I will drag myself to the keyboard to post this, lol. I was dismayed at the Rove news, but agree with some that this story is not over.
Bush in Iraq makes me think he is planning a summer surprise to help the election in Nov. and perhaps some sort of a withdrawal is in the works. I sense a declaration of partial victory in the works here, call me naive if you must. My crazy wish, he will call up my friend in Baghdad and offer to give her a lift out of there.
I thought the Yearly Kos was a beautiful thing and wished I could have been there…much coverage on cable news shows told me bloggers have ‘come a long way baby’.
Have a great day everyone, now back to playing a video game for me…
I’d guess you’re right Diane. Some news popping – I can hear the Rove machine at work.
And the news media is just salivating at the possibility of Bush making a comeback. While CabinGirl points to a NYT/CBS poll in the News Bucket that his polls haven’t risen, I just heard on our ABC affiliate local news the exact opposite – Bush is rising!!! All the way from 34 to 37% approval.
They are certainly working to pull out all of the stops for a comeback.
Hi booman, nice to see your words here…hard to compete with video games, but I am starting to feel an itch to get back into the game…hardest part for me is just to start to write, have this big block but perhaps a little coaxing will lure me back…lol.
I feel a little bit like a newbie when I haven’t posted much, so maybe a welcome to the site comment will help…lol. You know I never did get one!
clarification, ‘back into the game’ meant politics, I also feel itch to get back into my video game, which I am gonna do now. I’ll be back in awhile, after I make a little progress on VG.
Awwwwww Booman….that was so nice, thanks for being so welcoming, yeah, I gotta check out the cafe, sounds pretty interesting, do they serve drinks there.
BTW you are looking good in your pics from the meetup, wish I could have been there and met you, among others I would love to meet some day.
Not enough organizing of specific protest events, despite valiant efforts by BostonJoe and a few others.
Not enough reaching out to other blogs and message boards for broader support and actions.
Not enough introspection of our own faults and resposibility in this fight against the govenment, i.e. this place feels stagnant to me lately. Though some recent diaries by Woldoog and Ductapefatwa were the catalyst for some intense examination of our beliefs, and faults as Americans.
Not enough pictures (none) of MaryB2004 fron Yearly Kos
Too much whining and pointing fingers at the community by Superfool…er…soling.
WEll (hands on hip) I didn’t see my name up there Super, don’t you miss me, lol….Shirlstars is out of town right now, but she’s spending so much time in the stars lately she isn’t into posting much. I’ve been trying to lure her back into the scene.
I miss Ghost, Infidel and Susan too, ghost did pop into one I wrote about Iraqi friend.
just as I suspected, you took the bait, and now I have you hooked ;o)
Well, of course I miss your presence too Diane. And if you can put away the Play Station long enough, you can save me from commiting blog Hari-Kari over my loneliness :o)
(smiling) must correct, not play station, pc gaming is my bag, currently playing Liohheart, old game but lots of fun and I get to eliminate the bad guys, something I wish I could do in real life but not necessarily by the means used in the game…currently my character is an archer and I can hit any target…lol.
No hari Kari super, just put up the welcome wagon diary, welcome me and then I just might be willing to start a new blogging career…lol.
PS, you know I am always at Village Blue, right?
Hey Supersoulsister…what are you doing complaining about my lack of pictures of Maryb2004?
As for the rest, why don’t you pick one of the items on your list and help change it? They’re good ideas, and I bet you’d do a great Welcome Wagon, or maybe find some action for us all to get involved in.
writer’s block lately, I don’t know what it is. I feel like I’m recycling the same info with a different set of news articles. It feels so grey, stagnant would probably be a better word as you mentioned. I think it’s fatigue from sitting by the dam so long, waiting for it to break and not even being able to spot a hairline crack with high-powered binoculars.
I think a supersoling-hosted welcome wagon would be all the hit with the lurkers and newbies
I feel the same way. I was recently encouraged to write a diary about immigration and the inequities between the status of Haitians and Cubans, relating to an experience I had as a teenager in Florida. But my head feels like it weighs a thousand pound lead ball and just as thick. And my eyes hurt like yours do from straining to to see the next disaster before it hits.
As far as welcome wagons goes, I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow if someone can help with the intro graphic.
need to stop that, I was just going to make the same suggestion. I’m going to have to put on my sombrero de lamina to shut you out! (tinfoil hat en español)
Super – you just gave me my first real laugh of the day – thanks!
I am going to do a Petals for Peace here. At this moment that looks like me delivering a potted plant (Note: not planted pot) to my Rep.’s office on July 7th. Baby steps or maybe chipping away at the dam with my fingernails.
I will drag myself to the keyboard to post this, lol. I was dismayed at the Rove news, but agree with some that this story is not over.
Bush in Iraq makes me think he is planning a summer surprise to help the election in Nov. and perhaps some sort of a withdrawal is in the works. I sense a declaration of partial victory in the works here, call me naive if you must. My crazy wish, he will call up my friend in Baghdad and offer to give her a lift out of there.
I thought the Yearly Kos was a beautiful thing and wished I could have been there…much coverage on cable news shows told me bloggers have ‘come a long way baby’.
Have a great day everyone, now back to playing a video game for me…
I’d guess you’re right Diane. Some news popping – I can hear the Rove machine at work.
