This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
May the noodly appendage touch you with a fine weekend
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
so many hours yesterday, it decided to take the day off.
Happy almost weekend to you all.
Morning Andi. How’re you this am?
but how are you — are you having trouble sleeping?
Yeah having a little bit sleeping, but it’s more George is in a barkig mode now and any little thing sets him off.
Other than work, anything special planned?
Not a thing. The forecast looks like both the rain and the heat are going away for a bit so I’m hoping to get in a couple of bike rides this weekend.
Great to hear on the weather break.
Are you and Jim going to be doing one of those 50 miles ride? I’m still trying to grasp how far that is on a bike.
It’s the same distance as it is in a car. š
I don’t ride that far since I don’t ride as often. 25-35 is my normal range.
(Jim averages about 16 mph on his bike so it takes around three hours.)
Don’t ride as much – I’ve got a neighbor that will get in their car and drive across the street to go and visit someone.
I never preached slacking to them, so I guess they have an innate talent for it. š
Bike riding sounds like a nice idea this weekend…too bad I have to study for my final final exam.
Morning CG. Final final exam. Sounds wonderful. š
It will be wonderful…as soon as it’s over. š
How are you today FM?
I’m doing fine CG. Just a little sleepy.
I’ve been meaning to ask, but has anyone heard from WW in a while.
Good morning!
Morning Psi. How’re ya doing?
I’m okay…had trouble waking up this morning. Had some freaky dream that I completely forget now.
If it’s a freaky dream, I’m on the, I’d rather forget completely bench.
Not me – I hate it when I wake up and forget what exactly I was dreaming about…
There are some dreams that I remember a glimpse of them, but usually I don’t remember anything.
Dude, I had a dream a couple months ago that was so creepy it actually scared someone 2K miles away when I was re-telling it.
I found myself (the way you do in dreams) in this neighborhood where there were all these normal-seeming people who, once I got close enough to them, had faces kinda like mannequins. They weren’t identifiably plastic or latex or whatever, but they definitely did not look real, and it was very creepy. So I started trying to get away. I flagged a cab and got in, and we took off down the road with me explaining to the driver what I’d just seen. He was nodding along when I noticed that he was pulling into a garage/warehouse kind-of area that was definitely not where I wanted to go. He turned around and smiled at me — with one of those mannequin faces! AHH!
So I jumped out of the cab and started trying to make a run for it. All of the sudden I was surrounded by neighborhood kids, all with the mannequin faces. Very Children of the Corn. I ran faster. (And I am disabled in my waking life, haven’t been able to run for 7 years, so there was this odd sense of disconnect about running.) I managed to get out of the garage/warehouse area and saw some train tracks out near the street. Figured I’d follow them, so I hooked a right. The mannequin-faced kids were chasing me and gaining ground when I heard the train whistle from behind me. So I edged closer and closer to the tracks, and when the train came by, jumped on for dear life. Looked in the front window and right before I saw whether the engineer also had a mannequin face…I mercifully woke up.
Dreaming abut Kansas again? Man, when you woke up your heart must have been pounding.
Hi, Indy. I’m so glad to see you.
Yeah, I had to employ the aid of modern pharmaceuticals to get back to sleep. š How you doin’, {{Kansas}}? No freaky nightly sojourns disrupting your rest, I hope.
Doin’ fine, thanks, Indy. You’ve reminded me of a freaky night sojourn, though. Years ago I had a terrifying apocalypse dream in which the climactic scene was a fight between two dogs representing Good and Evil, with one of them hissing, “The horror, the horror!” A couple of years later, when I watched the new movie “Apocalypse Now,” and saw the final fight scene and heard, “the horror, the horror,” I gasped and sat bolt upright in my seat. It just now occurs to me that I had read–and been greatly effected by Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness some years before my dream, so I’ll bet “the horror, the horror” seeped in from there. At the time of seeing the movie, I thought Coppola and I must have been tapping into the same universal stuff.
More than you wanted to know. š
More than you wanted to know. š
FYI, that’s almost never true. š
lol! Good to know. You’ll be sorry you ever said that.
any words of bliss and joy to bring us from the financial world today?
Actually, WSJ has a fascinating story about the truth behind pension plans. It’s not that workers’ benefits are really much of a liability to companies per person – it’s the executive pensions that really create a liability on the books.
Not quite in the bliss and joy category but it does sound interesting and not that surprising given some of the packages that execs are given.
Yes…this is a very welcome change over the soggy cereal. That’s beautiful Andi. And yes, TSFMIF.
Morning Olivia, or have I already said that?
Are you okay? You kind of dropped off — time warped out earlier.
and did everybody come back from the retreat all bright-eyed and brainwashed?
But there may be some carry-over which will be assessed end of today. And I haven’t really talked to any about the retreat, so not sure … š Enough snippets to know that I’m happy to have been working.
Gotta run. Have a good day Andi.
Yeah I’m fine. I woke up and found I was in the middle of a plate smashing competition.
By the time I make it to the morning cafe it’s been 40 minutes since the last comment. I wish I could get my shit together a little earlier.
and now I’m back so your timing is excellent.
And if you don’t mind some early morning advice — shit is really better off left scattered about.
I have to respectfully disagree. If all your shit is in one place you’re less likely to step in it.
Morning Andi, spectacular picture….I can’t wait to see your woods!
in the woods I promise you that you will be grateful to the dogs for leaving their shit scattered all around the woods rather than on the conveniently located path.
The scene in the picture actually cracked me up when I first saw it — I’ve never seen a ray of light quite so perpendicular and it looked like something from some alien abduction movie.
It definitely looks like a laser light show.
It’s going to be both intolerably hot and rainy for the entire weekend. Oh joy.
speaking of yuck — time for me to disappear for awhile into the “wonderful world of work”. Wah, wah, I wanna retire.
Bye Andi – see you on the other side.
I’m just on my way out the door. I’m sure another wave will be along shortly … seems to be working that way lately. Hope you have a good day.
Have a great day, olivia!
But it’s summer…
How are you this morning?
Hey CG – I do love the relaxed mornings of summer. Plus if I can get outside before 8 it’s generally still below 80 degrees, though not this morning.
I’m thinking of having your eggs this morning, but they’re too pretty to crack.
In previous years, I’ve been up at 6:00 to go to yoga class in the summer, and get my work done before it gets too hot. But this year, I’ve been sleeping in. Sigh.
Go ahead, crack them…the chickens will make more. š
What is it, like 6 more weeks till Ocracoke?
Just about – and it might be the first time we see the ocean this summer. We’re having the hardest time coordinating a trip to the beach. Usually we’ve been there half a dozen times by now.
There’s all sorts of bad bad news but we have staff goof-off day today cleverly disguised as a retreat. And Wednesday was the local food co-op’s summer street party with free food, music and square dancing (I’m still a bit sore from that). Tomorrow is friend John’s solstice party and Sunday is the annual Tibetan festival. I’m gonna have me some fun and then worry about the scary stuff.
Going on afternoon for some of you! I’m feeling somewhat better now… that I have arrived at doctor appointment day. Makes sense, doesn’t it? I’m working on a diary that I might put up, but haven’t decided yet.
Great photo, AndiF! When are you going to share what the little green men who got off the ship with the big bright light are telling you?