This is going to be very short and to the point today.
In the past I have witnessed comments/diaries about the support of our troops abroad, and in the same month, I’ve heard them called murderers. Not in the text of this blog, but others.
In the blogosphere people pride themselves upon the real breaking news, and try to expose it for the truth. Lord knows there is plenty of spin comming from the corrupt corporate controlled country we live in.
Maybe it’s too early, and no one has seen the breaking news, but I have not seen a thing about the two captured soldiers bodies that were found, and reportedly possible beheadings.
Now, put yourself in these soldiers place…..and the ones who will be bringing their comrades bodies to rest.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this….
I struggle with how to support the soldiers and even if I should at this point.
I cannot help but think of the three children of mine who are old enough to be soldiers when I see the faces of those who have been killed in Iraq. They look so young -barely shaving; so hopeful, so eager to do a job they were told is noble.
I think of the soldiers as victims of the lies of this administration in its single-minded march to war. They are doing the job they are told to do. Most of them are young, scared, brainwashed into military groupthink. Many of them are away from home for the first time. Many are poor and joined for financial reasons. Many are looking for a place to belong.
They are victims. They are the perpetrators of unimaginable atrocities commited in the blink of an eye, or worse, calculated and with a hateful heart. They are kids. They are fully grown men and women. They are all those things to me – so yeah, I am comflicted.
Do I support the troops? I have no answer.
Thank you for your honesty. I understand completely.
The way you can support the troops is lobby for the things that our men and women really need in a war zone. Proper equipement and good water, seeing that they have that which is needed for their survival.
Lobby the congress for their removal from said war zone.
stay on top of things so that they do not take us down yet another avenue of war in another country.
Things such as this would help a lot, I should think.
It’s such a thrill to see you again Infidel that I hate to tell you how I feel about this thing.
I know that the time spent in service is a really important part of a vet’s life. I think the reason for that is the brotherhood, shared sacrifice and community spirit that the experience gives to those who survive it intact. It must be a hard search for them to find the good that they are doing now. How can they possibly believe that what they do adds to my freedom?
So I refuse to prevaricate about people who think that violence upon others will be a service to their country. I don’t support them, I pity them for believing in the myths created to make them serve to profit george, Dick, and Rumsfeld’s military-industrial cabal.
you said what you feel Alice, and that’s the important factor I was trying to pull from each person visiting this diary.
It’s great to hear from you as well, and no matter what you have to say, as long as it’s from the heart.
i say you don’t have to fight in a criminal war. that is not your duty.
I agree with you Simon, beleive me, from a person that’s been there…..I could’nt agree more.
sometimes, knowledge is too little, too late….
Military Tracy’s diary. After reading this diary and thought it was worth to write a diary about the military, and trying to get my mind around this subject that might be of any help to those of you out there, I have to say I decline doing this topic. Minds are already made up on this topic. There is not one damn thing I could say to turn anyone’s mind around and get anyone to reflect differently. Besides, everyone knows what bootcame and training is like for those in the military.
I am afraid it is just like that IP, but you and I know the difference on things. To that I have to say, 98-99% of those in a war zone are honest and trustworthy group of ppl. They are of all ages now, since we have the reserve and guard involved the way they are. Like this is anything new?
Yes they are kids for the most part, SN. That is how the military like it, young and vulnerable> They can change them into the killing machine that they need for such a thing as the infantry or the 101st or 82nd or such as this. Usually the recruits are young and not opinionated, as of yet, like most of us older ppl are. They do not understand (the risks and the obligations) for what they they are signing up for. If they do, they are for the wiser for this, especially under this CIC and how things are carried out. I can tell you most are not interested, as of yet, about the things y ou and I are concerned about. Been there done that one. All I could figure out was that I had a goal to achieve and I would go above and beyond to get it done.
After 9/11 most joined or rejoined for the purpose of being patriotic. Yes we were attacked. But they did not sign up for Iraq. Ask why Pat Tillman joined up with his brother. That is just the way it is. Why do they join up with the insurgency, cause they are fighting for their country, or so they say. who really knows.
Why is it that the Halliburton Co and their subsidiaries, there in the first place. Why is this still called a WAR instead of an OCCUPATION.
Hell, if we are to judge others and their motives for things and they whys of their motives, we all could be nuts in a few seconds.
