Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome Wagon Edition
Welcome Wagon Edition

New to BooMan Tribune?
Say hello and tell us about you!
Say hello and tell us about you!
Man Eegee is your semi-host
Viagra is out of stock until further notice
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
A little sluggish today?
How ya doing? π Wait’ll Andi gets a look at that pic!
What`s the backstory on your comment?
I was just saying “G`night” to a parrot we rescued, when I saw some movement. It was this guy eating a peanut dropped by “Honey”.
“SLUGS”, the movie.
Many years ago, I was hitchhiking in a rural area, when, not having any luck, I went to sleep in the ditch. I awoke to the sound of a car door shutting. I quickly came to alert & figured I`d beg a ride from the person who had stopped to take a leak, under the only lightpole around. When I approached this guy, fresh from a snooze in the damp ditch & asked for a ride, any ride, to anywhere, he looked like he had seen an alien or an apparition of some sort.
He stuffed his exposure back in his pants, while telling me he had a wife & kids & couldn`t help, then he was gone.
Bummed, I felt resigned to a world of dejection, when I had an itch on my face. When I went to brush off whatever it was, it turned out to be a slug.
Then I freaked when I realized I was covered with hundreds of them & now realized why that poor married man had split so fast.
A crazy looking guy crawls out of the darkness covered in slugs with no apparent discomfort asking to ride with him, his wie & kids? Not
So that`s my slug story.
Hi Olivia, A rose pour toi.
Really nice picture there knuclke.
I think if I had been the guy by the lightpole, I wouldn’t had said anything. Just turned around and run back to the car as fast as I could. π
That was funny, and the rose is stunning. Merci! π
As for the backstory … our dear Andi has a certain affinity for slugs and their ah, mating practices.
Who stole the Viagra? Ruuuuuuush!?
For any newbies out there, the Welcome Wagon has been a site tradition since BooTrib started in March of 2005. Feel free to tell as much or as little as you wish, we would just like to say ¡Bienvenidos!
Me: I’m a mid-20s Mexican American living in Tucson. I work within the social service network of southern Arizona and have slowly but surely been getting more active in the immigration/human rights advocacy campaigns. I blog to learn, to grow and to motivate myself and others for real life activism. Paz, and don’t be shy!
You learn something new every day. I didn’t know that you worked in social services. You liberal men are so endearing that way.
is that he’s also drop-dead gorgeous… π
Me: 47-year-old female type living in the heart of the Silly Con Valley (formerly Silicon Valley till the dot-com bust revealed its true nature). Currently gainfully unemployed, though keeping tabs on my spouse has been a full-time occupation lately…spend my time writing, trying to get back into volunteer mode, reading, and staying out of trouble (for now). I blog to educate myself and others. My own blog hasn’t been updated for a while — too much Real Life crap, plus a vacation — but I hope to return to it soon…
up, Cali, and no one else will fit in the cafe due to my oversized ego. π Good to see you back from your vacation, I hope you’re able to finally rest from your trip! I’m a big fan of leaving one day before and one day after an adventure to recharge the batteries.
Hi, I’m spiderleaf and I’m a pain in the butt. Oh, and a snarkaholic. And a loudmouth.
Won’t you please join my clique?
Those are your best traits … and why we all want to join your clique! π
Well, my mom did always tell me to aim low… good to see I took her advice to heart π
Hey Liv! You getting rained on up there too?
Yep … rained this morning and now the clouds are looking white and there’s blue sky peeking …
Got any plans for the big Canada Day w/e?
What do youu Canadiaun peopuple do to celebraute? Blow things up? Sacrifice a virgin?
Sorry abouut all the extrau “u”s…I’m never sure where to inseurt them.
That souuunds about right. π Here’s a link to Ottawa happenings b/c I’m lazy … π
In the cafe it’s perfectly acceptable to pimp your diary isn’t it?
Where else would you pimp it? π
The Cafe is neat because (almost) everything is acceptable. Except farting.
If they’re virtual who cares. All the relief without the lingering effects. π
Then you probably won’t be interested in this.
I make it a point not to pull anyone’s finger, no matter what they promise in return.
That’s one of the joys of having a five-year-old grandson whose father was brought up to appreciate the finer points of humor. He thinks that particular joke is endlessly funny.
That’s one of the best things about little kids.
Tell him this one:
What time is it when it’s time to go to the dentist?
A: 2:30 (Tooth-hurty!)
That’s a little girl joke. The pull finger fart joke is most assuredly a little boy joke.
I was trying not to be crass.
And it’s also a big boy joke, since little boys never grow up.
Why do farts smell?
So deaf people can enjoy them also.
Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional. I figure if you don’t grow up by the time you’re about 35, you don’t need to.
I like the tooth-hurty joke. I think I’ll pass it along to my granddaughter the budding comedienne, who is just starting to figure out what makes something funny.
I learned this one from my son:
Q: Why don’t blind people skydive?
A: It scares their dogs.
If you like green, raise your hands.
Hi I am Patti aka Mrs WTP. I was employed until Feb when I was laid off, as a medical billing clerk. Now I am a SAHM, with two girls. Maggie is six and Becca just turned 1 last Friday.
