Yep, no AC. The coil is leaking, it’s a manufacturing defect, and it’s covered under warranty. Unfortunately, that means I have to deal with the guy who installed it last year. You might remember him as the electrical guy that I told to take a hike in the middle of my bookcase project…
My big plan for the weekend is probably going to be to humor my granddaughter. She brought home a very good report card, and we told her she can choose a fun activity to do, whatever she likes. My guess is that she is going to want to go see Cars again, this time with one of her friends from school. Then, I have this sneaking hunch that she is going to discover that Nacho Libre is playing at the same theater, and she’s going to want to see that, too.
Now Nacho Libre looks pretty stupid, and I’m not even sure it’s my kind of stupid. But I figure if rewarding my reluctant scholar by letting her do stuff we normally wouldn’t do on a bet gets her to earn good grades in school, I’ll sit through an hour and a half of Jack Black doing . . . um, whatever it is he’s doing in that movie.
Must see Nacho Libre and I hate stupid movies. I luv Jack Black though….don’t ask me why. Sometimes my son and I pull up one of those sound boards that have little snips of things he has said in movies, and you click on the buttons to listen to them. We die laughing!
I’m willing to admit that I could be surprised. About 20 years ago we were looking to get out of the Texas heat and my daughter (then just starting high school, I think) suggested we go to a movie called “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.” I thought I was going to have to sit through two hours of bad high school jokes just to rent some air conditioning. Boy, was I wrong. That movie still cracks me up.
is actually getting a few decent reviews — sure, it’s not going to be a Best Picture nominee, but we all need some brainless entertainment now and then. May check it out myself once we make it home…
that I stole her photo from the Clearwater Festival and put it up at Kos with Kudos to her of course. I hope she doesn’t sue me for infringements though 🙁
Hi CG,
I did post a couple in a cafe last Sunday. Didn’t see you around that evening.
Here’s a link.
I bought internet access for 1 hr, just a few minutes left – so I may disappear any minute.
Greetings from Terra more or less Firma! Got off the ship, and back in our Secure Vacation Bunker for a couple more days before the trip home Sunday. We got upgraded to a room across from the lake, with an actual balcony and sliding glass door, so we get a break from conditioned air — may sound odd to those of you dealing with assorted sweating, but when one has spent almost two weeks in air conditioned facilities, fresh air (especially off the lake) is delightful (even with traffic and construction noise). Plus we again were able to check in 5 hours early — muchly appreciated since we were up till 2am packing for disembarkation.
Will tell more about the trip once I’ve had a chance to decompress. Same with pictures; I don’t have the energy to deal with uploading 300+ photos to the laptop, then moving them to the desktop system when we get home, so I’ll wait till Sunday evening to cope with them and decide which ones are fit for public (or even Cafe) consumption. Let me just say that the scenery was spectacular — the spouse is talking about doing a road trip in southeast Alaska some year, taking the Alaska Marine Highway ferries going one way, and the regular Alaska Highway the other, taking time to really explore in the meantime. (He’s also talking about making a driving trip around British Columbia — hopefully the rental agencies will get smart and start carrying hybrids…and where’s that hybrid minivan he wants for our next car???) Got hit with major motion sickness first full day out — some rough swells north of Seattle had about 80% of the passengers making a beeline for the ship’s medical center. Then about midway through, I picked up a cold (possibly from the abovementioned conditioned air) that I’m just now shaking off. Otherwise, I had a great time…and spouse had an even better time. We’re already discussing future cruise destinations…
Anyway, it’s great to be back on land…even if we’re not fully “home” yet…now it’s time to emulate Family Man and settle in for some serious nappage…
I’m great! Finished an insane first year of grad school, and am now interning with a wicked cool school organization. Living the non-profit life for the first time, and it’s very cool.
Will this day ever end? My AC is broken…and won’t be fixed before Monday.
Great time for it to break. It’s disgusting out.
Yeah, I’m melting. At least I have a ceiling fan.
So your AC really was fritzing? Bummer!
I was wondering if you were home yet.
Yep, no AC. The coil is leaking, it’s a manufacturing defect, and it’s covered under warranty. Unfortunately, that means I have to deal with the guy who installed it last year. You might remember him as the electrical guy that I told to take a hike in the middle of my bookcase project…
Yep. Can you say, “suck it up”? 🙂
When things go wrong, join the green group in the bath.
My big plan for the weekend is probably going to be to humor my granddaughter. She brought home a very good report card, and we told her she can choose a fun activity to do, whatever she likes. My guess is that she is going to want to go see Cars again, this time with one of her friends from school. Then, I have this sneaking hunch that she is going to discover that Nacho Libre is playing at the same theater, and she’s going to want to see that, too.
Now Nacho Libre looks pretty stupid, and I’m not even sure it’s my kind of stupid. But I figure if rewarding my reluctant scholar by letting her do stuff we normally wouldn’t do on a bet gets her to earn good grades in school, I’ll sit through an hour and a half of Jack Black doing . . . um, whatever it is he’s doing in that movie.
I like Jack Black…but I’m not too sure what that movie might be like.
Have fun.
Must see Nacho Libre and I hate stupid movies. I luv Jack Black though….don’t ask me why. Sometimes my son and I pull up one of those sound boards that have little snips of things he has said in movies, and you click on the buttons to listen to them. We die laughing!
I’m willing to admit that I could be surprised. About 20 years ago we were looking to get out of the Texas heat and my daughter (then just starting high school, I think) suggested we go to a movie called “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.” I thought I was going to have to sit through two hours of bad high school jokes just to rent some air conditioning. Boy, was I wrong. That movie still cracks me up.
I thought “School of Rock” had the potential to be torture…and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t. You’ll have to let us know.
is actually getting a few decent reviews — sure, it’s not going to be a Best Picture nominee, but we all need some brainless entertainment now and then. May check it out myself once we make it home…
is to announce that There is a Spoon. And thank God for that when you are six and dealing with a Klondike Bar!
that I stole her photo from the Clearwater Festival and put it up at Kos with Kudos to her of course. I hope she doesn’t sue me for infringements though 🙁
No link?
But there is no spoon here.
Not just today. 😉
Hi Tracy,

