You should get to know it. Wonderful stuff. Delirium Tremens (the beer I’m drinking as I type) is their flagship golden ale, but they also have a dark ale named Delirum Noir and every year they do a new dark spiced ale for Christmas named Delerium Noel. All of them are wonderful and tasty and none are under 10% ABV, though some would probably prefer they weren’t named after a disorder. And every one features a few pink elephants on the label.
That’s right! Give me beer or …. well, give me beer!
Too funny by much … Heyas to everyone, too numerous to name but you know who you are! Cool crowd in here tonight, too bad I didn’t get here earlier, but Jon Stewart was great tonight (MM are you live or Memorex now?) …
to Ken Mehlman, he said, (and I paraphrase)
“I really pity guys like you. You’re the ones who have to go out and spray perfume on those turds.”
Oh, Jon is very good tonight, and the Mehlman thing is definitely worth watching! I’m gearing up to do part II of the Delph posts, as you can see a preview down on the left.
The rest of the show is fun, too! Watch it… I’m logging into blogger real quick here.
I already watched JS and it was hilarious with Mehlman, Jon was on top of his game and Mehlman was pretty funny/ in his answers to Jon’s on point questions, , …wish I could relate it better.
I keep missing you Diane, and great to see you popping in more lately! Hate to admit that Mehlman was a good sport and amusing … but we think Jon can get away with it because he’s always so civil, though he couches his best snark in the comedic frame. He can be brilliant that way.
I’m still catching up from being gone last weekend. And this weekend is busy too. One of those all day wedding deals on Saturday and Father’s Day on Sunday.
Chardonnay and a white rose from today’s 5K work-break walk. Trying to stay awake after another night of restless insomnia. I may have to go back on the sleeping pills!
thanks, andiF… Job is going fine. It’s a kind of abbreviated schedule with manageable commute for the 9-5 impaired like me. Everyone seems nice there, they all mind their own business. It’s so great to have my own office!
My soltuion for sleeping, turn on cspan and lay down to bed, close your eyes and just listen to it, see how long you can last…suggest automatic shutoff for tv as it feels really creepy to wake up in the middle of the night to a senator droning on.
So try it, it really works.
cspan, well not if you watch as many hours as I do, many repeats too, so I know all the words they will say usually, not like I couldn’t guess tho, eh..’
some interesting stuff last week, some people sent up from Justice that weren’t allowed to answer hardly any questions…chariman got really ticked, but won’t make any difference.
Hi katiebird! I was trying to watch TV to go back to sleep and that didn’t work so last night I tried reading a boring spiritual book that turned out to be very interesting! Go figure!
The nice thing about finding an interesting book when you can’t fall asleep is that at least you’re not bored while you suffer. At least that’s what I thought when I had trouble sleeping.
Pretty much a lifetime of insomnia, but I managed to wean myself off sleeping pills since after a while they don’t work anymore. A good night’s sleep is the perfect gift that has always eluded me ever since my traumatic childhood. I have always wondered though if maybe I just don’t need as much sleep as other people? I want it, but maybe I don’t need it.
Smart man. I once had a roommate who really resented my Christmas vacation. She snapped at me about not having all day to do what she wanted. I reminded her that her degree was in RETAIL Management and that if she wanted better hours that she might want to get out of retail.
One year Anniversary, no I completely forgot, did we just talk about this the other day, must have taken one too many hits off the hooka.
Well I wonder if I should do one of the diaries tomorrow, since I did the first one or what do you think, ya’ll. Gee does it seem like a year ago????? Sometimes it seems like maybe months ago, then other times years ago, that old time compression and altering thing…Yes it was the spawn of the welcome wagon and I hold it entirely to blame…lol how are you all doing.
Yes I still have the wagon, it needs a bit of cleaning, but I can set a crew to work if needbe…maybe I should just host a party, like the early days and drag Shirl and other lurkers on in here to reminiss. Hey I hope I am spelling everything right, some words like reminiss look funny, I am suspicious.
diary, if you’re free. Izzy is the Wednesday host and usually appears around noontime, that would probably be perfect timing for her to take over after the initial celebration begins. I think supersoling might be hosting a Welcome Wagon tomorrow, I’ll touch base with him to make sure.
