Colonel Jeffrey Snow thinks the real enemy is not Iraqi insurgents, but the media and the American people.

A US combat commander suggested the United States could lose the war in Iraq if public support for it at home is sapped by negative media coverage.

“My personal opinion is that the only way we will lose this war is if we pull out prematurely,” said Colonel Jeffrey Snow, a brigade commander in Baghdad.

“I would hope we get the time and support we need to finish this mission,” he said in a video conference from Iraq.

Snow, whose own troops have come under stepped-up insurgent attacks this month, criticized media coverage as too focused on insurgent roadside bombings, kidnappings and assassinations.

“Our soldiers may be in the crosshairs every day, but it is the American voter who is a real target, and it is the media that carries the message back each day across the airwaves,” he said.

“So when the news is not balanced and it’s always bad, that clearly leads to negative perceptions back home,” he said.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Colonel Snow is correct. The only way we can lose the war in Iraq is if the American people force our politicians to withdraw the troops. Therefore, the American people are the real enemy and must be closely monitored and subjected to relentless psychological operations. Anything less would be a failure of resolve in the Global War on Terror and a boon to al-Qaeda. If the American people are not utterly defeated, there can no victory in Iraq. Zarqawi is Dead. Long Live Zarqawi.