Psychic Eye Edition

Cat’s Eye Nebula — All knowing, All seeing.
Beverages of your choice – self serve.
Rude, crude, lewd behavior expected.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Wow, that really is Big Sky Country eh? Oh wait, that’s Montana… never mind… carry on amongst yourselves.
Impressive pic, NDD. I need to start doing some skies sometime… if we weren’t smack in the middle of the city that is.
but I’m wishing the sky had turned out as blue as the other one. With the point and shoot and no adjustment other then menu selections I’m not really able to bracket a shot like I used to do with the 35 MM.
BTW I was shooting some 35 mm with 50 Velvia slide film that day too, so I might get a nice surprise… who knows. Got a few more to take before I send that in however. So don’t be holding your breath.
I don`t need no stinkin badge.
Well,that’s good, ’cause they’re only a figment of this particular night’s imagination.
Thank, but can you tell me where the blue in the sky went, as it’s quite a difference relative to that other photo in the last FBL. I know it’s later in the day – this one is not long before sunset, but I’m wondering if the Nikon D70s could have handled it differently.
But I do think that the sky colour in this photo suits the other colours — the overall scheme is more muted. The setting sun reflecting off the clouds makes the blue more purply.
There’s probably different wavelengths of light that late in the day. I know the green on the John Deere tractor usde to almost glow near the end of the day.
With the 35 mm I would have bracketed, one up and one down from the just right light meter indicating arrows.
Cuz this one’s gonna freak you out, hehe. Now, Olivia, tell me that isn’t one of you know who’s pics???
I’m pretty sure that’s how google can see our houses.
that plasma skull I have, lol. Or maybe HAL 8,999.
Well, folks, thanks for the company, but I think I’m turning in. I don’t think I’ll make it long enough to see The Boss on Conan. Goodnight!
Since you liked the ones over at the b-thingie, here’s an even closer shot for ya.
I love them … they’re beautiful! Thanks for more photos — closer ones too! 🙂
This it? Yellow goat’s beard
pic 1
pic 2
But guess what, I’ve seen those 3″ dia seed balls in the fall, but never connected them with that flower, so ya done learned me sumptin’ once again. magni tuk!
What did I say, Olivia? Sure looks like you nailed that one again. I’ve heard of that stuff, now that I see the name, just never put the name with the face.
It does not lok like a goats beard.
Love those critters … if we ever get our farm place, we want to have goats and alpacas around. Not likely though, 🙁
Hey KNhead, nice pics and good to see you back amongst the late owl loons (except for dada, he’s hors catégorie.
Here`s from last night.
clik to enlarge
I think I see the problem…:{)
And things are running realllll sloooow here…isp gets bogged down on wkends sometimes…bummer.
After you lured us all out, you can’t be taking off! 🙂
best go get it, eh?…:{)
only if’n it’s a micro brew, best leave the Schlitz where it lays.
Do they still make Shitz? ‘Bout all it’s good for is killin’ slugs…sure as hell ain’t drinkable.
ah, hah, I thought it might be that one, but couldn’t remember the name from how many weeks past???
I think Schlitz is still being sold, but no one except a few old diehards are drinking it. But back before and around the time I turned 21 it was the most popular beer out in the toolie towns.
Also Old Milwaukee was pretty popular, with the college crowd back in them thar days, as you could buy it warm for 3.80 per case of 24.
I’m hanging it up for the night. Six hours left before ding ding time.
well, looks like we out lasted them again….what’s on the calendar for the wkend ?
Nothing specific … will see how things evolve. I do have to do some gardening/deadheading etc.,and some housecleaning b/c we’ve got visitors coming next w/e for Canada Day (July 1).
Going here w/ my camera is on the top of the list tho. Went a couple years ago, and it was breathtaking — a sea of wild orchids and that was before I owned a camera so I’m just itching to get back there.
How ’bout you?
sounds nice, looks like perfect timing for the start of the blooming.
I really like wetlands…there are a couple nearby that are also bird sanctuaries…lots of egrets, the occasional crane and lots of geese and other birds and wildlife. Should make a day trip out there w/ the xt and the tripod. One more thing for the list.
It is an enjoyable way to spend some hours. Although, I haven’t progressed to the point where I could capture a bird w/ any quality whatsoever. I’m impressed by those who can. I suppose you need the right lens for it — telephoto(?).
I’ve gotten a few good ones w/ the old cam over the years, but you waste a lot of film…well, not really waste. The really good shots that you want to show are pretty damn rare. I always thought if I got a 10% success ratio I was doing good.
I really need to force myself to start carrying the xt around and shooting the hell out of stuff. It’s still frustrating the hell out of me…I’ve even thought about selling it and shooting film exclusively again.
Just venting, many frustrations and a fair bit of turmoil for the last month or so…it will pass.
Think I’m done…time to put the car in the garage and go to bed.