Sortta of like what left vet said once, we serve for those who won’t, for what ever reason. Now I am talking voluntary not draft here.
I am like you, I am so glad my son didn’t voluntarily rejoin up, in all of this haste. Look at what he would caught up in!
But, if my son was in the military and/or if I were in, doing the job we said we would do, would you think enough of me and my son to support us in this conscript. I am not asking y ou to support the policies of the president or this administration…no no no…just support us, for what we are doing to save your sons from having to do the job. That is my opinion on all of this. My son did serve during a war time. When Clinton sent us to the Balkans. I was a nervous wreck all the time. But my life and his had to go on. That is just the way it is. I was hoping that the decision makers did the right job at all of their jobs that things would work out just fine. We do not have the right leadership in the military, right now. I have said this forever, since rummy tore us apart and that those who were groomed for this very thing came into office or position. The likes of Franks, Boykin, Miller, Pace, Myers, Sanchez..on and on. That is just the military ppl in place not civilian ppl. This war like all others are being run from cheney/rummy’s office and we all know it. Both have their YES men/women in place for this whole facade.
Now I do not have to write this diary after all…:o) and no offence to anyone here. I do not support the policies of this administration one bit. I do support my troops, however. They are yours and mine. They work for us.
Maybe I have not addressed the correctness of what you all wanted me to say, but these are my feelings on this. So until one walks in another’s shoes, please do not call them out on it.
Now on the other 1-2% that are making things horrible for all the rest of them, over there. That is yet another topic to be discussed.
I suppose I had better drop it now after making many sick to death of my words and feelings. I love my vet brothers and sisters to death. If you have any questions on this I suggest you ask those of which I have help in the past several years or so. I may not agree with what some may say, but I will defend their right to say it up and to the point of not speaking hate, like some I know.
I understand you very well lady, and our hearts are one in the same on many issues….afterall, they bear the same scars…
peace be with you always
This is how I feel, as well. I’m conflicted on the issue of the personal responsibility of the soldier. If soldiers routinely didn’t follow orders, we would not be safe. If soldiers acted as individuals, it would be chaos. I get that.
I know in Nazi Germany no one was given a pass for “just following orders”. I think that same should apply to those involved in some of the horrific torture scenes we saw.
But would I apply that to the simple act of going to war, at least, initially? No. I don’t know what soldiers in training read. But I do know a lot of young people who probably don’t know much about world politics were told to go, and didn’t think for a second they were being sent into war on fictitious circumstances. I don’t blame them for going, or doing what they were told (up to a point. Killing people who are not firing upon you, and are not likely to ever fire upon you, is still abhorrent to me.)
I think it’s harder to make the case now, since so much about the false premise of the war has been exposed. But I don’t want to put the burden of blame on the soldiers. I want to put it on the people at the top of the chain. They control the strings. The people underneath don’t feel they have the option not to dance, even if, sometimes, they do.
Especially This New Generation Fighting Another Unjust, Illegal War!!
Which We Said, As A Nation, We Would Never Allow To Happen Again!!
Statement by Bobby Muller, Director of Veterans for America, Regarding Amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, S. 2766
This is the time to make those yellow ribbon bumper stickers mean something by taking action to support our troops and our veterans. Every Senator and every American has the chance to put substance behind the words, ‘we support our troops’ by supporting key amendments to this bill.
Veterans for America Supports Pro-Veteran Amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, S. 2766
The U.S. Senate will vote this week on amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007. Veterans for America supports amendments to the bill designed to assist service members and veterans. While VFA hopes Senators will approve all veteran-friendly amendments, there are three amendments that respond to acute needs of recent Iraq and Afghanistan war service members and veterans that we strongly urge all Senators to support.
Action Alert: Tell Your Senators to Support the Troops today
Our military and our veterans need your help today to fix some very serious problems.
Veterans for America (VFA) recently posted several disturbing news articles about veterans committing suicide and other serious mental health problems among soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Clearly, VA and the military are failing to respond to this growing crisis.
A phone call or faxed letter from you today sent to your U.S. Senator can help soldiers and veterans now, before the situation gets worse.
Iraq War May Add Stress for Past Vets
More than 30 years after their war ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans are seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder, and experts say one reason appears to be harrowing images of combat in Iraq.
