This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
It’s always the weekend to a marmot
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning! So nice to be in a cafe where certain people aren’t sniping at you… 😛
are older than maryb and SN — we’re so far into our geezerhood that if we spent our time harassing the young’uns that’s all we’d ever do.
I guess that explains why you’re up early? 🙂
Yes, I try to adhere to the basic tenets of geezerhood:
. get up early
. go to bed early
. in between
.. tell the same stories over and over
.. always say that things were better when you were young when talking about good stuff and that they were worse when talking about bad stuff.
And the naps – very important to this old fogey;)
about walking thirty miles each way to school, barefoot, in the snow, uphill both directions.
I also tell my granddaughter that we had to watch TV by candlelight because electricity hadn’t been invented yet. I’m not sure she gets that one.
Good morning Andi, Psi, FM!
Good morning. How’s your day starting so far?
I’m still trying to unglue my eyes at the moment.
Great so far with a bit of quiet time on the front porch. I expect things to deteriorate significanly as the day progresses. We have a play on schedule for tonight, though, so at least part of the day may be redeemed.
Sounds great so far. One of the great things about getting up early is you have a little time just to collect yourself for the day. Sunrises are good too. 😉
How are things in your half of the county?
BTW, if you see the username Yoss, he’s another neighbor — a junior at IU.
People are stirring out on the street. Quiet time is almost over for today. Good to hear we have another froggy nearby. Soon we will have control of the region;)
The three of you can completely take over Gnaw Bone and use it as command central on your quest for the rest of Indiana.
Since you are so enamored of it, we’ll have to stop by Gnaw Bone at some point so you can get a picture of the road sign and a souvenir “There really is a Gnaw Bone” key chain.
I don’t know – I’m kind of torn between Gnaw Bone and Lick Skillet, although either would make for a fine keychain.
Lick Skillet isn’t close enough. You’ll have to settle for Gnaw Bone. But to make up for it you’ll also get to drive through Pike’s Peak (which is in a valley) and Stonehead, and Stoney Lonesome (which sadly doesn’t actually exist anymore but has motorcycle club on the former townsite).
Sounds like the folks around there had an ironic sense of humor. You have to admire that. I’m kind of fond of Stonehead for some unnameable reason.
And there is a stonehead at Stonehead. According to those who are supposed to know, it was used to identify the place because it was a stagecoach stop but I’ve never seen any real documentation of that.
Okay, off to pretend I am working person.
Good morning Andi and Psi.
And anyone else lurking!
Morning Olivia. How’re ya doing this am?
You? Did you sleep in again? 🙂
Yep, sure did. Stayed up to late with you guys again. 🙂
Just haven’t gotten back into my routine yet. 🙂
Are your visitors going visiting today?
They might be going home today. Last night they said there was something they had to go back for and they would be leaving tonight. That remains to be seen.
Sort of like when they say they’re going to show up. They will give you 3 or 4 different times/dates and then finally show up out of the blue. Same with leaving. 🙂
Or do they mean something they have to go back for … b/c they forgot to bring it and they’re coming right back! 😉
Oh they’ll be back. No doubt about it.
But at least I’ll have a chance to re-stock the house and get a break from George’s barking.
One funny thing I noticed about George last night. He hiccups in his sleep. I guess I’ve known it, but really never noticed it.
I used to love when I was pregnant and the baby got the hiccups.
I know you are nearing the end of FCH but you must be careful not to look back at the report as you leave FCH or you’ll lose the report forever — that’s the story I’ve heard anyway.
This should be the day …
Good morning Olivia – love your flowers, BTW.
Coming late to the morning cafe and reading the comments is always a little reminiscent of the Waltons.
Morning all.
Morning Andi.
Morning FM and Andi.
Morning Olivia and FM.
Morning SN. Are you waterlogged where you live?
There’s a strange yellow glow in the air today – can’t figure out what it is. Hopefully it will dry out all the mushrooms in the backyard.
A strange yellow glow you say? Could be…….
You’re not going to turn into that guy who kept whipping out pictures of Nixon are you?
Nah, that’s just the first thing I could come up with this early.
Yellow air though. Have ya’ll gotten past all your pine pollen?
Pine pollen is April, now we’re into pine needles and pine cones. My gutters are clogged with little growing maple trees too. The guy next door complained. I hate neighbors.
Yeah I’ve got those too. I’ve also got a tree in the front yard that sheds it bark during the summer. I forgot what type it is, but the bark is all over the front yard.
Actually I’ve got to get out and do something with the yard today. Both neighbors yards are spotless and mine is starting to become and eyesore. 🙁
I called the gutter guy weeks ago and he hasn’t shown up yet, so I guess I’ll call a different one. The main thing is that I’m sure mosquitoes are breeding up there in the damp recesses of the gutters.
How’s the coffee today?
The coffee is exquisite, Olivia – how is your coffee?
I’m making up for it w/ my chocolate milk …
Did you give up coffee too? I thought it was just FM.
It does strange things to me … I only had one cup in the morning but if I missed a day I would get terrible headaches …
Thought I’d get everbodies eyes open this morning with Archie. The world’s ugliest dog 2006.
Although I don’t feel he compares with Sam, last years winner.