Time really does fly. I love to go back and read old threads, this place has evolved so many times yet there’s a sense of community that remains even though new and old names are constantly shuffled in and out of the mix.
WEll you know I am on PDT but I will check the site in the morning. I should send the wagon pic to super for use tomorrow, if he wants it.
That whole yearlykos made me so proud to be part of this netroot/bloggers movement and maybe will put me back in active status…sure hope so, this writers block is driving me crazy.
Since that’s the prevailing color around here right now, except for the CA poppies, oh and the pink Prairie Mallow … but here’s what’s on my mind and what will hopefully generate a new post tonight.
Firefoxers, do the right click view drill for more…
Damn great beers up there! Did Chris and Olivia drink them all already?
And to think I neglected Mary’s beer drinking skills! I am shamed. How ya doing since I keep missing you since you left for Sin City? Time to get the thumbscrews out about Oct. 7 again?
I can do that. Especially since I’m pretty low key by nature, as you know. I have my ways, though.
That reminds me that I need to do some research on airfares and such soon. Not sure if booking that far in advance will really get me a deal, but it’s worth looking.
I’m going to start looking at things that are going on in Chicago that weekend so we can start generally planning the one activity everyone can go to. And have options for the others.
I’m going to be up there for 4th of July and I’ll check out the situation with the locals too.
Sorry, Mary, I was momentarily off at blogger dinking with html code, lol.
Southwest flies out of Kansas City, but I see no point in driving over 2 hrs to catch a short flight to Chicago. My best options here are United (loathe them) and American (loathe them less), and maybe Northwest (almost loathe them). I wish Southwest could move in, cuz they could shake up this tightly held market.
Looks delicate, but is tough as nails. We give a lot of these away, but I still love em, and yeah, they’re pink. This one (a volunteer from several years ago) is just getting going, so there will be more.
I’m off to blogger for a while (ooh that sounded dirty) to work on my new post, but will pop in and out for a bit. Let me know what you thought of JS tonight.
A quick tip … Write up your posts in wordpad b/c blogger can crash and you’ll lose your post. It’s happened to me, so live and learn right? 🙂
Re JS … yes he was good. I like how he ended by saying in a few yrs KM can come back and say what he really thinks … And KM was pretty easy-going compared to the hotheaded bigmouth he usually comes across as–he knows his audience I guess.
Well…too many comments to read, so I am going to just jump in and see if anyone’s still up. No, I won’t ask for stories, but I wouldn’t be sad to see one. :>)
I’m ok. Thanks for asking. The school issues just don’t go away. Today I found out our director is telling the teachers the the new parents group doesn’t want to work with them, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Ugh…I don’t know why he hates the one group of parents that really want to work for the school. It is psychotic.
Other than that, I am great. I am bummed I missed DKos, but I found the discussions here very interesting.
apparently they’re not reacting well to change, which is unfortunate when the need for it is so great. Have you thought about the flyer idea any more since Del Mar? (we briefly talked about laying out the issues in a one-page flyer format and distributing)
I’m working on dredging up some hellacious story of humiliation from my past, but am having a hard time so far. One day though… but not tonight. That school situation sounds ridiculous, IMO.
o/t but can you do me a favor and go click the unrecommend at the lounge from earlier? Feelin’ bad about cluttering up the list with closed threads. Grassy Ass Amigo!
Sorry about that, Manny. Now I have a good reason to be selective about recommending lounges when I go off for hours. I’m lost off in blogger land trying to get it to do what I want it to and not succeeding too well, I must admit.
Oh Joy! It is not humiliation, it is an affirmation of being human!! :>)
The school, ugh, they want me as the parent rep on the board (which position is new and the director is trying to castrate), but I am so volatile and crude, I don’t want it. But, BooMan (the site as a whole) is pushing me to accept as an example of getting involved. It’s a quandry.
