It went great. We had a fine time talking and eating and talking and eating and talking. And as you can see, the Ohio River even gave me a pretty sunset.
The second one started out as just a lie down to think about stuff, but quickly turned into a nap. Funny how that happens. I never did get to think about the stuff I wanted to think about.
The past winner is still way in the lead. We’ve all kept in touch so there weren’t any big surprises but we got to see the new grandbabies pictures and wedding pictures (a cowboy wedding in virginia — I cannot possibly do it justice).
They’ve already seen pictures of my dogs (though I did show the one of them staring at Jim while he was napping because I think it’s so funny).
I did show off some of the shots I’ve taken in the woods. I had fun taking pictures in the garden (our host has a huge garden — I can see how garden photography could be addicting).
If it weren’t for the mosquitoes, chiggers, aphids, sweat bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, gnats, ticks, potato bugs, palmetto bugs and red ants I’d be addicted to flower photog too.
That’s because I’m not a pussy who’s afraid of a cute little snake. And I used to eat worms as a child so there’s always been a soft spot in my heart for them.
Maybe at 60 – I hope. Today we did 2 walks (one stroller, one wagon), played “drive the cars around the couch” about 50 times, I watched him jump off the couch over and over again (a new fave of his), and after dinner we went to the community pool for 2 hours. Now he’s in bed and I can watch Deadwood 🙂 I guess that’s as lazy as I can get these days.
I was so unoccupied as a youth that laziness holds little appeal. One of my favorite instructors at the community college, an athletic man, just dropped dead from a heart attack a couple days ago and I’m feeling like there are too many things undone in my own life. Off to a poetry reading at the anarchist cafe-stay cool little froggies.
I’ve got to go. My nephew is staying with us for a few days and we’re going out to get something to eat.
It’s funny because where he lives you can’t shoot off fireworks. So he asked could he stay with us for a couple of days. He didn’t say it was because of fireworks, but that he just wanted to stay with us.
So tomorrow I’ll take him to buy some fireworks and we’ll shoot them out by the pond. Now I’ve got to go out there with a very long stick and beat around until all my slimy friends are gone. 🙂
no, it’s a grab from the web cams at the univ that i was playing w/ in ‘photostitch’…i haven’t really tried to shoot a pan series and wanted to see how the program worked.
my daughter and sil came over and we grilled and had a nice visit.
Just kickin’ back and finishin’ off a brew and prob call it early unless some of the late crew shows.
Got all the big stuff cleaned up, now it’s remedial pruning and a lot of hand work clearing the rest.
Good thing it’s a long w/e … need the extra day to recover … 🙂
Sounds like a nice day for you. This the Avs fan sil? I was at the grocery store the other day and the Sens’ GM was standing next to me at the meat counter. How crazy is that? Benefits of small cities … 🙂
Snoring guests — my mom and dad — have departed … only snoring tonight will be from the cat and he’s quite loud.
Me too! Lazy day around here, and tried to get some weeds pulled with a neighborhood kid who came around to ask to do yard work, but so sticky and raining off and on that I gave up early. Not whining about the rain though, just the weeds!
I’m still alive and kickin shortly … given the whole electronics install last night … we still have to work the kinks out of it, but it’s awesome so far. Even watched that SW Ep III again tonight and liked it better..
But anyway… did get a few pics last night of bee/wasp central at the sea holly… this one turned out ok…
Spot the bee and win an indeterminate prize, lol.
Not too many do I think … and it’s not my set up: it belongs to the crazy dude I live with … lol. He just lets me use it for hockey and the occasional movie. 😉
He just upgraded the sound system — there’s speakers everywhere and each type of media (tv, dvd, cd, etc.) has a different set up and corresponding button, but I can’t even figure out how to turn the amp on, let alone get a movie going or change the channels. I think he did it on purpose … 😉
I was snapping pics like crazy to try to get some of the action out there, and just a couple turned out. The sea holly is really starting to come into its own right now and the bees/wasps love it. Such a weird plant but we love it, nonetheless….
