This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. How many of you consider yourselves “hard fascis[ts] with a Microsoft face” or part of the “fascistic forces ranged against Lieberman”?
The New Republic is a bizarre place filled with real weirdos.
Now that I’ve met you, BooMan, I can say with confidence that you do not have a microsoft face.
What kind of face does he have? ๐ Inquiring minds want to know!
Tell him he has a face like a Commodore VIC-20 and he might slug you. ๐
since the peckerhead starts off his column
“for one (I) am definitely not tired of Zengerle’s artful and honest exposure of someone who, more and more, seems to represent the purest, most classical strain of hypocrisy”
it is pretty clear that we are not dealing with a realistic person who lives in real time but a pubescent paste eater.
fuck the clown and the tricycle he road in on.
beep beep
How many of you consider yourselves “hard fascis[ts] with a Microsoft face” or part of the “fascistic forces ranged against Lieberman”?
We’re sitting here at our keyboard in our shiny knee boots awaiting your next orders, O Mein Boomeister!
In the words of that great WWII era political pundit B. Bunny, “What a maroon!”
Here’s what got my goat in Siegel’s post: “The blogosphere’s lack of concentration is even more dangerous than all its rage.”
The blogs’ lack of concentration? As opposed to Big Media’s lightning-sharp focus on, what, missing white women in Aruba? One of the most consistent and loudest complaints from the blogs has been the establishment media’s inability to follow up and follow through on the real stories of the day. Lee Siegel is really pulling shit out of his ass with these charges, isn’t he? And then for him to accuse Kos, in the same paragraph, of “the purest, most classical strain of hypocrisy.” Some fucking short-sighted nerve he has.
For anyone that gets bored with this open thread, the jazz jam is now posted. ;-D
Nail on the head, drew. Nail on the head.
What the HELL is a hard fascist with a Microsoft face? Did that come out of a random phrase generator? It sounds like something a computer poetry generator would come up with.
Seriously, huh??
Hi OMIR, I have discovered the cures for most modern computer ailments, including “Micro$oft face”, I think…
Institute of Holistic Computer Wellness
The techniques detailed there have solved all my computer problems. I have been using the bad vibe filter for about two weeks now, and it really really works!
ummm, was I supposed to be staying on topic?
That crystal has picked up a dark shade; must have intercepted some negative energy from the dark side of the force. Better replace it before it burns up, like those dilithium crystals always had a habit of doing at the worst possible time…
“We cannot get the shields back in less than an hour, Captain. The Klingon attack cracked our DiLithium crystal, and there’s antimatter leaking everywhere. Engineering bay is full of it.”
Hahahaha, that’s funny. And here I thought this was the cure for all your computer troubles.
I don’t know, but I’ve been told this is good against computer viruses.
Maybe this well help.
Is that a crystal in your mood filter, or are you just happy to see me?
It’s just that those widdle biddy penguins are soooo cute and fluffy.
The sign of things to come:
March of the Penguins
This one is still one of my favorites. It’s overmagnified and therefore rather pixillated but still cracks me up.
That was a lot of crap. A lot of forced turns of phrase and we’re supposed to roll over and think he’s erudite.
It’s a bizarre phenomenon, the blogosphere. It radiates democracy’s dream of full participation but practices democracy’s nightmare of populist crudity, character-assassination, and emotional stupefaction. It’s hard fascism with a Microsoft face.
So, by reading Booman, and My Leftwing, and Talkingpoints Memo, and Catnip’s site, I’m little more than a frothing bit of mass. I’m one of the faceless masses. I have no mind, I’m just following what Booman and all espouse with little input of my own.
So, nothing is democratic unless it’s first spoon-fed to us by cute little hacks that get paid for the previlege. Well, I’ve certainly been misinformed and I had best ooze back under my rock.
Hey now – don’t blame me for your frothiness. ;
I have no mind, I’m just following what Booman and all espouse with little input of my own.
I hereby order you to get me some cheesecake.
Yeees, great Kitty Narcotic… I willl obey !
is a bizarre place filled with real weirdos.
im sure i count as one of them.
its the narrow minded hateful moralists i watch out for.
next weekend im going to a 4 day kinky sex conferance…and margaret cho is gonna be there!!!
i love her, i love her blog….she has the most entertaining links.
like this one;
Where in the ‘ell have you been, my friend?
With comments like that, it’s no wonder we’re easily distracted, LOL. Maybe the MSM needs racier material?
So just where does one go to attend a kinky sex conference with Margaret Cho?
For those who might be interested, a rough draft of my book review of Alfred McCoy’s A Question of Torture is now online. Feedback is certainly welcome.
James, you mustn’t have read the linked article. Our attention span in the blogosphere is much too short to read an honest-to-god book!
Only Republicans have the attention span needed for reading.
I don’t know where you get off saying that my attention span is short. In fact I . . .
oooooh look, the Jazz Jam is up! And there’s a shiny thing!
What’s this “book” thing that you speak of?
Your reply was too long. I’m getting a headache. ๐
It’s just a different version of all the discrediting remarks made of Web pages when the Internet was first becoming popular.
They’re jealous. They’re losing market share. We’re not listening to them, and it’s driving them crazy.
I haven’t watched local channel TV news in years. I rarely watch cable news. I used to read a paper or two a day and subscribe to several magazines. Dropped them all and get my news online.
And someone above made the comment about them reporting the abducted white girl. Of course, if I were family or friend to the girl, I’d think that was a very important story. But there are plenty of other examples of vapidness. Yeah – it amazes me that they can’t see that by becoming a source of infotainment, the people who originally came to them for news and intelligently commentary are, in ever-increasing numbers, looking elsewhere.
Yeah, I know. Arthur G posts his screeds against televised news and calls for media boycotts, but I feel like a cheater because I already don’t watch any of the televised news shows, with the occasional exception of The Daily Show and Countdown (and mostly, I just TiVo them so their ratings will go up).
I am constantly amazed by the amount of shelf space in my local supermarket that’s taken up by magazines prominently displaying people I honestly couldn’t care less about if I got a post-graduate degree in indifference. Someone must be buying them, though, because they keep coming back week after week after week after week.
Did you know that Jon Stewart has singlehandedly killed democracy?
I firmly believe that no matter how cynical you are these days, you can’t catch up with reality.
If Jon Stewart killed democracy I want a piece of whatever the people who watch him are replacing it with. Certainly if it’s the kind of democracy that’s being spread in Baghdad right now, I want no part of it.
Apparently, this is a Microsoft face.
I’ve checked out my face in the mirror and have concluded that I bear no resemblance to that thing, thankfully. Although, it is strikingly similar to these guys. Do they have a blog?
Join the Eh?-list. You have until Sunday.
Have you seen this Greenwald post that claims Zengerle may have fabricated Steve Gillard’s supposed e-mail?
ruh roh
Whoa. Interesting find there, catnip.
Great catch Catnip. This whole thing is getting more absurd daily. Don’t these people have anything constructive to do with their lives?
Ghandi put it very well:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
The intensity of the attacks, and straight out weirdness, makes me hopeful that we are in stage 3 then they fight you, and we are well on our way to victory!
Stay above the fray Booman, you can do better that. I happen to agree with parts of that NR article
Today I was kicked out of DKos for getting on Hunter’s nerves, accusing him and the DKos community of mob behavior, not respecting the idiosyncrasies of an individual. They smell power over there, they’re going mainstream. Kos is focussing his troops for the 2006 battle. Technically speaking that’s promoting fascism. Can I be my utter stupid self here, without being called stupid, a CT idiot? I’ll move. I have no time to loose.