FM, you have got to come to Chicago so I can personally strangle you for your continual posting of that hideous thing.
and my gag reflex is working just fine this morning thank you.
Now how could such cute little things get you to gag?
Heck if I had known about it, I would have entered George into the contest.
Last year’s winner is the definition of ugly. They should’ve retired the competition … 🙂
He looks like he could be Stephen King’s definition of the devil.
I wonder if there’s a world’s ugliest cat contest?
That thing is unidentifiable as a dog. It scares me.
Then I’m sorry I posted it again. But I figure I’m over half way there with George, so it doesn’t bother me that much.
George is a lovable snaggletooth…he’s worlds away from being scary.
That’s because you haven’t been around him. He tears after everybody like he’s going to take their ankles out. 🙂
The other night while strolling about the blogiverse — they were hairless — true sphinx cats — grey wrinkly things. Here’s the link …
Those cats are, uh, different. 🙂
I couldn’t even make out the eyes on the kitten.
and people pay thousands of dollars for those things.
Well, I guess I better get ready for my Dr. appt.
See everyone later.
See ya. Good luck.
No tea today because I’m still at the conference, but if there were tea tea, it’d be: Northern Pouchong, a Taiwanese Oolong.
Morning Kelly. Hope your conference is going good.
I’m having a good time and I’m learning some new things. So, it’s all good. I hope you have a slacktaculer day.
you linked to yesterday. I’m really looking forward to getting to read the book — especially since I know you’ll promise me that you aren’t sucking me into some never-ending series … won’t you?
I really hope that I’m not sucking you into a never-ending series. I wasn’t even planning on writing a single sequel. WebMage is intended to be a stand-alone book. This second one likewise is supposed to have no follow-on, and will hopefully be followed by something very different and likewise finite.
I’m not really interested in writing long series. The thing that I love about writing is creating new worlds and new characters, so my perfect career arc would be one in which I write a whole bunch of compartmentalized books with the occasional three or four book set. And with the sets, I want to conceive the whole thing up front and let readers know exactly what they’re getting into. I’m not fond of the unending series as a reader, and I’d rather not do that to my readers.
That said, if an editor really wants to throw large amounts of money at me for a never-ending series I can’t promise I won’t give in.
That’s probably a good thing. I’ve read a couple of series where the author started off with a bang, went well for two or three books, but then ran out of steam before s/he ran out of contract.
That isn’t always the case — Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books never disappoint, for instance, even when I get one that isn’t (by my standards anyway) quite as good as the last. But it really sucks to look forward to a good read, only to be let down.
I’ve read pretty much everything he’s written and I sometimes wonder if he can write a bad book. In general I think his work has just gotten better and better in part because he’s moved from the nearly straight farce of the Rincewind stuff to the really biting liberal satire of his later stuff. Also, I think he’s found a really good way of disguising a whole bunch of different series in radically different settings as if they were all just part of one bigger series. Brilliant stuff, absolutely brilliant.
He’s taken the idea of the Discworld as “a world and mirror of worlds” and used it to perpetrate some wicked satire. And when what he wants to write about doesn’t fit into the framework of Ankh-Morpork, he’s able to move to Klatch or Continent X or wherever he needs to go.
Plus he can pull off stunts like allowing Sir Samuel Vimes, the unintended peer and respected commander of the City Watch, to team up for a time with Sam Vimes, the rookie flatfoot just starting out.
As a writer he drives me crazy though, because he’s so good it’s intimidating. I know that if I ever try to do any sort of funny fantasy, it’s going to come off sounding like a poor Pratchett ripoff.
I’ve got to get the day going. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be spending most of the day getting my b-i-l’s computer up and running right. At least I hope I’ll have it running right. 🙂
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Just another crummy day in paradise. Ho hum. I’ll be thinking of you all tonight while I’m sitting outside, listening to the siamangs backing up Arlo Guthrie when he does his concert at the zoo.
theme for today. Naked marmots in the cafe, naked guinea pigs on the frontpage…must be hump day.
It’s already hot as a bitch in the SF Valley at 10:30 in the morning. Fun, fun, fun, especially with no AC in my office at work. Those guys got to get that shit straightened out, and soon! I sit there with 3 fans on me all day. Plus the no-ventilation issue. Sucks. Aside from that, it’s a great job, all is well, etc.
Just dropping by on my way out the door. Really cuts down on my participation when I can’t check in from work. Sucks. I seem to be missing all the fun these days.
However, check you later! 🙂
Hey, MM, good to see you! Hope things cool down soon.
Wow-kinda quiet in here…am I the last one in?
Just had a big fight with my worker bee who’s been an incredible pain in the ass this week and for the last 2 years and who management will do nothing about. I blew up and called him a fuckhead after he disregarded instructions for the bazillionth time. Meant to say dumbass. I suppose I’ll be hearing about this later…(sigh)The foreman was nearby so I confessed right away and he’s cool with it but agreed that i should have called him a dumbass. oh well..
Sorry to hear about your troubles — I hope it gets resolved.
And, yup, it’s pretty quiet. I’m going to put up an early Happy Hour soon, since I have some errands to run.
Okay, folks, happy hour is open.