PTSD is better understood than it once was, said Paul Sullivan, director of programs for the group Veterans for America. “The veterans are more willing to accept a diagnosis of PTSD,” he said, “and the VA is more willing to make it.”
Iraq Body Count Press Release 13
“Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.”
Support the troops and vets and you’re never alone and always amongst friends who will have your back.
(me and Jim “running into each other in a massive crowd in DC 9/24)
Damn, you still got my Tired Old Mug in your bag!!;c}
Got yours also but it ain’t Tired and Old, Keep Up The Fight, and the Smile!!!
I’m tryin, baby!!! It’s really hard some days though. It’s like beating your head with a brick at times. The thing about the Peace Movement I just realzied is that.. you truly aren’t alone. Some days it does feel like it. But you aren’t alone.
My Pink Sisters are coming through for me right now as I type and we’re heading up to Ft. Lewis in a van and making signs Sunday for Tuesday.
thank you sir, I salute you…..welcome home
peace…it’s no secret, just dumbed down
don’t forget about peacepositive mike’s lovely car magnets
I support them by sending Sweats For Vets sweatpants for our disabled veterans who due to cuts in the VA haven’t any while going through rehab/therapy.
and I support Lt. Watada. He’s not going AWOL or deciding he’s C.O. … he’s calling it for what it is – an illegal occupation and RESISTING.
He and the Veterans for Peace is how I support the troops. I support them. I support bringing their asses home alive.
I support them when they try to speak up and out against this slaughter.
Remember… it’s Bush Regime who should be attacked. He is the one who has turned some in the military into Crusaders and Haters of women in pink…
I support the troops because it will be them who puts an end to this fucked occupation. They are going to come back in bad shape and hurting and it will be US not Bush who will help them. That’s SUPPORT.
exactly, DJ. Our military is not ment to fight each time they turn around, anyhow. If we support the troops, we will bring them home right now!!!! without any hesitation and redeployment only to home.
a tip of the hat, a gentle bow of my head, ….bless you …
you are the soul of many hearts that you may never see.
What happened to those two soldiers today is an awful tragedy. But what’s worse is that it should be expected now with the way the pretender in cheif has set them up for the fall. He’s put our military personell in a rough spot for years to come. For that I feel for them. I really do. And the things that happened at Abu Ghraib aren’t just at the hands of a “few bad apples”. It’s systemic. It’s the new operating guidlines that are putting our mil;itary in this position. These are war crimes. The entire invasion could be a war crime because it violates international law. And in the end, it will most likely be the “troops” that will be prosecuted for it, not the policy makers. And that is another tragedy of this war.
But here’s where I have a big problem. Thousands of innocent Iraqis are being killed. Some are being murdered. The ones in Haditha were killed by murderers. That’s how I feel. The war is illegal. Why aren’t more military refusing to carry out orders that are clearly illegal? It’s so hard to seperate the warrior from an illegal war. I want to, but it’s hard. Each of them are human beings with a responsibility to treat fellow human beings with care. The same way we are expected to, by law. And I can’t abide by the opinion that unless I’ve walked in their shoes, I have no right to critisize. Speaking out against atrocities doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t hurt for those who are caught up in this mess. It means holding them to the same standards of human decency that I’m held to.
Nice to see you again Sir.
I wish it were under different circumstances.
I think this is why I went nutzoid about having to support Lt. Watada. Willing to lay my body in harms way even. My loved ones FUHreaked.
Now I’m reeled back in and going to show support as a rep for CodePink and road tripping up to Ft. Lewis with my sisters and anyone else who’ll come.
We may still get arrested… but this way is safer.
Lt. Watada, for me, restored some integrity and decency of the active armed forcers. And this is also why I like to protest alongside Veterans For Peace… this is how I can support the troops – through waging peace and supporting truth and decency.
you should change your sig to “Super Soulstice” really man,
many thanks to you sir, for your honesty, and most of all, that wonderful soul you posess ; )
peace…is yours
Thanks infidelpig,
Second Nature calls me SuperSoulSister. What’s up with that?!! LOL
In one “dream” you were called “SuperSoaker” ahem 🙂
I’m uh….tongue tied for sure :o)
I needed that one….LMAO
Because we peace activists who deal with anger and nightmares while dealing with insomnia, who wear our hearts on our sleeve and who must care for family members while trying to stop a war… tend to get beaten down and flog ourselves alot… so we need some fun times to balance out our world.