I think you would be a perfect parent representative on the board. 1) you have your child’s best interests at heart, 2) they want you to be the rep and 3) you won’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Thanks Manny. 1 and 2 are right, but I am fraid I will fuck things up with 3. I am afraid and they are intimidating and I am afraid he will take my positions out on my kids. I loathe the director, who is also a board member, and it is clear he hates us because we put his faults up front and center. I just think I bringing bad things on me and my daughter and I am scared. On the other hand, I really want to make this school work and I want to help.
you make it clear that everything you say and recommend as a board member is due to the latter part of your comment: “I really want to make this school work and I want to help” then things will work themselves out. They will never be able to question your motives if you are upfront about them. And they are admirable motives, imo.
Thanks Manee, alot. No one else is willing to do it and you are right. I don’t want to, but I know it needs to be done and if I can just keep myself in professional mode, I might be civil enough to do it. The director and a majority of the board are pissed off that we mere parents are pushing ourselves onto the board and demanding full voting rights, even though that is the law here. The director told the teachers that there was no way we would get full rights on the board. So it is going to be a battle and one for which I am not sure I am the best person to represent us. But if no one else will do it, I will.
Hi 90’s…going to be there for the rest of the week…this ain’t right. We don’t usually see this until late July and August…global warming?…nah, it’s a myth.
Mother Nature is pissed, and it’s like the old Bill Cosby line…“I brought into to this world, and I can take you out”…she’ll do it too, if we don’t get our shit together.
but she’s got several cool places to go, and I have a/c in the studio.
Plus she’s long haired and black, so we have to be cognizant of that when we’re out…mornings and late eve’s are best, and I try to take her where she can swim a couple times a week…she truly loves the water.
What have you got on tap?
Oh, thank you! I’ll have THAT one. (and that one)
No comment. Just some more beer.
I like you
Thanks. That’s very nice of you. Here they are in a sort of triangle. The G8 in beer.

now I REALLY like you
Thanks again Mary. I can go non-G8 with pink elephants and Santa if need be.
A pink elephant beer? Why did I not know about this before?
You should get to know it. Wonderful stuff. Delirium Tremens (the beer I’m drinking as I type) is their flagship golden ale, but they also have a dark ale named Delirum Noir and every year they do a new dark spiced ale for Christmas named Delerium Noel. All of them are wonderful and tasty and none are under 10% ABV, though some would probably prefer they weren’t named after a disorder. And every one features a few pink elephants on the label.
I don’t know. The idea of linking beer and delirium works for me, especially if I’m seeing pink elephants 😉
The entire volunteer fire department in a Newfoundland town has resigned, following a new policy that forbids drinking alcohol in the local fire hall.
well? can you blame them? What else is there to do in Newfoundland?
I love Canadians. Their priorities and mine always seem to mesh.
But if they can’t drink beer in the fire hall, how will they have enough water to put out the fires?
How’s things?
That’s right! Give me beer or …. well, give me beer!
Too funny by much … Heyas to everyone, too numerous to name but you know who you are! Cool crowd in here tonight, too bad I didn’t get here earlier, but Jon Stewart was great tonight (MM are you live or Memorex now?) …
to Ken Mehlman, he said, (and I paraphrase)
“I really pity guys like you. You’re the ones who have to go out and spray perfume on those turds.”
Tumultuous merriment was heard in our house.
JS is about to start here in 10 minutes … I wasn’t too keen on watching Mehlman b/c I can’t stand him, but maybe I’ll watch. 🙂
How ya doing there blogson? Good day?
Oh, Jon is very good tonight, and the Mehlman thing is definitely worth watching! I’m gearing up to do part II of the Delph posts, as you can see a preview down on the left.
The rest of the show is fun, too! Watch it… I’m logging into blogger real quick here.
I already watched JS and it was hilarious with Mehlman, Jon was on top of his game and Mehlman was pretty funny/ in his answers to Jon’s on point questions, , …wish I could relate it better.
I keep missing you Diane, and great to see you popping in more lately! Hate to admit that Mehlman was a good sport and amusing … but we think Jon can get away with it because he’s always so civil, though he couches his best snark in the comedic frame. He can be brilliant that way.
That settles it … it’s own now and I’m watching. 🙂
I knew I could convince you! You won’t regret it. See you when you get back, and if I’m off on blogger, shout at me.
I can multitask … I even popped up a new photo at the b … 😛
That’s a nice shade of pink but I think I like your deep pink one better (for real life, in photos I like them both!)
