When you get big and you have a conference in Las Vegas and make appearances on Meet the Press, the long knives come out and start looking for anything and everything they can find to reduce your influence and marginalize you. Byron York recycles the mercenary story. Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post delves into your prior business dealings. You get blog entries like this one: Dear Kos, When Your Swim With Sharks, Don’t Cut Yourself, that use me, to attack you. Let’s be frank, there are sharks in the water and they are looking to do damage to Daily Kos and to drive wedges within the lefty blogosphere wherever they can.
I have no intention of playing into the hands of unscrupulous people that have our worst interests at heart. I will not air our laundry. What I will do, is define what I see as the differences between the green and the orange. When former Reagan Republican James Webb won the Democratic nomination to contest Senator George Allen’s seat, Glenn Reynold’s moronically wrote:
A reader emails: “Don’t you think it’s also bad news for the left fringe of the Democrat party? I think it shows that voters will not support the Howard Dean-Kos-fringe and it makes for interesting times as Democrats try to find a [sic] presidental candidate for 2008.” Yes, when Democrats move to the center, it’s bad news for both Republicans and the Democratic far-left
And Markos, who actually supported Webb, responded:
Like Webb, I used to be a Republican. You guys can keep talking about the “far left fringe of the Democratic Party”, but if you were intellectually honest you’d acknowledge that it doesn’t live at Daily Kos. We’re backing centrist to conservative Democrats in Virginia (Webb), Montana (Tester and Schweitzer), Kansas (Sebelius), Pennsylvania (Casey), and so on.
The caricature you guys are trying to paint simply doesn’t meet reality.
So, let’s meet reality. Markos is claiming a centrist to conservative Democratic pedigree, at least to the extent of embracing the above candidates. I was vocally opposed to Casey in the Pennsylvania primary and I didn’t lift a finger to help Tester (which was probably an error in judgment on my part). I took no position on the Virginia primary. I do not claim to represent or to reflect a centrist to conservative constituency. My goals are to utilize the tool of the blogosphere to move the center of American politics to the left, not to elect a centrist Democratic Congress with a bare majority.
Reynolds’s “Howard Dean-Kos-fringe” monikor is a mischaracterization. Howard Dean was never that far left (fringe) and Daily Kos’s editorial policy was never that far left (fringe). The only thing that might be considered fringe is the actual make-up of the Daily Kos community, which is whiter than the Democratic Party, more highly educated than the Democratic Party, more affluent then the Democratic Party, and (nonetheless) more radical than the editorial board of that site.
Daily Kos is about ‘winning’ not ideology. There is a tremendous amount of overlap between the strategies that I advocate and the strategies that are advocated at Daily Kos, MyDD, and other community websites. But, Daily Kos has a special place in the hierarchy. Daily Kos has the megaphone. And, Daily Kos is not pushing a specifically progressive agenda, although it sometimes claims that mantle.
Despite the fact that Markos has been completely consistent that he is not anti-war but anti-this-war, and despite his attacks on single-issue groups, and despite his efforts to disassociate himself from the women’s studies set, the hippies, and the conspiracy theorists, the right-wing is continually trying to paint him as a radical fringe leftist. He doesn’t want that moniker and he doesn’t deserve it. We shouldn’t allow him, and the Daily Kos community, to be painted with that brush. They want to marginalize the orange place. But the orange place is very much in the mainstream of political discourse.
That, in and of itself, is an accomplishment. Three years ago, the discourse here was considered borderline treasonous. But, let’s not kid ourselves. The discourse in this country, post 9/11, was so tilted to the right that Daily Kos becoming mainstream is only a slight self-correction. There are still acres and acres of unoccupied territory for real leftists to inhabit. While we talk about gaining a bare majority and stemming the tide of a reactionary revolution in this country, there are still the old mainstays of single-payer universal health care, support for abortion rights, affirmative action, and a smaller, less imperialistic foreign policy.
There is still room for debate outside the narrow confines of mainstream respectability. We still can discuss the discrepancies in the official line over the 9/11 commission, the likelihood that the 2004 election has stolen (through whatever combination of efforts), and so on. Daily Kos doesn’t want to be associated with such fringe arguments. But, they also have no right to narrow the parameters of acceptable debate.
My site does not seek to be respectable and it does not fear being marginalized. But, for those of you that are critical of Daily Kos for wanting these things, you are being short-sighted. Daily Kos is now a player. It’s a mainstream player. And in becoming mainstream, it must throw off its revolutionary mantle and take its power into the fray. This represents a major blow to the traditional power structures and a truly democratizing force. The seismic shift that Daily Kos’s arrival represents should never be minimized. At the same time, the tremendous energy of the Daily Kos community is now being directed towards a more traditional target. It is being focused, like a laser beam, on gaining a majority in the Senate, the House, or both.
