Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour II
This is a semi-hosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
A lot more room and no busted margins.
Lets celebrate!
Hey folks!
I’m about to post a comprehensive diary outlining Federal Reserve policy. Fun, isn’t it? But I figured that since they changed interest rates today, I should help explain how the Fed acts.
How was everyone else’s day?
Hi Psi. Been slow today. How’ve you been?
The usual – woke up at 5:30, ate, caught the train to work, got home at 7 PM, ate dinner, and been blogging since. About to do some exercise.
Is the word slack even in your vocabulary?
It used to be. Since I started working at the end of May, I’ve been basically running non-stop except for the weekends.
Well at least you have the weekends. But from the sounds of it, you’re probably still running during the weekends.
For the most part…I spend a lot more time on the blogs posting and such.
Carpe diem…what can I say. Maybe entering the 3rd decade of my life changed something… (yeah, yeah, I know that’s young compared to you people! 😛 )
LOL you said it before I could. Just a youngster you are.
However, we’re all young when the great queen of geezerhood comes around. 🙂
I glued it on this afternoon. I figure if that doesn’t get her out here, nothing will.
you know the only thing that would piss me off is if you claimed to be a bigger and better geezer than me.
Never oh geezerly goddess. I strive to reach the pinnacle of geezerhodd you project so well. 🙂
shouldn’t strive.
Good point. I’ll just keep with the program and grow geezerly gracefully.
Yeah try saying that fast. 🙂
Olivia is done with her stay in hell.
It’s mud wrestling time. 🙂
Yahoooooooooooooooooooo!!!! It’s over!!!
I take it that you and Andi mud wrestling?
That’s me and you!
I should have know. It look like you’re jamming my head into the mud. 🙂
It’s mud wrestling!
Yeah but I didn’t know you were so aggressive. Geeze Olivia, let me up to breath.
… I’m just a little over-eager. 🙂
You had better be glad SN isn’t around. She could do wonders with that line. 🙂
Found these lovely Siamese twins in the Home Depot nursery during my 1/2 work break today.
Hope you are all well and no one is getting flooded. We are still pretty much on the other side of scorching hell out here on the lower left coast!
Hi MM. Still no relief from the heat huh.
You’ve been into bright flowers today haven’t ya. 🙂
Yes bright flowers in the glare of the desert heat and missing the good old napping and slacking days. Just wondering also, since I haven’t been following closely, what’s going on with wilderness wench these days?
I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about her because I know she has to get her place built, but with all this rain up there, I don’t see how she could.
Prayers and good wishes to the inimitable Wilderness Wench and success in all her endeavors!
I just glad right now you’re feeling better, but oh so sad you’ve lost your slackerly time.
Not totally, FM, though I do have to get into better sleep habits as a general rule since I have a life-long sleep dysfunciton.
I don’t have to report for duty until 11:00 am, with a mere 15-minute commute, so this leaves me plenty of room to exercise my “freedom” in the margins and get myself back into a fulfilling daily rhythm.
I used to go through long long periods of insomnia. I tried everything from prescription to over the counter. I don’t know why I’m not still going through it, but now it’s not a constant thing.
I hope you get your daily rhythm back into sync. My routine get thrown off and it’s hell.
Thanks, O Wise One. I think the secret is being disciplined to go to bed at a certain time even if you don’t feel like it, and I usually don’t! But gradually things are getting better…. 🙂
That looks like a bee’s face!
Don’t have too much to go on reagarding what bee faces look like. Maybe you can help me out here! LOL
And that protruding leaf looks like the nose area. Does that help?
How are you doing otherwise … are you feeling any better?
… and don’t you envy their eyelashes?
Here’s a shot from my balcony when I was staying in Maui last month…it was around 6:30 PM or so.
I can only dream.
That’s beautiful!
Hi Olivia! 🙂
Here’s another one…I took this on Haleakala, the highest point on Maui. It was my last day there, and just a couple of hours before my flight left.
I may have posted this one already…not sure…
But that’s okay! It’s another wonderful photo so it’s good to see it again … 🙂
I don’t think I remember seeing it, but that’s a really outstanding picture.
I’m still at work, if that makes a difference.
Of course it does Omir. That darn time difference make it so everybody else is in a bar while you’re behind a desk.
But you do get to stay up later.
We’re having celebratory mud wrestling — everyone’s invited! 🙂
and dirty with you but I have to start to think about thinking about packing.
I’m know FM was really longing for you to join in … 🙂
without me. But I’ll have fun watching.
Well, phase I — thinking about thinking about packing is over. I’m ready for phase II — thinking about packing. It’s so much easier to pack for business trips; it takes about 10 minutes but recreational trips are much more trouble.
w/ the underwear … so add the other underthings … socks, bras etc. A couple pair of pants — jeans and one casual or dressy depending on if you’re planning on dinner out, a few tops, a sweater, two pairs of shoes — also one causal b/c you’ll be treking around reminiscing and one to go w/ your fancier pants, some sleep wear, toiletries, reading material … how’s that?
and shorts, no sweater, maybe two pairs of shoes. Nothing dressy because they all know I won’t go anywhere that makes me dress up.
You’re all done! 🙂
Just as long as you’ve got plenty of clean underwear, because your Mama raised you right.
Because she keeps saying it. At least I think that’s what she keeps saying. I might have gotten the Yiddish translation wrong though. 🙂
3 extra?
