I love a good hefe too. And I’ve got all the ingredients to make one, but I just haven’t had the time or the energy to clean my equipmnent and brew up a batch.
One a home-brewed hefe does justice to the cloudy yeasty flavor of a true hefewiezen (german for “wheat beer with yeast”).
Hefewiezen takes about 2-3 three weeks to ferment in the carboy (large [6 gal. in my case] glass bottle), and another couple of weeks to carbonate and age properly in the bottle. It’s actually a simple brew, and a good one to try if you’re new to brewing, or thinking of taking it up as a hobby.
Winter is actually the time to make lagers, as lager yeast is active at lower temperatures, and while it takes longer to brew, the slower conversion of sugars to alcohol make for a smoother taste.
One of my favorite lagers (and a great crowd pleaser), is Rocky Racoon’s Christal Honey Lager (made with real honey).
Pyramid Ale House is right across the street from Safeco Field up in Seattle — unfortunately the spouse and I did not make it to either place (Safeco or the Ale House). 🙁
And Pyramid has a very good seasonal brew, called “Curve Ball”…once I’m over the damn cold I caught on vacation, I’ll stick a bottle or two into the fridge…
Yep, echoes is my least favorite thing on xpn…of course, the Saturday blues show with Jonny Meister is a totally different story. You’ve got to check that one out.
it wiped out all the annuals, perennials that were budding or starting to bloom, nothing survived. Imagine everything in your yard; trees, bushes, etc. having 2/3’s of the leaves fall off…then stomping on all the new growth below…got the image?
Clean it up and start over…it’s like spring never happened.
it was 1/2 hr. of 3/4″ to golf ball sized hail…serious storm, left 3-4″ of ice on the ground and you could barely see across the street during…shredded everything, the ground looks like a tossed salad.
Trees,bushes, and ivy will prob. come back w/ one or two exceptions that were marginal to start. Everything else is kaput.
especially for quantity of hail. A neighboring town to my hometown had baseball to softball sized hail once, that ripped eve troughs and siding from houses.
North roof looks suspect. The guy that put the orig. roof on is going to come out and look at it on the 11th of july. It’s a fish scale shingle w/ a 2 colors and I want to get an estimate from him b4 I deal w/ ins. I suspect I’ll be dealing w/ the aftermath for a long while. Surprisingly, I didn’t get any broken glass, esp the roof windows…whew!!!!
It was the worst storm I’ve ever seen…esp the sustained deluge…fu*ked up a lot of stuff, as you may well imagine, city wide.
but that’s to be expected; I designed it for me…lots of things unfinished, mostly details…for example, people think it’s quirky that I don’t have tp holders or mirrors in the bathrooms…and concrete floors in the lower level…:{)
and I mean that most sincerely. I’ve seen our garden blasted by summer storms and wept myself. But I guess you patch up what you can, pick up the pieces and see what you can make of the rest of the season. That. Still. Sucks. Boulders and ash.
get our place organized so I can get back into that again! Great hefeweizen recipe up there, Keres … smart move to do your lagers in the winter.
Anyway, let’s see if Sherlockolivia has her decoder goggles on tonight to see what this one is …
And big shout outs to all, dada, Manny, Booman, Keres, KB, now who did I forget?
I knew I couldn’t sneak that one over ya. Ever eat the flowers? Reputedly keep you cool on a hot day, and they taste of cucumbers. Nifty stuff that keeps coming back from seed every year and nobody seems to know what it is, except YOU. lol
I suppose you could put them in a salad and they’d be quite tasty. A bit different from Nasturtium (which I love in salads) but still very good. They have other properties as well, but C would have to tell you about those, and well, we know where that goes. I’m trying to get him to guest post on my b-thingie but no luck yet. So I translate some of that herbo-babble for you guys.
Actually I have all the equipment and used to brew all the time when I lived in FL, but here I’ve fallen off a bit … especially since our basement is a total disaster. But I really want to get back into it soon. Our neighbor down the street brews too and tried to plant hops but the rabbits ate them all (could have told him that). One of these days though, when conditions are right I’m gonna start it up again.