Power is sought, but to what end? We know that the mere acquisition of power will represent a tremendous move in the correct direction. One can only imagine the consequences of John Conyers Jr. heading up the House Judiciary Committee. Yet, as power is consolidated, we see the Daily Kos community closing ranks and ejecting the more far out voices. Leverage is protected by keeping the site clean from embarrassing or overly leftist thought. There is nothing wrong with this as long as we all understand that there is something crucial that is being lost in the process.
And that little something is the alternative press. It is the realm of ideas that are easily marginalized, even if only because those ideas do not have have sufficient substantiation, or they are too caricatured. As Daily Kos becomes a true player, it also loses the ability to serve some of its prior functions.
So, what defines the differences between the orange and the green? From an editorial standpoint, the green has always had a more radical and leftist agenda. Our agenda is not necessarily any more backward looking, but it does aim to use this medium to move politics even more to the left than Daily Kos has been able to achieve. And we don’t give a damn whether the mainstream media or the wingnuts can use our more radical diarists and commentators to marginalize our message. We do not yet have anything to lose.
Sites evolve and change their natures. Daily Kos is now moving from the fringes to the mainstream, and in doing so they have moved the center to the left. But, as Daily Kos takes its pride of orange place, other sites will be there to fill the void and supply a platform for the full cacophony of modern leftist political debate.
There is no reason for the two sites to fight. They occupy, and have always occupied, different plateaus in the national discourse.
it was great seeing you in vegas!
in orange.
DK is the loudspeaker. It can be used for many different things… Use it.
It is what YOU make of it.
No, Jerome.
Be honest, please. You are too smart to say that in good faith.
It is what its bosses ALLOW “us” to make of it.
Is their tactic a winning one?
We shall see.
I doubt it.
It’ll be Plan A or PlanA Lite in both 2006 and 2008. BOTH Blood For Oil, economic imperialist strategies. Just different tactics.
And BOTH paths suck.
Could ANY tactic short of a complete break with the mainstream, corporate owned American system be a winning one if it opposed the far right/center/don’t-give-a-shit-just-don’t-wake-me-up coalition which is held together here in the U.S. by the glue of a bought and sold media? {SUPER glue, it is, if you have not noticed.)
I doubt it very much.
A really well put together third party headed by some kind of true political genius with a great common touch might pull it off, but that would still leave both houses of Congress, the courts and the money/media of the country in the same place.
He’d be a four year-long lame duck, followed by “See? We TOL’ ya he couldn’t do anything” and outta there.
Jimmy Carter v.2.
Could a complete break “work”?
Not unless it toppled the economy.
Which job the enemies of America are doing fairly well without any help, according to all of the evidence that I can see in my own daily life.
So…what to do?
The I Ching says of this state:
Here enthusiasm is obstructed. A man is under constant pressure, which prevents him from breathing freely. However, this pressure has its advantage–it prevents him from consuming his powers in empty
enthusiasm. Thus constant pressure can actually serve to keep one alive.
“Persistently ill, and still does not die.”
Sound familiar?
So, prevented from forward movement…if we have any sense at all…we wait.
NOT consuming our energies in empty posturing or useless internal debates.
Not allying ourselves with those who are prone to take inefficient, halfway measures.
And of course the usual answer to this is…”But we cannot surrender!!!“
No, we cannot.
But we CAN wait.
More from the I Ching:
destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well. For evil, which lives solely by negation, cannot continue to exist on its own strength alone.
And also:
There is more. Much more. About halfway measures and how they do not work; about being aware of the evil in our own lives and actions, about choosing the battles that we DO ut basically it says that we should wait until they fuck up SO big time that they topple themselves. Now the risk here, of course, is that nuclear weapons and global ecological collapse will do us ALL in if we wait, but…
Ya gotta believe.
Tuig McGraw was right.were Rumi and Hafiz and Francis of Assissi and Moses and Gautama Buddha and Lao Tse Tung…
Ain’t over yet.
Not by a LONG shot.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Martin Luther King Jr.
And continued resistance.
“Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.” Frederick Douglass
P.S. And BY NO MEANS ally yourself with the halfway guys.
Economic imperialism IS “evil”.
Evil personified.
The Blood For Oil War is an INSTRUMENT of that evil.
Warner…and ALL the others who do not openly oppose it?
Dark side, baby.
Dark side.
What’s that I hear?
That’s just superstition?
Everything is relative?
There IS no “evil”?
Here is my sole answer to that.
I rest my case.
Do you remember…well, not “remember” exactly, but are you aware of that old anti-Prohibition song that went “Sixty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong?”
