Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II
This is a Semi-Hosted Cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Clean cafe. Lets mess it up.
My my. I think that warped my fragile leetle mind!
How you doing Andi? Look out below….
messed you up? Oh, I am sorry … I just couldn’t get a shot that showed more action.
Nice pink action below.
Hey Andi … guess what? You know that really super-suggestive photo I took that sorta resembles the male anatomy in an excited state? Someone wants a LG print of it to hang in their bedroom! 🙂
Did I miss that? Did it look anything like this?
No … it was a little more … um … pink. 🙂
Heresy! Pornography! Outrage!
How ya doin, dada?
That’s no bush, either… that turtle is smashing a perfectly lovely Lupine! Oh, the enormity!
We got a lupine as a gift the other day, but haven’t planted it yet, because we weren’t sure how much shade it likes. Any clue?
I hope it’s a really vigorous and healthy one, because they hate being transplanted. This is due to the fact they have a central tap root, which if damaged, often leads to rot. We gave up years ago trying to plant plants and have switched entirely to planting seeds. (Which can still be done if you’re so inclined, just baby them all summer.)
They like pretty bright light, and grow best in our garden with the eastern front exposure and the north side of the house where it gets both east/west sun during the day. I’d say put it in a very sunny, but not intolerably hot location in summer.
Though “perennial,” we’ve come to the conclusion that they really act (at least here in IA and you’re in WI, so I’d suspect it’s similar) as a biennial. They bloom beautifully the second year then generally die off, but we let the seeds go and they volunteer liberally. (yes, that was a pun)
Best I can say is get the poor thing in a good spot ASAP and make sure it gets lots of TLC, especially during the hotter months. You may just prove me wrong (which would be delightful in this particular regard)!
I know just the place for it. I’ll get it in the ground tomorrow and start babying it.
… than flowers … 😉
got a squeezebox-turtle?
Nice, AndiF! Could be a good illustration from my children’s turtle story, LOL!
r-rated kiddy book?
Congrats on not getting jury duty.
I second what SN said about trying to sleep — sleeping propped up and drinking lots of liquids always helped when I was having trouble with my asthma.
I was going to do a picture, but I’m too much of a prude. Anyway, I seem to have developed a panda shtick so the least I can do is a link.
Cute … sad and cute all in one. 🙂
They have a hard time. They’re just not all that interested. Probably all the smoking.
Well, luckily scientists are working on the problem … and who knew … panda porn works for ’em. 🙂
My aunt told me about the panda porn when I was at her house on Christmas. I couldn’t stop laughing, which is not an uncommon problem for me. Her son is the member of my family who really has a panda thing. I’ve always been more interested in penguins and moose.
That’s an interesting combo … 🙂
I don’t know how to reply. I’m going to go with “um” or “er” if it works better.
Oh jeebus … what kind of porn have we not had in this café? I swear this place has warped my fragile leetle mind!
panda sex ed
And there’s a really cute little button of baby panda there too …
I’ve got to cook some dinner.
Be back in a minute.
Sorry to do a drive by post, but I have to eat too, but only sandwiches here tonight. No cooking, nuh uh. Not tonight.
Actually I shot this earlier tonight and had to post it for Olivia and the other pink fans here. One of “Frank’s Poppies…”
Take heed oh ye who think I don’t have pink in the garden!
I love these IVG … they’re delicious!
… so you may have a ton of pink poppies, but that’s just one type of flower … 🙂
Check your email. The larger version should be there now. You’ll like it.
List of pink:
Bleeding Heart
Prairie Mallow
Moss Rose
Think I hit the end of the line there. Rest your case.
And one of those is white and pink … so it doesn’t count. 😛
Thanks for that large size — it’s a beauty!
Thought you’d like that. I immediately said, have to send this to Olivia.
Oh, and I forgot some… Hibiscus moscheutos and Peonies are also pink. Not sure what color the Butterfly weed will turn out to be (it was planted from seed last year and is still smallish), but it could be pink too.