When I was out in mine deadheading etc., and I like how non-traditional(?) it is — that you experiment w/ different plants … that’s really cool. The textures are as striking as the colours for instance.
Well we do our best to be odd… but I tell ya, Sea Holly is a really cool plant to have. Does’nt bloom like any other plant but yet is beautiful in its own right. I have to thank C for turning me on to this particular one…. but we collaborate on our weirdnesses.
AND, btw, IT is not doing anything different now… we’re beginning to wonder if it will even bloom this year. You’ll know first off if it does, but it seems to be in a holding pattern right now for the most part.
hey there dada-0 … I’ve missed you too, but been in this funk for a while now, and working my way out. Glad to hear you and Bu are doing well, and snoring, lol. I’ll probably do that myself tonight, so make it a trio or quartet or whatever…
Bu makes noises when she dreams, but doesn’t snore. The Basset I had was a major snorer…so bad he wasn’t allowed in the bedrooms at night.
Yeah, major Av’s fan. I got an earfull today about them letting Rob Blake go to LA on the first day of FA…he’s a bit miffed that they, apparently, didn’t even try to counter the offer.
A lot of interesting stuff going on here trade-wise too. Chara is now a Boston Bruin (five-year deal worth $37.5 million), and the Dominator is buh-bye and Gerber is in.
Back from the anarchist cafe and learned all sorts of frightening things about the prison-industrial system. Time to practice my bass and to bed. Oyasumi nasai! (Japanese for sweet dreams)
but no, I have to work today. Thus my fading fast thingie. Hoping for a fun 4th though… we got nabbed by cops last night setting off fireworks, but all they said was keep em out of the street… whew.
We were sweatin bullets there for a bit…
Anyway, you and Olivia and NDD be good till next we meet!
Thx for the kind thoughts and I appreciated the nice email earlier very much. You and dada behave now, ok? Don’t want to have to mediate any squabbles here, lol.
How lazy can I get?
I’m still exploring all the possibilities.
An all day coffee cart?
I’ve been pretty much in and out today.
How did you trip go?
It went great. We had a fine time talking and eating and talking and eating and talking. And as you can see, the Ohio River even gave me a pretty sunset.
I’m glad to hear it. Pretty much the same here.
That is a beautiful sunset picture.
Is there anybody actually left breathing around here?
Hi Andi. I take it your back. Woo Hoo!
That picture is gorgeous! I love pink clouds.
I’m here! I took a nap earlier, but I’m wide awake now! 😀
So where’s Mary, that old geezer… 😛
and eating a cherry lifesaver – I can do two things at once! Hopefully I won’t choke.
I’m breathing and eating dinner and typing.
Hey katiebird. How was your weekend?
After my cafe lasted all day, I’d have to say that I think Andi is the life of the party and it just doesn’t work if she’s not here.
Otherwise, the weekend was fun. How about yours?
I’d agree about Andi. To look at her you’d never guess she was such a party slut, but the place definitely drags without her.
Andi the party slut. Oooohhh what you said.
BTW I agree.
a puppy slut. Does that get people to party?
but then again everything sounds tiring right now.
Hi SN and KB.
What up?
Have you been stalking Andi awaiting her return? Ok, I’ll admit, I was too.
Nah I wouldn’t do that. Had people in and out all day.
Although I will admit I’m happy to have Andi back.
We had a splendid day. Got the ceiling fan installed and then….well that’s about it.
Being the non-Mr Fixit I consider that a big accomplishment.
I did you proud today, FM. Two naps.
I’m beaming with joy. 🙂
The second one started out as just a lie down to think about stuff, but quickly turned into a nap. Funny how that happens. I never did get to think about the stuff I wanted to think about.
That’s how a good nap works.
I didn’t miss much this weekend.
That is an astounding understatement. Who looks the youngest in your group now? Any big surprises since last year?
The past winner is still way in the lead. We’ve all kept in touch so there weren’t any big surprises but we got to see the new grandbabies pictures and wedding pictures (a cowboy wedding in virginia — I cannot possibly do it justice).
Did you share pictures of your dogchildren?
They’ve already seen pictures of my dogs (though I did show the one of them staring at Jim while he was napping because I think it’s so funny).