Have a good wkend…I may or may not be around much, playing this one on the fly.
I felt that way about the nikon — I wanted to take it back d … but now I’m happy w/ it. You should do what you said about taking it everywhere and using it … you have to get intimately familiar w/ it. But, I can understand your frustrations … {{{d}}}
We’ll miss you, but have a good w/e whatever you do … have fun! Sweet dreams d …
Well folks, dada-homer may still be with us, but I’m fading fast. Need to go sleep and try to erase this last ghastly week for a while. Soooo… off to bed it is for me, after I check one more time on the regional radar for that promising looking stuff coming down from SD and NE. Looks like it may or may not hit us…. hoping for affirmative though.
Good night loons, good night moon, good night freaky galaxies!
Snuggle up w/ the furry loves and just think: it’s Saturday. 🙂 Sweet dreams!
Thx, Olivia! W/any luck I’ll be up at a decent hour and stop into KB’s morning café to have my coffee and news fix. I’m secretly hoping it is raining because 1) I don’t want to have to weed again and 2) we desperately need it!
See ya later!
sweet dreams and rain for those in need…take a ‘weed’ break SF…yer do…:{)
I like the “couldn`t care less” kinda galaxy compared to tha “all seeing always looking ” ones.
Most of the time this one` taking a siesta, so I just party on.
That worked for me.
it’s almost scary…
I do a little nonremunerative proofreading for friends, and still missed that.
Remuneratively that is … 😉
are you inclined to reveal how you happened to get into this particular line of work?
always fun to get emails.
b/c you said you were going to bed and I didn’t want you miss my response. Just don’t expect any glamourous tales now … 🙂
“don’t expect any glamourous tales”-o
Ha, where’s Kahli when I need her to stimulate your memory for a more “delectable” response.
but it would be pure fiction of course 😉 … Good night NDD>
(this really is my last comment of the eve) been lots of fun once again, but the morning beckons.
It’s cause I’ve got FC on the brain … 🙂
Good night to all, dada, olivia ndd, Iowa vally farmer, oh my friends are giving away six goats to whoever will take them including the one Iowa man said was cute.
If I turn around in my swivel chair, this is what`s in my face.
I`ve got to go do a little maintenance on my mind & body.
Btw, Olivia, I have an article, [surprisingly enough, from the OTTAWA CITIZEV] which details Brian Erb`s eluding capture in a few million dollar hashish bust. The RCMP captured 4[?] other men but there was a nationwide manhunt for him. So far that`s the latest I have on him.
The search continues with my mission.
Sleep well.
And I’m glad that you’re finding some stuff!
Here it is. Notice the “CAT`S EYE” 642,000,000 light years away towards the QUHFV Quadrant.
Btw, how was you day … did you have a good time?
Yeah, one of my granddaughters told me to come & sit down for a picnic, but she was trying too hard to get me to sit in a certain spot. I noticed the anthill & sat down in the ants then jumped up slapping myself & trying to get everybody out of harm`s way yelling the ants the ants are biting me. I knew she had told everybody to watch me get punked & she was beside herself laughing. Then I got really mad at her & was fuming about the ants but that just set the kids off more. Meanwhile all the snooty parents are wondering why their kids are having such a good time with that animal looking guy. HAHAHARRRHARHA
What a great day.
I can’t tell if you are joking there … lol.
Absolutely, A totally terrific day. Those same snooty Malibu people that were hoping I`d go away & die yrs. ago still don`t get it. I was at a kids birthday party a few yrs. ago with my daughter & granddaughters & a teacher asked my daughter if I was dead yet. My daughter said she hoped so since I was standing right behind her. HAHAHARRRRHA. Put it this way,
I may not know everybody in Malibu, but I guarantee you they know me. HAHA.
I wear a Tshirt around town that says
“MALIBU, 23 MILES OF SCENIC BEAUTY & A WHOLE LOT OF BACKSTABBERS”. The real funny thing is, is that these same people come up to me & want to know where I got it.
That’s crazy … I can’t believe a teacher would say that!
but here’s my version…
sombrero galaxy…clik to enlarge
You and KH are pretty spacey!!
Hey folks – usually not up this late, but as I’m installing a new sound card on my desktop and reformatting my HD, I figured I’d toss in a picture I took during my recent vacation in Hawaii. Not sure if it’s appropriate, but I see a bunch of other nice pictures…so here goes.
and not one I’d see here unless I was in a plane. I assume you’re on the MTN top.
See Note above: Rude, crude, lewd behavior expected. although olivia has been pretty well behaved tonight…
Here`s “ROLLING HILLS” for your ailments. With a doctors recommendation of course. hahaharhaha
Good to see you popping in. We definitely encourage photos here. This one is magnificent. Wow.
Were you high when you took that pic, or is it upside down.
Nice pic.
It reminds me of “ROLLING HILLS”.