in a coffee shop in a city
which is every coffee shop
in every city
on a day which is every day
i pick up a magazine
which is every magazine
and read a story then forgot it right away
-Ani DiFranco
which is every coffee shop
in every city
on a day which is every day
i pick up a magazine
which is every magazine
and read a story then forgot it right away
they say goldfish have no memory
i guess their lives are much like mine
the little plastic castle
is a surprise every time
it’s hard to say if they are happy
but they don’t seem much to mind…
-Ani DiFranco
Oops: WashPo
Quite a corner that’s been turned, dontcha think?
…In a war-torn country groping for peace
Which is every war-torn country groping for peace
With an occupying empire who’s overreached
(Every occupying empire will eventually overreach)
Murtha smackdown of a GOP chickenhawk from Texas? YouTube via Huffington Post
Basra Begins to Fall Apart
Maybe that’s what they mean by “progress in Iraq”?
Or this:
Available Environmental Interventions Could Save Millions of Lives
All environmental issues have big, big human health effect components, which is only natural, since we’re a part of the ecosystem, too. I cannot understand why Democrats don’t grab onto that aspect of environmental issues to close the sale with the public. Even conservatives have kids that get asthma from bad air (How much are you gonna let that kid suffer while waiting for the rapture?). Unless AG and friends are right and the Democrats have been bought lock, stock ,and barrel by the same business and industrial interests that own the Republicans. In which case we may be seriously screwed here, folks, without shall we say, euphemistically, “major social change at a more fundamental level.”
There must be some unseen benefit to big business here:
ENS Link
There must be some unseen benefit to big business here:
Maybe we should ask to see the signing statement?
The far end of the island chain being preserved is Midway, which, being ecologically degraded from past military use, could become a new tourist destination with big hotels, etc. (I assume some kind of airfield is already there from the military use.)
Marine preserves have also been shown to act as areas where depleted marine life can recover, and later move out to surrounding areas, which then have better fishing. If there are enough marine preserves, sustainable fisheries become quite feasible.
I think the real reason for this is political. Nixon also turned to the environment as an easy way to bolster his poor image, signing the clean air and clean water acts, founding EPA and NOAA, etc. The ecosystem doesn’t care if he’s just trying to salvage a bit of a legacy – at this point environmentalists will take whatever we can get, like a starving prisoner offered some wormy gruel. It won’t stop us from opposing him, but it may allow him some shred of a legacy if he keeps it up. The reefs and forests don’t care; any relief is good relief.
Civil war fears after 64 die in Sri Lanka
OK, this is getting to be a bad habit, guys… [Yes, this is a different chemical spill in China than the one reported yesterday] Explosions at a chemical plant in eastern China have left two people missing and released large amounts of toxic gas, sparking fears of pollution, state media reported late Thursday. The series of blasts at the Longxin Chemical Plant in Longquan city early on Thursday set two of its factories on fire and released large amounts of harmful gas, Xinhua news agency said, quoting firefighters. The plant produces industrial-grade hydrogen peroxide, containing arsenic and other potentially toxic heavy metals. The nearby river passes through cities with a population of 9.5 million.
Jerome will be happy today: France on Thursday announced major increases in rates for energy from renewable sources that has to be purchased by the state-owned electricity provider, EDF. Since February 2000, Electricite de France has been required to buy power from operators of renewable sources at a price set by the government, under a program aimed at boosting clean energy.
Permafrost, permanently frozen soil, isn’t staying frozen and a type of soil called loess contained deep within thawing permafrost may be releasing significant, and previously unaccounted for, amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
People really do mellow with age (I know I have, LOL!) Elderly people may be better at perceiving happiness and worse at perceiving fear, a new study suggests. The finding supports the idea that people do mellow with age. Previous behavioral studies have suggested that the elderly are more emotionally stable than younger people, which may have provided an evolutionary advantage to tribes where they could have acted to mediate disputes in a nonviolent manner.
You know you’re getting closer to the cutting edge when you find the places where people are arguing. Here are three examples:
Part of Darwin’s theory of evolution is the concept of sexual selection, as exemplified by the elaborate tail of the male peacock. The tail seems to serve no useful purpose, unless the peacocks have it for the sake of reproduction. The male’s fancy tail entrances the staid peahen. Darwin used this idea to explain the biological quirks that natural selection couldn’t explain. If a trait wasn’t in the service of survival, then it was probably in the service of seduction. However, modern biological research has run into a problem with the theory of sexual selection – it has trouble explaining why homosexual behavior is a normal part of the range of behaviors in (so far) 450 different species. A review of the topic is here. [I tried to use this line on a fundamentalist: Did God create all those creatures gay? He cleverly responded, “No, it’s Adam’s fall that contaminated the entire universe with sin. This is just one example.” At which point my head exploded.]
Over at the blog Living the Scientific Life, GrrlScientist has a rant about Steven Hawking’s recent comment that we need to colonize space to save ourselves, with interesting discussion from commenters, in case that story provoked you one way or the other.
Ecologists who specialize in restoring degraded ecosystems, such as “brownfields” or old strip mines, face an extra challenge in our time of increasingly rapid climate change. Do you restore the land to what traditionally was the ecosystem for that area, knowing it’s changing? Or do you try to create something better adapted to the new climate? How do you decide what to do? Enter that discussion here.
“At which point my head exploded.”
Oh Knox, you just gave me a good giggle. I watched an excellent program on the Apocolypse/rapture last night and if they can believe that tripe, they can believe anything, including placing the blame for animal sexual behavior on Adam. Wow. That’s a new one for me. (snort)
Read the entire article for yourself. Sad, very sad.
The owners of a roller skating rink have fired an 18-year-old woman they called one of their “Top 10” employees because she moved in with her boyfriend, violating a company ethics policy that prohibits “live-in relationships of an intimate nature.”
“I loved my job and I didn’t want to leave,” Crystal Plotner told the Coeur d’Alene Press this week.
She said she was fired after casually telling her bosses, Skate Plaza owners Marvin and Pat Miller, that she planned to move in with her boyfriend in mid-May.
Before terminating her, Plotner said the Millers said she and her boyfriend should “check out their church.” She declined.
The rise of the wacko religious right in this country has truely put me off of organized religion for good. This steady chip, chip, chipping away of individual rights in the name of religious beliefs sucks out loud.
By the way, this little passion play took place in Boise, Idaho.
The owners wanted to set a good example for the young people that are attracted to their business. What about the example of punishing someone because their beliefs don’t mesh with your own? Hate filled religious bigotry is always a good example for young people, don’t you think?.
Unbelievable. Actually, not.
Westmoreland co-sponsors bill on the Ten Commandments and can’t even name them
Colbert: You have not introduced a single piece of legislation since you entered Congress.
Westmoreland: That’s correct.
Colbert: This has been called a do nothing Congress. Is it safe to say you’re the do nothingest?
Westmoreland: I, I, ..Well there’s one other do nothiner. I don’t know who that is, but they’re a Democrat.
Colbert: What can we get rid of to balance the budget?
Westmoreland: The Dept. of Education.
Colbert: What are the Ten Commandments?
Westmoreland: You mean all of them?–Um… Don’t murder. Don’t lie. Don’t steal Um… I can’t name them all.
emailer Ruth asks: Does this guy deserve a $3,300 pay raise?
The guy co-sponsors a bill about the Ten Commandments and doesn’t even know them. Priceless.