If I can make you squirm or smile… the world is worth saving.
I so understand your premise. I have to say that when I think of ppl burned, the smell and pain of their eyes searching for help, shrapnel wounds that cripple or blind, blood and guts and the smell that never leaves my mind, extremities off, head wounds, ptsd..I could go on and on. ( not only to our troops, but to the innocent civilians too) I just have trouble understanding why anyone in their right mind could hold our troops responsible for the things that this administration has done. It is not our freedoms that they over there hate, it is our policies they detest more than anything. They could give a shit as to our freedom…it is what we do to their countries that make us hated by them and most of the ME. This administration does not have one ounce of diplomacy in the entire bunch of them, if shuck up in a bag.
I agree with DJ, the tide will certainly take a turn when the troops defy thsi administration the right to continue this horrible thing.
I think it is a thing we all will have to justify in our own hearts as to what will happen to the ppl who uses willy pete and excustion style death and torture that will have to pay the price.
Yes when the military ppl of all ranks and file start to refuse the orders given by rummy and this wh, is when it will stop dead straight in the tracks of time. It is obvious that we and the world can’t make it happen, no matter how hard we try, at this point in time.
Thank you for your comment Brenda. All I can say, and it’s hard to say, especially to a veteran, but most especially to a veteran that I care for, is that in the beginning I held the administration solely responsible for what was happening there. And believe me it’s an outrage that soldiers were sent to war without the proper equptment. It’s an outrage that they’re not cared for when they’ve lost limbs, eyes, minds, and souls, because they’re no longer useful to the man. it’s an outrage that wounded soldiers had to pay for their own meals in a US military hospital. There are many outrages being heaped on our fighting men and women. But here is where I’m having trouble continuing my support the way I did before. The majority of these soldier joined willingly. And I fully understand that those in the National Guard never signed on for this. Amnd I understand that many in the service are economic refugees and were left with few choices when the military came into their schools and promised them the world. But it’s three years now. Three years of torture. Three years of white phosphorus dropped on innocent inhabitants of Fallujah. Three years of outrage after outrage. It’s not as if they are cut off from the outside world. They have to have an idea about the wider war. I would hope they do. I am not, in any way, blaming all soldiers for the actions, so far, of a few, some based on vague orders. But they are one entity over there. And as such, they are all responsible. Just as all Americans are responsible in some sense, for the crimes of our country.
Most of all, I just want it to end. For all of them. American, Iraqi, and Afghan. There is no easy way out, for any of us. There is no easy way toexplain away complex feelings of rage, hurt, and yes, sometimes, support for them. i’m glad that I can at least attempt it in this place, where it’s safe to do so.
Oh super, thanks to you. I know that honest debate on our feelings is what is needed. I have some very hurtful feelings that get stirred up on such as this. I need to stop blogging entirely, at this point. This has rubbed me raw in many areas, like IP said, of those old scars. I am after all one who wants to save lives not take them! I am seriously ill with this feeling of hurt by this administration to do to us again, what we all swore would not happen again after Vietnam. They are tearing us all apart. I am having nights where I can not sleep well and if I do sleep, I awaken with such a start from the bad dreams. I can’t handle this anymore. I really feel, I will have to step aside with their feelings so I can keep my sanity. I am now drinking way toooooo much coffee and smoking way tooooo much and my b/p is taking a stride to become uncontrollable. This whole thing has taken a different form that I would have liked. To explain things is not what I want or need to do for anyone. Just remember what I have tried to say to all here. I do love you all and wish you all the best. I just need to step back and go away for awhile, before I loose it totally, which would not be a good thing. I just need some space, I suppose. Hugs to you and everyone here, no matter how you feel about what. We all have that right to speak out…and for the most part, I so agree with each of you. I just cant have my heart hurt like this in a healthy way.
>> I just cant have my heart hurt like this in a healthy way. <<
NO, you cannot, sister, so step away STAT an take care of yourself, and that’s an order! I want to see that BP down within 48 hours, you hear? Nothing and no one will be served by you going down in flames, girl: you are worth far too much to this sorry assed old world. You have already done your own share and ten times more. Stand down now until you can regroup and renew, ok?