I think my area of expertise with regards to this topic would be “BNF barnyard innuendo” best experienced in person in conversational exchange.
I’ll have to see if I can come up with something impressive one of these nights so that I can further enrich the educational experience of my fellow late night BTrs.
as tomorrow I’m scheduled to be the victim… ooops, I mean the patient to be examined by a simulated nurse practitioner(sp?)to be video taped as a class assignment.
So I need to be rested enough to be serious rather than run rampant with with my usual wise cracks.
one over on Olivia … but then, of course I tainted her fragile leetle mind with a certain link. And dada threw in his suggestions… somewhere there I’m sure you have a hand in that.
art show was fine, a number of great works both in photography and oil painting. Both the glass blower and the potter I mentioned before were there. The blower does demos on the spot, always a big crowd around watching him work. I’ve been mesmerised myself.
We have a huge street fair here in Fargo every July, which is probably 100 times Pekin’s, so I guess I’m spoiled. They did quite well however for the size of town and being in a very rural area.
watching that hot blob of glass being molded into something of beauty is just plain fascinating. And the tricks he uses to make all the different shapes…
I shouldn’t be up but it’s still hot in the house and outside too so sleep isn’t happening yet-it was over 100 I think, a new record. I put a big box fan in the window and will try for some shuteye again right now. 5:30 rolls around mighty soon….
Ok, so I’m obsessing about getting the perfect shot of this stuff, but I’m getting closer at least. Oh, and we watched that movie Closer this past weekend. H0-HUM. Should have known it with Julia (“Muppet Mouth”) Roberts in it…
Actually C came up with that epithet, but we both agree.
Ok about sea holly obsession… it’s such an elusive blue haze the plants give off that’s so maddening to try to capture… thus my obsession. I experience the same frustration trying to get really good shots of this as I do Blue Butterfly. They just never look as good in photos as they do RL. Sigh. I’ll keep trying though for both.
… the diff colour settings on the camera? I know what you mean about the sea holly colour — if you have a vibrant setting try that — or try each one that you do have. Sometimes you have to ‘trick’ the camera … I’ve used tungsten setting before to get a ‘realistic’ colour.
that’s a puzzle as I have no standing water near the lawn area that I know of. And every one of them that I’ve seen looks wet like that. So I’m thinking that’s just the way they are, but them thar critter is not in my area of expertise at all.
and this old toad has to get to bed. Work aint gonna get any prettier today the longer I stay up. Night owls, you know who you are….. seeya on dada’s famed (yet undiscovererd) flip side………………………….
Oh, God! I need a drink! What have you got?
Oh. Hi! FroggyB! How are you?
I’m not FroggyB (until midnight), but I’m doing great. How are you?
Oh, and here’s a few selections from behind the bar
You want me to drink beer from a can?!
Pttuweee, pfftttt!!!
Something micro-brewed, please, and if you don’t have it on tap, at least bring me something in a bottle.
have a rainbow to brighten up your day 🙂
That’s more like it.
I used to live in both Oregon and Northern California. and It was great fun to go to the microbreweries for a sampler of all their beers.
is a beer.

a good hefie. My fav is an ice cold Franziskaner
I love a good hefe too. And I’ve got all the ingredients to make one, but I just haven’t had the time or the energy to clean my equipmnent and brew up a batch.
One a home-brewed hefe does justice to the cloudy yeasty flavor of a true hefewiezen (german for “wheat beer with yeast”).
That should read “only a home-brewed hefe.”
My recipe, should you want to try this at home.
5.7 Gallons
1kg (2.2lbs) Can of Morgan’s Master Blend Wheat Malt syrup
2kg (4.4lbs) Light Dried Malt
1/2 kg (1.1lbs) Wheat Dried Malt
25g Hallertauer Hops (boiling): 3.5AAU
11.5g Wheat/Ale Yeast (Safale K97)
O.G.: 1.049 (6.5%)
F.G.: 1.014 (2%)
4% Alcohol
Boil extracts and hops in 6 liters water for one hour. Pitch pre-liquified yeast at approximately 78 degreesF.
