This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
FBC: Keeping humps to a manageable size since 2005
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good Morning Andi. Happy hump and FBC anniversary day.
I forgot about the anniversary — oh well, I’m too lazy to go back and change the diary.
How are you doing today?
I’m doing fine. Just trying to wake up.
How are you doing today? Have you got past tip toeing around not to wake up Jim yet. π
Oh, I’ll keep trying to be quiet all summer; at some point, though, I’ll stop trying to keep the dogs quiet. π
Good thing you don’t have George. Nothing can keep him quiet.
I’m up but not really awake.
You know I go through that same feeling all day.
I thought I’d add a little cake to the celebration.
Is it FBC’s anniversary?
How cool!
Shall I bring a cake? π
Uh, NO!
Happy Anniversary FB.
Good morning Andi, FM, Jim.
Good Morning Olivia. Are you in the hump day for the last week of FCH?
There’s been a change in plans and it’s next week too …
Got anything exciting in store today … How’s George?
I’ll try for the yard again today and George is fine.
Enough treats and he forgives anything, although he’s looking really ragged now that he’s completely dry. π
Keep your chin up. There will be an end to FCH.
I’m so tired, and sunburned, but I got 75 new volunteers at my precinct yesterday.
We had higher turnout than the average: ours was 7%, state/district average around 3-5% (depending on which race).
Andrew Hurst won convincingly over Ken Longmyer, who had the nomination last time.
Congrats on the volunteers. Watch out for that sunburn.
GGGGGGGGoooooooooooood Moooooooorning everyone, from the great state of Tennessee. Boy am I glad I am home now! HOme in time to have a storm here in Tennessee and getting away from the tropical storm in Fl. Had a great time and my first beach wedding ever. Everyone ought to experience this once in their lifetime. Try walking in sand with a long dress on and the wind blowing hard. Hair a mess afer getting it done and paying mega $’s for it too…;o( I do not think enough hair spray in the world could have helped hold it down. Anyhow, it was lovely.
What a lovey picture to view this morning, Andif.
The cats were so glad to have me back home. It is still getting back into the routine of things and they never forgot what is to be done, upon rising in the morning. I really wished I could have stayed on vacation for the rest of my life. However, I had to come home and get back to work to get rested….;o)
ON Sat. morning my cell rang an it was the hospital wanting to know who was on call and I told them it was not me for I was in Fl. The Dr. just could not stand it that I was not there for him. He depends on me way too much. Well, I think he just had to remind me that I had to come back or else…:o) All I can say is, he better enjoy his life with me there for a few more years, for I do intend on retiring, whether he likes it or not. Just a few more years and then, I am going part time or prn or retire completely.
HOpe everyone had a great week. I felt like I was in withdrawal without you folks to talk to. I missed you all…anyhow, am glad to be back and here this morning. I had to go straight to work after returning. So things are back to normal. Hugs to all…….
Glad to see you back Brenda and glad you had a good time.
Thanks Man. I think I could stay on permanent vacation, if I could afford it…:o) Life down in the Gulf is fun and fast. I truly loved the fresh seafood. The squid was great too. The shrimp was marvelous. Fresh crab and such is always a treasure to have to eat. Ate at the Hogs Breath. Ever heard of it? The family bought t-shirts from there. I did not for I do not buy things like that…used to but nowadays…:o)
That’s the way I’ve found the gulf, fun and fast. The food is always great. When I used to live on the coast, we would go to the shrimp boats and buy it directly from them. Oh was that good.
I’ve heard of the Hogs Breath, but have never been. I’ve heard it’s a great place.
Glad to see you at the cafe. And glad you are home.
Thank you for the compliment on the picture — it is a dawn picture — just happens to be dawn on the ground.
Well, Andif, you know what I like…thanks….hugs and is great to be back with you all.
We know just how that doctor feels, Brenda!
I wondered where you were, and I’m glad to see you. Sounds like you had a good time and god knows you deserved a break!
Hairspray and blowing sand? Unforgettable!
Is this the Froggy Bottom Birthday?
Morning KB.
FM says it is because (I think) Manny says it is. All the brain cells I have that can remember details like that are long gone so I’m going to trust the young’un.
But Diane said it was today also. It seems like I would have remembered that it was on Flag Day. But, I guess I’m not as predictable as I thought.
And who knew a year ago that we’d be keeping it going this long?
Hi Katiebird. It is always great to keep a good thing going. I am go glad we all are here. Good to see ya here this morning. Hope all is well for you.
Hi Brenda, It seems like ages since I’ve seen you. How are YOU?
I’m fine.
