(cross-posted at Deny My Freedom and Daily Kos)
All of us in the blogosphere should remember July 27, 2004. Since I wasn’t active in Internet politics outside of lurking at one blog, I didn’t really know too much about Barack Obama aside from the fact that his Republican opponent for the Senate, Jack Ryan, had dropped out of race and that Obama was going to easily win the seat of retiring Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL). Network TV wasn’t going to cover Tuesday night of the DNC, so I decided to turn the old TV to PBS and watch the night’s events. To say the least, Obama was electrifying; the speech got a rousing ovation at the convention, and publicity on the convention tended to ignore Teresa Heinz Kerry’s remarks in favor of our new ‘rising star’. Obama had shown a charisma that we hadn’t seen in some Democratic politicians since Bill Clinton, and this part of his keynote address will forever be burned into my memory.
Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us — the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of “anything goes.” Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.
The pundits, the pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too. We worship an “awesome God” in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and yes, we’ve got some gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.
In the end — In the end — In the end, that’s what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope?
Indeed, the speech was hailed widely, and people began speaking of Obama as a future presidential candidate. He may have been the product of a grassroots campaign that pushed him through a crowded Democratic primary, but it was clear that he was headed for bigger and better things. But 18 months into his first term, the grassroots has been largely disappointed in Obama, and as someone who got to see in Philadelphia just how powerful an off-the-cuff speech he could give, I’ve been disappointed as well.
Obama has had a fairly undistinguished voting record in the Senate, and the perceived lack of his using his star power to highlight issues for Democrats can either be attributed to his deference for being the 99th-most senior senator or to the fact that he doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers within the institution. While his vote today for the Oman Free Trade Pact is the most egregious mark against him at this point (as well as his vote for Condoleeza Rice’s nomination to Secretary of State), like Joe Lieberman, it’s his words that do the most damage. It’s not often you hear Obama getting into a verbal tussle with Republicans (his only real scuffle was with John McCain). The words that stand out is Obama’s words on the state of the Democratic Party. Consider this bit from his recent remarks at the Call To Renewal conference:
Democrats, for the most part, have taken the bait. At best, we may try to avoid the conversation about religious values altogether, fearful of offending anyone and claiming that – regardless of our personal beliefs – constitutional principles tie our hands. At worst, some liberals dismiss religion in the public square as inherently irrational or intolerant, insisting on a caricature of religious Americans that paints them as fanatical, or thinking that the very word “Christian” describes one’s political opponents, not people of faith.
We first need to understand that Americans are a religious people. 90 percent of us believe in God, 70 percent affiliate themselves with an organized religion, 38 percent call themselves committed Christians, and substantially more people believe in angels than do those who believe in evolution.
Why is Obama feeding the standard traditional media’s line about supposed Democratic discomfort about religion? The reason that our party is loathe to talk about religion is because of what the Founding Fathers stated when they wrote the Constitution – there is the whole idea of separation of church and state. Inherently, religion and politics are not supposed to mix. That’s why America is a secular state, Senator Obama, not a religious state, as you claim. Additionally, if a candidate chooses to talk about religion as how it relates to how it shapes their worldview, that’s fine. But it should not have to be a requirement for Democrats to keep their mouths shut about religion unless they are running against an Alan Keyes type, as Obama suggests.
To be fair, Obama does suggest that it’s not authentic for everyone to employ religion:
I am not suggesting that every progressive suddenly latch on to religious terminology. Nothing is more transparent than inauthentic expressions of faith – the politician who shows up at a black church around election time and claps – off rhythm – to the gospel choir.
But what I am suggesting is this – secularists are wrong when they ask believers to leave their religion at the door before entering into the public square. Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Williams Jennings Bryant, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King – indeed, the majority of great reformers in American history – were not only motivated by faith, but repeatedly used religious language to argue for their cause. To say that men and women should not inject their “personal morality” into public policy debates is a practical absurdity; our law is by definition a codification of morality, much of it grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
I don’t ever recall the so-called ‘secularists’ (who the hell are these people, anyways? I didn’t know they were a powerful interest group), and the Democratic Party in particular, saying that you had to leave religion out of your political life. All we ask is that you don’t take political action in the name of religion.
When one reviews Obama’s comments, though, such as MyDD did back in March, one begins to see a consistent pattern of undermining the Democratic position on various issues, whether it be his ignorance on Feingold’s censure motion or on discussing the use of filibusters. In the end, this is what harms our party the most – by publicly undercutting the party in the frames that the GOP has established, it is setting back progress that we have made. Obama’s proclivities for being a public voice of dissent within the Democratic Party on various issues holds a lot of water given his stature, and it does nothing to improve our standing – except his own, perhaps.
While he’s nowhere near the level that Joe Lieberman is when it comes to cutting our legs out from beneath us, one must remember that Joe only became a vocal critic of Democratic positions in fairly recent times. Their voting records may differ, but the fact is that they both affirm the ‘problems’ that others believe our party has when they speak. If Obama wants to keep the respect of the movement that helped push him on the path towards stardom, he might do well to remember to speak out in support of progressive Democratic positions instead of repeating tired old talking points denigrating the Democratic party.
I really want to like Obama. In fact, I want to love Obama. That keynote speech made me cry. I believe his message of hope and unity is of the utmost importance.
On the other hand, I’ve noticed his tendency to reinforce negative, false, stereotypes. In that very same keynote speech, I was also annoyed at this:
Now he says some general statements I can’t disagree with. He calls the idea that a black kid with a book is acting white “slander.” But still, the underlying implication is there that these are real problems, ignoring much more pressing problems that really do exist and that are much more likely a direct cause of the bigger problem he’s addressing.
