He’s having a good time and it’s really fun to watch the boys reconnect. But I’m trying not to talk him into moving here. He did check out some jobs downtown and his wife asked him to check on houses to rent. But I’m not getting my hopes up, although if they were down here I’d like the South™ substantially better.
Let’s not go the fatal disease route — my bubbe’s indoctrination in the Evil Eye is way too strong for me to let you do that.
Nope, we need to work on guilt. We could work on how lonely you’re going to be with both Ryan and Colin in school and Ben not that far behind and how hard it is that you don’t get to see him enough.
This particular young man doesn’t respond well to guilt. If I talked them into it and then they didn’t like Raleigh, I’d feel terrible. It has to be their idea. Of course I could plant some subliminal messages so it just appears to be their idea…
Hola ManEe. Things are going well, but busy. I’m out of town Friday night through Sunday night, I have ultimate frisbee directly after work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That leaves Wednesday.
So tonight I have to change the oil in my car, do laundry, and try to recover whatever I can from my other computer (which doubles as my webserver) on which a hard drive crashed.
So, I probably won’t be around too much tonight and in the near future, but thought I should stop in and say hi on the anniversary 🙂
I second that, ej! How ya doing stranger? Wish I could hang around for an extended time here but have to go out and move the sprinkler and do more watering 🙁
Hey IVG! Good to see you (virtually of course). Sounds like you’re in full chore mode too (see my response to ManEe). I’m about to get started on those tasks, but I’ll try to stop in again a bit later.
Hey ej, I hear ya about those chores, seems like all I do is work, come home, drink a beer and work more! Well, not totally true (manny will call me out on that) but have been super busy as well.
Ok, done with the sprinkler, now it’s walk around and spray the pretty flowers, lol. I’ll be back later. Have a great time you folks and don’t poop out too early! (though that may happen to me…)
Gonna put on my shorts and Tevas, fill Bus’ wading pool, grab a frosty paralyzer and get in it…still 100º officially, blew th ol’ 87º record right outta the tub today…
Heya Omir! Were your ears burning earlier today? You were invoked multiple times in the previous café … but invoked in the best possible way. 🙂
Sorry to say hey and run, but time to go do the rest of the watering mentioned up thread there… hope things are great out your way and that it’s not as hot there as it is in CO and here!
Anybody see Al Gore on Larry King last night? I could not stop asking what the last five years would have been like if the guy with the most votes would have been appointed President by our noble Supreme Court.
No, I was working on another section of The Hacker’s Diet, Reconsider the Rubber Bag. It’s so meaty it’s hard to cut anything out. So this time I just sort of chopped it off and didn’t do any snipping inside.
I’d offer to watch over the cafe for you while you go for a drive this Saturday but I’m going to Cincy. But as you know, the cafe can get along without a host for several hours.
Andi, that’s just what mister was saying about it — just as you must have been typing this.
I wish I could take credit for the composition. But, we were driving along and it was a lucky shot. It’s surrounded by a bunch of photos that aren’t nearly so successful (but isn’t that often the case with digital photography?)
Only to happy to bring out that mean streak! Honored! Not doing so great AndiF, been sick, no sleep, and have to report for jury duty tomorrow under a scary Gestapo-like system.
have to do our usual ships passing in the night greeting, alas. Sorry to hear you’re feeling poorly! I hope you’ll be on the mend pronto …
Loved the froggie pic up above… one of many great photos posted today, as I hope you saw. I hope you at least got your daily dose of snark, though KO is on vacation. 🙁 And JS was great again tonight. I think he’s on a roll though I guess he took some flack for that joke about the gitmo suicides last night. But! On the KO front, Check this out, I guarantee you’ll laugh
Oh, and Olivia, NO it is not Salad Fingers this time, heh.
It’s a little blurry but here’s an illustration. Note the twisting action and the instantaneous pain as evidenced by the flailing arms. Also note that boy number 3 is oblivious. That would be an illustration of ADD.
While walking around, slipped off a curb, fall down and go boom; fortunately I mostly landed on my second-best padded part, the posterior, though I’ll probably have some good bruises on my right elbow when I landed on it while I was holding up the camera to keep it from clunking on the pavement. A bit sore…though the worst thing hurt was my pride.
Later on, I was again not watching where I was going, and stepped in a small yet inconvenient pile of doggy detritus.
Finally, when I was standing by a trash can waiting for the spouse to come out of the store with a damp paper towel to help clean my shoe, one of my earrings fell out and into said trash can, to be lost forever (fortunately they weren’t really fancy ones…just my Eeyore earrings from Disneyland).
