Oh, good. We’ve finally found some WMD in Iraq. At least, that is if you believe the Senator better known as “The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.” He and Rep. Peter Hoekstra have just announced:
…that 500 chemical weapons shells allegedly containing degraded sarin or mustard gas have been recovered by coalition forces since 2003, and that other filled and unfilled munitions have been found.
And now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Including, but not limited to:
US troops charged with murdering Iraq civilian
Japan to pull out of Iraq
Saddam Lawyer Killed; Iraq Workers Seized
Iraq speaker demands US probe in new deaths
I am sure our troops are happy to hear that we have discovered 500 shells of badly degraded WMD. How stupid do they think we are? Don’t answer that question.
No doubt that there will be a great outpouring of support from our Iraqi friends. All 2 of them.
Does Santorum know the meaning of the word degraded?
And degraded mustard gas? Oooh, scary.
From Common Dreams:
Thank you for this post Lisa!!!
Thanks! And thanks for all you do through Code Pink. I know Jodie Evans – worked with her on Jerry Brown’s presidential campaign of 1992. great lady!
The following was a broadcast report, last night, on the PBS News Hour. With the killing of Zarqawi, who it was widely reported that his focus was mainly on taking down the Jordanian Government, this so called new al Queda in Iraq leader may Focus on what bin Laden and al Queda set out originally, World Wide Criminal Terrorism!!!
If this is true our Troops, in Iraq, are going to become the main focus, as will the level of International Criminal Terrorism!!
You can Read the Transcript, Listen or View this Report at the Link!
Killings Raise Questions About Insurgents’ Tactics
In an Internet statement, the militant group al-Qaida in Iraq claimed
responsibility for killing two U.S. soldiers. Terrorism experts discuss the
tactics and leadership of insurgents in Iraq.
Listen Here
Read Transcript; Listen, or View, Links Here
As I said over at the Orange Place (is that dKos’ official name here now?), Ricky is trying to save his skinny little ass. He knows Casey is going to demolish him this fall.
They were referred to as warheads on FOX. Any details on the container- barrels or warheads?
I watched C-Span tonight and sure enough Little Ricky made his announcement on the senate floor. He indicated that 500 weapons found and that is a fact so end of discussion. Iraq had WMD PERIOD, he said. He was funny and of course no one backed him – not even another Repub.
Warner and Kerry has a lengthly debate and Kerry really scored points. But at the end, Warner smugly said his caucus was holding at 55 and that’s that. But I bet Warner will have a hard time sleeping tonight – He knows there’s no defending Bush.
I missed Hagel’s speech and wondered just how he explained his backing Bush now after saying time and time again “Staying the course is not a stragedy.