A fascinating recent development seems to have slipped through the cracks.

Ralph Nader, Al Gore’s third party opponent in the 2000 presidential race, attended a book signing event by the latter of the companion book to An Inconvenient Truth, and the two men received each other well and perhaps reached a new rapport.

Crossposted from Daily Kos

Dana Milbank, Washington Post Friday, June 16, 2006

    Next stop on the Turn-Back-Time tour: Olsson’s book shop on 7th Street Northwest, where Gore was signing books at noon. “I’m not supposed to say anything, just sign books,” he announced when he started. But when he got to number 214 in the line, he noticed the lanky figure and stood up. “Nice to see you! How you doing? . . . I’m really so grateful to you for coming by.”

    After more pleasantries, Gore scribbled a line in the book: “For my friend, Ralph Nader. With respect, Al Gore.”

    Nader was smitten. “He’s liberated!” Nader said. “He’s defining what progressive Democrats should be about.”

    Had they reached such a rapport six years ago, Gore might have won the election in 2000, as two men in line reminded Nader. “Thanks to you, we had Bush all these years,” said one. “How many are dead in Iraq because of that?”

Yeah, I know. 2000. 2004. Bush. Cheney. …

I myself said many critical things (and at times harsh things, when subjected to persistent provocation) about Nader’s role in those elections.

But notwithstanding, we should never forget that Ralph Nader is probably one reason why each of us will reach our destination safely the next time we get behind the wheel. Please see the wiki page on Nader to read more about Ralph.

I am hopeful that this meeting marks a new beginning. Perhaps a beginning of a friendship, and a partnership on climate crisis and other matters of common concern and interest to Ralph and Al.

I wrote the following a couple of weeks ago in a comment partially addressed to Mr. Nader (not sure if he read it or not):

To Josh Frank (and Ralph Nader).

    I would rather see a healthy dialogue between all people, and a consensus emerge, for after all, politics should be about sensible policy aimed at raising our common good, right? (yes, “common good” must include the good of those that may not agree with us as well, for example, the conservatives. Otherwise it wouldn’t be “common”)


    ps; If Mr. Ralph Nader is reading this. Ralph, we appreciate your good works from the 60s and 70s, but the time has come to stop wrecking the nation, the environment, and the progressive cause with inane mud slinging and rhetoric. The time has come for all people to unite. Yes, there appears to be a planetary emergency at hand, and in that light, we need all those concerned (including progressives, liberals, Democrats, Greens, principled Republicans, true conservatives, independents, third party folks. Everyone.) to join hands to combat it. And thereafter see how we can work out a common ground on other policies, keeping the “common good” in mind.

As I wrote above, in the bigger picture, I hope to see a new era of politics emerge, where consensus, sense, common sense, reasonable dialogue, debate and discourse prevail over political stunts, gamesmanship, rancor and bitter divisiveness.

Hat tip to Patriot for Al Gore   for mentioning it yesterday here and Sharoney for the link to the original article.

Thanks for reading.