Good diary and good discussion. Promoted by Albert

Single issue voters
Straight Dem ticket
Who I’d want to have a beer with

The above are all things we’ve heard countless times as various candidates are discussed. Its made me think about how I choose who to support in a given election. Sometimes, especially in primaries, its not an exact science. But I have the feeling we all have particular things we look for that are not always stated.
I know I’ll never see a candidate that agrees with me on everything. The closest I ever came was Paul Wellstone, but even he voted for the Defense of Marriage Act. So if I only focus on issues, I’ll have to compromise something.

So, what are the key ingredients that make up that decision? I think they are different for me in the primaries than they are in a general election. For example, I supported Dean in the last presidential election through to our state caucus. Just that day, he pulled out of the race and I supported Edwards. Then in the general election, I had to vote for Kerry. But I couldn’t find it in myself to send money or work for him other than on election day. My heart just wasn’t in it. So I sent money to senate candidates in other states where I thought the stakes were high.

All I know is that I am sick to death of hearing about “electability” – especially in the primaries. We just had a Green candidate ALMOST beat out a DINO in a three way primary race for Mayor in St. Paul. I didn’t vote for her because I didn’t think she had a chance of winning and there was another Dem candidate that seemed better than the DINO. The real Dem won in a landslide, so I could’ve voted for the Green candidate if I wasn’t so worried about electability.

So, especially as we begin gauging candidates for the 08 presidential election, I wonder what criteria you are going to use. Do you have a single issue, or a set of important issues that a candidate needs to agree with? Or is it more elusive than that? I think it will be time pretty soon to put our time and money behind someone. Once the Dem candidate is chosen, I fear we’ll have to live with the results (I haven’t decided yet what I’ll do if it is Hillary).

I’d put a poll here, but I don’t like how limiting the options would be. I’d rather hear your more nuanced thoughts.