Picture courtesy of Jerome a Paris
Don’t forget, tomorrow is the FBC One Year Anniversary
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Don’t 4Get 2 ‘4’
Don’t forget, tomorrow is the FBC One Year Anniversary
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Let me join Manny in toasting all you “Old Europe” folks… ah if I could only be living there again! That Parisian vista is at this point, but a fond memory.
Wow, it’s been a year already???????
yup, crazy eh? This was a busy time around these parts one year ago. We were dealing with pie, welcome wagons, and the advent of the blue european frogzilla.
What a great picture! Thanks, Manny!
goes to bood/dood abides. That was his offering last year when EuroTrib launched. Hi Izzy, o ye of frontpage status at ET 🙂
It’s a shame that I’ve not been to Paris yet!
I have to say, I haven’t contributed so much at ET because I really have no idea what I’m talking about with EU issues. That said, I’m meeting with some local party officials later this week to volunteer to work locally: hang election posters, help at the office, pass out revolutionary pamphlets to elementary school students, etc.
While I’m at it, I think a ET conference is a great idea. As I posted over there, let me know if I can help. Just thinking that my physical work within the PDS/New Left may also come to benefit online work with a conference.
You know, they’ve probably already gone to bed over there… 🙂
That could well be the case, but then there are some of us carry on long into the night and morning, hehe.
out your diary page, poemless, looks like you’ve offered alot in the way of discussion starters over there. Very cool. I do way more lurking than commenting over there since the details of the discussions often go over my head. It is always a great learning experience tho, reminds me of an old pub filled with ruminating professors.
we should have…
hi there.
My system goes crazy when I jump a mere three hours so I can imagine how off your inner-clock has been with the changing sleep schedules.
very similar to this one
which I took a couple of weeks ago.
I don’t know whether to be amused or horrified
Not yet…
Thanks for celebrating the creation of our nice community. It was very much inspired by what you succeeded to create here.
Now for a real blue frog (it was my first post on ET…)
That was great! And you also had one of my all-time favorite photo diaries. Just gorgeous.
nice to blog/see you Melanchthon, I hope the French life is treating you well.
Thanks, Man Eegee,
Life is a bit hard these times, and I have no time left for blogging…
I hear Brangelina might be looking for a manny, Manny.
than a pendejo 🙂 I wonder if my pictures will get offers of several million euros. After all, I did inspire a t shirt design.
how did everything go this past weekend with the milestone?
Massage anyone? Martini anyone? Manny, will you get the phone honey? Manny, I’d really love an omelet? Manny, did you pay the cable bill?
Tracy wants a CabanaMana!
yes, yes, sure, um okay, and I need an increase in my wages 😉
Here Manny, pull up a chair for minute and let’s see what we can figure out here.
all you’d have to do to Tracy is to come in with a George Bush mask on “yes, my fellow american” and she’d run screaming the other way – no workee..
Or … she could rip your kneecaps out of your legs as you stand there.
But regardless, either way, you wouldn’t have to cater to her requests.
I know. I know… I’m soooooo smart.
Das kostet extra, Schatzi!
which translates as “that costs extra, honey”, one of the first phrases I learned in German and thought it appropo here….
on second thought, don’t ask.
well, the EXTRA was more than I bargained for, that’s for sure!
Extra schnitzel reminds me of the scene from “Blazing Saddles”
It’s TWUE It’s TWUE!! 😉
ROTFL, yes the bratwurst isn’t that bad! Glad we’re moving onto food!
sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I love the clouds in this pic, and the vibrancy of the green in the grass. We don’t see those hues here in the desert unless the monsoons have been particularly generous. Hope you’re doing good!
no prob on timing Manny, I’m still on dialup so jumping in and out here myself.
Yeah, seems like every local has it’s own unique aspects of beauty providing one takes the time to notice.
Been doin’ good here enjoying being out of the big city for a while. CA friends left around noon, so that’s the end of this past weekend’s festivities.