I did show off some of the shots I’ve taken in the woods. I had fun taking pictures in the garden (our host has a huge garden — I can see how garden photography could be addicting).
If it weren’t for the mosquitoes, chiggers, aphids, sweat bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, gnats, ticks, potato bugs, palmetto bugs and red ants I’d be addicted to flower photog too.
Wah, Wah, Wah. Just a few little things and you let it stop you.
Aren’t you the guy who’s afraid of worms?
Hah, you didn’t mention worms or snakes. 😛
That’s because I’m not a pussy who’s afraid of a cute little snake. And I used to eat worms as a child so there’s always been a soft spot in my heart for them.
Then by all means go out and buy yourself the biggest python you can find.
Myself, I’m a pussy and proud of it. :PPPPP
mosquito bites but it was still fun.
Just as long as you didn’t take the picture on the West Nile.
I don’t want to even think about what kind of virus would get Evansville named after it.
It’s not what kind of virus, it’s what name for the virus.
My obvious choice is the Andif Virus. 🙂
I have a 2-year-old, I can’t be lazy (ugh)…
That beautiful photo reminds me of a 4th of July I spent on a lake dock in Maine. We watched the fireworks from across the lake 🙂
With a 2 year old you won’t see lazy days for a long time. Maybe when you’re 60 you’ll get to rest. 🙂
Maybe at 60 – I hope. Today we did 2 walks (one stroller, one wagon), played “drive the cars around the couch” about 50 times, I watched him jump off the couch over and over again (a new fave of his), and after dinner we went to the community pool for 2 hours. Now he’s in bed and I can watch Deadwood 🙂 I guess that’s as lazy as I can get these days.
and do a huge fireworks show from there — I haven’t lived there for decades but I hear it’s still really spectacular.
I bet it’s amazing!
I was so unoccupied as a youth that laziness holds little appeal. One of my favorite instructors at the community college, an athletic man, just dropped dead from a heart attack a couple days ago and I’m feeling like there are too many things undone in my own life. Off to a poetry reading at the anarchist cafe-stay cool little froggies.
You stay cool too soup.
I’ve got to go. My nephew is staying with us for a few days and we’re going out to get something to eat.
It’s funny because where he lives you can’t shoot off fireworks. So he asked could he stay with us for a couple of days. He didn’t say it was because of fireworks, but that he just wanted to stay with us.
So tomorrow I’ll take him to buy some fireworks and we’ll shoot them out by the pond. Now I’ve got to go out there with a very long stick and beat around until all my slimy friends are gone. 🙂
I, for one, am highly insulted at being called slimy.
as the party slut — my geezerhood is succumbing to two nights of sleeping (not) on a lumpy sofabed and a 200 miles drive.
Night Andi.
the house.
I’m about to find out…any survivors up and about?
Did you take this pic?
no, it’s a grab from the web cams at the univ that i was playing w/ in ‘photostitch’…i haven’t really tried to shoot a pan series and wanted to see how the program worked.
d’ya have a nice day?
I saw your post in the breakfast/all day/evening cafe … the pic of the hail storm. Crazy … How’s the clean up going, and did you have a good day?
my daughter and sil came over and we grilled and had a nice visit.
Just kickin’ back and finishin’ off a brew and prob call it early unless some of the late crew shows.
Got all the big stuff cleaned up, now it’s remedial pruning and a lot of hand work clearing the rest.
Your snoring guests still there?…:{)
Good thing it’s a long w/e … need the extra day to recover … 🙂
Sounds like a nice day for you. This the Avs fan sil? I was at the grocery store the other day and the Sens’ GM was standing next to me at the meat counter. How crazy is that? Benefits of small cities … 🙂
Snoring guests — my mom and dad — have departed … only snoring tonight will be from the cat and he’s quite loud.
Me too! Lazy day around here, and tried to get some weeds pulled with a neighborhood kid who came around to ask to do yard work, but so sticky and raining off and on that I gave up early. Not whining about the rain though, just the weeds!
O-livia and dada you still around?
