[cross-posted and promoted from a comment on this dkos diary at mrsdbrown’s suggestion – metajesus]

in response to a diary that asks how to get on the recommended list:

you guys don’t get it.

it’s not about making the rec list.

it’s not even about getting tu mojo.

it’s about feeling better about your politics, your positions, your issues.

it’s about getting better at being able to communicate.

it’s about being a part of a community in an environment that is actively trying to keep us separate.
the only reason, and i mean the only reason to blog, is because you have shit inside of you that will make you physicially sick unless you get it out on the screen.

you have to express yourself, and blogging lets you do it.  you are creative.  maybe not a painter or dancer or musician, but you have to put words together in a fashion that puts your ideas across.

seriously, kids, if you blog with the goal of getting on the rec list, you are not only wasting your time, you’re wasting mine.

blog with the goal of communicating.  blog with the goal of sharing.  blog with the goal of connecting.

if being on top really makes your day, then get your own blog and be your own boss.  then you’ll be recommended every single day, ‘cuz you’ll be the one recommending.

fuck the rec list.  i haven’t been recommended at dkos in almost two years, and i still go there, and come here to booman, and all the others, every day.

even worse, this diary is the last one of mine that made it.