Had about 40 people for Sat’s BBQ. A little cool and windy but no rain and no mosquitos. Sunday night about midnight had a family of coyotes singing for several minutes, 1/8 to 1/4 mile down the coolee. Nice of them to serenade our bonfire group.
HI to DJ too, thanks for the compliments.
I’m several days behind the BT news and news in general. Back to high speed tomorrow eve.
Now gotta go apply some caulk around the patio door. This comment ought to have loaded by then, ha!
Hello everyone and happy anniversary ET.
how was the errand-running? I hope at some point it involved a hammock and the thorough inspection of the inside of your eyelids.
I finally got a good long nap.
How’s the day going so far?
even though I’ve been commenting on here all day, I’ve actually gotten alot done at work. I was at the tail end of several items on my to-do list and managed to wrap up the majority of them.
I’m heading home, be back in a bit.
Today I chaperoned a bunch of 8th graders at the aquatic center…
I managed to stay mostly dry as opposed to all dry or sorta dry or not quite dry. Great groups of children TRIED in VAIN to get me, but they could not. I simply had to go and sit next to “we don’t want to get wet chaperones” safe zone. One kid…. he almost got me but he slipped and fell. “No Running!” was clearly marked on the wall. HA!
I acted my age… and beaned the little puckers with handballs. They were my helpless victims… it was like a wet towel fight coupled with dodgeball. Thwarter would have been very pleased. Sometimes you could hear the snapsplat of the little red ball as it smacked their exposed, wet skin. Muhahahahaha
The other moms stayed dry…
I was “lazy” and copied this from my hockey chattaroonie place. Thwarter is a buddy who, like me, likes Dodgeball… and has a morbid sense of pleasure 🙂
Sounds like you were the most fun Mom there DJ. 🙂
FOUR buses worth!! muhahahaha
Congrats. That sound like a big accomplishment. I would be dead tired by now. 🙂
ACK tired??? We’ve got a hockey game of Dad’s to go to at 8… which means an even later dinner so ran over to Burgerville USA (co-op farmed meat that isn’t tainted and toxic…) Day’s jsut starting man. Been that way since 5:30
AND…. I will be having breakfast with Medea Saturday with a bunch of other activists. WHOOOOOOOOT
AND!!! the Science teacher is far out cool and … one of liberals 😉 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROFL
and I got some lovin’ from a not so teenage ninja turtle who is no mutant. 😉
It sounds like you had a good day of fun, love the Monty Python pic too. Care for a martini?
Speaking of martini, where’s CabinGirl? She promised me some Vegas pix in the lounge. [impatient foot tapping]
I’d luvva luvva a Mannytini! 🙂
have to look something like this 🙂
Oh! You tickle my nose, Manny! 😉
CabinGirl has been at the 5th grade graduation and award ceremony for CBtY…who won awards for language arts (third), science (third), and math (second place). Not bad, considering the teacher was horrendous this year. 🙂
My pictures are perfect for the late night lounge…you want I should email them to you, Manny?
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAY for CByt!!! Damn, he’s superduper smart, what with all those awards and all. 🙂
Thanks, Dj. I had to brag a little…
Brag away!! 🙂
I brag alot about the little things my kids do/get 🙂
One time I even wrote a thingy about how my son finally learned how to puke in the toilet or bucket instead of just unloading on anything, or anydog.
But trust me – it was a much needed thing in our lives – his learning how to puke in the proper places. aCK
Hey, it’s the little things that really count.
I might add that CBtY told me he has a 58% average in math, and to expect an F on his report card tomorrow. And I think he’s serious.
Education in America…
Why, thank you! I saw you called earlier…
I’m finally home from work, had to stop at the grocery store. Be right back with the hookah lounge. You can post the photos there
But, But, But…ok.
if you want to email them, that’s fine, are these for public consumption?
Wow NDD!!! That somehow reminds me of the movie with Robin Williams “Toys”. Incredible photo!!! Thanks
of sky. Everything always looks foggy and misty in the sky here in lower Alabama.
to Portland, woman! We’ve got city AND country. Kayacking AND shopping. And… you’d have ME and I’d have YOU!