Actually I think I’m ODing on all the pink latey (but don’t tell IVG) … 😉
So what’s new and exciting w/ you maryb?
Yellow roses are my favorite.
I’m still catching up from being gone last weekend. And this weekend is busy too. One of those all day wedding deals on Saturday and Father’s Day on Sunday.
How about you?
But in a good way. Nothing too exciting here … no big plans anyways. I forgot about F’s day … thx for the reminder … 🙂
<whisper>retreat</whisper> yet?
But I’ve had a change of plans … 😉
Heh. You want pink? Go downthread, since I don’t want to bust the margins here…
Whew! Just in time!
Chardonnay and a white rose from today’s 5K work-break walk. Trying to stay awake after another night of restless insomnia. I may have to go back on the sleeping pills!
Sorry to hear about your sleeping problems. How’s the job going though?
thanks, andiF… Job is going fine. It’s a kind of abbreviated schedule with manageable commute for the 9-5 impaired like me. Everyone seems nice there, they all mind their own business. It’s so great to have my own office!
You can see how sleepy I am, since I just called you AndiF! What was I thinking?
beautiful rose. sorry to hear your sleep schedule isn’t leveling off, I’ve been having trouble lately too so I sympathize.
You forgot the wine!
I’m sorry Manny.
My soltuion for sleeping, turn on cspan and lay down to bed, close your eyes and just listen to it, see how long you can last…suggest automatic shutoff for tv as it feels really creepy to wake up in the middle of the night to a senator droning on.
So try it, it really works.
CSPAN would have my attention zeroed in like a laser beam. 🙂
I find that if things get desperate I can always do a slew of stretches and perhaps go for a walk. Benedryl is also in the reserves. heh
It would scare me to fall asleep to that propaganda. Maybe I would wake up a believer!
cspan, well not if you watch as many hours as I do, many repeats too, so I know all the words they will say usually, not like I couldn’t guess tho, eh..’
some interesting stuff last week, some people sent up from Justice that weren’t allowed to answer hardly any questions…chariman got really ticked, but won’t make any difference.
Thanks, Mannee… what a sweet photograph!
I am so sorry you can’t sleep. Can you read while your up? Or are your eyes to jittery?
Hi katiebird! I was trying to watch TV to go back to sleep and that didn’t work so last night I tried reading a boring spiritual book that turned out to be very interesting! Go figure!
The nice thing about finding an interesting book when you can’t fall asleep is that at least you’re not bored while you suffer. At least that’s what I thought when I had trouble sleeping.
I agree! Nice to think on some level at least we are making use of that time!
I’m sorry that you’re not sleeping. How many nights now?
Pretty much a lifetime of insomnia, but I managed to wean myself off sleeping pills since after a while they don’t work anymore. A good night’s sleep is the perfect gift that has always eluded me ever since my traumatic childhood. I have always wondered though if maybe I just don’t need as much sleep as other people? I want it, but maybe I don’t need it.
Beautiful flower, MM.
So Andi, once your resentment builds up, do you have a long to-do list for Jim?
My bike rides get longer.
Smart man. I once had a roommate who really resented my Christmas vacation. She snapped at me about not having all day to do what she wanted. I reminded her that her degree was in RETAIL Management and that if she wanted better hours that she might want to get out of retail.
She stopped talking to me.
Night, AndiF! Don’t let the bb’s bite!
Goodnight Andi! I’m fading away too. So Goodnight to everyone.
One year Anniversary, no I completely forgot, did we just talk about this the other day, must have taken one too many hits off the hooka.
Well I wonder if I should do one of the diaries tomorrow, since I did the first one or what do you think, ya’ll. Gee does it seem like a year ago????? Sometimes it seems like maybe months ago, then other times years ago, that old time compression and altering thing…Yes it was the spawn of the welcome wagon and I hold it entirely to blame…lol how are you all doing.
We talked about it last week (at least I did) but I don’t know if any decisions were made.
It seems like at the very least, you should post something. And there should be drinks for everyone, I think.
Do you still have the wagon?
Of course drinks for everyone! That’s a noble idea kb!