Well..the “liberal left” may very well be one of the few segments of successful civilizations in the history of mankind that by and large does not seem to believe in the existence of large forces of “good’ and “evil” in battle on the earth.
How many people have lived here since human beings first stood upright and worshiped the sun?
Hundreds of billions of human beings cannot have been wrong, either.
Bet on it.
Now a diary.
Everything is NOT relative. And dKos is not about free speech.
Please comment there, if you have something to say.
Thank you…
(Sorry for the double post below. Wrong buton.)
oragne and green are both fine
Sweetnez said:
oragne and green are both fine
Not together. That makes…
Bless your heart, Boo. You’re a real straight-shooter, and that’s all we could ever ask. Keeping the water flowing in this little pond is just a bonus.
my comment of “get over it” is truly what it said, stop fighting, and get your ass in gear, in the streets, where it counts. ; )
You took the words out of my mouth iPig 🙂
Can we first stop the wars and killing before we start warring with each other?
I so strongly agree
Respectfully, not when “our brothers and sisters” on our side are actively warring against us. No. That I cannot abide and I will not shut up about. And yes, it concerns us all. In a big way.
If the “centre” moves (as it already has, as Krugman acknowledges today) and the “voice of the Democratic blogosphere” (aka ‘liberal’, since they took that name when it suited them to attract a readership), who has the ear of the ELECTED officials we are trying to reach, is endorsing candidates on our behalf, etc. and today is finally advocating a turn into the old Republican party (it wasn’t a secret, it was just good to finally hear him acknowledge it), we have a fucking DUTY to stand opposed to that.
That’s just part of the job. It’s easy to rage against the lying of the right; not so easy the lying of the ‘left’. But both just as necessary to achieve a true democracy.
A fox in the henhouse dkos is. Or a wolf in sheeps clothing. And I for one have had enough of it.
If you’re fighting to elect Casey, what you’re doing doesn’t count. You’re hurting the party, the country, and the left. If Casey wins, the Democratic party will never again allow another open primary, or another left-of-center candidate.
I have to agree with this. Casey’s race is for the soul of the party. It’s a shame too. I hope that if he loses, the right people will follow him right out the door and that they aren’t singing the tired old “it’s the chicks’ fault” song when they do.
No, I’m not calling anybody “dummies”. I just wanted a catchy title for my subject line.
DLC Strategy:
Any questions?
The DLC motto: It’s all the liberals’ fault.
Of course, liberals aren’t running the Democratic Party and haven’t been since Dukakis lost in 1988. Look at how the Democratic Party has fared since 1988 under DLC counsel and you would conclude that if the DLC was a business, it would have gone bankrupt long ago.
Yes, occasionally an Unnamed Blogger will vow jihad against the DLC, but then he will mysteriously drop his crusade just days before it is to begin. And nine months later, the Unnamed Blogger will effusively praise a DLC candidate for President and cozy with him at an Unnamed Convention of Bloggers in a Certain City in a Western State.
I’d been meaning to write a diary about this, but until I do here’s a comment (since it’s relevant to your post).
On Sunday, Frank Rich, in a column about Rove and the 2006 elections, had this to say about the Dems:
(The Rich column is, of course, behind a paywall, but it’s here in case you’re an NYT subscriber.)
I think Rich is essentially correct about all of this, but there’s one thing that Rich has left out of this account. While I agree that it doesn’t matter as far as political success goes whether the Dems run to the left, to the right, or to the center, many forces within the party care enormously about which of these courses the party takes. And though, as BooMan suggests, there are certainly a number of what one might call Al Davis Democrats (“Just Win, Baby”) out there, a very sizable chunk of those arguing that the party needs to prioritize winning are people who are on the right of the party, where they find themselves supported by the leadership but (ideologically) opposed by the party’s grassroots. Talkin’ winning is a potent substitute for honestly selling one’s ideology, as the DLC discovered long ago. I’ll leave it to others to determine whether Kos & Co. are better categorized as Al Davis Democrats or Blue-Dogs-in-Al-Davis-clothing.
Rich also omits an explanation for the Democrats’ inability to get their act together. Here’s my explanation: the Democrats’ failure to choose a concrete story reflects the ideological divisions I’ve just described. While it might not matter strategically in which direction the party goes, to win it must choose a direction, and any direction it honestly takes will either alienate its (center-right, corporate militarist) leadership and chief funding sources, or its (much more progressive) grassroots.
One final thought about all this: while I agree that the Democrats could win running left, right, or center, for the good of the country, it matters profoundly which course they take. And I honestly believe that there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that they’ll take the correct (that is left) course.
reading this i was reminded of the introductory discussion of Plato’s Republic, wherein the relative strengths of justice and injustice are considered.
don’t have time to get into this now, unfortunately.
