Froggy Bottom Lounge
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
hop on in!
hop on in!
Warning: BooTrib overdose may cause webbed feet
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
line up according to errant body hair frequency
Thank God I missed the welcome wagon. You know how I hate all that huggy, touchy feely stuff. This is much better
Maryb – I missed the fucking hell out of you!
Sorry, people expect me to use the f word all the time now.
And I missed the f’ing hell out of you too! But did I miss some f’ing?
Ready to bet on tonight’s game? A beer in the cafe?
How about a bowl of chocolate frosting instead? The Indians won last night and I don’t think they can eek out a two game win streak.
I’m guessing that the Cardinals can’t stay terrible forever. Eventually they have to win one.
Chocolate frosting sounds divine. But what will be salty follow up?
I picked the sweet so you go ahead and pick the salty. What time does the game start —8ish?
I’m thinking we just get those stick pretzels and dip them right in the frosting. Sound good?
7:10 central (8:10 for you transplanted midwesterners.)
Sounds good to me. But I’m not sure those little stick pretzels are good scoopers…unless you grab a whole handful.
What have you been up to? We’ve missed your little face around here.
I was thinking of the big pretzel rods. Bigger is better
I just got back from Michigan where I spent some quality time on a beach with friends. I’m still in a good post-beach mood — happy hour seemed the appropriate thing to do
WHere do you go in MI again? We vacationed every summer on the shores of Lake Superior near Sault Ste. Marie.
I go to Saugatuck — it’s almost directly across from Chicago. One of my friends has a vacation home there and is gracious enough to invite us all up every summer for a long weekend.
But you might be thinking about my yearly vacation to Minnesota — I’ve talked about that more. 10 days at Lake Kabetogama at the end of July.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of because I remember talking about how nice it was to get away from the heat.
I miss the cabin on Lake Superior – except of course that my ex inlaws are there and they hate me.
like I’m going to need to have more than half-and-half around here.
No, I’m in the middle of trying to break my sweet addiction and I must say it is not a pretty thing. It’s like crack.
I was afraid my blender was going to be silent tonight. Here’s an Irish Dream to welcome you back to the frivolity
Thanks! I’ve missed your bartending genius.
you — see how well everything work out.
How was Michigan?
It was good to get away and re-charge. I did … NOTHING. Well, I read. I sat on the beach. Went to a lot of restaurants. Went shopping. Played mah jongg. A whole lot of nuthin.
Sounds grand — except for the shopping, the mah jongg, and the sitting on the beach.
So what did you read?
was a novel called Snowflower and the Secret Fan.
I’m very glad I wasn’t a woman in 19th century China. She went into great detail about the foot binding practice. Ugh. But it was a good weekend read.
I wonder if we could start an American butt binding trend. Hmmm.
than the feet — no bones in the butt to break.
The description of the walking back and forth across the room was one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read.
of those women fleeing on their little feet into the mountains during the rebellion and having their feet shatter was also horrifying.
It also lowered my already perhaps not too high opinion of confucianism.
that it there were a few good things that Chairman Mao did.
I don’t know much about confucianism, except that there are a lot of rules. It didn’t give me a good feel for it.
went to DL so I’m going to drink it for her. She won’t mind
to see you haven’t lost your touch for mind-reading. Care to decipher the maze of my mind to tell me where I left my $50 rebate coupon for my new cell phone?
It’s in the pocket of your cargo shorts that you threw on the bedroom floor.
maybe it’s in my speedo pouch?
(i’ll gag for you)
I think I need more than just one gag.
by now that my mind reading has NO practical application. It’s only useful for having a little fun. Sorry Manny
It’s in between the front seats of your car.
Bud ate it.
Or the NSA stole it when they were searching your place.
too busy napping. The En-Ess-Aye, now that’s an idear.
to be able to nap sitting up. You’re obviously working him too hard. He needs a vacation.
it’s Tuesday and she’s Drinking Liberally in real life. Guess the martini will go to waste…
Plus, if it doesn’t have those snooty gourmet olives in it, CG will never drink it.
