Tonight I’ll be in Philadelphia taking part in Philadelphian’s Against Santorum’s mockSantorum contest, and I need your help.

The Philly Metro features an article today about tonight’s event, which features a quote from yours truly:

PHILADELPHIA — Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg wants to be Rick Santorum.

“It’s just crazy for gays to get married,” he said. “It’s like dogs getting married to a rock.”

Actually, Urevick-Ackelsberg wants to be the first-ever “mockSantorum.” Along with two other contestants, he’ll go for the crown tonight at an event sponsored by Philadelphians Against Santorum (PAS), a group that wears its hatred for the conservative junior senator from Pennsylvania on its sleeves and Web sites.

“I like making fun of Rick Santorum,” Urevick-Ackelsberg said. “I really think that comedy is our biggest vehicle for change. … I really feel that kind of movement to fight against the fake seriousness of the right by mocking them is really kind of powerful.”

Atrios posted a link to the Metro article, and the comment section filled up with other unlikely marriages that Rick Santorum is against (my favorite: ”    Gays getting married is like stationery getting married to baked goods.”), which gave me an idea. Since I’m going to be pretending to be one of the Republican “leaders” why don’t I behave like them and pass the buck on to someone else. I figured it would be worth a shot to try and get other people to make my “jokes” for me!

You probably know by now that Rick Santorum has said that “proves that weapons of mass destruction are, in fact, in Iraq” (something which our Armchair Generalist mocked very well), and I was planning on doing a joke about what exactly those WMDs are. My first idea was to say something along the lines of “WMD’s were found in Iraq. Yesterday the Army raided a well known location where Mus-lam  agitators were  known to gather. They found cases upon cases of Ku-rans that were set to be mailed to schools across America. Do these Mus-lams know no shame?” Or something along those lines.

So here’s your chance to get your joke onto a mockSantorum video. The snappiest answer to the following question gets their joke included in my mockSantorum routine: What were the “weapons of mass destruction” that Santorum says we’ve found in Iraq?