Blue Dogs, without a doubt:
THOSE are the reasons those issues aren’t welcome at dkos. I don’t care if a misogynist or racist or homophobe has a D or an R after his name. Either way, the quality of freedom in this country declines. I was fucking happy when the Dixiecrats became Reagan Democrats. Fuck ’em. The party kept losing b/c they keep fighting for a shrinking pool of racist/homophobic/misogynist white suburbanites. The party should have worked harder, SHOULD work harder now, to protect and nurture the segments of our population that aren’t represented now. Instead, if Kos & Ko have their way, the party will abandon them more.
While I don’t think KOS is handling things very well, and I do disagree with much of what Boo said above, I do think that Boo is right when he says that this is a strategy to divide the (I wont say left) anti-Bush forces.
It’s problematic. How do we liberty lovin’, rational, and compassionate people deal with the old ‘divide and conquer’ ploy while at the same time taking those of our own to task for ‘bad dog!’ infractions? I’d like to be able to smack KOS’ nose with a newspaper and maybe roll it in his own mess once or twice without having to chuck him out to the streets. I want to be able to call him out and point out to him that he is doing wrong and at the same time I want to be able to lock arms with him when a bigger and badder enemy is baying at the gates.
It’s not a black and white world. Part of the reason that we against Bush are having such trouble is because THEY are successfully framing it in black and white terms. Perhaps it’s because black and white is so easy to grasp.
We don’t have to go down that kennel any longer.
to me, Casey and Webb are no different from Santorum and Allen. I know they will cross the aisle and vote against Americans’ freedoms on many fundamental issues. I know that they will only vote w/ the Dems when it comes to voting for that worthless hack Reid for majority leader, and when the party is supporting some issue close to their hearts (though it’s hard to really suss out what those issues might be). Do you really think Hoyer and his Blue Dog buddies are going to work with Conyers?
It’s not a question just of black and white, it’s a question whether we want this country’s decline into corporate feudalism to be orchestrated by far-right extremists, or by center-right techno-managers. Either way, we still end up serfs. I refuse to support the Democrat “managers”. It’s about what this country is going to be, and under the leadership of both parties right now that is a heaven for Wall Street, and a hell for most everybody else.
Democracies are about working with one another. I don’t much care for KOS’s ways but taken on balance you cannot compare him with the Bush folks.
In democracies it’s not always about working with people you like. It’s working in common purpose with allies who are after the same thing you are after. We all want that bigger bag of rotten-ness that is Bush (and his cabal) out. We can all agree on that.
If you just start chucking out puppies because they poop on the floor once or twice your not going to be able to organize much of anything when it comes tackling the bigger, badder, meaner rotweilers coming to tear you and all yours a new one.
I agree with you KOS has his distasteful moments. However, he is not Bush. Bush is the rotweiler and KOS is the little toy poodle that barks a little too much.
it’s not about not being willing to work with people, it’s about being unwilling to submit to far rightwing or center-right agitation to strip away the civil rights of women, gays and minorities and submit to the prejudices and superstitions of that contigent.
Whether the master whips us with anger or a smile, BOTH the Republicans and the Dempublicans want to subvert the freedoms of an awful lot of Americans, and people like Kos want to help that happen.
No thanks.
All I know is that I am terrified of Warner getting the nomination because of this damn “buzz” we keep hearing about. I am scared by the idea that because a famous blogger is on your payroll, you get to be the “netroots candidate.” I don’t think the pathologies of representative democracy should be playing out in the one space that is supposed to operate on principles of direct democracy.
I read Clark’s remarks from the yearlykos science panel and they brought tears to my eyes. And even though I wish we were out of Iraq yesterday, I respect his “moderate” stance on pulling out because it is clearly based on this sense of the situation rather than polls, and because he was against the invasion to begin with.
Edwards is now the front-runner in Iowa. 30% to 26% for Hillary. Warner is at 3%.
Warner needed Edwards to disappear to have a chance. Warner basically needs all the ex-Edwards supporters in all the same places Edwards did well. Kinda hard for Warner to get ex-Edwards supporters when Edwards is in front of the field.
Warner will be done by South Carolina. He won’t get out of single digits.
That is good to hear. But I am worried because of the top-down “buzz” factor and the media eating up the story that he’s emerging as the netroots candidate.
I really don’t know if I could bear knocking on doors for a candidate who doesn’t seem to think that speaking out against this policy of torture and preemptive war should be a priority. I worry about media assholes like Russert giving Warner special treatment as a way to make up for their treatment of the last ‘netroots’ presidential candidate. Naturally they’ll find themselves liking him quite a bit more, and they might deliver their viewers.
That’s my nightmare scenario.
