Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Have the first beer on the froggy.
how’s the day been going for ya?
Hi NDD. I’m doing fine.
Been kinda slow around here today.
How’re you doing?
beats yesterday when I was digging up some 36 sq ft of sod for a flower bed for Ms NDD.
She was happy but my poor back was not.
that should be 50 sq ft of sod.
10 sq ft is too much! You deserve some serious slacking.
if anybody says anything I’ll just tell’m Family Man says I deserve some serious slacking.
Tell em if they have any beefs about it, they can come done to the hot and humid south and talk to me. They probably wouldn’t get past Arkansas because of the heat.
see ya later in the eve.
“…Arkansas… heat” is not part of my experience.
We had 35% humidity yesterday with 79F for temp, so not too bad for diggin’, if’n ya gotta dig.
I’d take that temp and humidity anytime. Enjoy the bar.
If you’re passing through Fargo this evening
you’re welcome to meet me
and a few other die-hard lefties at the
SkyPrairie Bar high atop the Hotel Donaldson
I’ll be the one in the BoomanTribune T-shirt, ha!
That Hotel Donaldson looks so cool, I might just have to come visit. π
You’re always threatening to come visit people.
Watch out…you’re only 7 hours away, and a wonderful hostess from what I hear.
She’s lying because I threatened to come down and kidnap her kid.
and ya might even be able to reserve the very room that Boston Joe slept in, when on his book tour!
Hah. I remember that being the hotel.
BTW ya’ll do have more than one hotel don’t you? π
You can come to the October meetup and then go back to ND with NDD π
Heck, I rode through Vegas on the dashboard of a Prius.
Did you know you can squash 6 adults into one of those if you try hard enough? π
Maybe ya’ll could get a picture of a froggy bottom primus stuffing. Sort of like the old volkswagon stuffings.
CG wore her seatbelt the whole time she was on the dashboard. Safety first!
I had forgotten that part…but you’re right.
the diary someone wrote over at Orange from the point of view of a PRIUS that went to YearlyKos and felt abused because they stuffed 7 people into it? It was hilarious. I think it was 7 people. It was definitely more than 6.
Seven? Ouch. My knees hurt just thinking about it.
That’s what Monica Lewinsky said.
What? You’re not going to thank me for setting you up with that one?
I was just trying to start an argument about the patriarchy and blowjobs.
go better if you wait for Manny to show up
wearing his speedos.
It’s really sad when Manny is considered the patriarchy around these parts. At least Family Man ought to be here to help him out.
I just got back. I was cooking dinner while ya’ll are talking sex.
Damn where are my priorities?
I was thinking about.
crap I give up — I’m killing my own lines and they aren’t even that good.
SN, save me from myself.
But you’re so funny when you screw up – it bothers you so. And I was too dense to know what you meant anyway even without your correction.
LOL – okay now I get it.
Glad you did. I’m more slow than usual tonight.
It’s a sign of my reluctance to think dirty thoughts about a boy of Manny’s age. Well I can think them, I just can’t admit to them.
Got it.
I leave for a minute and ya’ll are talking over my head again.
It’s better than talking ABOUT your head. π
to run for the senate as a democrat? Because you seem to have moved pretty far to the right — oh shit, I’ve followed you over there.
I don’t mind talking about my head. It’s what’s inside it that hard to find. π
BTW how the heck did these margins get busted.
If it takes a correction and three comments, it isn’t funny. π
You just need a nap – or possibly a glass of wine.
I thought it was hilarious Andi. I think.
Cedwyn was involved in it. Here it is
Too funny.
or more importantly, how was the traffic?
because I snuck out between the time he arrived and the time he left. They reopened the streets during the interim. I also made myself feel better by logging into Claire’s website and giving every last penny I could to her.
The protesters filtered away after they all got their TV time. They estimated 400-500 people which I think was high. It looked like at least 300 people to me though.
Glad you were able to get out Mary. I kept thinking you would be there all night.
for vicarious excitement.
Must be nice to have someone running that you actually want to give money to.
BUT I would give money to a trained monkey if it was my only chance of defeating Jim Talent.
Are you going to turn me in when the purity police come calling at the cafe?
Mary you know this is where everybody comes to relax. Any arguements they can take outside the cafe. π
all the nice young flesh — what purity police?
Millet – good.
Millet with roasted mushrooms, vidalia onions, pumpkin seeds, figs and cayenne pepper – delish.
No I don’t have to worry that ONE WEEK caused you to burn the millet.
Glad you liked it. Did you mix the millet with the fruit and veggies or have it one the side?
I had it on the side so Ben could pick out the things he didn’t like.
They’re checking to see if we’re virgins?!
No, I think she’s talking about ‘troublemakers’ like me.
while I was buy ogling young flesh and you clique was overthrown?
though at my age buying is probably a better strategy.
nah, no coup, kansas took care of that at the get-go. Just I suppose a need to use dkos and thereisnospoon talking points to make snide comments about some members of this site.
And I think that’s total bullshit to bring into the cafe.
So… I’ll leave mary to her little remarks and go do something useful.
In some convoluted way Bush’s visit to St. Louis caused Mr. Nature’s flight from Chicago to sit on the runway for 2 hours.
See? That man screws things up even when he’s hundreds of miles away. THAT ought to make Mr. Nature re-think this whole Republican business.
I think the fact that I wouldn’t have sex with him unless he promised never to vote Republican again did it.
that being a Republican and sex don’t mix.
because of Dan Quayle. The plane that would be the one that I would be leaving the Philly airport on if only it could have arrived at the Philly airport was not able to take off from Washington National because Quayle’s plane was in the airspace between the two airports.
Great idea!
Looks like a nice view and a great place to drink a beer.
Just a quick hello all before I get ready to head out for the night from cubihell. Hope you all have a great time drinking FM’s beer, lol. Think I’ll have one when I get home, then another early evening I think… Yet another day of hell will await me here tomorrow, so I’d best be ready for it.
Party on froggies, and get some fun in for me! May be a while before I can do that myself.
Hi IVG. I really hope it gets better for you. We’re missing you here.
OK everybody over to the left. It’s more comfortable over here.
How’d you make out w/ the Great FM Ice Cream Experiment?
Hi Olivia. The first batch didn’t do as well as I wanted, but I ate it anyway. I have to wait until tomorrow for the next batch.
Done with FCH?
yeah I read that … wasn’t sure if you were going to try again but I guess you have to re-freeze the tub, right? Did you make vanilla — maybe that’s why it didn’t turn out. You should have made chocolate …
That was probably the reason – no chocolate.
Doesn’t matter though I would have eaten it anyway. It was ice cream. Well sort of.
I see many gallons to go. π
Better even than licking the cake batter and frosting bowls … π
Oh, and yes — I’m done! π
Oh happy days, no more FCH.
I’ll tell you what. These margins are really busted. I’m going to open a Happy Hour II.
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II here