Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II
This is a Semi-Hosted Cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
New clean cafe. Lets mess it up.
I guess I got here right on time, then. 🙂
Hi CG. How goes the day/evening?
Keep forgetting who the heck I am.
Hi KB. How’s your day been?
Groovy! I walked 4.5 miles.
Wow! I’m hoping the rain holds off so I can walk tomorrow.
It rained here in the middle part of the day, but somehow never when I wanted to walk.
Good luck.
Yeah, I think I made it about 200 yards today. Amazing what you can do without even thinking about it. 🙂
200 yards is more than I’ve done on a lot of days since we moved across the street. So don’t think I don’t appreciate your effort.
Thanks you KB. Besides the cooking and cleaning and more cleaning and cooking, just about haven’t had time for anything.
Did you do that on a circuit of some sort or did you walk somewhere nice?
My new place is the upper deck of a parking garage that’s just a couple of steps outside of my building. It’s in the shade most of the day and has a sort of spectacular view of the north side of the city. You can see about 25 miles it seems.
And no one hardly parks there, it’s as clean and fresh as, well, nothing you’ve ever seen.
It’s not as great as your woods, but it’s better than walking around the block.
And it’s as easy as pie to step out there and walk anytime.
Having a nice place to walk makes a big difference so I’m glad you’ve got someplace good. Now if you get some raingear you can even walk there when it rains. 🙂
I don’t believe in rain gear. I like to splash.
Sounds like you’re doing okay … awesome mileage! 🙂
Thanks, O — I don’t do it all at once, I sneak it in with a walk for my breaks and at lunch.
of trashing a place?
I guess I need more beer … or chocolate.
from Indy … and cherries.
In all the right ways. I can’t wait for that cherry stem diary — I hope she posts pix too. 🙂
Just dip your chocolate into your beer as you drink and eat. Or something.
How is Chris today … 🙂
I don’t think one can combine beer and chocolate — they are each too delicious in pure form; to combine them would detract from that quality … and be blasphemous.
That’s wonderful. I used to love really long walks, but a few years ago I just stopped taking them. Stuff gets in the way and then you forget to do some of the things you like to do. I think I’ll make a point of it this weekend. Thanks.
yer welcome! Andi’s the walking expert. I don’t think she ever misses (do you Andi?)
Pretty good. Had birthday dinner amd cake for my mom.
Staying cool?
You’re mom’s birthday is today? Did she have fun?
Cool? Yes. It still is too.
Actually, her birthday was Tuesday, but Militarytracy was here for a visit, so we waited until today to celebrate.
It’s very muggy here, and supposedly going to rain 5 inches tomorrow or something. ick.
OOO did you guys have fun? And rain should cut the mugginess shouldn’t it?
We had a great visit.
Around here, rain is no guarantee that the mugginess will dissipate, unfortunately…
That’s good and too bad (weird sentence)
The heat index was 103 today so no thoughts of taking a walk ran through my lazy little head. Just thoughts of unsweet tea and naps.
A very very wise woman. Plus I like the talk of lazy and naps. 🙂
I went to a chinese buffet type place with one of my kids for a cheapo dinner and ordered an UNsweet tea (you know you have to say UN down here) and when I was good and thirsty I took a big swig and almost gagged on it – it must have been 99% sugar. I don’t know how you Southerners™ drink that stuff.
Takes years of practice and training, but once you get it, it’s not a problem.
Cabin Girl, It’s been ages!!
Hey kb! How are things going? There was an interesting article on newer diabetes treatments in the business section of the NYT today, btw.
Really? I’ll look it up. I’m getting ready to do another article in The Hacker’s Diet, too.
Yeah, I immediately thought of you when I saw it. 🙂
Damn, I already opened a Sam Adams Ale. If I’d known you were going to have it on tap. . .
There are not many people in this world who follow the word “Kansas” with the word “wow.” There should be more people just like katiebird.
You’re okay after your fall yesterday, kb?
I want to be just like katiebird.
And I wanna be like Andi!
That’s what she is alluding to downthread, the thing she wondered if I had “told them.” Andif is really Katiebird. One of them is a sockpuppet for the other. But which one?
I want to be the sockpuppet, can I please?
Who wants to know?
–> she does <–
Sounds like the right way to do it — since you’re an hour earlier that would allow time for the echo to get there.
George is not adverse to bottles. We can give him your bottle and start filling you up from the tap. 🙂
Chris isn’t adverse to bottles either. When he starts talking about himself in the third person, you know he could probably really use one.
We’ve got as many bottles as you want. Plus on tap too. 🙂
I have two hands.