I’m very generous with virtual booze. Always have been.
Yes I still have the wagon, it needs a bit of cleaning, but I can set a crew to work if needbe…maybe I should just host a party, like the early days and drag Shirl and other lurkers on in here to reminiss. Hey I hope I am spelling everything right, some words like reminiss look funny, I am suspicious.
HI! from me. And that I’d love to see her.
diary, if you’re free. Izzy is the Wednesday host and usually appears around noontime, that would probably be perfect timing for her to take over after the initial celebration begins. I think supersoling might be hosting a Welcome Wagon tomorrow, I’ll touch base with him to make sure.
Time really does fly. I love to go back and read old threads, this place has evolved so many times yet there’s a sense of community that remains even though new and old names are constantly shuffled in and out of the mix.
WEll you know I am on PDT but I will check the site in the morning. I should send the wagon pic to super for use tomorrow, if he wants it.
That whole yearlykos made me so proud to be part of this netroot/bloggers movement and maybe will put me back in active status…sure hope so, this writers block is driving me crazy.
I’d be more that happy to have you step in tomorrow, Diane. I can’t believe it’s been a year!!
I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow before the big raod trip. See everyone later.
brb everyone, gotta run a quick errand.
Since that’s the prevailing color around here right now, except for the CA poppies, oh and the pink Prairie Mallow … but here’s what’s on my mind and what will hopefully generate a new post tonight.

Firefoxers, do the right click view drill for more…
Damn great beers up there! Did Chris and Olivia drink them all already?
no but I did …
And to think I neglected Mary’s beer drinking skills! I am shamed. How ya doing since I keep missing you since you left for Sin City? Time to get the thumbscrews out about Oct. 7 again?
let’s keep the thumbscrews ready but stick with the soft swell for a while.
We’ll just keep assuming she’s going 😉
I can do that. Especially since I’m pretty low key by nature, as you know. I have my ways, though.
That reminds me that I need to do some research on airfares and such soon. Not sure if booking that far in advance will really get me a deal, but it’s worth looking.
Does Southwest fly to your area?
I’m going to start looking at things that are going on in Chicago that weekend so we can start generally planning the one activity everyone can go to. And have options for the others.
I’m going to be up there for 4th of July and I’ll check out the situation with the locals too.
Sorry, Mary, I was momentarily off at blogger dinking with html code, lol.
Southwest flies out of Kansas City, but I see no point in driving over 2 hrs to catch a short flight to Chicago. My best options here are United (loathe them) and American (loathe them less), and maybe Northwest (almost loathe them). I wish Southwest could move in, cuz they could shake up this tightly held market.
Nice stuff toots … like the white and blue combo.
Here ya go.

I like how you’ve captured the buds open, unfurling, and tighly closed. Really shows the flower well … 🙂
Looks delicate, but is tough as nails. We give a lot of these away, but I still love em, and yeah, they’re pink. This one (a volunteer from several years ago) is just getting going, so there will be more.
I’m off to blogger for a while (ooh that sounded dirty) to work on my new post, but will pop in and out for a bit. Let me know what you thought of JS tonight.
A quick tip … Write up your posts in wordpad b/c blogger can crash and you’ll lose your post. It’s happened to me, so live and learn right? 🙂
Re JS … yes he was good. I like how he ended by saying in a few yrs KM can come back and say what he really thinks … And KM was pretty easy-going compared to the hotheaded bigmouth he usually comes across as–he knows his audience I guess.
Well…too many comments to read, so I am going to just jump in and see if anyone’s still up. No, I won’t ask for stories, but I wouldn’t be sad to see one. :>)
Hope everyone is well.
just getting back to BT after writing up a new post. How’s your week going so far?
I’m ok. Thanks for asking. The school issues just don’t go away. Today I found out our director is telling the teachers the the new parents group doesn’t want to work with them, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Ugh…I don’t know why he hates the one group of parents that really want to work for the school. It is psychotic.
Other than that, I am great. I am bummed I missed DKos, but I found the discussions here very interesting.
apparently they’re not reacting well to change, which is unfortunate when the need for it is so great. Have you thought about the flyer idea any more since Del Mar? (we briefly talked about laying out the issues in a one-page flyer format and distributing)
Hey O. Good to see you still awake!
