Saturday Morning Landscape Painting Vol. 45

Welcome back!

Back to the slopes.

This week we’ll be continuing with the shadowy photo of Bode skiing, seen below.

Seen in the photo directly below is the state of the painting when last we met.  As usual, since that time I’ve continued working on this painting.

Last week I had fully intended to post an installment of this series but I was caught up in the excitement of attending ykos.  Go next year, if you can.

Since last time I’ve continued refining the shadow as well as the edges of other visual components.  I’m trying not to be overly fussy about this but only do enough to convey the image.

I’ve done a bit of work on the bottom of the skiis  which figure rather prominently in the photo.  Details have been added including the brand name.  Details have also been added to the boots and gloves.  Bode’s body needs its final colors and futher details.  That will be our subject for next week.  The current state of the painting is seen below.

See you next week.

Author: boran2

Lifelong Democrat and all around nice person.