At least once a month it seems I have a “Judith Moore day”, Judith being Holly Hunter’s character in Living Out Loud:
“Awful, awful, what do they expect us to do with all this information? What am I supposed to do about crack babies? Terrorism? I can’t stand those terrorists, they’re so mad at everybody. I wish they’d just get over it! Maybe I should adopt a crack baby, sent it to a good school, get a chance of….Oh shut up! I’m gonna raise an inner city child in this building? I can’t stand the people in this building, with their jeeps and their loafers. Their mean, stuck-up private school kids will make fun of my crack baby, my crack baby will have no play dates, poor kid. Awful, what do they expect us to do with all this information? What am I supposed to do with all this information?”
As Duran Duran would sing, “It’s too much information for me…..”
We are living in a golden age of information. With all these ” internets”, which in turn have produced all these blogs, for every color on the political spectrum, I read as much as my brain can take in. This is why I am eternally grateful for a life partner (known in Blogland as The Tempest) who can write the political as well as the humorous (where as my political writing always comes out satirical, I can’t help myself). I am also grateful for the multitalented blog posters and their research that has made my political awareness explode in a “Flowers for Algernon” way since circa 2004. There is so much to be said, so many topics, so many viewpoints.
Even though I feel on “information overload” many days (like most of us, my job can take up almost all the available space in my brain…then I have the nerve to add my new found penchant for politics) I feel this has to be said: We should never EVER stifle discussion. It’s been proven time and again, in field after field, what one day is considered wildly improbable becomes tomorrow’s forgone conclusion.
My request to you who continue to educate me is this: let me hear your viewpoint. Don’t allow yourself to be stifled. I may or may not agree with you, that’s why we’re not part of the right fringe—we don’t have to toe the talking points line. But I want to hear your views. I want my education to continue. Do agree with RFK Jr that Ohio was stolen in 2004? Lay it on me. (I personally agree). Do you think BushCo have created a cavernously deep 9-11 conspiracy? Tell me what you think. (That one, my personal jury is still out). You believe Dick Cheney, if he is not the Anti-Christ himself, is likely his personal manager? Please discuss! (O.K., that’s a no brainer.)
There will always be a place for all viewpoints, this is my core belief. Writers of the political realm, I would ask you to remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”
Thanks for reading!
My request to you who continue to educate me is this: let me hear your viewpoint. Don’t allow yourself to be stifled.
I want my education to continue.
Revel Blue I couldn’t agree with you more.
Today I took a walk around downtown Los Angeles. The depressing thought: the end of oil is coming, and that’s why all these new lofts, grocery stores, and other things are going in downtown.
But the positive thought was: look. They’re restoring this amazing turquoise-tiled art deco building still standing from the thirties. They didn’t tear down the Los Angeles Herald Examiner building which resembles a mosque more than newspaper office. I passed a cool theater I didn’t even know existed – The Mayan, and more.
I hope there will be some good things to come out of Iraq. I hope we find a peaceful way to end the nuclear issue with Iran. I hope we can genuinely vote enough Republicans out of Congress in the fall to start making some much needed changes in the direction our country is headed.
And now and then, you just have to dance to some music. We can’t give up. But we can’t berate ourselves for not fixing everything, either.
I couldn’t agree more. When it gets to be too much, I have to rely on my belief that the universe will balance itself, karma will help restore that balance.
Btw, that is a beautiful, amazing building, I am glad they didn’t just bulldoze it down for parking lots or something even worse!
yeah, the picture doesn’t really do it justice. Gleaming turquoise tile with gold trim. Pretty stunning. And sadly, right in the area where garment workers are paid near slave labor wages (if they aren’t slaves, as some were in the not so distant past…
You know, to be honest, I sometimes think that Bush is trying to induce armageddon. With all his religious banter, it sometimes seems as if he really believes in armageddon and that he will be the decider (or manufacturer) or it.
I try to keep these thoughts in check because they give me nightmares.
I go thru periods, like I am now, that I call the blog blahs. I’ll start out reading someone’s well-researched, excellantly-written diary on a currently important topic… three paragraphs into it, I think, “I don’t want to know,” and click away. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW. I feel overwhelmed and exhausted and hopeless. Information overload.
Even when I can’t absorb any more important info, I still care about my blog community so I find myself reading meta diaries, personality disputes, anti-Kos diatribes…
And I’ve noticed a certain periodicity, a cycle of TMI followed by meta eruptions. It’s uncanny. I get the blahs and someone somewhere provides a distracting firestorm.
Could it be tied to moon phases? Seriously.
But if you believe in connections throughout the universe (I do), I think we naturally go to certain things when we need support–be it informational, spiritual or emotional.
For me, the challenge can be listening to my own “system” when it tells me “enough already”: take a break. I’m getting better at it though!
Greetings Revel Blue
For me, the information overload is the universe seeking balance for everything I’ve ignored for the past 30 or 40 years. I really shoulda been paying more attention to politics.
…but I’m here now and making up for lost time.