The Washington Press Corps wants Mark Warner something awful. But not for the reason you think.
Mark Warner is well known for running to the media and “leaking” them his detailed displeasure every time he has a disagreement within the party. It makes him more powerful, and it really, really increases ratings and sells newspapers. Warner screws everyone that’s supposed to be his teammates and it destoys the party.
sorry i keep on saying buzz. i just heard it so often during the ykos coverage.
A very articulate and precise summation, Mr. Booman. It’s rare to see something so objective come from inside one of the subjects.
I’m guessing from what I saw on various sites that it was the entire lefty blogosphere attending Yearly Kos, and so they all share to some degree in the power shift. Daily Kos transcends its own definition. So many people seem to post there and somewhere else. The somewhere else is different, but dkos is where everybody meets, or tries to.
On C-Span I noticed a surprising amount of gray hair at Yearly Kos, so there are people hereabouts who also remember when “liberal” meant insufficiently radical, and a ‘far left’ perspective usually involved revolution. There really isn’t enough time to be debating position on the spectrum. Are we or you or whoever for ending the Iraq war, universal health care, a crisis commitment to deal with the Climate Crisis and longterm global heating, serious efforts to ensure fair elections? If you are and you’re going to work to make it happen, you can call yourself anything you want.
Well said.
I am OUTRAGED that anyone would call Markos the “far left fringe of the Democratic Party”.
I’M the far left fringe of the Democratic party, damn it !
And so are my friends.
No, KOS is NOT fringe liberal.
raises a fringe hand in solidarity!
If Kos is a liberal. Then I’m Laura Bush… ACK.
People need to find out what the far left wing of American politics truly resides.
Both US Republicans and the Democrats would be found happily serving beside each other in the House of Commons in the Conservative Party in the UK. The idea that the US political spectrum runs from the Dominionists to Daily Kos is ridiculous on it’s face.
Let people hear some ANSWER people once a week every week. Let them see how far, far, far more left the spectrum goes. Let them hear some Zapatistas talk about seizing any industries that oppress their work force. They need to hear that stuff. It will remind them what can happen when the pendulum swings back from too much right wing extremism for too long.
And the pendulum will swing back. It always does.
more importantly, our system works best when the full spectrum of outlooks are present in the public debate.
It left, let alone the far left, haven’t been included in the debate for decades.
And people like kos and Armando are trying to ensure that anyone left of center doesn’t get a voice in the debate for decades to come.
Well written and articulate. I would add that people pissed off at either site need to quit bitching and work towards winning elections. We will never all see eye to eye and it would be a really boring world if we did. Thank you Booman for all you do and for the crowd at all the other bloggs who investigate, write or simply pour out their angst against the staus quo. I salute all the fine writers and contributers at all of the sites even if I do not agree with you all on every little detail.
over at Dkos is that i can’t respond when i’m misrepresented. apparently, BarbinMD finds the level of hostility here to be troubling. from the Orange version of this diary:
Case in point, the current Simon Mathus diary about being banned. Did you read the diary he says he was banned for? No factual support for his claims, but plenty of insults for this site…”for the idiots,” and “suspend your socially accepted knee-jerk belief.”
just fyi, Barb, the diary i was banned for merely proposed a series examining questions concerning 9/11 one by one. i did not mean to present any supporting evidence at all, but merely to propose a series in which the evidence might be put forth and analyzed. so, your criticism of that diary on the grounds that it did not present any evidence to support its claims is misplaced.
by titling that proposed series Your Idiot’s Guide to Total Conspiracy, obviously i was referring to the well-known series of Idiot’s Guides, and not referring to kossacks as idiots. let me repeat: obviously.
the other line you misquote is this: “All you’ll need do is momentarily suspend your socially sanctioned knee-jerk disbelief.”
i regard the existence of such knee-jerk disbelief, as regards to particularly sensitive subjects like 9/11, as an issue beyond dispute. to mention the existence of such a reaction is hardly an insult of kossacks. if you consider that in my view the vast majority of kossacks already disbelieve in the official 9/11 narrative (have already, in other words, suspended the socially sanctioned reaction of disbelief), then that statement cannot possibly be taken as an insult of kossacks. context, Barb: it really does help comprehension.
oh, and btw Barb, that diary wasn’t about “being banned.” misrepresentation from top to bottom.
my apologies for cross-posting a comment. it’s frustrating to be misrepresented in the Orange version of this diary without having any means of countering it.
Hey Simon,
I posted a link to your comment here in response to Barb’s comment there, in the hopes that you two can find an avenue of discussion and resolve things.
that’s very considerate of you.
I thought about jumping in and explaining just how you were being misrepresented…but only for a second, because engaging that particular member that way would have led to a non stop thread of useless comments that in the end, would’ve solved nothing. Better off letting it go.
i appreciate the thought and completely agree with the decision you made.
