They took a pay raise this week while ignoring the flames of two wars in the middle east, and the decline in respect, indeed, the growing distrust for America all over the world.

They accepted a pay raise of over three thousand dollars a year per do nothing congressperson while ignoring the joblessness, the stagnant wages and the economic deprivation of their constituents.

They used a cheap trick to put a few grand in their already overstuffed pockets while ignoring millions Americans without health care.

While they were stuffing thirty additional hundred dollar bills in their Louis Vuitton wallets, Americans who have waited over six years for this cynical and corrupt administration to come up with a coherent energy policy were canceling vacations due to high fuel prices.

Gay marriage and flag burning, phony expressions of support for our armed forces and bribery, greed and graft, this is what occupies the herd of criminal swine in Congress, and reelection, always reelection.

They work fewer days than professional athletes and are already paid much more than an overwhelming majority of the people they purport to “serve” but in order to prove to us that “Public Service” is “Self Service” they just added another $3300 bucks to their personal budgets while telling Americans that belts must be tightened and budgets cut for such things as education and health care for veterans.

This raise comes during a time of record low approval ratings for members of this Parliament of Sloth and Avarice, when almost everyone that I come in contact with has long ago lost all respect for these blow dried frauds.

They pull this trick year after year, making their own lives more comfortable at public expense while wages for average Americans steadily decline. Over thirty five million Americans currently live below the federal poverty level while they enrich themselves at the public trough, sell America to the highest corporate bidder and give us sanctimonious speeches about values.

The median family income in this country has been in decline for years and now hovers somewhere around $40,000 for a family… a family. Our Congress just raised it’s pay to $168,500 or over four times what his average constituents family currently lives on. This is without accounting for the fact that they have the best health care and retirement systems that the public can provide them, innumerable perks and goodies and the aforementioned proceeds from whatever illegal scams they can cook up with their corporate cronies.

Our collection of elected civic whores really have it good and looking at them makes me want to run for something myself….. the door perhaps, or a barf bag.

Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust