The more the right wing conservatives control this country and its media, the more examples one can sense of their real attitude toward women.  We all sense they want to limit women’s control over their bodies in the reproductive area, and the conservatives are not shy about saying so.  Other women control areas are a bit more subtle such as women with children in the workforce.  Related somewhat to this latter point, I saw a piece on CBS news tonight which I can not help but believe is part of this right wing conservative attempt to put women back where they belong like they were in the 1800.
The segment can be seen on this link to CBS news.  Take a look at the story and the related video.  Come back here after reviewing this material.

Does anyone else besides me sense this is also part of the right wing anti-women’s rights campaign?  How dare those girls do better than boys in school!  Who do they think they are?  Don’t they know that the bible has chosen men to be the head of the household and the bread winners.  If women do too well in school and subsequently in the workplace, this goes against the bible and must be wrong.  Can’t have that.  Maybe there really is discrimination so those majority female teachers must be to blame. What to do, what to do.

I wish I could prove/find out who is really behind this lawsuit and this campaign by this kid and his father.  Now maybe I am too paranoid in my sense here, but IMO it is subtle messages like this combined with the not so subtle messages related to reproductive freedoms that could allow progressives to capture huge numbers of women voters if they were exposed properly and simply.  If these anachronistic views of women by the conservative right could be made into a clear campaign message and a clear platform plank was included to counteract such, I believe the stage would be set to win the vast majority of the women’s vote down the road.