My husband introduced me to this site.
My favorite color is purple
I like coffee.
I like taking pictures, mostly of my family.
I don’t like emptying the dishwasher.
I don’t like dieting.
Welcome Patti. In my opinion you are married to a great guy. Glad to see you here. (Oh, and I enjoyed your diary yesterday.)
Hi Patti. Six and one are good years.
Unloading the dishwasher I agree. Although I don’t mind loading it. It seems no one in the house can do it right except for me. π
FM, I can’t seem to scrub these toilets right no matter how hard I try. I think you might be the only one who can do it correctly. I’m free most every day but if I’m gone there’s a key under the ceramic smiley face sun, and the toilet brush is under the sink.
I’m not that damn compliant. π
Although I think that each person in the house should have their own seperate bathroom of which they take care of.
Then again, an outhouse is so much less worry. π
Well, I thought I’d give it a shot.
And speaking of shot, having 3 boys (4 if you count the big guy)it’s always an adventure.
Have Mr. Nature build an outhouse on the back 40 or paint a bullseye in the toilet. Easy solution.
Cute little girls you got there – full of spunk and fire.
Sorry that you got laid off, but being home with the girls must be really nice.
So good to have you here!
Glad to see you posting. Stop by the cafe early and often.
and very glad that you shared your diary with us.
I like taking pictures, mostly of my family.
We love people who take pictures, especially when they post pictures in the cafe.
Speaking of which, where has Teacher Toni disappeared to? We’re suffering a severe Andrew shortage…
Allow me to join the chorus of the rest of the BooTrib Welcome Mat Society and thank you for joining us here at the frog pond. Hope to see more diaries from you (and the Mr., I read his poetry all the time) Paz
I’m not new to Booman Tribune, and people probably know more about me already than is healthy. π
I know your the great inventor of the Robo-Rater!
Anymore is just icing on the cake.
You have honourary status round these parts … π
I’m new in that sense that I just registered for the site last week. I have had BoomanTrib on my list of daily read blogs for a while, but just recently decided to start posting here as well.
I’m 21, a soon-to-be college junior at Indiana University.
I started a blog a month or so ago, called Deny My Freedom. We are just now starting out, but we like to think of ourselves as future power-players in the blogosphere.
I wholeheartedly support the 50 State Strategy for Democrats, especially because I think it could help Indiana evolve into something that no one ever considers: a blue state.
I am working on People Powered Polling toward that end, and I invite all of you to come join.
For lack of anything coming to mind, what else do you want to know?
Thanks for this great community!
Hi Yoss. Glad to have you here.
Just took a quick look at your site and it looks great.
You are very sharp and if you’re the future of the blogosphere than I’m feeling very optimistic! The blog looks very well put together and interesting for just starting out!
Hi Yoss, welcome to the site. And don’t be afraid to think big!
Good to see you checking in … hope to see more of you!
Great to have you aboard.
Assuming you are at IUB, we are neighbors — I’m over in Brown County (if you run across IndianaDem, he also lives in Brown County).
At any rate, great to have another Hoosier here.
…I take my canoe over to Yellowwood State Forest whenever I get a chance. Yup, IUB. Originally from the West suburbs of Indy.
We’re about 2.5 miles south and east of Gnaw Bone, back in the woods.
I’m originally from Indy as well (grew up around 40th/Central and later 79th/Township Line — but many years before your time).
Gnaw Bone?
Getting worried?
Maybe just a little. I’m starting to worry that if I sleep past 5:00 AM one of the dogs will gnaw my foot off.
Don’t forget, Andi lives in the deep dark woods. It’s no telling what’s out there.
Take a lesson from the local delivery people who travel with dog treats (my dogs are seriously in love with the UPS guy).
Two theories for the name:
That’s pitiful – I don’t like to think about it.
There are hundreds of little towns between here and there that could have that same name for that same reason.
There’s another town not too far from here called ‘Lick Skillet’ so it is a bit of a theme.
glad to see the 20-something coalition is growing around here, not that there’s a lack of youthful spirit in the cafe (especially when the hookah is lit) Great blog, I like the design and content. It looks like an aggregator? Let me know, perhaps I’ll submit some immigration stories in the future. Paz and welcome
George is letting me know it’s time to go out and I’m past nap time.
See ya’ll later.
Hey All,
Drive by from my conference in Maine. I got great news last night. I got a fabulous starred review for WebMage in Publisher’s Weekly! Linky goodness.
I thought the review was next month, and I didn’t know it was going to be starred.
Congratulations Kelly!
Hope you’re having a fabulous flowery day!
I’m a fantasy and science fiction author living in Western Wisconsin with a small herd of cats and my Physics Prof wife. I’m moderately active in local politics and very active in letter-to-the-editor writing which activity seems to give my local Republican party types indigestion.
Definitely looking forward to the book next month…I’ll be haunting my favorite bookstores till I see it.
Speaking of books, we got three of the packages we sent home from Seattle on Friday from the Terminal 30 Cruise Facility…spouse went nuts buying books in Alaska, especially Skagway (all the Klondike history). Now I’ve got to figure out where the hell to put them…
Thanks Cali,
I really hope you enjoy it.
