by cho and ilona
for ePluribus Media
Flashback: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide and the Lessons of War; by Penny Coleman (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2006)
Author Penny Coleman is baffled. How is it that in a mere 30 years’ time we’ve forgotten the lessons of the Vietnam War? We seem to be suffering from a strain of national amnesia, where we casually approve of going to war without adequately considering the burdens it will place on our troops, their families, our communities, and the fabric and future of our nation.
A chronicle of pain and passion, stress and suicide, Coleman’s masterwork, Flashback: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide, and the Lessons of War, demands our attention – most especially now as we embark upon what our leaders tell us will be war as far as the eye can see. In reading her tapestry of cold data and intimate recollections of one of America’s most painful eras, we gaze backwards. Unfortunately, we find the familiar: the present – and possibly the future. The same stigma and camouflage used to hide the Vietnam War’s invisible wounds and scars from public view can be increasingly seen – if we only look – in the way we treat our newest generation of veterans. We find ourselves reinventing the wheel, caught off guard in the early years of this new century’s wars. As troops slip through the cracks, the military – and nation – struggles to relearn previous and costly lessons. Flashback asks, “Why?”
Coleman, whose late husband Daniel committed suicide in the wake of the Vietnam War, reveals her own private journey through darkness and shame in the years that followed. But she goes further; she invites others, military wives and family members, to join her via the interwoven interviews that retell of the pain and struggle of suicide in war’s wake. Coleman writes in her Introduction, “In repeating my own and the stories of the other women in this book, I hope to bear witness to one of the true costs of war, one that is rarely considered when passions are hot and patriotism becomes a code word for uncritical support of government policy – namely collateral damage. … The collateral damage I am talking about is here, in this country, and it has been effectively hidden from sight. It consists of those soldiers whose names are not included in the MIAs or WIAs or KIAs, though they are in a very real sense missing, wounded, or dead, even if by their own hands. And it includes those of us abandoned when they chose not to go on. Together we became collateral damage when they brought their wounded bodies and minds home to us” (p.7).
But Flashback isn’t merely a collection of interviews and deeply moving narratives, as compelling and important as they may be. It’s also an immensely readable and extensive exploration of the topic of combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
Coleman focuses on the personal trauma of the individual and his or her family, but she also explores the more public impact of PTSD on military effectiveness. She traces how “irritable heart” can destroy the army itself, insidiously from within, especially in the theater of war.
Chronicling the history of diagnosis from the first descriptions of melancholy, insanity and nostalgia, Coleman outlines the “cures” instituted by various fighting forces to keep their armies in line: use of the afflicted as decoys to draw enemy fire; ostracism as malingerers and cowards; and execution and burial in unmarked graves. To avoid such terminal cures, in the past, soldiers often self medicated through desertion, “drunkenness,” drugs, and in the case of Vietnam, fragging.(1) These desperate responses corroded the military itself, and, in Vietnam, may very well have ultimately destroyed our armed forces’ ability to fight. Yet, as Coleman demonstrates, research into PTSD during and after World War II (and the resulting treatments which had been effectively put to use in Korea) could have reduced the mayhem of future combat operations, especially in Vietnam, had the military and the government paid attention.
Instead, as Coleman documents throughout this exceptional book, government studies have a remarkable capacity for collective amnesia about combat stress; The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS) published in 1990, for example, never mentions suicide (p. 120). The recent Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Mental Health Advisory Team (MHAT) report identifies “seeing dead bodies or human remains, being attacked or ambushed, and knowing someone who was seriously injured,” as the “most often reported combat stressors,” but as Coleman points out, the report considers “none of these factors in its analysis of the etiology of solider suicides”(p.2). (2)
Even in Korea, Coleman tells us, the military command initially ignored the lessons of the past. One year into the conflict, psychiatric casualties were seven times higher than in WWII, a fact which forced the military to recognize their “fight or else” policy wasn’t working. Under military psychiatrist Albert Glass, prompt forward mental health care techniques based on treatment successes from WWI and WWII were reinstituted (p. 55). Believing “that psychiatric casualties were inevitable and universal, given enough stress” and that there was a “correlation between combat stress and unit cohesion and effective leadership,” Glass incorporated elements that addressed the physical needs as well as the soldiers’ guilt over abandoning their comrades. And indeed, his forward treatment reduced the 23 percent psychiatric casualty rate of World War II to just 6 percent in Korea (p. 56).
