to everyone. Hope your week is starting off on the right foot. No cat pee or flooding dishwashers, no rain or excessive heat. And definitely no cubicles.
Your invite, and it sounds like a great idea. I had stayed with my Aunt in Nashville on the way up, it isn’t a really good “halfway” point though and it is so rewarding and energizing to meet other Tribbers.
Good morning all, and goodbye (for now) – from the airport lounge at JFK.
CG and MT; I posted a couple of pics from Clearwater in the first Happy Hour thread last night. MT; have a safe return home – it was a treat to meet your son.
I have to run back to the apartment and work on getting it cleaned out.
Lots of dreams last night about my plans for civil disobedience. Didn’t sleep well.
A Pinker from Portland emailed me on her way back from Europe and she’s thinking of joining me Saturday so I may not be alone. And… she’s a recovering lawyer as well as a Civil Resist member so she has some experience and know how.
I have a frame fetish. And no chocolate, dammit. I got stuff for a pasta salad with our leftover steak from last night, but now that you mention chocolate…
And can I just say I’ve been waiting a long time to hear more about the cherry stem … you know, if that’ll encourage you to write more Colonel stories. 😉
Sometimes I do play jacks by myself. We don’t have XBox, but we have 6 platforms between us, plus games for all of them. We used to be gamers, not so much anymore. Do you play?
I’m rotting away in my cubicle, sweating like a pig and hoping I forget the next four and half hours. This scenario is on an endless loop. I expect it will end in about 30 years or so.
Well it depends on the situation. Anybody can decide to put on the Depends and just camp out on the sofa with a case of beer and a bong and get kind of lazy about things. You can do that at any age.
Of course the apex would be to have a built in toilet in the couch and a mini fridge by where you sit. But then you would have to move to get to either one of those.
I’m afraid I can’t get Family Mom into hockey. The other night when I told her I would make some poutine and we could watch hockey she had a very frightened look on her face.
She wanted to know if I had been talking to…..Canadians.
I’m not too worried. I’ve already shown her Olivia’s art and she fell in love with the pictures. I just have to find a way to tell her those pictures weren’t taken in AL.
to everyone. Hope your week is starting off on the right foot. No cat pee or flooding dishwashers, no rain or excessive heat. And definitely no cubicles.
If MT needs a place to stay on her way home from Philly she and the little guy can stay here…we got lots of room!
Your invite, and it sounds like a great idea. I had stayed with my Aunt in Nashville on the way up, it isn’t a really good “halfway” point though and it is so rewarding and energizing to meet other Tribbers.
I would love it. I’ll send Cabin Girl my address and you can Google directions.
Beautiful ::hint:: should start a b ::hint:: picutre SN.
Too. much. work.
Hey FM, at least you realized the towels were peed on before you dried your face. That would really suck.
Lets say I came very close to it.
I’ve done that with towels that my cat has slept on. I put them to my wet face before realizing they’re covered with cat hair!
SN you let a bird put it’s head in you mouth. A little cat hair should be nothing. 🙂
Sorry to read about your ah, problems this morning. 🙂
Just taking a quick FCH break but I’m going back to it now. See ya later alligators.
At least its not cat pee … LOL
See ya!
Now Olivia, would I make fun of you being in FCH?
Well back to the grind.
Actually I debating between a nap and cleaning.
See ya later.
Birds don’t shed, FM. And he cleans my teeth for me.
Well I’m sure if I let him, George could wash my face.
Dog slobber has never been that appealing to me though. 🙂
Good morning all, and goodbye (for now) – from the airport lounge at JFK.
CG and MT; I posted a couple of pics from Clearwater in the first Happy Hour thread last night. MT; have a safe return home – it was a treat to meet your son.
Good morning and goodbye Ask. Be careful on your trip.
That’s a great photo, SN.
That damn bee would not sit still for me. I was thinking of killing it so I could get a good shot like your dragonfly one. 🙂
He looks really good to me so you must have fast shutter fingers.
just a lil’ thought and a tune from Jimmy Buffet…Come Monday…
howdy all, from sunny Miami…hope the week goes well for all…
peace…it’s no secret, just dumbed down
wado ; )
Hi iPig! Hope you have a great Monday – if there is such a thing.
everyday above ground is a damned good day in my book….the alternative sucks ; )
btw….think I’ll walk out on the beach, down to the tiki hut,,,,,there’s a Beck’s on ice..and it’s call’n my name ; )
a little break from all the paperwork since 5am this morn’n….
later gators…; )
Well it’s break time. Naps can be so exhausting sometimes.
I just had half of a cinnamon muffin and it’s putting me to sleep. Better go shopping to keep my eyes open.
I would have thought you would be asleep by now.
Have fun shopping.
I have to run back to the apartment and work on getting it cleaned out.
Lots of dreams last night about my plans for civil disobedience. Didn’t sleep well.
