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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
Will someone be a dear and bring me the hookah?
I’m not done with it yet!
Sorry — you’re not the empress of this cafe. I’ll be sending Manny or Psi over momentarily. They’re young and they’ll wrestle you if they have to.
I’ll only wrestle if I get the hookah first. π
Where’s Olivia? She was just requesting wrestling and chocolate frosting. She’s gonna want to see this.
Chocolate frosting? Sounds kinda kinky…I like it. π
Thank goodness for you, Andi — I was getting no cooperation in here.
I missed my furry compadre
He wondered why you didn’t join him at the nude beach.
He couldn’t get his speedo off….it was stuck.
seems to slip off when teeth are used.
I’m amazed that you can bend over that far. I think you have a future in film.
That’s got to be some sort of new porn move. I’m sure it’ll raise the amount of revenue not earned due to illegal downloads greatly.
be in the sequel?
Without seeing the seminal film? Wait, that doesn’t sound right…
spice things up and make it a Seminole film.
LOL, I must be a tad slow tonight.
I’ll bite — whose teeth?
since the dentures are removable, they could belong to anybody.
I love this line. And the image it evokes. Makes me laugh, it does.
Wow, this was early!
I’m going to post my follow-up entry on workers’ pensions now. It’s more of a response to David Sirota’s rec’d (how the hell it happened, I don’t know. Heh) diary at dKos. It also serves to illuminate the issue more in the wider context of business.
Time is relative, my dear boy. With that in mind, I’ll peruse your diary shortly… hey, perhaps you could drag it over here?
Just posted.
So where’s maryb2004, Second Nature, and the rest of those geezers? Surely it can’t be that late…or maybe they fell asleep watching reruns of ‘The Price is Right’… π
So… you’re one of those masochists?
If you can’t get any pleasure, you might as well endure the pain – that’s what I say.
and I feel constrained to be nice to you since you join me for morning
Heh. I mean, you don’t have to be nice to me…I’m a big boy…I’ll take it as good as I give it (which, according to MARY, isn’t that good π ).
Are you sure you’re not married to Mr. Nature?
I sure hope not…I thought I was straight!…
Oh, it was the shutting up and enduring the lack of pleasure with valor that confused me.
All of our petals were melting today in the San Fernando Valley. Weird weather with the more-than-usual heat but also added humidity and an added very hot breeze.
Earthquake weather? (Whatever that is.)
Still gorgeous, though, MM. The only thing worse than earthquake weather is the Santa Anas. Oh, and brushfire season… and mudslides… and flashfloods — who says there’s no weather in LA?
True, Izzy! I was always one of the ones who said there was no weather in LA, but I guess I was talking about RAIN mostly!
Ooooh, pretty. Haven’t seen flowers like that since I went to Hawaii.
I have never been to Hawaii, psifi, but I sure would love to go there!
That’s what mine look like, but it’s not the weather, it’s because I’m a poor gardener.
WEll, this was taken at the Home Depot nursery, iam, so you may not be such a bad gardener after all! I always wonder how such a fragile thing as a flower petal withstands the fierce desert heat of a SF Valley summer!
That’s a petunia and they’re indestructable. I know – I’ve tried every way I know to kill them and still they bloom.
Sounds like the basis for a good flower murder mystery… LOL!
Oh, they never die, but they can look sickly like the picture above and make you feel like you’ve done something to make them wilt. But they’ll bloom like the dickens for ya.
but that’s not going to stop me from butting in.
Hi, MM.
“Butt” in any old time you feel like it!
No problems there — I am good-behavior deficient.
You sound like you are feeling a lot better.
Yup, feeling better thanks, except for living in hell on earth heatwise. But at least the horrible debilitating disease and strangling cough is gone. Count those blessings!
Raining where you are?
Got any tasty FLIES?
There were several of these guys hopping around the farm yard during the last visit.
His camo is amazing.
When I see your name I always think of one of the sculptures I have. It`s called “MASAI EARTH MOTHER”. If you have a lisp, ignore this, [Mith Mother].
Beautiful sculpture, I love it! I found this one at a local nursery.
Very Very nice. It seems to show humility, where it need not be shown. Which is the definition of itself. I have a matching one of the one I posted. It might be a sister or friend. The features are different & the hairstyle is as if they did each other`s hair.
Obviously, it`s not a lisp.
Nice to see you — seems like we haven’t been operating in the same space-time continuum lately.
And very nice “green reflection” in that last FBC. I’ll add that to my Andi favorites.
It seems about as likely that I’d get up early as it would be for you to stay up for the “nightowl” session, ha!
One of us is going to have to change…
and since you’re much younger… it would be easier for you…
and it’s against the basic tenets of geezerhood to change.
(I hope all those trees weren’t too scary)
The trees were not too scary, since there were some streaks of sky in mixed into the “green” reflection.
sorry to interrupt the party with some serious bidness, but Boo needs some help, ideas and support on the FP… π
Going to sleep. G’night Frog Ponders…see ya on the flip side.
but what I really like are the flowing lines of the terrain.
OT, It was recently brought to my attention, your affinity for the sexual reproduction of slugs. This slug may not reproduce sexually, unless you include auto-eroticism. I had one of these that was 18″ long & one day
I noticed it had two tails. What I didn`t know was that it had split into two slugs, & I just hadn`t seen the last extremity of one of them. [graphic pic. Not]
It`s nice of you to own up, although I hadn`t mentioned any names.
Thinking “Pink” today, I went to see how some of the buds were doing.
Here`s your pink fix.