Hello everyone. Mary it’s great to have you back.
Glad you had some true slack time.
High praise coming from the Slackmeister.
Praise is given accordingly. Mary was the first slacker.
I just copied her slackdom and ran with it.
Hi Family Man. How ARE you? How many family members are staying with you this week?
True slack time is very important — I learned from the master — you.
It’s going as well as can be expected. There are two here now, but we had up to five this weekend.
I’m glad you had a good time. I was getting worried about you working so hard.
I appreciate you worrying about me. Thanks.
I think YOU need a vacation from your family.
October. Chicago.
I wish.
Speaking of family, I just got a call from my b-i-l and he’s having problems with his computer.
I’ll be back in a minute.
Running away won’t work.
OK I’m back. I’ve been telling them for months they need to do a little routine maintenance on their computer. They never had the time.
Today my b-i-l wanted to print a picture and after 45 minutes of waiting he got to the program and the screen went blank. I went over and looked. Their hard drive is over 50% fragmented and it’s no telling what else.
I started the defrag and told them tomorrow I’d look at everything else.
Ain’t it great to be needed.
I have no idea what any of that means, but I’m glad they are happy with you and appreciate you
It’s something you should know how to do.
As far as them being happy with me and appreciating me, they’d better. It’s not like they couldn’t though. I keep tell them how great I am and if they would only listen to me all their problems would be solved.
t’s something you should know how to do.
I’ll just bring my computer to Chicago in October for you to look at
Poor Mary. If you’re going to wait for that, then I’m afraid your computer will crash.
You don’t have to look at my computer,
and you don’t have to stay the whole weekend. You could fly in on Saturday morning, meet us for the afternoon event and fly out Saturday night.
It would only be a few hours with us.
I know I’m difficult but you could put up with me for a few hours couldn’t you?
Oh Mary I could put up with you forever. Well OK a few hours, but I hate to say it, it won’t happen.
I’m a confirmed non-flyer.
One day, I’ll meet everyone.
You can pick up Amtrak in Jackson MS — The City of New Orleans. I think it was Blueneck who was going to take that to Chicago.
You are good.
to think that you might not be there. I’m going to keep on you. Eventually you’ll decide that it’s easier to do what I want than not to.
here’s the Amtrak link
I bookmarked it.
There, you could sleep the whole way!
is good too!
Ya’ll are all good. To good!
Just think FM, we could play spin the Lysol bottle.
I think that kind of manipulative talent just goes to waste with you not being married.
I agree with that.
Oh I see. Bringing out the sympathy card now. Don’t want to make Mary sad.
I remember a book I read years ago and one thing I got from it was a lifetime can be lived in a few seconds and things change from moment to moment.
A lot of things could change between now and then. You never know.
Plus it does my heart good to know ya’ll care.
Don’t want to make Mary sad.
I knew you’d finally see the light
Hah I say madame, Hah again I say!
I have my helmet on now and this onslaught I can take.
Manipulate away.
Defragging someone’s disk is endangering your slacker status.
Well you’ve got to get out of slacking mode every now and then.
I doubt it.
We’ll keep working on you. Enough of us have frequent flyer miles we can give you. Plus, who will scrub the toilets if you’re not there?
I told ya I’m not that complient. Flying – Don’t do it.
My flying days are over.
However will you get up here to visit me?
Hey maryb! Excellent to see you — I’ll not gush more than that …
But you’re right. Gushing is not good
There are roads up there I hope.
Or would snow dogs and sled be more appropriate.
Or more likely — it’d take too much work for a slacker such as yourself to overcome the inertia of not coming.
It fits.
I’d say we’d come visit you but I couldn’t do that to you FM …
I’d say come ahead, but talk about next to nothing to do.
We could sit on the front porch out at the farm and eat pimento cheese sandwiches and drink sweet tea.
