The new URL is – Rigorous Intuition (V 2.0)

The original site was “unexplainedly” frozen, and on the same day the blogger’s PayPal account was hacked.

This is an important blog. Jeff Wells looks through special glasses at the world as we know it, and sees all KINDS of important things.

In Jeff’s hands, tinfoil hats become crowns and helmets of the purest gold.

I STRONGLY suggest that you all pay attention to what he has to say.

The news BEHIND the news.

He threatens the PermaGov in ways that the MSM blogs do not even recognize as possible.

The truth is not just stranger than fiction…it IS fiction.

Or its newest form.


Check it out.

HE’S got yer new realities, right HERE!!!


P.S. It’s going to move again, to a more secure server than blogspot.

Stay tuned.