from Iraq
I received your reply to my friend request. I thank the troops that work throughout the world to defend America but I hope they don’t ruin it by coming home by voting Republican or libertarian.

I saw your name in the group “President Bush is an …….” or in Myspace Democrats so my friend request at first did not appear out of order, and what are you doing in those groups then? I did not look for friends in the REPUBLIKLAN groups.

Perhaps you don’t like Bush because he doesn’t act as meanspirited to the less fortunate as you like.

I find myself very familiar with libertarians. They like smoking pot but without the fundie aftertaste but they would throw the poor under the bus just like Republicans do.

Hippie? I don’t use drugs. I don’t have long hair. I supported the war in Afghanistan even though the Taliban did a preemptive strike on 9-11 because Bush had planned in secret to invade Afghanistan in July 2001 and the Taliban struck us frst.

As for the Iraq war, Bush lied to the American people. Over 60 percent consider invading Iraq a mistake and not worth it. That puts you in the minority.

Your husband did not fight for my freedom. My father did, in Italy in World War II where the LIBERAL Franklin Delano Roosevelt marshalled one of the biggest forces to defeat Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo who began unrestrained and all died like cowards.

As for Hussein he did not appear unrestrained. We had our forces surrounding Iraq with planes flying over the country. We protected the Kurds which Hussein gassed during 1987 when Ronald Reagan did nothing about it because he needed Iraqi oil. So much for Republiklan crocodile tears about Saddam gassing his own people.

If I owe anything to any soldier I owe it to my father and not your husband who came home and voted for some wacko right winger constitutional party which wants to keep the constitution as it appeared in 1789. No thank you.

The constitution appears a good beginning point but by no means a good end point as it stood in 1789. I do not salute the flag. I salute the constitution of the United States of America.

Take the flag and burn it and keep the constitution as it stands now and improve on it as need exists in the future.