Has Chris had a trying day, Chris?
Who? Me? Never!
So hard to get it to go into the little mouth, so here’s a bigger one:
Everytime I see your signature I think == did she tell them? I wonder if she told them?
Okay, I’ve finally lost my mind. I have no idea what that means! Maybe you’d better e me so I’ll know what it is I did or didn’t tell them, and also who they are.
I’d like to think we’re inventing a new conspiracy theory here.
Are you pregnant? 🙂
Ha ha ha!! Yes, and it was aliens what dunnit.
Sounds like a new book!
the real truth about the baby in the last one.
You mean that kansas is our own little Virgin of Small Plains?
But that would mean I’m not pregnant.
On my tour, another mystery writer, Jeremiah Healy, asked me, “So how long did it take you to find a virgin in Kansas?”
I’ll bet you had to look under a lot of haystacks. 🙂
Cute! So I could have called it, “The Needle of Small Plains.”
of the same quality as the one in the book. (And if you’ve going to do some miracles, I prefer being showered with money instead of flowers.)
When you find out, tell me too. I’ve been the outside too long. By the way, we still have to work out that thing with your ISBN numbers, so don’t get too comfortable. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.
lol! I’ve forgotten the original reference, but I know it was really funny. I am in the odd position right now of feeling very amused about a joke I don’t remember. Don’t tell me. It increases the tension.
I won’t tell you, but I will mention that involved the number five and that I haven’t written much since then.
Okay, now you’re scaring me.
It appears to me that I don’t know what anybody is talking about on this whole thread. I don’t even know what I’m talking about. Must be the Sam Adams.
It appears to me that I don’t know what anybody is talking about on this whole thread. I don’t even know what I’m talking about.
You are on the path to true happiness.
It’s all in the eye of the confused.
Now you know how I feel.
Ooooohhh… I miss the Sam now that I’m not in the states… not complaining abt Canuck beer or anything, just sayin’, it’s some good stuff… 🙂
in the LA Times about groups in America and around the world trying to bring on the End Times . . . ya know, the Apocolypse and all that.
LA Times :
And so on . . .
you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do — or at least that’s what I always told my mother (from a safe distance).
I’ve got a posting in “recent diaries” regarding Al Gore’s movie. If you have time, let me know what you think. Thanks.
sure got quiet in here…you recovered from the day?
It’s that mysterious time at FBL, where the two spheres drift apart leaving emptiness.
clik to enlarge
Must be bored, eh…
There’s no way I could hope to match your kewlness … I think you should be in charge of any future Late Nite Lounges … whaddaya think? 🙂
Did you have a better day?
I have neither the technical skills nor the desire…perfectly happy being a participant.
I’ll just keep finding images for you to use…:{) Bag this one…
The day was somewhat better, but still haven’t gotten what I need from Mex…ergo, I can’t finish the interview pkg and I don’t like stalling people.
We shall see.
Sucks having to wait on others to get your work done.
IVG hasn’t been around … hopefully his day was better, but that’s not a reassuring sign.
Mine wasn’t worth talking about. Glad tomorrow’s Friday.
I’ve got a folder w/ your ‘finds’ already set up. 🙂
time for some music…one of my all time favorite guitarists, Carlos Santana…Europa, live…no date but I’d guess late 70’s – early 80’s w/o looking it up…beautiful composition and playing, mixing jazz, latin and rock sensibilities.
ps: haven’t seen anybody tonight but you…but that’s ok…:{)
preview is my friend…Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
some certain Sage drummed that one into my head a while back. And it stuck. Well, with pics and linkies and such.
I do enjoy Mr Santana … This is definitely better.
I think you mean “stinks”, not “sucks”.
FARTY is pretty cool & stomps his feet to be fed. He loves kibble, but sometimes I forget where he is, & he doesn`t like being surprised.
To quote you, it would “suck” if I scared him inadvertantly.
that they’ve worked out some kind of mutual no farting pact …Bu finally figured it out, (the hard way) and is much more selective about what she’ll pursue, esp. at night.
I don’t feed the urban wildlife…couldn’t afford it…too many of them.
I think what you have to do about your international problem, is to do what I do, even though it may sound,,,,,
has little effect when they’re at the tip of the Baja and I’m here…don’t know how much business you’ve done in Mexico, but it’s a different pace, the understatement of the decade, and I’m pretty damn laid back.
This is where I “laid back” for years. In the winter it was even more like “kicked back” as I`ll post in a min.
I don`t know how people post pix here but I have to go one at a time.