Central to treatment success in Korea was the soldiers’ sense of loyalty to their fellow battle buddies. According to Coleman, psychiatrist Jonathan Shay suggests that one of the key requirements of a successful military is “themis” – or a sense of “what is right” (p.. 22) — a term he uses to include the troop’s need for a “trustworthy structure” in his military relationships with his closest friends within a loyalty circle, his or her peers, and the military chain of command.
Soldiers need to be grounded in the belief that they have been appropriately trained and supplied and what they are fighting for is “right.” When they don’t or can’t have these needs met, the psychological trauma is as real as a bullet through the heart or head. Suicide is often the delayed physical manifestation of the earlier psychological wound.
Reading Coleman’s book ultimately leads us to questions about the nature of war, morality, and civilization. Her chapter titles provide a context to the breadth of her discussion: Irritable Heart to Shell Shock; PTSD and Modern Warfare; Why Vietnam was Different; Collapse of the Armed Forces; and Aftermath of Vietnam. Throughout, she shows how “the rich men’s wars” engender propaganda in order to make them “the poor man’s fights.” This propaganda effort or, to use the current administration’s preferred terminology of “perception management,” not only seeks to hide the data about casualties – physical and psychiatric – but now often doesn’t even collect it. Managing reality and discouraging honest examination of war’s total costs, then, becomes the agenda, taking away any chance that we as a society may support our troops adequately and learn from our mistakes – or successes.
[Disclosure: ePluribus Media initiated its PTSD Timeline to document incidents of suicide and violence by returning combat veterans (with fact checked and documented records of over 129 events as of June 18, 2006) to address this very lack of information.] (3)
The five years the author devoted to researching her topic clearly reveals itself in every word, in every expression, and in the detailed Notes sections provided at the back of the book. This is the type of volume a researcher or historian will love, allowing those interested in pursuing certain issues the clear pathway to do so. Taking the reader through a history of a disorder which is as political as it is painful, Ms. Coleman reveals that, though referred to by many a name through the centuries (shell shock, soldier’s heart, battle fatigue), PTSD has and always will be with us as long as war is waged on earth between humans.
Why are we so disconnected from war and its aftermath? Penny Coleman tackles that issue head-on and delivers up a book every American should read.
For more information, read Ilona Meagher’s Interview with Author Penny Coleman on the ePluribus Media Community site.
- fragging: From Wikipedia:
In the context of war, a frag is commonly known as an assassination of an unpopular member of one’s own fighting unit, by dropping a fragmentation grenade into the victim’s tent. - From the ePluribus Media Fact Checker: The actual text of the report reads: “Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF-ll) Soldiers reported higher rates of incoming rocket and mortar attacks than OIF-I Soldiers, and OIF-ll Soldiers also experienced the escalation of improvised explosive device (IED) attacks. However, combat experiences thought to be more likely to be associated with MH problems, such as seeing dead or seriously injured Americans, handling human remains, or killing an enemy combatant were all somewhat higher during the initial ground combat in OIF-I than in OIF-ll.” OIF Report
From the PTSD Timelines
Returning Iraq Veterans
Incidents of PTSD related violence in the US since 6-11-2002
Reported in Corporate Media and verified by ePluribus Media fact checkers. If you know of any incidents, please send reports of PTSD violence to to help us collect this data.
About the authors:
Cho is a writer, editor and board member of ePluribus Media.
Ilona Meagher is a citizen journalist with ePluribus Media and editor of the
online journal, PTSD Combat: Winning the War Within. She holds a Highest Honors A.A. in English, and is completing her B.A. in Journalism at Northern Illinois University. She is currently writing her first book, Moving a Nation to Care: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and America’s Returning Troops, slated to publish in April 2007.
ePluribus Media contributors include: JeninRI, roxy, standingup, wanderindiana, rba and TxSharon
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Let’s keep the heat up on it! And please join Penny Coleman herself over at the Community site right now here. She’ll be available for a bit to answer questions and take your comments.