And the news media is just salivating at the possibility of Bush making a comeback. While CabinGirl points to a NYT/CBS poll in the News Bucket that his polls haven’t risen, I just heard on our ABC affiliate local news the exact opposite – Bush is rising!!! All the way from 34 to 37% approval.
They are certainly working to pull out all of the stops for a comeback.
How can we compete with video games?
Hi booman, nice to see your words here…hard to compete with video games, but I am starting to feel an itch to get back into the game…hardest part for me is just to start to write, have this big block but perhaps a little coaxing will lure me back…lol.
I feel a little bit like a newbie when I haven’t posted much, so maybe a welcome to the site comment will help…lol. You know I never did get one!
clarification, ‘back into the game’ meant politics, I also feel itch to get back into my video game, which I am gonna do now. I’ll be back in awhile, after I make a little progress on VG.
Welcome to the site, Diane. Glad to see you. Check out the FBC when you get a chance. They’re friendly folks.
Awwwwww Booman….that was so nice, thanks for being so welcoming, yeah, I gotta check out the cafe, sounds pretty interesting, do they serve drinks there.
BTW you are looking good in your pics from the meetup, wish I could have been there and met you, among others I would love to meet some day.
It’s fucking Hot! and it’s only 10:45…
86.5ºF Humidity: 31% Wind: North at 0.0
and you got mail
Too much fighting each other lately. Group hug. Okay, that’s better.
Not enough welcome wagon diaries anymore.
Not enough organizing of specific protest events, despite valiant efforts by BostonJoe and a few others.
Not enough reaching out to other blogs and message boards for broader support and actions.
Not enough introspection of our own faults and resposibility in this fight against the govenment, i.e. this place feels stagnant to me lately. Though some recent diaries by Woldoog and Ductapefatwa were the catalyst for some intense examination of our beliefs, and faults as Americans.
Not enough pictures (none) of MaryB2004 fron Yearly Kos
Too much whining and pointing fingers at the community by Superfool…er…soling.
Other than that, everything’s effin fabulous.
I left out the most important part…
Not enough visits from Shirlstars and Infidelpig.
Plus, I still miss SusanHu and GhostdancersWay
WEll (hands on hip) I didn’t see my name up there Super, don’t you miss me, lol….Shirlstars is out of town right now, but she’s spending so much time in the stars lately she isn’t into posting much. I’ve been trying to lure her back into the scene.
I miss Ghost, Infidel and Susan too, ghost did pop into one I wrote about Iraqi friend.
just as I suspected, you took the bait, and now I have you hooked ;o)
Well, of course I miss your presence too Diane. And if you can put away the Play Station long enough, you can save me from commiting blog Hari-Kari over my loneliness :o)
(smiling) must correct, not play station, pc gaming is my bag, currently playing Liohheart, old game but lots of fun and I get to eliminate the bad guys, something I wish I could do in real life but not necessarily by the means used in the game…currently my character is an archer and I can hit any target…lol.
No hari Kari super, just put up the welcome wagon diary, welcome me and then I just might be willing to start a new blogging career…lol.
PS, you know I am always at Village Blue, right?
Hey Supersoulsister…what are you doing complaining about my lack of pictures of Maryb2004?
As for the rest, why don’t you pick one of the items on your list and help change it? They’re good ideas, and I bet you’d do a great Welcome Wagon, or maybe find some action for us all to get involved in.
I guess that settles it then, a motion and a second has been made for a SuperWagon.
writer’s block lately, I don’t know what it is. I feel like I’m recycling the same info with a different set of news articles. It feels so grey, stagnant would probably be a better word as you mentioned. I think it’s fatigue from sitting by the dam so long, waiting for it to break and not even being able to spot a hairline crack with high-powered binoculars.
I think a supersoling-hosted welcome wagon would be all the hit with the lurkers and newbies
I feel the same way. I was recently encouraged to write a diary about immigration and the inequities between the status of Haitians and Cubans, relating to an experience I had as a teenager in Florida. But my head feels like it weighs a thousand pound lead ball and just as thick. And my eyes hurt like yours do from straining to to see the next disaster before it hits.
As far as welcome wagons goes, I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow if someone can help with the intro graphic.
Intro graphic? Why not use some of the pictures from your work? They’d be perfect.
need to stop that, I was just going to make the same suggestion. I’m going to have to put on my sombrero de lamina to shut you out! (tinfoil hat en español)
Great minds…
Sombrero de lamina – that is wonderful! Thanks Man Ee, brings a whole different image to my mind.
something like this? (google has a sense of humor today)
Oooh – that’s good!
Like this nasty little bastard? The fighting frogs of Bootrib maybe?
Hmmm…I was thinking maybe you’d painted somebody’s station wagon…
Super, I think it’s a great idea for you to do a welcome wagon diary, you would be great…
Super – you just gave me my first real laugh of the day – thanks!
I am going to do a Petals for Peace here. At this moment that looks like me delivering a potted plant (Note: not planted pot) to my Rep.’s office on July 7th. Baby steps or maybe chipping away at the dam with my fingernails.
Baby steps are steps all the same, and they all add up in the end :o)
Just remember, if it rains, be sure to bring one of your awesome umbrellas…or two ;o)
I enjoy your blathering.