We’ve got pink mallows, spiderwort, roses, and phlox.
YOu can’t make statements like that in the cafe Kelly, without proof, ah photographic evidence to back it up … 😉
How ya doing?
Not at the moment, but I promise to run out in a week or so when things start to hit full bloom. On other fronts thigns are going well. I got about 1,600 words today despite having house guests. How are things on your end?
Things are okie-dokie here. 🙂
Hi Kelly, I’m back. You know you mentioned flowers outside and now you’ll have to produce. 🙂
Thanks Kelly. How’s it going up there tonight? Is the state bird out in force? You missed the great spiderwort discussion the other night. Too bad, bet you could have nailed that one easily. If you have the same pink mallow we have it’s a great one.
Plenty o’ mosquitos, but they’re all on the other side of the screens, so that’s okay. The mallow is gorgeous. It’s about my favorite, and it’s spreading nicely.
What have we got on tap tonight?
I’ll take a pint of innuendo with a double entendre chaser. Oh, and a hard cider would go down sweet too.
chill off the evening!
Cool picture NDD.
Very cool pic, NDD. Sorry I have to wave at ya as I head out the door, but I’ll be back sometime later. Gotta make sandwiches… now.
for 6 mos from now…the only fire tonight will be sage, if I get that far.
Who’s still hangin’?…saw KMc, FM and IVG took a powder.
So did you get around to taking those pix yet?
but nothing to show…not used to the close up stuff, still experimenting. Plus the one got kinda torn up in a wind event a few days ago and hasn’t, and may not, recover.
Kewl! You could always e/m them if you don’t want to post. 🙂
That’s too bad about the damage … Maybe if you snapped it anyways we’d at least be able to try IDing. IVG’s a leaf man, so as long as you can make out the leaves …
not doing yet…don’t have a macro so I’m using an 18-55mm and playing w/ the ‘close up’ and ‘portrait’ settings…
Here’s a grab of the ss tonight…pretty tasty but short lived:
Got any new stuff up at po?
We don’t often get sunsets like that around here … sometimes in the summer if there’s low white clouds then the sun will reflect red off them, but it’s rare.
Maybe you should just go out and get a 50mm lens for the dig. 🙂
Well, not sure when you were last there … tried to put something up every day this week — did you see the feathers one?
If you don’t have the bucks for a macro lens you could always try extension tubes and a 50 prime. The Kenko tubes are cheaper than the manufacturer’s version and maintain full function. They’re in sets of 3, (12, 24, and 36mm I think it is, but my bag’s in the other room) and linked together take up as much space in the Domke as a single small prime lens…
Also some of the Sigma macro lenses are simply outstanding and again a lot cheaper than the mfr’s glass.
(Can you tell I used to sell this stuff?)
Are you current enough to know if here’s an adaptor that would let me use Canon EF lenses ( from an old F series film body) on an Canon XT?…I haven’t been able to find anything.
Steve Gandy at CameraQuest kind of implies that maybe such a thing exists, but he doesn’t sell them. Canon has maintained that it’s not practical, and it’s certainly not cost-effective. It’s got to do with lens-to-focal-plane distances, and any FD-to-EF adapter would HAVE to have optical elements built into it, which would make it in most cases at least as expensive as new lenses. In general it’s not a workable notion, as far as I can tell.
I DIMLY recall seeing, a long time back, that someone had an EOS to T-mount adapter, which might let you put some forms of bellows on, because of course for macro work infinity focus isn’t an issue. I still have all my FD gear, just in case. (In case of what I don’t know, but it’s only sellable at paperweight pricing, and I still like and trust those cameras more than just about anything else I have, so why not hang on?)
I’m keeping my old body and lenses, in fact still use them, but trying to wean myself and use the digi full time. Have only had it @ 8mos. and 30 yrs of ‘film’ habits are hard to break.