As you say, these things he’s addressing mostly only exist in the world of right-wing spin. He’s a charismatic man, and a fairly young man. I’m hoping that these things are just a result of inexperience. Or perhaps he feels the spin needs to be addressed.
In either case, there’s hope for him yet. Joe’s beyond redemption. BTW, his attitude is not so recent, merely more public. He was very vocal in his criticism of President Clinton and his support of impeachment.
And here I thought Bush was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. See, to me, there’s nothing more transparent than a democrat repeating republican talking points, wedge issues, and underhanded election tactics.
I read the title of your diary, and I immediately answered your question, “yes.”
I’ve thought about about it for a few minutes now and I have to amend that to “sadly, yes.”
Count me as one of those who has been terribly disappointed in Obama. I read his book right after the Dem convention and thought he had not only the charisma but also the intelligence to cut through the bullshit that has overtaken our politics today.
I still try to understand what might be affecting him and limiting his ability to see the danger our country is in today. I just don’t want to believe that he sold out.
While I don’t believe that Dems will ever garner many votes from evangelicals who are staunchly anti choice and confused about evolution (and I have to admit that I was taken aback by Obama’s suggestion to woo that bunch), I’m a bit more cautious about my opinion of Obama’s suggestions to face religion head on in the public square.
I tend to think that his stance is a bit more nuanced (as liberals are much of the time) in that the recognition that religion (or non-religion) impacts all areas of one’s life, thus it shouldn’t be excluded from political discussion simply on the basis of being done in the name of securalism.
One of Canada’s members of Parliament, the NDP’s Bill Blaikie (who is also an ordained United Church minister), is known for his attempts to walk the fine line between religion and politics and to explain it in a way that even those who do not subscribe to any organized religion would be most likely to embrace. I think his approach may be what Obama is striving for.
As for Obama being the new Lieberman, I’m not ready to make that assertion. Lieberman has political power. Obama is a junior senator who is navigating the troubled political waters. I think it’s premature to pass judgment on him since he is so new to the process.
I also think we need to tread very carefully when we judge politicians who compromise in the name of bipartisanship. We want a dialogue to breach the rigid impasse that currently exists and that will not happen unless there are politicians who are willing to be a bit flexible.
As Blaikie would remind us: be what you believe in all aspects of your life and if you claim religious beliefs, don’t leave them parked outside the door when it comes to expressing the faith in your religious icons because, if you do that, you are neither being faithful to your religion or to the politics of democracy. You are simply being a hypocrite.
Be what you believe.
Okay. I think, if you are doing that, you don’t have to spout off about it though.
The trouble with Obama is that is being and his talking are not always congruent. One thing I liked about the pragmatic Howard Dean was that you always knew where he was coming from whether you agreed with it or not. Obama is coming across as a slippery politician in my opinion.
Okay. I think, if you are doing that, you don’t have to spout off about it though.
Spouting off invites challenges and growth.
And the blogs would certainly die a quick death if spouting off wasn’t encouraged. 😉
In fact, spouter offers have formed our world.
(But I get what you mean.)
The trouble with Obama is that is being and his talking are not always congruent.
I’d like to see a history of his voting record and some analysis of it in order to have an opinion on that statement.
And, (she said in preachy terms), who among us are always congruent in our speech and actions?
As for Dean (who scares me on a personal level because he seems like a volcano ready to blow a lot of the time – although I do agree with many of his opinions and policies) has he always walked his talk? I don’t know. I’m just asking.
To paraphrase Rummy, you go to Washington with the representatives you have. And, while they certainly deserve criticism and feedback, I don’t necessarily agree with throwing the baby out with the bathwater (except for the vast majority automaton Republicans and their baby, Lieberman).
Obama needs encouragement, afaic. He could just be the next shining star and killing that potential by writing him off is not going to help, afaic. Let him know how you feel and think if you think he’s off course. In the end though, he is who he is.
Why do we put so much stock in the hero myth, anyway? Be your own hero. Be your own revolution. Isn’t that what the whole ‘netroots’ thing is about?
I thought I was done, but I’m not. (Quel surprise). In a dkos diary the other day about poverty, most people of course believed that politicians should do more about resolving the long-neglected issue. Yet, when one kossack wrote about the dire straits he/she and their family was facing on that very day, only one other kossack stepped up to offer immediate help. What does that say?
Afaic, if you think politicians should be acting on your (and their) agendas, no one ought to have the luxury to just sit back and wait for it to happen – especially when they are given that type of in your face opportunity to act in a way that would make an immediate practical difference to someone’s life by simply reaching out to the person next to them. (And yes – I did reach out to that person – even though I’m poor as well).
Sidebar: In case anyone missed Stephanopoulos’s show on 20/20 last nite about the extreme political divisions in your country, it is definitely worth watching. It jarred my mind in an uncomfortable way. That’s for sure.
/end o’ rant
catnip I don’t want to hijack this diary (and you can count me among those extremely disappointed in Obama, but not ready to paint him with Lieberman’s brush) but I watched 20/20 last night and thought Georgie’s presentation was quite disingenuous. I’d like to read your take on it. Diary perhaps?
I did a quick blurb about it on my blog but didn’t go into any detail. Why did you think it was disengenuous?
Oh I think Georgie-boy is one of the prime culprits in polarizing people. I just posted a little diary about it over on the right.
Here is a fairly detailed record of Obama’s voting history. It appears he does have promise.