Read this and then take the poll. BTW- it’s still raining here. Over 6 inches of rain in the last four days.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Can’t even ask people “so strange weather we’re having” without some thinking your trying to call them a stupid shit for supporting a lying craphead like Bush who continues to piss on science and global heating.
It’s HOT here in Northern Oregon. Very very hot.
They were expecting record temps in Seattle — just as we were leaving. Figures the best weather of the vacation hits just as it’s over…
Down here it’s 74 right now, with a high expected of 81. Actually not too far off normal for Silly Con Valley. Might be a good opportunity to catch “An Inconvenient Truth” in a local air conditioned theater…
Low hundreds here in the Valley in N. CA. But it’s a dry heat . . . 🙂
If we’re going to re-run old candidates, I’d rather see Gore 2.0 go for it…
You folks are taking a shellacking back in the Northeast — noticed on CNN website that Washington DC is virtually shut down, but enough of the good news… lol
Think Bush might be rethinking his doubts of climactic change?
No…he and “Dick” gave Halliburton a no-bid contract to build an ark.
Glad you returned safe adn slightly sound.
As to Kerry… I’m a bit worried that he conceded so quickly to a someone like Bush. He’ll never have my vote again. He gave up too damn quickly.
If we’re going to re-run old candidates, we’d be better off digging up the remains of FDR. FDR’s rotting corpse would be slightly more dynamic than Senator Kerry.
Hint: Feingold is the one.
Didn’t take the poll, but welcome anyone who wants to run – of any party. Personally don’t care much right now, and won’t until the new Congress is seated in January. If the rest of the run-up to November is anything like this month, it’s going to be a wild, wild, ride.
I voted yes. I think if he wants to run, he should run. I’m as unhappy with him as I was with Gore in 2000 for running a pathetic campaign. So if Gore is allowed to reinvent himself, so is Kerry. If he passes the test, you know, people will vote for him. If not, they won’t. The more, the merrier.
Absolutely will not vote for Kerry again. If he continues to speak up forcefully in the Senate as he has been doing than that is where he should stay and be a forceful leader there. The dems need as many in the senate as possible who are going to pursue and persuade dems back to the left.
On Kerry ’08: I had to hold my nose to vote for him in 2004. Been there, done that, don’t want to do it again.
At this point, I’m all about Feingold, Edwards and Gore. Who knows, maybe one of these guys or another someone will come along and mount a campaign like Dean’s and I’ll give away my heart and the bank account again.
I have nothing bad to say about Kerry, but I think there will be better candidates for President from the Dems. That said, if it came down to a choice between him and Hillary, John has my vote.
See.. each time I say “never”… ACK!! 🙂
Yeah.. comes between War Bush Supporter Hillary who doesn’t listen to us… and Kerry-I-need-your-money… then I’ll vote for Kerry again.
Kerry keeps sending me those ‘I need your help’ emails and it turns out he justs wants more money. NOT ONE MORE DAMN DIME to anyone from me.
but I won’t say “never’. 🙂
Yeah, you don’t want to say “never.” If Kerry were running against Bush again, I think it’s safe to say I’d vote for Kerry. Again.
But I’m with you on the begging for bucks. Getting an envelope with a lurid come-on like TAKE OUR SURVEY NOW! MAKE YOUR OPINION HEARD! and then finding that it’s six pages of leading questions and a request for money, just drives me straight! up! the! wall! Sometimes I ignore them, but lately I’ve taken to getting out a Sharpie, scrawling UNTIL YOU PAY ATTENTION TO VOTING SECURITY AND ELECTION FRAUD NONE OF THE REST OF THIS WILL MATTER across the front page, and sending it back. With no money, of course. These invariably come from outfits like the DSCC that, as far as I can tell, don’t really need my money.
The people I would entrust with my money are Howard Dean (I haven’t seen anything yet to dissuade me from the belief that his Fifty State Strategy is the best way to retake the country at present) and people like Jon Tester and Darcy Burner. Russ Feingold (or Al Gore), probably. Ned Lamont, maybe. Maria Cantwell will get my vote, but she hasn’t earned my money, nor, according to the latest figures, does she appear to need it.
If I had any money, of course. Right at the moment I’m anticipating an employment lull and need to hang on to my hard-earned ducats.
I answer the surveys and I write on them in sharpie too. I ADD questions that they didnt’ think to place. And I refuse to give them one damn dime with notes on the envelope as well.
I know, I’m a naughty bad progressive.
from the last time i voted for him.
If he wants to run again, all the better for us. Kerry is famous, and thus able to capture television attention. I’d welcome anyone who can use the media to keep people informed. Al and Howard are doing a fine job of that now.
I was angry at him, but won’t waste my energy carrying a grudge. I expect to need all my strength soon.
on sat i went to a crossdressers picnic up in washingtons crossing.
i still cant get the horrifying image of all those guys in their girly stuff totally soaked from the rain….do you know what rain and humidity do to wigs and layer upon layer of foundation?
I will not vote for anyone who voted to authorize the war against Iraq unless they make an apology for the crime, and commit themselves to holding the warmongers accountable according to international law.
You left off:
Should slink away and retire to wherever kept men go when they retire.
My wife’s family just left to return to Maryland (that’s a goooood thing) after being here for my son’s graduation Saturday. The sad part though, is that my baby daughter Allie went with them for a month. Daddy’s got a boo boo lip :o(
A boo boo lip… Awww sorry supersoling. You can take both my kids for a while 🙂
Deal!! :o)
BTW, thanks for the pics of the river. What a beautiful place. And a beautiful family…and friend ;o)
You won’t want to keep em once you learn they are moody and full of oppositional tendencies. Especially my son. Autistic AND a newbie teenager… Run away!!!!!!!!!!!
Aren’t you and I full of oppositional tendencies? Lol
The apple never falls far from the tree :o)
Neither do the worms 🙂
Now, ask whether Hilary Clinton should concentrate on the senate.
It’s not raining here. We’ve been having a heatwave.