Anyway, a bit too tired, sore and cranky to go out, so we’re ordering dinner in again. And what a waste — we actually have MSNBC here in the secure vacation bunker, and it looks like Keith Olbermann’s on vacation…crud.
Actually slept through the first period of tonight’s hockey game — great game, but I’m a bit disappointed that Edmonton won, because now I won’t be able to see the awarding of the Stanley Cup most likely; the next game(s) will be while the spouse and I are on the ship and away from TV for the most part.
Hope everyone has a better evening than I had day…
long enough to realize we didn’t have nearly enough time to do it properly…so just went to the gift shop to get some goodies for the bro-in-law. Spent a couple or so hours at SF Museum…that place is awesome! Trying to talk spouse into retiring up here in a few years so I can be a docent or something…he’s not buying though (“It’s too wet!” What a wimp…).
Okay, need to hit the hay…got to get up early and work on laundry/packing/etc….
Late to the party again, but at least I was able to sneak a lot of drive bys earlier today. Think we’re headed into dada’s heat stretch with temps going up here and still no rain … slight chances this weekend with the hot stuff in store. This is not right. This is July/August weather … oh and An Inconvenient Truth goes wider this weekend, actually opening in Des Moines and we’ll be there!
Anyway… I promised flowers for the earlier café and didn’t come through, so here they are now. A detail view of part of the front boulder bed…
Firefoxers do the right click drill…
There’s a lot going on in this pic, and the lighting certainly wasn’t optimal, but I do the best I can after work, lol. Principal eye candy here is the Salvia nemerosa aka, “Meadow Sage.” to the left (and right) there’s also the Sea Holly which is on the cusp of really blooming (there will definitely be a b entry for that!), and there are lots of other flowers lurking… hope you like.
Well hey there stranger! Glad to see you back, bud. Yup, O and FM finally pushed me over the edge (well O did most of the work, and FM slacked). Disastrous night last night with blogger eating my carefully crafted (and not saved) post. Live and learn.
How was the bbq? Hotter n’blazes up there? dada’s heat is heading our way… and still dry as a popcorn fart down here.
The day of the BBQ, Sat, was a little cool and windy but no compaints as we’d had rain TH and F. S,M,& T were all near perfect, sunny skies, lows 55, highs 75.
This morning I knew something had changed since we had a strong east wind, definite inc in humidity, and then a light overcast pretty much all day.
70F now, so that means hot tomorrow, predicted 85F, so not heat like dada’s got yet.
The lawn at the farm was almost white like Aug until we got 55/100 over TH&F.
Day yam! Send some of that rain down here! We’re really looking parched, and even the grass is turning brown in some spots. I knew last weekend when the purple coneflowers were wilting that it was damn dry. So, if you’ve read any recent cafés you’ve heard me kvetching about having to water all the time. Now you know why.
And it sure looks familiar, but the best I can think of is that it’s some kind of artemsia or “wormwood.” But I really doubt that would just spring up on its own, and not all varieties are hardy up your way. Is it kind of greyish green? Soft to the touch? Does it have an aroma? Those would be the things to figure out if it really is a wormwood.
they have a really nice smell to them, though there are so many I don’t know them that well, other than the ones we have. Artemisia absinthium is the most famous, and a neighbor says she’s going to give us some of that soon… Can’t wait. It’s really pretty stuff.
Well NDD, given what I have to go on, I’m betting artemisia of some sort… but if you find out otherwise, you let me know, and I’ll have learned something from you yet again.
I think you’ve got it, since googling “Artemisia absinthium” I’ve discovered some photos that look very similar.
I’ve got to hit the sack. I’m picking up an out-of-town friend’s mother from a local hospital tomorrow, so in case they call at 9am I should be ready to do taxi service.
Well time for me to check out too, NDD. At least the new post is up and relatively unmolested by Blogger.
Really glad to see you back here, and you made it just in time to celebrate the 1st yr FBC holiday. Wish I had that fireworks pic that manny and dada have…
If you do decide it’s an artemisia leave it be. They’re great plants, even if they decide to dominate certain areas (like one of ours does).
Ok, if I’m closing down the lounge again, I’ll be indulgetnt and post one more pic…. Feast your eyes on this Sky Blue Delphinium. Vive la Tribune de Booman! screw “freedom fries.” I’m not ashamed of my French.
what’s hoppening?
Not much…getting ready for my company that’s coming tomorrow night…
Erm, accidentally hit post…what’s hoppening with you?
for an image for the cafe, I found a really funny frog cartoon.
That would probably work well for the late night cafe … 🙂
owls, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to use it.
haven’t gone over very well … I’m not sure I’d be the best judge on using it.