Very much our privilege to get to review it.
It really nails the causes and impact on so many levels.
Here’s a Coleman quote from the book:
That was an added bonus on top of being able to read and review this work!
It’s important we support legislation that really supports our troops. Please take this one action today.
The Senate is currently debating the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, S. 2766, and we need to make our voices heard on two issues especially.
From a Veterans for America broadcast email:
Read more about the returning with vets PTSD issue:
* Sens. to DOD: Stop Sending Troops with PTSD Back to Combat
* Troops Medicated, Returned to Combat
* Hartford Courant: DOD Ignoring Troop Mental Health
Thank you for posting this. As a psychologist, I have seen directly the effects of war on children and spouses of returning soldiers. I’ve also experienced it personally as the daughter of a vet who suffered from anxiety attacks set off by his war experiences.
The effects are not rare, and at their worst, extend far beyond close family and friends. I’ll not soon forget talking with horrified elementary students who had learned of the death of their two classmates. The loving and usually friendly and approachable father of their friends had killed his wife and children and turned his gun on himself. His written diaries suggested that he saw them increasingly as members of the enemy he’d fought in Vietnam. He’d had a little help, but not enough.
This isn’t a problem that will go away by letting time pass. Keep up the good work on this!
I’m a Vietnam Veteran. I remember that after I served my country I read an article in Penthouse about Suicide by Vietnam Veterans. The article documented the fact that more Vietnam Veterans had died from Suicide after serving their country than the offical total killed during the entire war.
This was the only article I’ve seen on the subject and I wish I had save that issue of Penthouse.
Just yesterday morning I met another Vietnam Veteran I’ve known for a long time. He is still homeless and lives under a bridge. He still has never returned from and recovered from his service to this country in Vietnam. He drinks himself silly each and every day to forget what he did to serve his country.
He is committing a very slow form of suicide by drinking himself to death. He knows exactly what he is doing. America was not there for him when he returned from Vietnam. America is not a country that cares about him now.
He is past all help at this point since the drinking has taken it’s toll on him. He knows this. He no longer cares. He has been through the revolving door of what passes for health care in America. He has had enough of everything and everybody.
He is part of a ghost army of brothers who took up arms and believed the lies and deceit of the old rich men who wanted to be even richer.
He is the ghost of all the wars America has fought and it is a like a ghost he lives so that never again will he kill or harm anyone or anything but himself.
If you see my brother on the street and passed him by it’s OK. We understand. Live your life in ignorance of the cost of war. Let the ghost and horrors of a past war be just that. It was the reason our all our other brothers died.
But right now we see it all happening again. We know there will be another ghost army who will carry our burden so that the next generation will once again forget the cost that war will require of those who fight, die or survive to become the ghost that wander the streets seeking peace of mind from the horrors we have done and seen.
Don’t worry about us. We take care of our own as best as we can as we fade away like the ghost that we are.
There is no glory. There are no hero’s. There are only those who died and those who survived.
Mirrorshade, I’ve seen and known many like your friend under that bridge. In my heart, you are all my brothers.(my own didn’t make it). You are anything BUT invisible to so many of us. I only wish there had been more I could do than I have.
You shouldn’t have to take care of your own. You should all have been taken care of, and given whatever was needed, for as long as it took, to help you come ALL the way home. That so many weren’t, is a deep stain and a deeper shame on this country. I am glad you survived and that you are speaking for yur own.
Reality hurts. Always.
Seeing it all happen again…
There are no words that work here.
…as the American people begin to recognize the truth of the situation in Iraq, their support of the war effort weakens.
And…scarely, it provides Rumsfeld with an opening to get that private army he’s been hankering for…
Susie Dow has collated the data on the increasing number of “contractors” since 2003 in her commentary Making the War in Iraq Palatable at Home