I am the GODDESS OF HUGS!! I’ve been hanging around here for a long time and now my hair has turned gray….LOL
I am Shirl of the Stars and I have done so many of these “tell us about you” comments that everyone is absolutely sick of hearing about it.
I live in small town rural Idaho (on purpose). I am a purveyor of Light, a promoter of smiles and a hugger extraordinair. You can find me at many places on the web and most often at Village Blue Matters of Spirit (see my signature line for links).
I adopted Manegee the first time I ran into him here at the frog pond. . .and he is a luscious Latino Hunk! Of course, I love him for his great heart, nothing shallow about me, heheh. (he’s also a great hugger)
If you are new here, welcome and very glad to have you. Make yourself at home, join in the fun and let us hear from you in whatever ways best express your view of things.
Hi to all you froggie regulars too, Love ya
always a pleasure to see you around here. BooTrib causes gray hair, eh? Now I have something to blame for the insurgency that is growing in the back of my head.
Hope the summer is treating you well, hugs!!! π
Does it cause pot bellies and errant facial hairs?
that’s called Yetihood. I speak from experience.
Not the dreaded yeti?
Hi, I’m boran2 and I’m a blogoholic. Oh, I should come here more often.
are a blogoholic, and a great diarist, which you’ve been kicking butt with lately. You’re also the frog pond’s resident Picasso.
Thanks, but I am not worthy. < bows head >
What Manny said.
Hi-I haven’t been around for a while because I inadvertently blocked the BMT cookies and couldn’t sign in. Also I was spending too much time here and elsewhere instead of being out in the world. Also I was pissed off at someone-can’t remember who but think it’s someone who’s always pissing people off. Don’t remember what it was about, possibly the joys of monogamy and the whole (bogus)concept of soulmates.
I usually have to post and then run off to another adventure. I’m a blue collar public employee, a registered socialist, Buddhist scholar and I really like to fix things. Fixed my electric toothbrush recently also the electrical short on a golf cart-like vehicle.
I realized after a recent retreat that I really do like eccentric people and also can often appreciate life’s drama, mine and others’.
always good to see you around. There’s a plethora of eccentricity around here, as I’m sure you know. Just try to stay out of the marmot’s way when he races over to the open bar. Speaking of, where has MarmotDude been, Andi?
get into the hookah smoke once too often. But now that you mention it, tomorrow morning’s cafe would be a good one for Marmotdude’s beach outing.
finally broke down and got him some board shorts this year. The speedo was…um…not his finest moment. or was that rubber pants? hmmm. Maybe I’ve had too much hookah smoke. (never)
Much too much hookah smoke. That speedo moment was you, Manny, wasn’t it? Again, not your finest either.
I’m not the one who has been photographed in their skivvies around here, even though I was harassed for most of the Left Coast Meetup to do a reenactment. I’m counting those shirlStars that I declined.
You just set yourself up by walking into that coven – I don’t feel sorry for you. π
nude beach
(it was rubber pants and never again)
Well, at least not until Marmotdude becomes incontinent – because there’s nothing worse than an incontinent marmot.
MarmotBalls only made an appearance for ‘Christmas in July’?
Marmot Balls are a special case. And in honor of DJ’s safe return, here’s her Marmot Balls poem:
Be aware Be aware
That I’ve got plenty of hair
down there down there
Just so as you know
And there’s no doubt
I tend to truly
let it all HANG OUT!
So ladies feel free
to run your fingers
through my locks
and you’ll see
that we
Marmots have the biggest coc…
– oh baby just shush yer mouth-
That is beautiful. Excuse me while I wipe this tear from my eye. ::sniff::
too bad I wasted it in a cafe that was closing. ::sniff::
(Sniff thinks it’s wonderful that everybody thinks of him all the time.)
I found out that the marmot is native to Vancouver Island — I forget exactly which species of marmot. But they’re endangered because they’re also the favorite snack of the cougars or coyotes that live up there, so some group is raising them in captivity then releasing them in the wild to try and restore the species. (Learned that on the bus trip to Butchart Gardens.) Will try and research later…
I just watched a National Geographic show on hibernation.
I believe the marmots on Vancouver Island, are very much endangered, & I believe all the population, numbering only in the [low hundreds?], has been caught & tagged.
Did you know?
“Marmots are deep hibernators and may remain dormant for as many as nine months of the year. But recent research is showing that marmot hibernation could be disrupted by climate change, causing the marmots to come out of hibernation too early, before plants are available to eat.”
Bad news, eh?
looks like. It’s tough when the puter is down and I don’t have all you guys. Works now….whew!
MT, I never got a chance to tell you how delightfully real you are and what a great kid you have!
It was hard to leave the cranberry white chocolate scones and a child distracting air hockey table! I loved your home and the good vibrations that you and your family exude… include Bitey and Smoochie and Ms. Butterpants too.
Everything went fine at the protest and she’s on her way home.
please unrecommend this Welcome Wagon on your way out before heading over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge Grassy ass!