Then again, if ya’ll were here it would be special and we’d have to cook up some chitlins.
So who sitting on the porch sounds just fine … not so sure about the pimento sandwiches though … and forget the chitlins <shudder> — I could cook something for you so you could have a break …
That’s sweet Olivia, thanks.
Dont’ knock the pimento cheese sandwiches unless you try one. The chitlins I agree. I never liked them myself.
but don’t come see me and Mary and Second Nature and IVG in Chicago. That’s okay, my feelings aren’t hurt, no, really, it’s okay. Really.
I thought she was coming? Olivia?
Olivia is not coming to Chicago?
My God, ya’ll need to start working on her.
I haven’t ever stopped. But she a coy one and won’t commit.
You mean to tell me she’s been on me about coming to Chicago and she hasn’t even committed yet!
OH OLIVIA, I need to have a talk with you.
Don’t worry … this is merely fantastical thinking.
Wouldn’t it be great if you, SN, maryb, DJ, me … all descended on FM! C’mon you have to admit …
His heart…
I was just thinking the same thing.
I would be like my sister preparing for the wedding. I would be worring for months ahead that everything was just right.
we won’t tell you in advance — we’ll just show up
So having him prepare for months defeats the purpose.
Now I like the pamper part.
Oh that’s great. Then I don’t have to plan for a heart attack, just have one on the spot.
if we all met up in Chicago — you know, a place where they have museums, restaurants, shops, sights, and even a big, whopping lake.
But they have Alabamans in Alabama.
And they have Illinoisians in Chicago. Confused look here.
I agree with Andi and I think Olivia really needs to be there.
You BOTH need to be there.
and in-person camera jabber with Jim.
The lures are very overwhelming … in the true meaning of the word.
but wait! Now you’re planning a meetup to compete with the Chicago meetup? That’s not very nice.
We need an Alabama meetup in January. But the pimento cheese you’re talking about isn’t the pimento cheese he’s talking about. Trust me.
I would never do that. What I’m planning on doing is to win the lottery and have all of you flown to a tropical island where you can lay on the beach and cabana boys wait on your ever whim.
Besides there’s no competing w/ maryb …
Think of this as the Alabama version, or part 2, to be held in the distant future.
and everything went well at the protest.
I’m glad to hear that and I know her family is happy too.
I missed the latest Welcome Wagon today since I was at work – but I wanted soooo bad to type the following words to my latest adopted anthem by Pink. So I think I’ll just plunk them right here in the cafe so that you can all psycholanalyze this good girl gone bad.
Cuz I Can
So I’ll cash my check and pay my debt
And hope I’ll always win
Even if I don’t I’m fucked
Because I live a life of sin
Its ok, I don’t give a damn
I don’t play your rules
I make my own
And tonight I’ll do what I want
Cuz I can.
Yaaa – sing it girl!!
maybe a little heavy on the eyeliner?
an Alice Cooper phase.
Hey maryb – do the Cards always wear those funky red tube socks or is it Nostalgia Night?
so I’m listening not watching and I don’t know what they look like. I’m guessing it’s nostalgia night.
Are they striped?
I just noticed the Cards pitcher had on these red striped knee-highs. The Indians aren’t wearing their hideous nostalgia wear, so I’m guessing your pitcher is just a dork.
Don’t be picking on Reyes — he’s an up and comer. (Until Dave Duncan ruins him like he ruins all young pitchers<sigh>).
The normal socks are solid red so this must be the old time uniform night. Although it’s odd that both teams wouldn’t be wearing them.
Now that I can see the whole team I see it’s just Reyes with the 70s socks.
they’re all head cases. Maybe he thinks these are his lucky socks? Although they haven’t been lucky so far. And he’s thrown over 50 pitches in only 3 innings.
Too bad you can’t see CC Sabathia. What an enormous kid he is. He’s like 6’5″ and about 350.
will open up the hookah lounge in a second
That’s good ’cause we really made a margin-mess.
come on over (the patio is open for the non-smokers)