I hear ya; it’s only been about 25 for me, but frankly unless someone’s paying for digital turnaround, I don’t see any reason NOT to keep shooting film. I was in the darkroom earlier and will probably go print for another couple hours when I finish what I’m uploading now…
I don’t OBJECT to digital, at all, but there’s just not the magic in it. (Professionally, that’s good; I don’t LIKE surprises when someone else’s money is riding on it… but “print file” just doesn’t give me the charge that standing under a red light watching a sheet of paper turn into a photo does…)
What’s your primary camera stormkite?
Not to be flip, but “for what?” I use 35mm, 120, and 4×5 film cameras, and most of my assignment work at this point is shot with 20D Canons (5D will come into the stable probably around September, I think, unless I can hack a 1DsII by then.)
Personal work usually involves EOS 1n’s, M Leicas, or an RB Mamiya, depending.
And then there are the toys.
And then I must leave to assuage this roaring stomach of mine. This is fire in the garden, one of my favorite themes. Remember, I’m a Leo … orange rules along with red and yellow.
So common, but let it be a mystery flower for a while, if that suits your fancies.
I’ll probably be back later. Brewing up some writing for the b-thingie if I can last that long.
It’s an orange flower, right.
Those who do right click often find answers to questions.
Got that in a fortune cookie once.
Best I ever got was “Only a fool bets against long odds.”
On the back were my six lucky lottery numbers.
I think I was being insulted.
and go do house guest thingies, but consider the next round on me.
See ya Kelly. Enjoy.
I hate to, but after just eating my head is banging against the keyboard. I’m going to geezer out and head on to bed.
I’ll leave it to the late nighters and see ya’ll tomorrow.
I’m right behind ya. See you tomorrow either here or at your b-thingie, FM. You and George take it easy now.
Night night, FM and IVG! Don’t let the BBs bite!
While we’re posting flowers with inner bits…
What do you have? a microscope attached to that lens?
Just a lot of luck with this flower and the lighting. Wish I knew what I did right. 🙂
Looks like candy, SN! Yum, yum! (Decided not to try that coughing up a lung thing…. good idea, though! Thanks!)
That is amazing (even more so that you’re taking pics like that with a p&s).
Pure luck. But don’t you love that little pearl of something-or-other in there?
Yes, I do — it looks like some hidden surprise waiting to pop out.
Here’s an orchid for you from the Encino Farmer’s Market on Sunday….
I made it through scary gestapo-like LA Superior Court system and was excused from jury service today, thank heavens!
Still sick though, I choke every time I fall asleep so it looks like another sleepless night ahead…. Yikes!
Beautifully exotic orchid!
Prop the top of your mattress up with couch cushions or something to keep yourself from lying flat. I hate that feeling of choking! Drink lots of water to thin out the gunk.
I’ll give it a try! Can’t hurt when I haven’t slept for 3 nights. AndiF says it works for her asthma. Do you sleep on your side or your back?
I wish you were feeling better though.
Yes, I was SOOOO relieved to get out of there! It’s a crazy scene…. How’s by you?
… it’s very good mm. Are you still going to work feeling this badly?
I was just wondering about that, O! If I miss that means I don’t get paid since I don’t earn sick time until after I’ve been there for 3 months. Chintzy! But my boss would probably let me make up the time. I just figured out that talking really aggravates the situation, so I need to totally rest my voice. which would be weird at work!
Glad things are good on your end. I’ll go check out the b to see if there are any new pix up!
I like that! But I’m a sucker for orchids, and that’s a beauty!
Guess I’ll echo everyone else about the good news/bad news… glad you escaped jury duty, because I bet that’s not so much fun, ahem, out your way. And sorry to hear you’re still illin with that bug. I hope you get some rest tonight, since it’s unlikely you’ll shake this without some restorative sleep … also hope this comment finds you peacefully asleep at this point with no cough….
was just about to call it and here ya come…looks like everyone else went to bed early, eh.
Wanted to clue ya on a hose based sprinkler system a landscape bud rec’d to me this year. Basic three heads and 2 15′ hoses was @ $25…it lets me do the front w/ one move and a big chunk of the back in 1. Backs pretty broken up tho so still have to use an alternate system or do it by hand.