I agree that SF has his charms … but the point of the cafe is welcome people in, not scare them off LOL.
I’m never gonna live that one down!
Heh. And you haven’t even seen this one yet …. Making Fiends
It’s actually quite charming and ha a positive message for kids.
Charming in a creepy SFish sorta way LOL … 🙂 See ya later dude.
Gee, I wonder why you didn’t use that one? 🙂
and how awkward it would be if the CBs saw and wanted an explanation.
if they didn’t…
Just as long as this Colonel Angus SNL skit goes over their heads.
video link
How’s the visit going? Have you figured out how to keep him from ever leaving?
Would it be mean if I told him I have cancer?
He’s having a good time and it’s really fun to watch the boys reconnect. But I’m trying not to talk him into moving here. He did check out some jobs downtown and his wife asked him to check on houses to rent. But I’m not getting my hopes up, although if they were down here I’d like the South™ substantially better.
Let’s not go the fatal disease route — my bubbe’s indoctrination in the Evil Eye is way too strong for me to let you do that.
Nope, we need to work on guilt. We could work on how lonely you’re going to be with both Ryan and Colin in school and Ben not that far behind and how hard it is that you don’t get to see him enough.
This particular young man doesn’t respond well to guilt. If I talked them into it and then they didn’t like Raleigh, I’d feel terrible. It has to be their idea. Of course I could plant some subliminal messages so it just appears to be their idea…
that says ‘move to raleigh’ over and over and put it under his bed tonight after he falls asleep.
Your talents for manipulating offspring have been wasted by your selfish decision not to have children.
55 years of being my mother’s daughter have proved to be very useful in dealing with the general populace.
So your skills do not go to further waste I could give you Owen’s email address and you could inflict long-distance guilt upon him.
Andi … I can’t believe you’d suggest that! 🙂 We have to get him to want to move there for positive reasons, not negative ones …
but it’s The South™ — it’s hot, sticky, and icky.
Subliminal messaging is prob better than guilt. 🙂
Yeah, but I’m here. And pansies bloom all winter. And winter ends in January. And mostly, I’m here.
yet another person who makes up froggybottom’s multiple personality disorder. How are things going?
Hola ManEe. Things are going well, but busy. I’m out of town Friday night through Sunday night, I have ultimate frisbee directly after work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That leaves Wednesday.
So tonight I have to change the oil in my car, do laundry, and try to recover whatever I can from my other computer (which doubles as my webserver) on which a hard drive crashed.
So, I probably won’t be around too much tonight and in the near future, but thought I should stop in and say hi on the anniversary 🙂
hear about the dead hard drive, I hope you were able to recover everything. Have a good evening, I’ll cya around eventually.
I second that, ej! How ya doing stranger? Wish I could hang around for an extended time here but have to go out and move the sprinkler and do more watering 🙁
Hey IVG! Good to see you (virtually of course). Sounds like you’re in full chore mode too (see my response to ManEe). I’m about to get started on those tasks, but I’ll try to stop in again a bit later.
Hey ej, I hear ya about those chores, seems like all I do is work, come home, drink a beer and work more! Well, not totally true (manny will call me out on that) but have been super busy as well.
Ok, done with the sprinkler, now it’s walk around and spray the pretty flowers, lol. I’ll be back later. Have a great time you folks and don’t poop out too early! (though that may happen to me…)
Enjoy the cool d … maybe you should throw a few ice cubes in the pool too … See ya.
needs to lighten up a little.
Happy anniversary everybody! I’m pulling out that five gallon bucket and heading for the Squirt spigot.
Actually, forget the bucket. Just hook the firehose up to the Squirt tap.
Heya Omir! Were your ears burning earlier today? You were invoked multiple times in the previous café … but invoked in the best possible way. 🙂
Sorry to say hey and run, but time to go do the rest of the watering mentioned up thread there… hope things are great out your way and that it’s not as hot there as it is in CO and here!
I was pretty busy today. A bunch of meetings and some excitement with one of my projects (not my fault, I assure you).
I’ll go look at the other cafe and see what all the fuss is about.
to the cafe crowd. We have a busy evening of last minute chores before the big trip. Right now it’s bath time for Andrew, so I’ll check in later.
you could leave us with a picture of Andrew to keep our withdrawal symptoms under control.
And in case I’m not around when you come back: drive carefully and have a great trip.
Thanks for the kind wishes. I’ll post a photo once I get to my folks house.
By everyone.
Anybody see Al Gore on Larry King last night? I could not stop asking what the last five years would have been like if the guy with the most votes would have been appointed President by our noble Supreme Court.