Now a diary.
Everything is NOT relative. And dKos is not about free speech.
Please comment there, if you have something to say.
Thank you…
Sorry…this is a,misplaced reply that was supposed to be attached to my post above. Wrong button.
“They want to marginalize the orange place.”
Absolutely! The right wing wants to marginalize the entire progressive movement and everything it stands for.
The “orange place” is not about the progressive movement. In fact, it is fundamentally hostile to the progressive movement. Among the major front-pagers there, we have anti-electoral rights-for-blacks, anti-rights-for-women, pro-corporation, and pro-war stances… And no opposing views.
They’re not even centrist. They’re right to far-right.
It is really scary for me to get my mind around that! DK was the first place I ever found in my life were there was a “meeting of the minds” for me with respect to my political views. And with a few significant exceptions, that has pretty much been my experience there. Quite frankly, I pretty much read the recommended diaries much more than the front pagers.
Yeah, I think it’s pretty centrist there, with some of the posters being very left (as long as they don’t express themselves in certain fashions).
He is not ‘right’, imo. In his views as he expresses them he has his fascist moments but all in all he’s centrist.
and btw I’m as ,foaming at the mouth, fringe liberal as you get without looping back aroudn to the right on the gradient scale. 😀
Love that “circling around” image, syniel! Interesting to envision a circle vs. increasing polarization.
So what, exactly makes him centrist? Women’s rights? Nope, he agrees with the Republican stance: that women don’t have any. Gay rights? Whoops, same one. Voting rights? Same again. Corporations over people? Republican once more!
Actually, you are right about one thing. kos is not right-wing, though other front-pagers might be. He simply has no positions at all. He’s for the Democratic Party, no matter what it becomes.
Think about how scary that attitude is for a second.
Now think about the fact that he insists that everyone on his site adopt it.
He’s for the Democratic Party, no matter what it becomes.
Not true. I’ve read him threatening to leave the Democratic party of being pro-choice ever becomes a ‘litmus test’.
We’ve gotta keep you chicks in your place.
Now git back in the kitchen and rustle me up some grub, woman! Selling out is hard work and I got a man-sized appetite!
I don’t know if you willread this or not since I’m replying to late in the day.. but 🙂
If you go down the laundry list of things he espouses.. he is centrist. Now.. compare him to someone like me and he is far right. However, the opinions he preaches are centrist…for the most part (however, like most people he veers off the ranch one or two points. In his case he often veers into the right hand ditch, unfortunately).
Aaaaand please do not think for one sec. that I LIKE KOS. I do NOT. I also think he is a sell-out and something of a cad. But, whatever he does to his website community, it is HIS to do with as he pleases..even if he goes about it in a ‘knock people around with a jawbone’ kinda way. That’s why I RSS his site, read some of the posts I find interesting, but i never, ever post there or read any of the comments. I would rather invest that time productively with peopel who will actually listen.
So, I’m with you that far.
The only thing that I am saying is that his ideals, as he posts them, are centrist for the most part. Further, if it’s a chouce between a KOS-brand sellout and a down and out treasonous so-and-so like Bush, it’s KOS everytime.
I suppose the best way I can describe KOS’ centrism is this way; I just baaaarely consider KOS to be one of the good guys, so I will defend him against the right wing (espcially since so many thoughtful, decent, liberals are lumped in with him) but he better watch his step.. and beyond siding with him over the machiavellian types I’ll continue to bust his chops to get him to practise what he preaches.
And I feel free to change my mind about him at any given moment. Now, that’s what I call centrist.
nearly everyone who believed in an issue. Cant talk about womens bodies or any of those issues or the KOS boys will laugh at you and wank on about women’s studies, and if you defend yourself ban you. Cant talk about stolen elections even as the evidence pours in because it may sound tin foil tosome repub swing voter. Oh I could go, but basically Daily Kos is about as useful to progressives as Laura Bush. However, it is sometimes worth posting a quick comment as there still seem to be a few albeit rapidly decreasing few who are not rightists.
Long live the green and the orange. And the blue.
And the maize and blue, of course 🙂
Most parties have a right, a center and a left wing. If I understand this correctly, In the Democrat Party you have the conservative wing (yellow dogs) , the center (or mainstream) and the left (or progressives). Dkos has always maintained that they were progressives, without understanding what it meant. Liberal is not the same as progressive. They can re-define themselves as they see fit, but please stay away from the progressive wing of the Democratic party!!
Correction: Yellow dogs are not the conservative wing of the Democratic Party! Yellow dogs are loyalists who ALWAYS vote Democratic no matter who is running.
I think you’re thinking of “blue dogs” or something.