Watch out World!
Yeah, August! There will be a knock on your door and there I am!
August must be when the mosquitos come out as big as baseballs?
For real?? August you’ll be out here??? I want deets because we HAVE to hook up!!!
I would love to come and visit you in August. I’ll have to see what I can get scheduled. August a possible time to come visit……would love to see you will code pinkies. Down here in Bama we have the Morse Bedsheets and that’s about it!
must be that stupid fucking Hadji Girl video….has me all bent out of shape! I meant to type that I would love to see you with your code pinkies!
You could stay with us!
Ha! I could show you a pic of me right now in my codepinkies ROFL but everyone else would die from laughter or fright! LOL
Tracy what are Morse Bedsheets?
Morse code…….wearing pink verses wearing bedsheets. You know my morbid portrayal of my exiled life on Elba, I mean errr near Elba.
OH MY GOSH I guessed right!! LOL We think too much alike sometimes, tracy LOL
LOL I kept wondering what is she talking about.
Opp. Who named shit down here for God’s sake? It’s like identifying some of the most prominent items in our daily lives using the first syllables that babies make!
Is it Friday night in ‘Bama?? Girl, you are smokin’ hot tonight. 🙂
and I’ve heard of Opp. At least it’s not a long name to remember. 🙂
I guess they’re bedsheets that you tap out kinky codes on?? I dunno 😉
ACK Frogzilla!!! 🙂
I don’t know about ya’ll, but later on my PBS channel they have a geezer music revival.
They supposed to have Procol Harum, the Moody Blues, John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Also tonight at 9PM Central Time, Public Tv is running a great documentary on “The Real Dirt on Farmer John” NPR had a great interview with him last week, based on real life of farmer John Peterson and his “artist, et al, friends” hanging out on his farm late sixties early seventies.
I didn’t have any takers on my offer of lutefisk stuffed chitlins this weekend. What’s with people anyway? Whatever happened to the “home of the brave” ?
I want to know how lutefisk stuffed chitlins did you eat? 🙂
I opted for three bison burgers cooked over wood coals.
One bartender’s pick please 🙂
Let’s hope the bartender doesn’t pick his nose.
Hello Mary!
You know …
You can pick your friends
You can pick your nose
but you can’t pick your friend’s nose
who really aren’t your friend insist on just standing there and picking their nose right in front of you?

I’m so evil tonight, I need to go take a shower or give my hairdo a fresh dye before visiting cabingirl! Must……….do…………something…………………..constructive…………………
You know I thought that shit just happened to me.
“why is this person I don’t even know, think it’s okay to just pick their nose right in front of me like I won’t freakin’ notice?!?!”
I think people who pick their noses and think they won’t be noticed by the person standing… right under their nose… are POD PICKER PEOPLE.
Hell, we already know Hillary isn’t human.
It’s okay! Because, Hillary doesn’t listen to us anyways 😉
of Hillary Things she would……but I do not!
that my innocent little poem would have led to Hilary bashing?
but just don’t give yourself any spa treatments tonight. Froggy Bottom emergency services are no on duty tonight 🙂
And I’m fresh out of whipping cream….I wonder if butter would work or would it just make it fry hotter!
a mega touche before 🙂
to share your love of poetry?
You didn’t like it?
my admiration of completely sincere.
Hello everyone. I haven’t been commenting around here much lately, but thought I’d stop by and say hi. Congrats to Euro Trib!
Thanks for dropping by! EuroBirthday! Martinis abound here.
Ahhh thanks. I’m sticking with tea though.
The picture of Paris reminded me that contrails have been getting quite a bit of bad press lately.
From: The Contrail Effect
by Peter Tyson
And then there are the more sinister and paranoid looks at “chemtrails.”
You can stop teaching now.
Got to run. Got another errand to do.
See ya’ll later.
That’s gorgeous NDD. My hometown is Sioux Falls and I’m getting a little homesick from that picture – geez, all looks the same between the North & the South, doesn’t it?
Come on over to the new lounge.
on your way out, thanks!