I will definitely make sure to stop by your humble abode if I ever make it to your hemisphere.
Served with a wedge of lemon, of course.
Hefewiezen takes about 2-3 three weeks to ferment in the carboy (large [6 gal. in my case] glass bottle), and another couple of weeks to carbonate and age properly in the bottle. It’s actually a simple brew, and a good one to try if you’re new to brewing, or thinking of taking it up as a hobby.
Winter is actually the time to make lagers, as lager yeast is active at lower temperatures, and while it takes longer to brew, the slower conversion of sugars to alcohol make for a smoother taste.
One of my favorite lagers (and a great crowd pleaser), is Rocky Racoon’s Christal Honey Lager (made with real honey).
Pyramid Ale House is right across the street from Safeco Field up in Seattle — unfortunately the spouse and I did not make it to either place (Safeco or the Ale House). 🙁
And Pyramid has a very good seasonal brew, called “Curve Ball”…once I’m over the damn cold I caught on vacation, I’ll stick a bottle or two into the fridge…
Where I lived before moving to Australia, ourlocal pizza place, in a wee little town just outside of Redding, CA, used to have Pyramid beers on tap!!!
Are you enjoying your v? (I think I read that earlier …) We’re straggling over from the last cafe still … 🙂
It’s too hot to blog. We Seattlites aren’t used to 90-degree temperatures.
figures the weather would turn great just as the spouse and I were leaving town…I was incredibly tempted to try and extend our stay a few days…
I saw your Seahottle comment earlier … lol. Are you forming puddles?
It’s midnight and I’m melting. It’s still 77 degrees out there.
listening to E C H O E S…I’m John Diliberto and you’re not…………………………………………………clik “Listen now“
I’m so sorry…
Yep, echoes is my least favorite thing on xpn…of course, the Saturday blues show with Jonny Meister is a totally different story. You’ve got to check that one out.
late night’s a crap shoot…monday’s generally are the worst for local radio. It gets better later in the week.
Late night is definitely tough on the radio programming.
Kids Corner is pretty hard to take.
What, you don’t like Kathy O’Connell and classics like “Star Trekkin'” or “Fish heads”?
Ὁ κωλυθεὶς συνηγορεῖν οὐδὲ τοῦ ἀντιδίκου αὐτοῦ συγχωροῦντος συνηγορεῖ
In other words, I have a lot to learn when it comes to knowing who does what on Kids Corner.
That’s my kind of music!
Erm, different radio station live stream, but same show. (I didn’t click your link at first) 🙂
And eclectic … 🙂
You were playin’ 20 questions….:{)
[1] You covered number one — fallout from the storm,
[2] Are you feeling better lat-wise, and
[3] Did you receive any nb docs.
[1] clean up in progress…garden destroyed…:{(
[2] pretty much healed
[3] *@#!###!!!….no…royally po’d about it too…this too shall pass.
What about your sage?!
That’s good that you’re better … and not good about [3].
it wiped out all the annuals, perennials that were budding or starting to bloom, nothing survived. Imagine everything in your yard; trees, bushes, etc. having 2/3’s of the leaves fall off…then stomping on all the new growth below…got the image?
Clean it up and start over…it’s like spring never happened.
it was 1/2 hr. of 3/4″ to golf ball sized hail…serious storm, left 3-4″ of ice on the ground and you could barely see across the street during…shredded everything, the ground looks like a tossed salad.
Trees,bushes, and ivy will prob. come back w/ one or two exceptions that were marginal to start. Everything else is kaput.
especially for quantity of hail. A neighboring town to my hometown had baseball to softball sized hail once, that ripped eve troughs and siding from houses.
So my next question, how did your dwelling fare?
North roof looks suspect. The guy that put the orig. roof on is going to come out and look at it on the 11th of july. It’s a fish scale shingle w/ a 2 colors and I want to get an estimate from him b4 I deal w/ ins. I suspect I’ll be dealing w/ the aftermath for a long while. Surprisingly, I didn’t get any broken glass, esp the roof windows…whew!!!!