And that’s a problem super. I don’t for one second forget the other side and the one’s in the middle of this goddamn fiasco – and yes, this is one of the few occasions I take the liberty of being profane.
While we should all have compassion for all beings, we cannot abide by Einsatzkommando actions perpetrated by our military in our name. It’s a hard call because, like every war since the dawn of humanity, there is this cycle of violence that even the best men (and now women, i.e. Lyndie England) get drawn into. While being indoctrinated into ideaology is a mitigating factor, it is still no ground to excuse war crimes or an unjust aggression and occupation. I would be hard pressed to believe that we never committed atrocities even while fighting the good fight against fascism in WWII. Human nature; but that is why we have laws against this shit since the Enlightenment – we are supposed to be enlightened after all.
I’m not yet, unfortunately, a total pacifist. I think that if I was born a couple of generations earlier, I would’ve fought in the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War. Nevertheless, my library now boast of 8 works by the Dalai Lama and every time I get angry over this crap I need to go back and reread what he say’s about anger.
I think I need to go read again right now…
those who are resisting orders to an illegal occupation and who truly support our freedom and defend and uphold the Constitution.
(photo taken by me when I had the honor to meet him)
Lt. Watada –
After a trip to the beach, with a cold beer, and my old friend, the “Gibson”, I found these wonderful comments.
You see, when I saw the news today, and I knew from following the events for the past days, that it would come to the deaths of these people.
It took me back to a time that I battle with more than I care. I feel the pain, the sorrow, the remorse that these young men were thrust into. I have seen the look before on many eyes. Some I knew, some I never wanted to know.
You form a shell around you, that you hope will protect you, but it does’nt. It only encases what you try so hard to keep out. It entrenches anger, that burns a hole into your heart, and your soul. It leaves a hollow ache that echos so deep you think it will never stop resounding.
Today, those echos sounded so loud, that they left the hollow space, and poured out onto the land, like a tidal wave. I turned to the water, and held out my arms, to carry me along with the torent.
I found myself setting by the edge of the ocean, remembering, wondering, and mostly questioning…..why?
Somewhere between the songs of “Four Dead in Ohio”, “Signs”, “Where Have all the Flowers Gone”, “War”, and some old Dylan tunes, I felt a presence.
As I pulled my concentration from the water, and back to the beach, there were some people gathered. 3 Viet Vets, 2 Desert Storm, and 2 Iragi Vets, and it seems as though we were all brought to the water, from the same flood, today’s news.
We shared some drink, some had beer, some had wine, some had coffee, but we shared, and more than just the drink, and the music, we shared a common soul.
Those souls left the beach with the same resounding echo…….why?
We can all tell ourselves it’s for the good, but none of us there have found the good, we only found the echo…..
I support all troops, from whatever country, whatever flag, and whatever purpose, for we all share one common thing…..
I thank each and every one of you for your honesty, and sincere comments. In one way or another, you are truly showing you support, knowingly or not.
As for me, well, I salute them….the ones who went, and the ones who stood fast, and refused…bless each and every one.
peace….it’s not a secret, just dumbed down
I think that one day it’s gonna be alright Sir. At least i hope it will be, for your sake, and for all our sakes.
Our soldiers are the most effective disciplined killing machines on the planet. They are our defense. They will give everything.
The way you support them is you respect their training, their competence, and their expertise. You don’t tell them to “clear the city” and expect them to act like traffic cops. You don’t send them on infinite peace-keeping missions.
And when the President/Secretary orders that people be tortured, cities be cleared, and people be executed you prosecute the people who gave the orders more aggressively than the people who followed them.
Damn straight! It infuriates me every time Rummy and the White House drag out that “bad apple” defense and some low-level guy gets court-martialed, when it’s the people at the top, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yu, etc., who build the fucking barrel.
Not that individual soldiers shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. They should. But the real onus goes on the bastards at the top.
I actually just “adopted” a soldier and bought a bunch of stuff for a care package today. Even though I think this war is criminal, I just don’t have it in my heart to blame the soldiers who are fighting it.
I’m like just about everyone else here. That’s good to know.
I grew up in a household where the word “military” was a four letter word. In an ideal world, so I was taught to fight for, we would not need weapons and warriors.