I’m working on dredging up some hellacious story of humiliation from my past, but am having a hard time so far. One day though… but not tonight. That school situation sounds ridiculous, IMO.
o/t but can you do me a favor and go click the unrecommend at the lounge from earlier? Feelin’ bad about cluttering up the list with closed threads. Grassy Ass Amigo!
I hope not! 🙁
… writing pt2 of his manuscript on delphiniums … 🙂
Sorry about that, Manny. Now I have a good reason to be selective about recommending lounges when I go off for hours. I’m lost off in blogger land trying to get it to do what I want it to and not succeeding too well, I must admit.
it was a good party to celebrate EuroTrib’s anniversary. See you in the 24/7 cafe, maybe we can help you figure out the blogger stuff.
Oh Joy! It is not humiliation, it is an affirmation of being human!! :>)
The school, ugh, they want me as the parent rep on the board (which position is new and the director is trying to castrate), but I am so volatile and crude, I don’t want it. But, BooMan (the site as a whole) is pushing me to accept as an example of getting involved. It’s a quandry.
I think you would be a perfect parent representative on the board. 1) you have your child’s best interests at heart, 2) they want you to be the rep and 3) you won’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Thanks Manny. 1 and 2 are right, but I am fraid I will fuck things up with 3. I am afraid and they are intimidating and I am afraid he will take my positions out on my kids. I loathe the director, who is also a board member, and it is clear he hates us because we put his faults up front and center. I just think I bringing bad things on me and my daughter and I am scared. On the other hand, I really want to make this school work and I want to help.
Well…that was almost coherent. Sorry for the typos. I think faster than I can type and I am so used to automatic spell check, that I am spoiled. :>)
you make it clear that everything you say and recommend as a board member is due to the latter part of your comment: “I really want to make this school work and I want to help” then things will work themselves out. They will never be able to question your motives if you are upfront about them. And they are admirable motives, imo.
Thanks Manee, alot. No one else is willing to do it and you are right. I don’t want to, but I know it needs to be done and if I can just keep myself in professional mode, I might be civil enough to do it. The director and a majority of the board are pissed off that we mere parents are pushing ourselves onto the board and demanding full voting rights, even though that is the law here. The director told the teachers that there was no way we would get full rights on the board. So it is going to be a battle and one for which I am not sure I am the best person to represent us. But if no one else will do it, I will.
just think, you’ll have plenty of people to hear you rant after the meetings and give you great zingers for the next round O:-)
humourous will do…irony’s even better.
Surely a person as well travelled as you are has some of both…:{)
How’re things? Feeling less sleepy today?
Not really, I think things are catching up to me…I’m afraid to look back, they might be gaining.
Plus it’s been really hot…which I truly do not like. My optimal operating temp range max is @ 15º cooler than our current temps.
You said it was not just hot, but f-ing hot … 🙂
Heat wipes me out too …
Hi 90’s…going to be there for the rest of the week…this ain’t right. We don’t usually see this until late July and August…global warming?…nah, it’s a myth.
Mother Nature is pissed, and it’s like the old Bill Cosby line…“I brought into to this world, and I can take you out”…she’ll do it too, if we don’t get our shit together.
I wore my winter coat when I was out on Sunday b/c it was so cold here. It’s back to sandal weather today though …
I imagine the heat affects Bu as well.
but she’s got several cool places to go, and I have a/c in the studio.
Plus she’s long haired and black, so we have to be cognizant of that when we’re out…mornings and late eve’s are best, and I try to take her where she can swim a couple times a week…she truly loves the water.
See ya in the new 24/7…:{)
but I’m here!
within seconds of taking that picture. It was hilarious. I was too busy laughing to take another shot.
dogs’ ability to ‘sleep on command’…wish I could do it.
Just blogwalkin’ and listenin’ to some 21st c. clik Listen Now if you’d care to join me.
Hey Dada. I’d join you but my dial-up account hates such things. When I get my new place in Sept. I will join you!
it’s the least you can do since tomorrow is my birthday. The 24/7 Cafe is now open – enjoy