as black as a hook
overtakes me
each day
each nazi
took at 8 am
a baby
and sauteed him for breakfast
in his frying pan
And death looks on with a casual eye
and picks at the dirt under his fingernail
man is evil
I say aloud
man is a flower
that should be burnt
I say aloud
Man is a bird full of mud
I say aloud
and death looks on with a casual eye
and scratches his an*s
man with his small pink toes
with his miraculous fingers
is not a temple
but an outhouse
I say aloud
Let man never again raise his teacup
Let man never again write a book
Let man never again put on his shoe
let man never again raise his eyes
on a soft July night
I say these things aloud
I beg the Lord not to hear
–Anne Sexton
A Donkeys prayer
We never know how high we are
till we are called to rise
And then if we are true to plan
our statures touch the skies
The heroism we recite
would be a daily thing
did not ourselves the cubits warp
for fear to be king
–Emily Dickenson
I cant help it Im a jerk
I cant help it Im a jerk
Good woman help the man
live with his
self inflicted
Well, I don’t know what our fine fellow BooTribbers said to you, but that’s the most reasonable thing I’ve heard you say in days. And you even mentioned Nazi’s! Good work.
Well, at any rate, I don’t know what to say, so I think I’ll just drink a toast to you…. Slivovitz, since I’ve already got a bad taste in my mouth. š
… Alright, and in case I come across as being too agreeable while you leveled veiled insults against your old self, let me just say for the record that you’ve made a good point or two in the past couple of days; and you’ve said some awkward things that needed saying. But, I’m still looking forward to the new donkeytale. Congrats. Slainte.
To DonkeyTale
disagree slightly—I am not so sure anything I say needs saying, but I generaly do state things awkwardly…thanks for the support…
Raging Hippie who says things that need saying, recalled both Dickenson and Sexton when I could remember the power of their poetry but not their names (in a painful obviously sexist lapse on my part).
The world needs more–not less–erudite hippies–rage is optional but a nice counterpoint……..excellent!
I am indeed flattered. Thank you! In fact, I feel rather sheepish in pointing out that it’s “Dickinson” rather than “Dickenson.”
Please do correct and contradict whenevr you feel. In fact, I am probably as badly in need of good editing, not too mention fact checking as anybody in the blogosphere.
I would correct the text but am going to eventually delete the diary anyway, since it wasnt mine to begin with.
I see no outhouse
or bird full of mud
I see a man
with pink toes
and flying fingers
just like mine