My brother joined the Air Force (after Viet Nam) and my father and I were so sad. As he worked his way up, it was really weird for my Dad and I to be interrogated by uniformed men as to the character of my brother when he needed higher security clearances. We were good, but appalled. In the end it helped him and he doesn’t regret it (despite the loss of a foot), and I learned to separate the soldier from the complex.
I don’t support the military-industrial complex, but I will be damned if we don’t fulfill our obligations to those individuals who choose (or not) to “serve” our country. There is simply no excuse for lack of equipment, medical benefits, or decent pay. I am disgusted by our empty promises to gullible and/or desperate youth.
I am pleased to hear your comment, many thanks.
peace….the only way
Funny you should bring this up. I just went to a meeting last night where one of the speakers was a soldier who has recently returned from Iraq and joined up with IVAW. According to him, this war is increasingly unpopular among the troops — he put the number at 80% who are unhappy with the situation. He stressed that the most important thing we, as activists, could do is to never let up in our fight. He said, “The troops are depending on YOU to keep the pressure on the politicians to end this awful war. They are just soldiers; they are powerless to shape policy. And without you advocating on their behalf, they are doomed. They need you to fight for them.”
So, IP, that’s the answer I would give: do everything within your power to hold our leaders accountable. Work in a Congressional or Senate campaign this cycle to elect politicians who will end this insanity. Call, write, email anyone and everyone to make your voice heard. Do it for the soldiers. They need you.
you deserve more 4’s, ; )
thank you…peace be with you.
is to work my butt off to get them out of Iraq.
that’s the ticket leftvet….a job for all of us ; )
it won’t be easy, but it can be done…
I only know it is not my place to judge the actions of those, for whatever reasons, end up having to live in the midst of the most certain hell on this earth: war zones. I know that there are people in the military, as there are everywhere else, who are not fit for the duty that has been handed them. I know atrocities and injustices beyond measure can be committed by such people who are not fit for thier duties, witness those who chose this preemptive war for us all.The buck stops there for me.
I do what I can from where I am. For the first two years of the war, I helped with a back up group for the families of soldiers that we set up in the small town where I lived, providing 24/7 support.= for each other. This small group of young women lost two husbands/fathers during that time, and one aad came home permanently out of commission due to a head injury. I do much peace activism from behind this computer screen. I send out many summaries of current war news to a wide circle of younger busy people who don’t have time to stay informed and would not otherwise know whats really going on.
And I spend time with Ray. He just came here to live in this senior apartment building. He is a WWII vet without the legs he left on a bettle field long ago. No one talks to him , because he is “messy” and leaves cigarette butts on the pristine ground, and when he spills his coffee on the well swept patio, he doesn’t bend over to clean it up from his electric wheelchair. (Listening to this crap from a group of old gossips recently pushed me over the edge, and they got more than an ear full from me.)
Ray is sharp and very informed. He says it is only a matter of time when “one of these “%#!@! stupid wars will blow up this whole ^%#!&%! place!” , and when that happens, it will be, in his opinion, “because we deserve it for being so ^$#@!! stupid.” He does not mince words.
But what truly brought me to tears, was when he THANKED me, simply for taking the time to talk with him.
Here he sits, this old soldier, at the end of a whole lifetime of paying the price he’s paid to defend this country, being shunned and laughed at by the very people he defended.
It is getting harder and harder for me NOT to hate, you know?
how could you hate, when there is so much love in your heart ; ) you show it in your actions.
keep up the good fight, for battling with anger, is the toughest battle we have.
I don’t support our troops in the field… or rather I CAN’T support our soldiers in the field other than with personal compassion and understanding of being in those shoes once. There is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING I can do to support our troops the way I believe they should be supported because the Pentagon doesn’t listen to lil’ole me.
But what I DO do, is support our vets. Yessiree, letters to congress, support for the VVA (or other vet organizations), fighting for my own VA case because it may set precedent for others like mine which follow, support of peace groups, etc. THAT is how I try to support our troops because let’s face, no one is going to make any difference with the Pentagon. Only by turning public opinion can we make a difference so that they HAVE to listen to us, but that means getting rid of the civilian masters. But we may have a better chance at swaying the powers that be to get the necessary medical treatment to those who come back damaged from this fiasco – and folks, that’s most of them, and it is going to be VERY expensive. That is, if the country does the right thing by it’s young.
And, yes, I hate those goddamn little yellow ribbons!
I salute you sir…..bless you