It was the worst storm I’ve ever seen…esp the sustained deluge…fu*ked up a lot of stuff, as you may well imagine, city wide.
still not finished………………….
What part is not finished? What part are you most pleased with?
but that’s to be expected; I designed it for me…lots of things unfinished, mostly details…for example, people think it’s quirky that I don’t have tp holders or mirrors in the bathrooms…and concrete floors in the lower level…:{)
… but no mirrors … How do you perform your ablutions w/out a mirror?
I don’t know how to explain it…mirrors don’t work…I’m a vampire…<shuffles off, flips cape and flies away>
the old timers said, “A carpenter never finishes his own home.” I have found that to be true of every single one I’ve ever known, ha!
Ya run out of work you’d be belly-up!!!
by with no damage. I would guess the size of the hail was a factor in avoiding more severe damage.
The baseball sized hail I mentioned went through two panes of glass in some cases on the old style double hung windows.
Hopefully your ins co will be reasonable and you can avoid much out of pocket expense.
I guess I hear/read what you’ve been sayin but it’s hard to get the full picture you know?
Are the trees going to survive?
and I mean that most sincerely. I’ve seen our garden blasted by summer storms and wept myself. But I guess you patch up what you can, pick up the pieces and see what you can make of the rest of the season. That. Still. Sucks. Boulders and ash.
sorry, man.
this one goes in the record books…like I said above, “start over”…just a bump…:{)
get our place organized so I can get back into that again! Great hefeweizen recipe up there, Keres … smart move to do your lagers in the winter.
Anyway, let’s see if Sherlockolivia has her decoder goggles on tonight to see what this one is …

And big shout outs to all, dada, Manny, Booman, Keres, KB, now who did I forget?
Hey there IVG!
I knew I couldn’t sneak that one over ya. Ever eat the flowers? Reputedly keep you cool on a hot day, and they taste of cucumbers. Nifty stuff that keeps coming back from seed every year and nobody seems to know what it is, except YOU. lol
Have you eaten them? Like you could add them to a salad? I’ve never grown half this stuff — just admired from afar. All I’ve got is @#$^ing roses …
I suppose you could put them in a salad and they’d be quite tasty. A bit different from Nasturtium (which I love in salads) but still very good. They have other properties as well, but C would have to tell you about those, and well, we know where that goes. I’m trying to get him to guest post on my b-thingie but no luck yet. So I translate some of that herbo-babble for you guys.
I think I’d feel a teensy bit cannibalistic eating flowers …
just try keepin’ me out of Iowa
Actually I have all the equipment and used to brew all the time when I lived in FL, but here I’ve fallen off a bit … especially since our basement is a total disaster. But I really want to get back into it soon. Our neighbor down the street brews too and tried to plant hops but the rabbits ate them all (could have told him that). One of these days though, when conditions are right I’m gonna start it up again.
I saw this the other day and thought of you … 🙂
(Note that it has a lot of images, but you’ll get the idea from the first image…)
A lady after my own heart…:{)
And you taught me almost every twisted thing I know … 😛
we’ve only just begun…:{)
What dada said!!!
I think my area of expertise with regards to this topic would be “BNF barnyard innuendo” best experienced in person in conversational exchange.
I’ll have to see if I can come up with something impressive one of these nights so that I can further enrich the educational experience of my fellow late night BTrs.
Yes … I can only imagine what you could unleash upon us NDD … 🙂
as tomorrow I’m scheduled to be the victim… ooops, I mean the patient to be examined by a simulated nurse practitioner(sp?)to be video taped as a class assignment.
So I need to be rested enough to be serious rather than run rampant with with my usual wise cracks.
I’ll go find dada somewhere and say adios also.
I didn’t look at all of them (dial up remember), but the first one and the bunny jumping on the stapler by the dog were precious!
Oh, and about that dog…. looks like it’s going to be soon.
Didn’t want you to get bogged down and all. 🙂 I’ve got your back IVG.
That sounds fairly ominous …
then O = R-cide?
