Dick Cheney is on CNN giving an exclusive interview to John King. He really is an obstinate jackass. At least he doesn’t flash happy grins like I saw Rumsfeld doing during his press conference this afternoon. Rumsfeld should go over to Walter Reed. Then we’ll see what the fuck he has to smile about.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Cheney’s perma-sneer(pat pending) must have been useful when he was raising his kids. Especially on Halloween.
It didn’t really work well as far as scaring his kids straight went….
Mr. Cheney and The Dark Side program from PBS will be available, in toto, starting at 5 PMET today…I haven’t seen it, but it has been highly recommended.
clik for link
I gave you 4 for you tagline/quote 🙂
PS. good bat pic too!
Rumsfeld should be chained to a bed at Walter Reed and then heavily sedated. Then, when they close Walter Reed in a few years, they should leave hime there in the abandoned building.
(I wonder if that sound I hear is the stealth helicopters already coming to get me for writing this?)
I come here for some sanity. Thanks heavens, the postings here are right on most of the time.
in the meantime, here’s the notice I was gonna post there
linkage to my blogpost explaining El Dia de San Juan
Watching Bush and/or Cheney speak just enrages me these days. They are so fucking arrogant and full of themselves, even though the majority of the country hates their fucking guts.
January 20, 2009 cannot come soon enough.
From Ava at:
Peace Takes Courage
See Ava on