I’m trusting Manny too … cause my brain cells holding that bit of info have been misplaced … π
I’m having to trust everybody else on this. I mean I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks. π
I think some of those misplaced brain cells may be lying around scattered over at my b-thingie. I’ll collect them for you and keep them in a safe place.
Hope your day goes well, and thx again for the help and support last night! Got any rain you can send my way? Please…….
Thanks … I’ll pick them up later tonight. π
Possibly rain this aft, but most likely not until Monday or so. I read down on the left about the H20ing vs weeding. It’s either weeding or ‘dead and droopy’ so let the weeds go I guess, but I know what you mean. There’s only so many hours in the after-work period. It seems like a while since you had a good bit of rain.
(Oh and btw, I sent you that email I threatened last night. π
I’ve actually got everything up for the morning at Eat4Today!!
I’ve been dragging all week. It’s wonderful to get it all done in time to get dressed for work.
Well, it is time for all nurses here to get ready for work. Must run…You all have a great day and Happy Birthday everyone………….hugs ribbit ribbit
I’ve got to get the day started or as usual I won’t do anything.
Happy B’day FBC and everyone have a good day in the pond.
Happy birthday to us!
One of the cool things has been to see how there have always been frogs to take up the lifeguard stand when any of us peeled away.
Hi, kansas — I don’t see you here in the mornings very often. How are you?
I’d tell you, but I think you’re already gone. π
Have a fun Birthday!
to everyone!
Good morning to the unhost, and everybody else! Happy Anniversary FBC!
Good morning from placid Cascadia (aka Li’l Beirut)! The big dumbass cowboy didn’t show for work today again so I’m off to mow acres and acres alone before the students start their finals. One more day then I’m off to Great Vow monastery for a weekend workshop with friend and Dharma sister, the author Sallie Tisdale. The workshop’s on her book, Women of the Way, which I insist on calling Women IN the Way because we are (and deliberately so).
Time for more caffeine…
I know that one intimately today, more so than usual. I had major Blogger “issues” last night, grrrr.
Anyway, howdy everyone and happy anniversary/birthday(?) FBC! As usual, I’ve missed all the early birds who’ve flown the coop for a bit, but that’s ok since we’ll reconnect later, I’m sure. A lovely day shaping up here, despite the continuing lack of rain … which means I’ll be at my usual stations with the hose tonight watering the garden again. It dawned on me last night why I wasn’t getting enough weeding done … I’m spending about 1.5-2 hrs/night just watering! That is not good. This is looking more like July than mid-June around here, and no sign of rain in the immediate future. Oh well, enough of that.
Have a great day folks, and I’ll be looking forward to catching up with you later today. Time to surrender to the cube ….
Still digging on the writing front, though yesterday helped enormously. Gonna post quick and try to get some words on the page before my Mother-in-law shows up. Cool lady, which means I won’t get much done while she’s around.
Tea today: Plain old Earl Gray White Tip. The fantasy and the reality match up for the moment.
Hope everyone has a hoppy frogiversary today.
Hoppy frogiversay to you too LOL!
Sending good writing vibes your way … π
Wow, a whole year, I went back to the first cafe to copy this, yes this is the anniversary…the 13th I talked about it, the 14th was the first cafe to answer the questions above..
Thank you for creating such a warm and wonderful place … You and shirl were the first people to welcome me here, and I’ve never forgotten how kind you both were. {{{{{Diane}}}}}}
Hi Olivia, I am sure glad we were the first to welcome you and what an addition you have been.
Thanks go to all you cafe folks for keeping this thing going for a whole year now, that’s pretty good for a members generated idea that requires daily upkeep.
To froggybottom and Izzy, I guess I will post a cafe when this is full, to bring this thing full circle. So get ready for the big party everyone…ha ha…now I am off to call Shirl and put her on notice to get the party gear ready and I am going to put finishing touches on all the food I have prepared.
Diane that was wonderful and thank you, Shirl and everyone else who first welcomed me to the pond. You all opened a door and beckoned me to enter. I didn’t realized at the time how many wonderful people I would meet.
To say it in my terminology – Ya’ll done good. π
Taking a break from ‘to do-ing?
I’ll have to check in later to see how the party’s going. Don’t work too hard today … π
Hi Olivia. Never got started today. I’m finding it’s a little difficult to get my plans/body/and will to work in conjuctions.
Maybe I’ll take a nap and wake up all ready to go. I’ve found this is uaually not true, but it does give me an excuse to nap.:)
Take Care.
My kids and I are almost done building the ark. It’s been raining cats and dogs since 3 AM and we’ve gotten several inches. The yard is flooded, the street is a raging river. We needed the rain, but geez.
Don’t screw up and build it in feet. You’ve got to use throse cubic measures. π