A Pinker from Portland emailed me on her way back from Europe and she’s thinking of joining me Saturday so I may not be alone. And… she’s a recovering lawyer as well as a Civil Resist member so she has some experience and know how.
I said Lazy day cafe – not DEAD! Sheesh!
… from shopping. What did you get? Anything good? 🙂
I bought a picture frame and groceries. woo hoo!
What’s the frame for …
I have a frame fetish. And no chocolate, dammit. I got stuff for a pasta salad with our leftover steak from last night, but now that you mention chocolate…
It’s not good for you. Pasta salad sounds good!
Maybe I’ll put chocolate chips in the pasta salad. That should take care of my sweet/salty thing.
I’m tired. I unpacked roughly half of my video games today, and you don’t even want to know how much work that was.
WHat system do you have? And I have to tell you it’s a relief to stop talking about bjs.
I have all of them.
Maybe the next essay will be about the Colonel.
Btw, did you see this pink hottie?
(She’s gonna kill me …:)
I can’t believe she posted that. She is so brave.
I told her I was going to show you though.
And can I just say I’ve been waiting a long time to hear more about the cherry stem … you know, if that’ll encourage you to write more Colonel stories. 😉
You never forget anything, do you? I like that. 🙂
Fried chicken? 🙂
You have ALL of the game systems? Here I was picturing you playing jacks by yourself.
Sometimes I do play jacks by myself. We don’t have XBox, but we have 6 platforms between us, plus games for all of them. We used to be gamers, not so much anymore. Do you play?
No, but my sons would love you.
The last game I played was Road Rash and for days afterward, every time I was out driving I felt like punching the people next to me on the highway.
There isn’t a system out there that you aren’t capable of gaming.
I’m not sure how to take that, so I shall choose to believe it is a compliment. 🙂
I’m a 60s counterculture child – there’s nothing better than being able to beat the system.
What’s everybody up to?
Nope, I’ve been doing some serious napping.
How’s FCH going?
Well some of us are just let it all hang out, so to speak.
I just mean he should put his camera where his mouth is…so to speak.
about where his mouth is.
It’s Indy’s fault.
Hey Indy, I wouldn’t take that.
what would you take?
I would take a lovely walk in the woods.
Had to think that up fast while I was getting the helmet out.
I thought you were going to say that you’d take your time.
I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago and they put the camera where the sun don’t shine….so to speak.
Ew. So to speak.
My exact thoughts…so to speak.
I’m still to drowsey from my nap, can’t think of anything.
I’m rotting away in my cubicle, sweating like a pig and hoping I forget the next four and half hours. This scenario is on an endless loop. I expect it will end in about 30 years or so.
That’s the spirit. Only 30 years. Let’s see that’s 525,600 minutes times 30.
Thanks. Knowing I’ve only got 15,768,000 minutes of this crap left makes me feel way better.
I do what I can.
Just think in 30 years you’ll look back and think, god I miss those days.
30 years means you’re just a young’un! 🙂
Look who’s talking.
You’re as young as you feel and I feel old. Perfectly cheerful though.
just a backasswards fella and the plan is to feel young when you are old? Sounds like a fine plan, wish I’d thought of it.
That’s a good plan, the only problem is how can you feel young when you’re wearing Depends?
Well it depends on the situation. Anybody can decide to put on the Depends and just camp out on the sofa with a case of beer and a bong and get kind of lazy about things. You can do that at any age.
You might have put a new twist on my slackerhood.
Of course the apex would be to have a built in toilet in the couch and a mini fridge by where you sit. But then you would have to move to get to either one of those.
This will take some considered thinking.
You could start now.
It’s too late — I felt young when I was young and now I’m solidly entrenched in my geezerhood and like it too much to give it up.
Oh geezerly leader.
though I will have to give Chris credit for a good idea — combining the flexibility of a young body with the smarts of a geezer brain is a winner.
Exercise that’s the key. I wish everybody else would run 10 miles a day like me.
Then again, there’s a lot to be said for sitting on the couch with a beer.
w/ Family Mom? It’s for the big prize tonight. One team will be awarded Stanley!
Beer and couches are definitely on for tonight!
I’m afraid I can’t get Family Mom into hockey. The other night when I told her I would make some poutine and we could watch hockey she had a very frightened look on her face.
She wanted to know if I had been talking to…..Canadians.
I said Mom would I do that, eh?
mom’s gonna be onto you — you let an ‘aboot’ slip and she’ll definitely be on to you.
I’m not too worried. I’ve already shown her Olivia’s art and she fell in love with the pictures. I just have to find a way to tell her those pictures weren’t taken in AL.
I figure after that, it’s on to hockey.
Housemate just got back from out of town and we are going out to eat. Check y’all lata. 😀
See ya Indy.
Be back in a minute. Everybody is calling me all of a sudden.
lounge open.