I sent this today, after listening to his show on the way home from work yesterday.

He was addressing, in a fashion, the emails and letters he gets regarding the “9/11 truth” movement.
To summerize what he was saying (I hope I’m being fair here), before I post my emailed response just below:

He said we have our scientists and you have yours.  Something like this (he was refering to the towers collapse) has never happened before so there is no way to know what really could or could not have happened on that day.  There are many reasons to boot this administration:  Torture, Spying on Americans, Lies about WMD, ect…
Then he said the people in the “9/11 truth movement” should go ahead and do what they are doing.  But, for the greater good, they should just treat it as a “hobby”.  (Don’t waste the time of us serious people is what I took to be the implication.)

Maybe I’m being a bit sensitive, and I should say I do like his show, but this really pissed me off.

Hello Sam,

I was a little curious if your admonition to what is called the 9/11 truth movement, that they should “treat it as a hobby”, extended to The Jersey Girls and the other 9/11 widows and families?
Should they treat their quest to know why their loved ones died as a hobby?  Is that what you’re asking them to do?

As a side note, do you think that Ann Coulter might agree with you on this one?  That these people should treat it as a hobby?  Maybe not make such a big stink about it all?

(My Name and Email was here)

P.S. In all sincerity, I do like your show and agree with you on most topics.  But I have to take exception on this one.  Thanks for your time.