I don’t watch the Larry King as a general rule … 🙂
Are you tired or doing something fun?
No, I was working on another section of The Hacker’s Diet, Reconsider the Rubber Bag. It’s so meaty it’s hard to cut anything out. So this time I just sort of chopped it off and didn’t do any snipping inside.
Now I’m back. And planning for Saturday.
I’d been waiting for you to ‘say’ something before I did. 🙂
It will great to have you doing cafes again.
I’ve just been reading the afternoon Cafe to see if you said anything there — 🙂
It’s exciting, isn’t it?
I took the Re: off the subject because I like seeing the sentence in its purest form.
Have you taken any new pictures while out driving that would be nice to use in the cafe? (I always like that one of the rain through the windshield.)
Nothing that good. And some of what I’ve got just can’t be reduced.
Here’s an experiment:
It’s beautiful!!! And yay on the Saturday cafes!
Yeh, but now I want to go on a long Saturday drive. Damn you Andi!
Hey, blame maryb first. 🙂
I’d offer to watch over the cafe for you while you go for a drive this Saturday but I’m going to Cincy. But as you know, the cafe can get along without a host for several hours.
Just leave a comment and then if things get busy, a lurking FroggyBottomer can step in to help you out. We don’t want you chained to your computer! 🙂
I’m just talking big. Neither of us are up to taking a drive lately. We’re too fragile. (sigh)
I’m sorry about that. I knew you didn’t feel well but I didn’t know Mister didn’t as well.
I’ve hit that point where the I can’t keep my eyes focused so I’m off to bed.
Good night and pleasant dreams.
Sleep tight, see you tomorrow.
We’ll be ok, it’s just a weird time.
But what about Stanley … 🙂
Good night Andi!
Happy times in Alberta tonight.
G’night all.
Olivia (blushing) Thanks. so kind of you to say.
That’s a great photograph — what a good eye. I love the way curves are echoed in the clouds, the road, and the field.
It’s very visually pleasing … 🙂
Andi, that’s just what mister was saying about it — just as you must have been typing this.
I wish I could take credit for the composition. But, we were driving along and it was a lucky shot. It’s surrounded by a bunch of photos that aren’t nearly so successful (but isn’t that often the case with digital photography?)
(hiya sweetie … 🙂
Hi, Olivia — I thought you were sweetie!
Boy number 1 gave boy number 2 a purple nurple, and in the ensuing scuffle someone got elbowed in the boob.
and much better picture than a formal portrait but if you put the camera on your tripod, you could be in one, too.
You had to google purple nurple? See what you miss by not having kids?
using google.
oh shame on me! Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Hi MM, how ya doing?
Only to happy to bring out that mean streak! Honored! Not doing so great AndiF, been sick, no sleep, and have to report for jury duty tomorrow under a scary Gestapo-like system.
That sounds horrible … all of it. Do you think the non-sleeping is r/t the jury duty (d/t worry, stress etc.)?
and I hope things improve for you very soon. And I’ll be nice to you for …. oh, at least, 10 minutes.
I’ve been so worried for you, MM. I wish we could help.
some days I feel exactly like that.
Me, too, SN! Froggies really know how to get their point accross!
Awwww. (Said in a deep bass froggy voice.)
He looks quite comfy in the muck … 🙂
I know the feeling…..
have to do our usual ships passing in the night greeting, alas. Sorry to hear you’re feeling poorly! I hope you’ll be on the mend pronto …
Loved the froggie pic up above… one of many great photos posted today, as I hope you saw. I hope you at least got your daily dose of snark, though KO is on vacation. 🙁 And JS was great again tonight. I think he’s on a roll though I guess he took some flack for that joke about the gitmo suicides last night. But! On the KO front, Check this out, I guarantee you’ll laugh
Oh, and Olivia, NO it is not Salad Fingers this time, heh.
It’s a little blurry but here’s an illustration. Note the twisting action and the instantaneous pain as evidenced by the flailing arms. Also note that boy number 3 is oblivious. That would be an illustration of ADD.
forgot the image. That would be Alzheimers.
More proof that I’m right about getting a formal portrait.
Not the greatest of days on the vacation:
Anyway, a bit too tired, sore and cranky to go out, so we’re ordering dinner in again. And what a waste — we actually have MSNBC here in the secure vacation bunker, and it looks like Keith Olbermann’s on vacation…crud.
Actually slept through the first period of tonight’s hockey game — great game, but I’m a bit disappointed that Edmonton won, because now I won’t be able to see the awarding of the Stanley Cup most likely; the next game(s) will be while the spouse and I are on the ship and away from TV for the most part.
