I love to read and write. From the research that is important for a good read, to the development, the actual work necessary for the written word to flow smoothly and appeal to others, I love it.
To some, writing is tedious, a chore, and something to be avoided whenever possible. Not to me. I take pride in the end result.
The fact that I am distributing my ideas, and others respond, even though some disagree, means a great deal to me. I thank my high school English teacher, Frank Strunk, for his willingness to share his knowledge emphasizing importance of the written word. I apply it to this day. It is automatic, just like he said it would be.
Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about certain events, both in my life and in the political spectrum. A converation with one aquaintance has been running though my mind. In closing, the aquaintance said, “Your writing is very powerful.”
There have been similar converations with others. I have decided that now is the time for me to follow through.
I am going to write a book.
Good on ya.
Let us know how it’s progressing. It’s a bear of a job, and a support group (all them frogs chirping in something that might pretend to be harmony) might be of some help.
Go forth and conquer.
Thanks. I will definitely stop in when my brain is fried from writing, and to keep up with things. And to see how everyone else is doing.
available in orange, at epm, and at mlw and at purple
Not available in orange.
Hey Kid..you didn’t say exactly what the book would be? Is it about Plan Disaster or about personal experiences within your medical problems? Either way writing a book is an enormous job(ha I say this as one who can’t even get it together to do a diary)and will certainly look forward to a book from you.
And figure you’ll be drinking even more coffee ..doesn’t writing, drinking coffee automatically go together like bread and butter for all us coffee drinkers?
Hey Kid..you didn’t say exactly what the book would be?
That was deliberate. Writing/publishing are competitive!
Good for you!!!!! Please keep us informed so that we can support your efforts.
Like I said, I’ll stop in. You aren’t going to get rid of me that easily! LOL
Here’s hoping it’s a good one.
Someday I’ll write a book, I hope. I’ll probably have to publish it under my real name. I’d publish it under my pseudonym but after being online for 26 years I have so many of them it’s hard to keep track or decide which one to use.
Maybe I could publish it under my very first online name, the meaningful and insightful “70635,302” (yes, that was my Compuserve ID back in the day).
LOL! And thanks.
I wish you much success and — perhaps more importantly — satisfaction.
You know me! Thanks.
The world needs more authors as passionate about their subject matter as you are. I wish you success. And, as one who writes for a living I wish you the joy of putting words on the page. There’s nothing I’d rather do, and I hope you find as much pleasure in the work as I do.
Great idea – go to it! You are very eloquent, and you have a lot to say, both personally, if you choose, or in terms of policy & advocacy, if that’s your choice.
Now, to quote one of my personal mentors: you can either read stuff, or you can write. Writing here can get in the way, frankly, of doing something bigger. I hope that will not happen to you.
One page at a time, best wishes!
Thank you so much for passing on such important advice from one of your mentors. I can almost hear Frank Strunk saying something along those lines!
I had 3 great English teachers. In Jr. High, (Haverford, PA) Mr Gilmore, followed by Mr. Sylvestri. A couple of years later at the notorious Summerlane School in upstate New York, I came under the tutelage of Ron Nowicki, formerly of Mad Magazine fame.
Without these guys I’d likely be an unlettered putz; disconnected from the fabulous wealth represented by literature, analytical and intuitive thinking, and diversity of perception and contemplation.
In short, without these guys I might have become a wanker. (I admit to having occassional bouts of wankery even now, but without these guys the condition would probably be permanent.)
fabulous wealth represented by literature, analytical and intuitive thinking, and diversity of perception and contemplation
Your words describe Frank Strunk perfectly.
The great ones are who managed to make literature appealing to high school kids who, for the most part, didn’t care about anything except for when the next party was. And they are the ones that are remembered and appreciated years later, as they gave so much of themselves.
We were both very lucky.
Can you think of another word besides notorious to describe Summerlane? Think of this as a writing assignment. Haiku or essay you decide.
I could say “revolutionary”, as in revolutionary approach to education.
I could say “wonderful”, as a way of expressing my joy at having had the opportunity to be apart of Summerlane, and to acknowledge the beneficial effect that experience has had on me as a human being.
I could say “controversial”, because it’s certainly true that we were the subject of much controversy,, (both concerning education and morality), and many state organizations both in upstate NY and later in Florida expended enormous amounts of energy trying to shut us down.
I could also say “enlightening”, reflecting similar feelings as those connected with “wonderful” above, adding an emphasis on the humanism I seem to have acquired there that is at the very core ofmy world view today.
I wonder if you were a student or staff there and if I might know you. I was there from 1964 to 1966, and then intermittently again as late as sometime in the v early ’70s. My name is Stephen.
Wonder no more. I was at the school in Florida at the same time that you were. My email address is posted on this site. If you would like to communicate please email me. You’re the one who gave me the nickname “Mini Orange”.
That’s a wonderful idea! I’m sure it will be a winner whether fiction or non-fiction.
Good luck with this, Street Kid! I look forward to reading it.
You really know how to motivate a person–thanks, b2.
You’re an outstanding writer and researcher with special insights into a major issue that needs full exposure. I understand that you’ll be spending less time here and I’ll miss reading your input. But, I’ll look forward to reading your book and seeing it reach a wider audience.
Best wishes Street Kid!
Your blog-diaries have been outstanding, every single one of them. Thanks for all that you do.
I’ll buy a copy or two or three, for sure….
I’ve only just discovered you, but I have tremendous faith that your book will be an important one.
I hope you can drop a few hints about its subject as it takes shape.
Was your teacher any relation to the Strunk and White duo??