No love from the GOP when it comes to increasing the minimum wage.
The Republican-controlled Senate refused today to raise the minimum wage, rejecting an election-year proposal from Democrats for the first increase in nearly a decade.
It has been almost 10 years since the last minimum wage increase. The federal minimum wage continues to stay at $5.15 an hour. In real terms, it is now worth less today than in all but one of the last 50 years.
The minimum wage has been a cornerstone of our national economic policy for over 60 years, beginning with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1937. And recent economic research has shown that an adequate minimum wage lifts families out of poverty while posing little risk of job losses. But Congress has failed to update it since 1997. If the federal minimum wage from 1968 were adjusted for inflation, it would be worth $9.09 today–75 percent more than the current federal minimum wage of $5.15.
Should we have expected better from our own Senators, nope. Fourty-six of them flipped the bird to all the poor who have to continue to work for a piss poor pay check. However, there were a few of Rethugs who have redeemed themselves, they are:
- Richard Lugar – IN,
- Susan Collins – ME,
- Olympia Snowe – ME,
- Norm Coleman – MN,
- Mike DeWhine – OH,
- Arlen Specter – PA,
- Lincoln Chafee – RI, and
- John Warner – VA
This down right sad. Those who voted against it were all Rethugs. Gee, lets see them live off of $5.15 an hour.
Last month, the Labor Department reported that Consumer prices rose to 5.2%, led by rising costs for gasoline and housing.
Consumer prices rose briskly again in May, led by rising costs for gasoline and housing, the Labor Department reported yesterday, boosting the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will keep raising rates to restrain inflation.
With many motorists paying more than $3 a gallon for gasoline, landlords hiking rents and businesses passing on more of their rising energy and materials costs to shoppers, the department’s consumer price index rose 0.4 percent last month after a 0.6 percent increase the month before.
How does this effect those who make minumum wage? Since inflation was 3% last year, basicly those who earn minumum wage have had their wages cut by three percent. This is the case for every worker. What many people don’t realize, without a wage increase to cover the rate of inflation, it can be considered as getting a wage cut. It is difficult to see because if someone made $5.15 a year ago and continues to make $5.15, it doesn’t seem like a wage cut. But people need to see the big picture. If someone entered into the workforce they are usually given a salary based on the cost-of-living during that year, but as expenses keep going up, the same salary that you made a two years ago probably will not cover the expenses like it did before. So as prices increase year after year, the money made back then is not worth the same now.
From the Washington Post:
More than half of the May CPI increase reflected higher rents and hotel and motel rates. Rents have been rising as the housing market cools, vacancy rates fall and many landlords boost their prices to cover higher energy bills and property taxes. Lodging companies are raising room rates, and airlines are increasing fares as demand strengthens.
Gasoline prices, in particular, rose 4.9 percent last month, to a level higher than the previous peak in September after Hurricane Katrina battered Gulf Coast refineries and pipelines, the department said.Prices also rose broadly last month in other categories, as consumers paid more for food, clothing, medical care, education, furnishings, used cars and trucks, and tickets to shows and sporting events.
So folks, lets give our 46 Senators a round of applause as they officially forced millions of Americans to go out and seek a second or third job just to make ends meet.
State law prevails over Federal law if its minimum wage is higher, according to the U.S. Department of Labor which lists the amounts by state.
The KS rate is $2.65. Poor Toto.
Higher rates include: CA, HI, MA, & NY — $6.75; CT, OR, WA, VT and RI — over $7. By ordinance, the rate in San Francisco (one very expensive city) is $8.50.
These state laws possibly affect the amount of income tax the states collect, and certainly affect income distribution. Therefore, the issue of minimum wage and cost of living must be known to everyone in Congress. Well, maybe that excludes residents of AZ, LA, MI, SC and TN, where there is no state minimum wage at all.
Who lobbied AGAINST a minimum wage increase?
I don’t know if you saw this diary the other day, but it noted that Congress had given itself approximately $35,000 in pay raises since the last time the minimum wage was increased.
I knew I saw that somewhere. It is nice to know, they need a raise, but the working person, can go to hell.
I was hoping against hope that the rethug rat bastards would actually do one right thing for a change and vote for wage increase. Don’t even know why I was suckered into having the slightest hope that they might have done so. Coming right on the heels of Congress voting themselves a pay raise in the last week or so makes this all the more disgusting and sickening.
Someone tell me again why so much of the general public keep on voting rethuglican against their better interests.
One of our local/state representatives-a rethug ‘explains’ that raising the minimum wage would actually hurt workers…….how much more goddamn stupid do you have to sound and keep getting elected anyway? How can that even be said with a straight face? That seems beyond brain numbingly asinine-then again that’s just rethug logic at it’s finest I guess.
Class Warfare
They just handed the Democrats a beautiful issue for 2006 and 2008, if the Democrats have the sense and the guts to use it.
Why do Republicans hate people who have to work for a living? Because they’re the servants of the rich.
“Class warfare” is THE issue that we progressives can use to seize hold of the political agenda in this country. It’ll mean refusing the money, and influence, of corporations on the Democratic Party, but once we’re free, we’ll never be beholden to anybody but the people.
Recommended diary!
By denying a raise in the minimum wage for “joe sixpack” and then passing a tax break for “Super Rich” Republicans in the form of repealing the inheritance tax.
Republicans we hate the poor..its your own fault and love the “super rich” can we kiss you #ss.