Here’s another from the Clearwater Festival of the great J and the mopey youngest asklet:
Hope you’re well and safely back home.
I was hoping you’d post some of those…
Hi CG,
I did post a couple in a cafe last Sunday. Didn’t see you around that evening.
Here’s a link.
I bought internet access for 1 hr, just a few minutes left – so I may disappear any minute.
Thanks for the link…I have a couple of the boys that I can post too.
Have a safe journey back tomorrow!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Such beautiful young men!
Hi MT,
Could not sleep, so I got another hour to hang out onthe blogs (it’s just after 1 am here).
J and asklet have a very similar energy pattern, I think and in spite of the age difference had much fun together. One more of J:

Oldest asklet (swimmer) reading Jim Derych’s (advisorjim) Confessions of a Dittohead:

He’s undoubtedly eating ice cream to celebrate his beating the pants off the Nature Boy in air hockey.
and thank you for letting him come over, and he likes you.
Greetings from Terra more or less Firma! Got off the ship, and back in our Secure Vacation Bunker for a couple more days before the trip home Sunday. We got upgraded to a room across from the lake, with an actual balcony and sliding glass door, so we get a break from conditioned air — may sound odd to those of you dealing with assorted sweating, but when one has spent almost two weeks in air conditioned facilities, fresh air (especially off the lake) is delightful (even with traffic and construction noise). Plus we again were able to check in 5 hours early — muchly appreciated since we were up till 2am packing for disembarkation.
Will tell more about the trip once I’ve had a chance to decompress. Same with pictures; I don’t have the energy to deal with uploading 300+ photos to the laptop, then moving them to the desktop system when we get home, so I’ll wait till Sunday evening to cope with them and decide which ones are fit for public (or even Cafe) consumption. Let me just say that the scenery was spectacular — the spouse is talking about doing a road trip in southeast Alaska some year, taking the Alaska Marine Highway ferries going one way, and the regular Alaska Highway the other, taking time to really explore in the meantime. (He’s also talking about making a driving trip around British Columbia — hopefully the rental agencies will get smart and start carrying hybrids…and where’s that hybrid minivan he wants for our next car???) Got hit with major motion sickness first full day out — some rough swells north of Seattle had about 80% of the passengers making a beeline for the ship’s medical center. Then about midway through, I picked up a cold (possibly from the abovementioned conditioned air) that I’m just now shaking off. Otherwise, I had a great time…and spouse had an even better time. We’re already discussing future cruise destinations…
Anyway, it’s great to be back on land…even if we’re not fully “home” yet…now it’s time to emulate Family Man and settle in for some serious nappage…
I can’t wait to see the pictures Cali!
Good afternoon to all. Almost bedtime for me here in Nairobi. Pleasant conditions at around 74 deg every day. Heading home in about 24 hrs.
Long time, no see! How’s the blogiverse?
Abbot! we were talking about you rcently, wondering how you were!
What’s up?
I’m great! Finished an insane first year of grad school, and am now interning with a wicked cool school organization. Living the non-profit life for the first time, and it’s very cool.
Thanks to many of you here for the comments, and recommending my little post yesterday about the Al Gore film!
Happy Hour at the new Lounge!