So if I want to respond to someone, I have to go to IMAGESHACK, choose a pic, upload it, wait for the link to come up, copy it, go back to here, post a comment,then paste.
By the time I`m done, you`ve all milked the cows, had a nightcap, & gone home.
Are you on dial up or DSL/Cable? Here’s what I generally do…
open REPLY window for comment; then open Photobucket or whatever in a sep widow and select image; drag (copy) URL to desktop; return to BT comment window and drag URL into it with the following HTML code:
< img width=X src=image URL > close brackets and it will post the image itself, so folks don’t have to go to the photo host server. Note X = 400 MAX for “New” comments…if you’re posting as a reply you have to reduce it proportional to the position in the center column…
To post the image so you can clik on on it a go to the full size the HTML looks thus:
[< img width=X src=Image URL >image URL ] close brackets, add note below (on separate line) “click image to enlarge“…
and Preview is your friend…I sometimes forget and invariably that’s when I’ve screwed up.
clear as mud, eh? Lots of help available in the FBC&L, many way more knowledgeable than I, just ask.
Hope this helps.
This is where I “laid back” for years. In the winter it was even more like “kicked back” as I`ll post in a min.
I don`t know how people post pix here but I have to go one at a time.
So if I want to respond to someone, I have to go to IMAGESHACK, choose a pic, upload it, wait for the link to come up, copy it, go back to here, post a comment,then paste.
By the time I`m done, you`ve all milked the cows, had a nightcap, & gone home.
dada if you’re stil here, you just confirmed my suspicions and admiration with that pic. Dalí, ah yes. I’ll have to tell you about that museum in St. Pete, FL sometime. Yee haw.
Ca va, toi?
I was thinking about those rde hot pokers & was wondering where you took the pix of them to get a geographical range of this plant.
In the meantime here`s some blues from my underwater garden.
I’m in a mallow mood tonight, as the following demonstrates.

Et moi? Je vais assez bien, épuisé du travail, mais quand-même vivant! Ces photographies ont été prises il y a deux jours dans le petit jardin du trottoir. Celle qui fleurit en ce moment a été plantée l’année dernière, mais j’en ai mis aussi deux nouvelles en mai.
Ça va là-bas au côté gauche?
Oui oui, ca va bien. Surtout avec l`aide d`Olvia qui m`as fais des rescherches pour un projet qui date de 31 ans.
Yes thanks to Olivia she opened a few doors for me. The first door is usually the biggest.
This one was a big one I made about 4 yrs. ago. It has secret compartments in it, & I`ll get a few pix together in the next few days to show you. I also did all the forge work on the door. I even had to build the forge to be able to execute my design.
Très cool, KHead. Puts the M back into Medieval. At least to my estimation.
Believe me I was feeling medieval, pounding all that red hot steel. Pounding the steel seemed futile in the beginning because the metal seemed to cool down really quickly.
I took out one of my camcorders & shut down the doors & turned off the lights. The camcorder was showing the metal to be still white hot for a lot longer than I even had originally hoped it would.
That`s when I really went medieval on it.
It’s good to see you. 🙂
Thx! I’m feeling more than a bit strung through the wringer lately at work. Stress o rama. But the good thing is … we did get some rain very early this morning, not a lot, but at least enough to wet the ground and form a few puddles.
Nice to see ya, FM…
You too IVG. Anything interesting going on?
Don’t leave … I’m going to put the 24/7 … BRB.
Hi, here`s a color I think of when I here your name. I took this this morning after finding more search results, thanks to you. These are about 12 ft. tall on a wall on the house. I put a trellis up yrs ago & it`s full of purple.
I think they`re called snailwort because of the shape of the buds.
That’s a stunning picture KNUCKLEHEAD. Yes I do think it reminds me of Olivia a little bit.
Beauty Olivia, just beauty. 😛 back at cha. 🙂
What a wonderful flower to have one’s name associated w/ … they don’t stink do they? … 😉
posted above … that is quite the piece of work.
As for me, doing a bit of bloggering over there at the b-spot, long day, longer to come so I’m glad it’s finally Friday.
I just jumped in so I’ll have to back track and find out what going on.
Your b is one of my daily stops, so for me, it’s always nice to see one of your post.
Well thank you, FM. Always like seeing you’ve been by! Working on another shorter one for tonight, so excuase any lapses.
Good I’ll look forward to see a mini-thesis. 🙂
that’s interesting…:{) Got some Santana on the jukebox and plenty of beer…sit a spell.
Helloooooo dada. Europa huh. Always loved that song.
Beer, I’m just waking up. Give me five. 🙂