And IVG, no possible way have I contributed to O’s – ah – latest debachery – as I myself am pure as the driven snow!
you’re not gonna pin that one on me!
who said, “I used to be pure as snow…but I drifted”?
Just finished a bit of writing…now my Muse and I are off to bed…
one over on Olivia … but then, of course I tainted her fragile leetle mind with a certain link. And dada threw in his suggestions… somewhere there I’m sure you have a hand in that.
saw/read you finally got some rain, and a well deserved break from the weeding.
This past Sunday …
Showy Lady’s Slipper Orchids Cypripedium Reginae
And here’s what the day looked like — while you were dealing w/ your crazy weather we had beautiful weather:
We hiked around the left end of this lake — could have gone all the way around but I pooped out. 🙂
How are you? Did you have a non-rainy w/e and did you enjoy your art show?
art show was fine, a number of great works both in photography and oil painting. Both the glass blower and the potter I mentioned before were there. The blower does demos on the spot, always a big crowd around watching him work. I’ve been mesmerised myself.
We have a huge street fair here in Fargo every July, which is probably 100 times Pekin’s, so I guess I’m spoiled. They did quite well however for the size of town and being in a very rural area.
I find it mesmerizing yes, and soothing.
watching that hot blob of glass being molded into something of beauty is just plain fascinating. And the tricks he uses to make all the different shapes…
And it amazes me how it doesn’t fall off the end … and how they can make it so uniform.
I shouldn’t be up but it’s still hot in the house and outside too so sleep isn’t happening yet-it was over 100 I think, a new record. I put a big box fan in the window and will try for some shuteye again right now. 5:30 rolls around mighty soon….
Ok, so I’m obsessing about getting the perfect shot of this stuff, but I’m getting closer at least. Oh, and we watched that movie Closer this past weekend. H0-HUM. Should have known it with Julia (“Muppet Mouth”) Roberts in it…
Sea Holly with moisture…

That’s one I’ve never heard before … And I just had to google the movie. No wonder I didn’t recog it.
I think these have all looked great there IVG — very healthy looking!
Actually C came up with that epithet, but we both agree.
Ok about sea holly obsession… it’s such an elusive blue haze the plants give off that’s so maddening to try to capture… thus my obsession. I experience the same frustration trying to get really good shots of this as I do Blue Butterfly. They just never look as good in photos as they do RL. Sigh. I’ll keep trying though for both.
… the diff colour settings on the camera? I know what you mean about the sea holly colour — if you have a vibrant setting try that — or try each one that you do have. Sometimes you have to ‘trick’ the camera … I’ve used tungsten setting before to get a ‘realistic’ colour.
Discovered several whilst walking around the farm yard last week.
You got a pond there at the farm?
that’s a puzzle as I have no standing water near the lawn area that I know of. And every one of them that I’ve seen looks wet like that. So I’m thinking that’s just the way they are, but them thar critter is not in my area of expertise at all.
A wet-looking slime layer is indicative of a frog … not a toad.
which sounds bit like the name of a British Pub.
if you could design a pub that actually looked like the “ugly toad” you’d have the “bloody blokes” lined up by the kilometer.
and this old toad has to get to bed. Work aint gonna get any prettier today the longer I stay up. Night owls, you know who you are….. seeya on dada’s famed (yet undiscovererd) flip side………………………….
I hope it’s not too painful today/tomorrow …
Sweet dreams, sleep well!
and don’t eat any yellow snow… oh, guess that admonition is a tad early…
I’m longing for my bed … Hopefully today is the last day of FCH — I should get some sleep so I can enjoy it … 🙂
It was good to see you NDD, and I’m really sorry about your garden {{{d}}} …
Good night gentlemen … Sweet dreams! :*
Hey, me too, just said adios up thread a ways.
Good night to you O, sleep well, and goodnight to dada too.
Like Georges Clemenceau once said: “the highlight of making love the first time…”/ahh, never mind…I’m right behind you, sweet dreams….
Night NDD, be well.
Signing off EnEssAy, you can take a break now……………………smoke ’em if ya got ’em.