–Arminius, an old Yellow Dog, a conservative Democrat on some things, for whatever that means, but not on most thing
the policy is get the dems in whatever.
Thanks for the correction.
Hey, I was there. It was very inspiring. I learned quite a bit.
One thing I noticed….
Ya gotta be dumb as PumpkinHead or Tweety to bet against Kos. Smart guy. Progressive guy by my lights. You think otherwise?
No problem the blogosphere is big, big, big. Plenty of room for all.
Do not adopt the ReThuglican ‘Theory of Pie’; it’s for AssClowns and Corporate Slave Staters.
Never heard of it?
Here it is:
Some folks believe there is only so much pie. Thus if someone besides themselves gets some pie that means there is less for them.
Some folks believe that if you start to run out of pie…why you just bake some more. Under this theory there will always be enough pie.
But you gotta be ready to make more.
Guess which one ReThuglican slime subscribe to?
Which one the OrangeGreenLanders live by?
Are you on drugs?
Democracy has been built upon the expanding pie. And faith in technology to overcome all obstacles. If the pie fails to expand, it will get ugly fast.
Given the geometric progression of resource loss due to increased consumption x increased population, we need to think more about limits, not limitless pies
To be fair, in the light of a new day I think I sort of see what you’re trying to say.
I often use a similar argument when talking about immigration policy. Proponents of repressive immigration policies often assume that national wealth is a fixed pie; more people means everybody gets a smaller slice. But my position is that wealth is created by human beings; so more people means a bigger slice for everybody.
But I’m not sure I’d lump Kossacks and BMTers together as taking the same position on this, especially in the context of this post.
The reason that the powers that be are even paying attention to DKOS is because of the sheer numbers of readers and contributers to dKos. You think Kos would be sitting with Russert if dKos was just just Kos, Armando, DiHinmi and a few other geeks sitting around chewing the cyber-fat?
Politicians became attracted because of those sheer numbers and the $$ those numbers can generate with a finely crafted message artfully timed to coincide with AP news dumps.
But those numbers consisted of the voices of many differing opinions, not just the ones that the dKos editorial board approves of.
Kos dropped the ball because instead of coming up with creative ways of dealing with differences he chose the easier path of disenfranchisement of thousands of people from participating because they were an embarrassment to his message.
It didn’t have to go down that way. A simple disclaimer:
would have sufficed just fine.
Plenty of other design changes could have been implemented as well to organize the noise emanating from the diaries as well. Banning en masse valuable contributers who vote and who you agree with on many issues was just an ignorant decision on Kos’ part. These actions are now paying negative dividends for KOS and his organization and much of that support he could be now calling upon to help defend against the inevitable attacks from the establishment right/left has been foolishly squandered.
Also, if Kos was so in disagreement of certain viewpoints then why not educate instead of castigate?
Many opportunities to take people and have them learn more about this complicated stuff was missed in the interest of cozying up to the beast. That alone is a travesty in my book. It’s the old “We don’t want to have to look at the homeless, so instead of helping them grow, we’ll just kick them out and make them some other poor towns problem” method of coping with things you don’t like.
IMHO an awesome opportunity to do something important was missed when the 2004 suppression and fraud issues were coming to light. Ukraine anyone? Pissed off people can get shit done, IMHO much more effectively than some web geek chatting with Tim Russert ever will.
I think saying that DKOS is a player and had to make certain sacrifices to get where he is is a total copout. The power of DKOS was never emanating from KOS or the DKOS editorial board, the power always came from the sheer volume of people contributing and reading the site. No marginalization could have taken away that power because the site was growing in popularity and that is what the glamouratti could no longer ignore.
Make no mistake:
KOS sold out thousands of people on who’s shoulders he stood during his meteoric rise to fame & power and then silenced those very same voices from speaking out at the MEGAPHONE that they helped create.
When you get married, if one get’s rich while the spouse cleans house, upon divorce, the housekeeping spouse has just as much a right to the fortune as does the spouse who earned the fortune. Just because one “brought home the bacon” does not diminish the fact that the other spouse contributed as well as sacrificed in order to help the spouse generate said fortune.
DKOS does not (should not) belong to KOS anymore. It belongs to everyone who helped build it. When he frivolously tossed out those he disagreed with this he stole from those users who without the assistance and support of, KOS would not even exist. In short, he used them. Cogratulations Kos, you’re another political hack. How do we look from up there?
And now he’s surprised that there is blowback?
It is very confusing to see Dkos moving to the mainstream, because it has essentially discarded a lot of us who were around for a couple of years. So if Dkos is no longer an open blog to all ideas has it become another leg of the donkey that can’t be moved without a good kick???