Hope everyone has a better evening than I had day…
Wow — I’m sorry to hear that, Cali! I hope that you’re ok! Today was very muggy, too, on top of everything else.
Have you gotten to EMP yet? I hope you have a much better day tomorrow!
long enough to realize we didn’t have nearly enough time to do it properly…so just went to the gift shop to get some goodies for the bro-in-law. Spent a couple or so hours at SF Museum…that place is awesome! Trying to talk spouse into retiring up here in a few years so I can be a docent or something…he’s not buying though (“It’s too wet!” What a wimp…).
Okay, need to hit the hay…got to get up early and work on laundry/packing/etc….
Late to the party again, but at least I was able to sneak a lot of drive bys earlier today. Think we’re headed into dada’s heat stretch with temps going up here and still no rain … slight chances this weekend with the hot stuff in store. This is not right. This is July/August weather … oh and An Inconvenient Truth goes wider this weekend, actually opening in Des Moines and we’ll be there!
Anyway… I promised flowers for the earlier café and didn’t come through, so here they are now. A detail view of part of the front boulder bed…

Firefoxers do the right click drill…
There’s a lot going on in this pic, and the lighting certainly wasn’t optimal, but I do the best I can after work, lol. Principal eye candy here is the Salvia nemerosa aka, “Meadow Sage.” to the left (and right) there’s also the Sea Holly which is on the cusp of really blooming (there will definitely be a b entry for that!), and there are lots of other flowers lurking… hope you like.
Whooppeee!!! Looks great!
Well hey there stranger! Glad to see you back, bud. Yup, O and FM finally pushed me over the edge (well O did most of the work, and FM slacked). Disastrous night last night with blogger eating my carefully crafted (and not saved) post. Live and learn.
How was the bbq? Hotter n’blazes up there? dada’s heat is heading our way… and still dry as a popcorn fart down here.
The day of the BBQ, Sat, was a little cool and windy but no compaints as we’d had rain TH and F. S,M,& T were all near perfect, sunny skies, lows 55, highs 75.
This morning I knew something had changed since we had a strong east wind, definite inc in humidity, and then a light overcast pretty much all day.
70F now, so that means hot tomorrow, predicted 85F, so not heat like dada’s got yet.
The lawn at the farm was almost white like Aug until we got 55/100 over TH&F.
Day yam! Send some of that rain down here! We’re really looking parched, and even the grass is turning brown in some spots. I knew last weekend when the purple coneflowers were wilting that it was damn dry. So, if you’ve read any recent cafés you’ve heard me kvetching about having to water all the time. Now you know why.
I didn’t plant this, just found it growing where I’d planted some native prairie grasses a several years ago.
And it sure looks familiar, but the best I can think of is that it’s some kind of artemsia or “wormwood.” But I really doubt that would just spring up on its own, and not all varieties are hardy up your way. Is it kind of greyish green? Soft to the touch? Does it have an aroma? Those would be the things to figure out if it really is a wormwood.
But a salvia? no way. Nuh uh.
not much greyish to the green, but it was soft to the touch, and had a sage-like aroma when I crushed the leaves and held up to my nose
they have a really nice smell to them, though there are so many I don’t know them that well, other than the ones we have. Artemisia absinthium is the most famous, and a neighbor says she’s going to give us some of that soon… Can’t wait. It’s really pretty stuff.
Well NDD, given what I have to go on, I’m betting artemisia of some sort… but if you find out otherwise, you let me know, and I’ll have learned something from you yet again.
I think you’ve got it, since googling “Artemisia absinthium” I’ve discovered some photos that look very similar.
I’ve got to hit the sack. I’m picking up an out-of-town friend’s mother from a local hospital tomorrow, so in case they call at 9am I should be ready to do taxi service.
See you on the flip side of the parallel universe
Well time for me to check out too, NDD. At least the new post is up and relatively unmolested by Blogger.
Really glad to see you back here, and you made it just in time to celebrate the 1st yr FBC holiday. Wish I had that fireworks pic that manny and dada have…
If you do decide it’s an artemisia leave it be. They’re great plants, even if they decide to dominate certain areas (like one of ours does).
Ok, if I’m closing down the lounge again, I’ll be indulgetnt and post one more pic…. Feast your eyes on this Sky Blue Delphinium.

Vive la Tribune de Booman! screw “freedom fries.” I’m not ashamed of my French.
view from directly above plant
maybe it’s just a weed, but it’s not one I recall seeing before.
Sorry, was off at blogger.. think my last post went up ok, but it was givin me fits again.