Good to see ya … dada and I were starting to miss the late night loons … 🙂
I’m still alive and kickin shortly … given the whole electronics install last night … we still have to work the kinks out of it, but it’s awesome so far. Even watched that SW Ep III again tonight and liked it better..
But anyway… did get a few pics last night of bee/wasp central at the sea holly… this one turned out ok…

Spot the bee and win an indeterminate prize, lol.
had to go to the big picture to do it tho…:{)
Electronics install? You guys go BIG SCREEN like O?
Very modest actually, but just lots of speakers and pumped up sound and picture. Can’t go as big as Olivia and her set up, lol.
Not too many do I think … and it’s not my set up: it belongs to the crazy dude I live with … lol. He just lets me use it for hockey and the occasional movie. 😉
uh huh, now it’s “his” eh….seems to me it used to be “ours”…feeling guilty?…:{)
He just upgraded the sound system — there’s speakers everywhere and each type of media (tv, dvd, cd, etc.) has a different set up and corresponding button, but I can’t even figure out how to turn the amp on, let alone get a movie going or change the channels. I think he did it on purpose … 😉
Don’t tell d what you got though, ’cause he’s anti-tv and he’ll tell you it that it numbs your mind … 🙂
The flowers are looking great IVG. I think I see the bee there — upside down, sort of centre-left?
I was snapping pics like crazy to try to get some of the action out there, and just a couple turned out. The sea holly is really starting to come into its own right now and the bees/wasps love it. Such a weird plant but we love it, nonetheless….
When I was out in mine deadheading etc., and I like how non-traditional(?) it is — that you experiment w/ different plants … that’s really cool. The textures are as striking as the colours for instance.
Well we do our best to be odd… but I tell ya, Sea Holly is a really cool plant to have. Does’nt bloom like any other plant but yet is beautiful in its own right. I have to thank C for turning me on to this particular one…. but we collaborate on our weirdnesses.
AND, btw, IT is not doing anything different now… we’re beginning to wonder if it will even bloom this year. You’ll know first off if it does, but it seems to be in a holding pattern right now for the most part.
missed you round here…been kinda quiet.
hey there dada-0 … I’ve missed you too, but been in this funk for a while now, and working my way out. Glad to hear you and Bu are doing well, and snoring, lol. I’ll probably do that myself tonight, so make it a trio or quartet or whatever…
Bu makes noises when she dreams, but doesn’t snore. The Basset I had was a major snorer…so bad he wasn’t allowed in the bedrooms at night.
Yeah, major Av’s fan. I got an earfull today about them letting Rob Blake go to LA on the first day of FA…he’s a bit miffed that they, apparently, didn’t even try to counter the offer.
He snores, snorts, grunts, etc. … he’s very loud.
A lot of interesting stuff going on here trade-wise too. Chara is now a Boston Bruin (five-year deal worth $37.5 million), and the Dominator is buh-bye and Gerber is in.
Back from the anarchist cafe and learned all sorts of frightening things about the prison-industrial system. Time to practice my bass and to bed. Oyasumi nasai! (Japanese for sweet dreams)
good loons and froggies (one and the same).

Perspective from last night… the corner shot of the sidewalk out front NE…
ps… looks better bigger 🙂
hope things improve for you…you have Mon off too?
but no, I have to work today. Thus my fading fast thingie. Hoping for a fun 4th though… we got nabbed by cops last night setting off fireworks, but all they said was keep em out of the street… whew.
We were sweatin bullets there for a bit…
Anyway, you and Olivia and NDD be good till next we meet!
It was nice to see you tonight … Happy 4th to you IVG.
Sleep well … 🙂
Thx for the kind thoughts and I appreciated the nice email earlier very much. You and dada behave now, ok? Don’t want to have to mediate any squabbles here, lol.
You folks are the best. I’ll see you all soon!
Now pepa is calling me to bed… so off I go.
Don’t worry, d and I get along just fine … We don’t need any mediators, right d … 🙂
ate, and drank, more than I’m used to today and the sleepies are about to overtake me.
Enjoy your recovery day and I’ll catch ya on the flip.
Night, sweet dreams.