I will stick by my princple, I will not donate anyone money online..liked I did a few times at Dkos, unless it asked for at this blog.
That went well now, didn’t it? Looks like there’s plenty of venom to go around. Nice to see some of my comments from here, being quoted over there, as an example of what’s wrong with this place. They love me…they really love me :o)
Am I the only one who had that flying monkey music rolling around in the back of their head? Two commenters there went on a comment linking Jihad and bullied down the whole diary. Shit, if we were interested in trolling their comments to pull up all the venom thrown at decent people over there, it would take days to compile it all, and we’de probably need to find a publisher who was interested in selling encylopedia sets.
It’s a waste of your time Booman. We have more important things to do.
It’s a waste of your time Booman. We have more important things to do.
ditto that
“BT troops will be greeted with flowers and candy.”
Pull your troops out of dkos now before the insurgency gets out of control.
“No one could have foreseen the levees breaking”.
“It was a dark and stormy night.”
Breaking levees.
Oh I’m starting to sound like Arthur Gilroy…uh oh.
(Just be who you are Boo.)
I checked out Booman for the first time after reading your article there and was amazed to see so many disaffected (and banned) Dailykos users here. I bet you are going to get a ton of people signed up as a result of that DailyKos post. I am seriously impressed.
And you guys have spellcheck!
Hi, I’m supersoling. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Emerald City.
You mean fellow patriotic American citizens and voters right?
Jump on in, the democracy is fine.
Stop by the Froggy Bottom Cafe some time and introduce yourself. There’s always a Cafe diary on the menu to the left there — sometimes rec’d, sometimes not. We’d love to see you there!
…no stinkin’ spelchek.
You tell this Spelchek guy if he wants to post over here, he needs to register like the rest of us.
If you support what are in effect conservative Democrats with your votes, you say, very loudly, and in the way which counts the most: I’m for making the party and its officials more “Conservative”, rather than less so. If that is an accurate representation of what you do indeed want, then that’s all well and good for you.
If, on the other hand, you give over your support to “Conservatives” running under the Democratic banner out of resignation, in the belief that you must do so because you have “no other choice,” then you’re placing yourself at others’ disposal to use as they please; you’re joining them in making you a patsy.
You’re being a sucker, in other words.
The Party is going to take on the character which those who simply go along with its make-over in “Conservative” terms allow to happen.
My own view is that after years of truly brutal beatings at the polls, after years of ceding every last particle of political self-respect in a desperate play to make itself whatever the pollsters say they require, the Democratic party has not only not learned anything important from these beatings, but, what’s worse, they’re going to continue losing.
I expect the Democratic party to “win” small–very, very, very, very small in the coming mid-term elections. Perhaps they shall pick up some seats in both houses. But, in the present circumstances, what any decent opposition party should expect to do to the Republicans is to make Republicans look like New Orleans after Katrina struck.
It is that sort of sweeping victory which they simply shall not enjoy and frankly do not deserve. They remain a party almost totally lost, out of touch with its own now-abandoned principles and engaged in some of the deepest denial and make-believe about itself and about what is being done to the nation and the Constitution of any party I have ever known.
In the coming elections, I intend to try and take every opportunity to vote in primaries where it’s decided what sort of candidates are on offer in the general election. After that, my votes shall be made according to the content of the candidates’ positions. Those who call themselves Democrats but really represent Republicans’ positions can go down to defeat–with my blessings. I may even vote for their Republican opponents to demonstrate that if one wants to represent Republican party positions, then one’s place is in the Republican Party.
If that means the eventual destruction of the Democratic Party as we know it today, I won’t mind one teeny weeny bit.
As one who was an early, way early member of Democratic Underground, I watched the way it moved from simply a small group of smart and angry liberals to cocobananas within two years.
I still love what Skinner has done at DU though and salute his efforts.
Yet, I do not know how a liberal person who belives in freedom could wave proudly a hammer and sickle around, thinking it made them cool or an intellectual.
That is why I spend more time now at Kos and Booman, the essays are better, more informative and mature, with less hystrionics.
But the Kos site in general is not liberal. It’s owner has an agenda for the site and its purpose is to elect Democrats. The way it seems to do this is to speak truth to power, and that is by exposing the lies inherent in the political process itself. If that is liberal give me more of it, please.
Essentially, Markos has lined the field, fastened the bases, given his members gloves, bats, and balls and lets them play. It is clear that the guy has faith that in the long run truth will out.
But perhaps perspective is in order. The troubles now are a result of successes, not failures, because as much as I loved reading that shaft of light in the darkness called mediawhoresonline.com back in early 2001, I like it better today with the multitude of liberal blogs and websites that are speaking truth to power and allowing voices like mine even to be heard.
In the long run, I believe its not about them, its about us.
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