but I have so much more to say about delphiniums I may just wait until tomorrow. I do want to do quality writing when I can, so probably should wait.
Speaking of silly and suggestive, here’s one for ya…also taken tonight

No cheating on the file name… any clues?
I can’t get a good look w/out enlarging but then I’ll see the filename. The leaves look like the spiderwort, but the flower stalk looks very unique … Clues?
Common name includes “Red” and “Hot” in it.
Is it red hot poker/Kniphofia uvaria?
I would never have guessed that w/ out the red and hot lol. You’ve got some pretty wild stuff IVG … 🙂
I’ve been trying to get these going for a few years and this one I planted last year, since the seeds I planted didn’t come back. I’m really excited to see this bloom this year, even though the pic is not that great due to lighting. Put 2 more back there with this one and hoping to see great results… you’ll know where to find em blogmother.
And with that, I think I must vacate the premises too late yet again…
Get some sleep blogson … LOL … I’m off too.
Sweet dreams to you!