It depends. If it’s the slinky little underwear, then 3. If it’s the big granny panties, probably 1. 😛
I always take 3 extra when I travel … 😛
That’s because they’re slinky. If you wear granny panties you can wear them for days and days and days.
Which is why it’s way easier to not wear any.
Wait until you’re older. You won’t be able to fit the 3 extra into your suitcase. That plus the Depends takes up a lot of room. 🙂
But I’m not ready to have these discussions … And besides they’re little scraps of material … I can fit them in my wallet if I had to.
because my mother keeps saying it to me.
Hah I was right. 🙂
and FM can stop fantasizing about my underwear.
As if I would do that. 🙂
It’s not just FM … 🙂
Every time I leave you guys start to talk about underwear. I mean ya’ll start to talk about underwear.
Well Andi didn’t bring up slug sex, nobody wanted to mud wrestle and that was about the only thing that was of intellectual value to talk about.
I see you corrected yourself with ya’ll. That’s OK SN, I know it’s like biting your tongue to say it. 🙂
I saw Olivia shoving your head into the mud. I understand why you want to pretend it didn’t happen. And her wearing that little slip of fabric that passes for underwear…
Well D’uh it’s mud wrestling! 🙂
to shoot you if you start talking like you’re from The South™?
Only if I say it. Writing it is allowed.
Are you done thinking about starting to think about packing?
Okay, good thing I don’t have a hair trigger.
Yup. And I finished thinking about packing, too and even moved into picking out some things to pack.
Well we could help you on the thinking about packing.
What to include? Clean underwear is a must.
OK that about does it for me.
and I’m thinking about whether I want to take sandals and tennies or just tennies.
Blogging on company time, its the American way.
Having some trouble with the photos — iPhoto crashed when I was in the middle of uploading; my photos are not showing up in the iPhoto Library, but they are in the Library folder. 🙁
Until I figured out where I fucked up, I’ve got copies of all the photos sitting in a folder on my desktop. 🙂 Here’s a brief preview:
I’ll tackle more of the photos over the weekend…and hopefully have my problem solved by the fantastic folks on the Apple Support forums…
BTW, location is by Colman Dock in Seattle — spouse and I were on our way to dinner at Ivar’s when I took this shot.
And I’ve just about decided I’m upgrading to a digital SLR as my Christmas gift for myself…but I’m going to need to find a good class in using an SLR camera, and all the schools around here are still focused on film SLRs. Need to do some research…
Nikon d70s … ? 🙂
I’m going to be doing a lot of research in the next several months. I may actually wait until January and see who shows up at MacWorld SF; there are usually some good show specials, especially towards the tail end of the week when the exhibitors don’t want to drag all their shit home. 🙂 I was impressed a couple of years ago by one, I think it was Minolta, but they seem to have disappeared. 🙁 I’ll probably go either Nikon or Canon, depending on (a) price and (b) learning curve.
Current camera is a Kodak EasyShare Z730 — actually a pretty decent camera, but just a bit limited for some of the shooting I’d like to do on future trips. I’ll pass it along to the spouse… 🙂
And dada uses a Canon xt, so if you’ve got any questions don’t hesitate!
This is exciting!
And welcome home Cali … 🙂
I hope you get the rest of them upload soon.
Here’s a food fact for Booman I just saw on the history channel.
While the rest of the country eats hard pretzels at a rate of one and a half to two pounds a year, Philadelphia consumes 12 times that much.
Really? Didn’t think Philly was known for…pretzels.
Well, at least we don’t choke on them.
Hard pretzels? Or soft?
Anyhoo…you can order yourself a Philly Pretzel from Campo’s and they’ll deliver it to your door, with a cheesesteak wit, and a tastykake. Check out their shipping menu.
I’m pretty sure it was hard pretzels.
I think I’ll have to wait until I swing through Philly to get a pretzel and cheesesteak next time.
Well we’re famous for soft pretzels, but maybe we just like all kinds of pretzels. Anyway, I like this letter from the Campo’s website:
Good letter, but I agree with CG down thread. $90 for two cheesesteaks. I think you have to be pure Philly to pay that much for two.
Also, I might note the endearing use of bastards, which is a compliment right above “you piece of shit” and below “go fuck yourself”. If only all his customers thought he was a bastard.
I usually get my cheesesteaks ‘cheez witout’. Not a big fan of onions getting between my greasy beef and my Cheez Whiz.
GASP! It’s $90 for cheesesteaks, chips, and tastycakes for two?
They must be shipping First Overnight for that price.
well, you don’t that cheesesteak sitting around in some postal sorting center, do you?
Booman for that much money the owners should be delivering it to my door.
Anyway I thought all cheesesteak came out of a frozen box at the grocery store.
no no no. That is a Steak-ummm. It’s actually amusing to order Philly cheesesteaks in other cities. There is no telling what they will bring you. But it won’t be this.
24oz thin sliced rib eye or eye roll steak
6 table spoons of Soya bean oil
Cheese {we recommend Cheez Whiz®} American or Provolone works fine
4 crusty Italian Rolls
1 large Spanish onion
Well that does sound better than Steak-ummms.
Actually I’ve never had a real Philly cheesesteak, but believe it or not, I saw on TV about the different places in Philly that supposedly make the best. Each place was saying they were the first and the best. Kind of funny really, sort of like the pizza place in New York.
Hey what’s a little anthrax with all that cheez wiz?
I think they should canoe it to my door for that price. (Yes, it’s raining again.)
I’ve got to run for a minute.
Be right back.
I’m going to open up a 24/7.
Be back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here