Check it out, might make yer life a little easier come evening time w/ 1 or more of these.
Hey there! Just saw this now, sorry… checking that out right now, and thx for the tip. We’ve actually got 50% chance of rain tomorrow night into Saturday, so I’ll flip a coin and see what happens. There’s quite a bit of stuff in NE right now on the radar, but wonder when/if it will get here without dissipating. There’s been rain sneaking around all over the place –except here– the past few days.
81 here now, with a dew point creeping up inexorably. Better mean rain. Or it means turning on AC.
… with all these pink flower bits … and the turtles are cool … and the bonfire’s hot … ha!
This is wonderful! Thank you everyone.
Hey, kb. How was your day?
Finish. How about yours?
Here’s one more from this evening as I contemplate braving another session with Blogger…
Artemisia, yellow sedum and Imagination Verbena hanging out from the front boulder bed.
Are you going to use the html?
I’m afraid until I digest and learn all that stuff, probably not. But I will get a bunch more tags learned, because I want to do something really cool for the template eventually.
Just trying to get something written every day is the challenge right now. I just need to devote some serious time to all the info you sent and those links.
Did save obsessively last night as I was writing that last post and that seemed to keep things in line. But the html is a necessity, as I want more flexibility on how to position pics and stuff like that. It will come, it’s just not going to happen tonight, sigh.
About learning html or blogger? How did you learn it so well? Will I pick it up that quickly from your links and stuff? If so, I have a serious study session coming up this weekend. Because you’re right about the flakiness of blogger … anyway.
for what little html I’m using so far. I trust nothing to memory and nothing to blog sites, so I store my cheat sheet on word doc and bring’m up when I need them.
Hope it goes smoooooooooothly. 🙂
I bought a book on html code and then just started playing around w/ it. I know very little, but enough to get by.
To write up a post like the one you put up yesterday using just html is not that difficult; fiddling w/ the template is much more complicated.
Ask if you get stuck and if I can’t help you out, I’m sure there is someone here who can get us sorted out. 🙂
Home from dinner — ate at a restaurant that’s adjacent to one of the many drawbridges in Seattle; the spouse is a major drawbridge fan. Saw quite a bit of boatage, many of which required the drawbridge to do its duty. Drawbridges are interesting pieces of engineering, I must admit…
About to pack up the computer for the cruise; will be off-line for about a week so don’t worry too much about me. 🙂
Talk to you all on the 23rd… 🙂
See ya when you get back.
Howdy, Cali! Sounds like you two have been having quite the busy vacation! I’d be worn out from all the activity, lol. But it’s great that you have the chance to do something really fun in some great places. Here’s to the best of cruises and maybe you can come back with some stories for us and Kamakhya (hehe).
Take care and Enjoy!
and then spring back to life for the wee hours?
Nope, been reading diaries, checking every now and then for life here, and trying to catch up on some of what I’ve missed the last few days and then the latest stuff too. Just got done listening to Russ’s speach. And was impressed, but then I expected to be.
ebbs too … 😉
‘s ok though … won’t have to water (hoping IVG doesn’t read that)
to bring the rain clouds in for an inch or two.
good that all us smart alec s undertand each other.
Say is that plant you identified for me last night good for anything besides sightseeing?
you could get a bunch of anise and stuff, add the wormwood and make absinthe. I have no idea how you’d do that though, but absinthium is the notorious one with all the thujol in it.
Should I open a new cafe … looks like dada’s gone.
I’ll be up for another half hour or so.
Yeah, I’m good for about that long myself … Oh, and that panda porn link was great. I thought you were joking, but it does make sense in some weird way.
Always joking.
Off watch Colbert embarass the shit out of a rep from Georgia…I do believe this guy was clueless about what was going on…either that or…?
Also a nice Lee Morgan jazz vid up at C&L
I’ll have to check out your linkages.
but if chris and ndd can hang for another 30 I can prob go w/ the flow.
… so head on over to the 24/7 Cafe!