Yes, well Andi probably knows it was me — she knows everything. π
Thank you kind sir for the pink! Looks good enough to eat. Do you have any more photos of those purple snailwort flowers? I really like those too … π
Coming up in a min. I`m getting something ready for dada.
I goofed up [not really] & had to correct something. I think it`s for the best. In the meanwhile, will this hold you over. It`s the “Red Hot Poker]
own. When one lives in an area one has a tendency to take things for granted. The flowing lines of the terrain all “flow” in the direction of ancient glacial Lake Agazziz.
I love your photos, NDD – the colors are so beautiful and crisp. It is so dang hazy here all the time that the colors seem muted.
sometimes I get lucky with the P&S digital. Good thing I don’t have to report percentage saved vs. percentage taken, ha!
I was taking some 35 mm 50 Velvia slide film shots too, so I hope that one is on that film as well.
clik to enlarge
Wow, Andi’s still up, and SN…how’d that happen?
how goes it NDD?
I see Ms O has graced us w/ her presence…
Isn’t it a little early for you both to be here? π
where’d everybody go? Got awful still all of a sudden.
Did you put fch to bed today?
Another of those ebbs I guess.
FCH … It’s basically all done — just a few errant refs to track down and go over my edits w/ the PM tomorrow.
I’ve been semi-celebrating here tonight … drinking a glass of chivas, eating chocolate and reading kurt vonnegut … ahhhhhh … it’s been a good night. π
How ’bout you?
had some sort of half life the last few days, you know like radioactive decay, half of a half of a half of H
That’s a great way to describe it … I have basically 10 refs left to check (~1 page) — I had thought to get it all done but I’ve moved back to some of my other projects that I had put aside these past few weeks and that took more of my time. So you’re right … the longer it drags on, the less time I can devote, the longer it drags on, the less time … π
What vonnegut are you reading?
life is no way to treat an animal … and all that.
Reading his words is like being eveloped in a giant hug — can’t really explain but it is comforting feeling.
Talk about having to recast impressions, lol! Good move Olivia!
You made it … See you over in the new cafe!
m.c.escher…clik to enlarge
Tryin’ to stay awake and alert…up way late last night and too early this am
So are you gonna give us the deets? π
zactly what O said.
deets: Spheres lithograph, c. 1946….:{)
What a great shot.
So which side is he on?
he’s on the right side…which would be left.
Nice shots up thread, esp the mask/scupture…can’t say I’m to moved by the sea slug tho…damn they’re ugly…I’d best stop at that.
melted yet? And how’d the roof inspection turn out?
just the detritus remains…slowly cleaning up but my heart’s not in it.
No inspection untill 11 july…I opted to have the roofer do it b4 filing a claim…it’ll be a pissing match if/when I do, due to the unusual nature of the shingles and the fact that the one’s on there are no longer avail…hope I don’t have to go there.
Are they those composite shingles that curl? That’s what we have on our roof and we can’t find anyone who’ll clean it (moss is a big problem here).
the prob is they’re diamond shaped and give a ‘fish scale’ appearance, and there’s second colored accent stripes that run horizontally around the entire roof…very cool looking but potentially problematic from a replacement standpoint…gotta do the whole roof, not just one side.
if you have a strip of galvanized roofing tin running the length of the roof at the peak.
Only disadvantage would be the 2-3 inches of the stip would be visible.
Those who doubt may put a foot long stip up there and see what happens below.
Not sure if it will remove exisiting, but it works great as preventative.
a galv ridge strip keeping moss off…if true, check these out Izzy…I’ve just used them w/ mtl roofing and as a decorative ridge cap w/ std shingles…very inexpensive and easy to install and looks kinda cool.
I’ve only met one other person on the face of the earth that has noticed that, a dentist in N CA I used to work for. He liked to trade dentistry for carpentry.
I’ll take photos of the phenomena next time I’m at the farm. Or any place else around here I can find an example.
Thanks, dada! I don’t think I’ll be going up on the roof any time soon, but I’ll keep it in mind for when we do finally do something about it — a day of reckoning is inevitable.
I opened a new cafe, btw. See you over there?
where “… the hearts not in it.”
Couple of suggestions for those situations;
but it requires some finesse because of the ground covers and surviving plants…I got all summer and no $.
This little shrimp carries around a piece of live staghorn coral then hunkers down & pretends when danger is near. They bore a hole in it & wear it like a carapace.
Btw, the green next to him is an elephant ear that closes up quite fast on food, & will grab a fish & kill it if it can.
all these unusual critter’s are in your reef/coral tanks…they must be pretty substantial.
How big, how many, how maintenance intensive are they…and what do you feed all these things?
you livin’ in the Yellow Submarine?
… and whoever I might’ve missed. I see the late crew is checking in. I’m back after taking a break to eat dinner and watch last week’s episode of The 4400.
What’s The 4400?
Yeah, what O quested?
It’s actually a pretty good original show on the USA network. They’re the ones who also make Monk and The Dead Zone, which fills a little of the gap in my summer TV schedule.
The 4400 is in its third season, I think, and I believe the first two seasons are out on dvd. It’s a sci-fi show set in Seattle. One day 4400 people appear out of nowhere. They originally disappeared at various times from the last 50 years or so. For them, they have no memory of any of the lapsed time and they haven’t aged at all.
I’d never heard of any element of it before.
If you like sci-fi, you should give it a try. It’s got pretty good stories and twists. They explore a lot of the plot angles of being different, dislocated, us/them stuff, etc.
although we do still have cable, mostly for internet service. It’s been quite a few years since I read or watched any sci fi. I’ll have to see if we even have the USA network available.
that sounds like an interesting premise …
Move on over to the 24/7 cafe.