I can relate to the smell of cigarette smoke. My mom sent a package for Christmas last year and not only did everything smell, but the candy canes TASTED like cigarettes.
we are planning a get together in Chicago on October 7. So far it’s tentatively me and Jim, maryb, Second Nature, Iowa Victory Gardener, IndyLib, olivia, and several other maybe’s.
We hope you can come. If you want to bring Andrew, we will tailor any activities so they will be suitable.
Shhh don’t tell anyone… but while in college, the spouse was speared…
in the mouth.
Knocked him out cold, broke his jaw in 7 places, put him in a coma for two weeks and ended his career. And he lost several teeth. And later on in life due to crappy Navy dental, lost the rest of his teeth.
Every day, I get up and pray to Jah
And he decreases the number of clocks by exactly one
Everybody’s comin’ home for lunch these days
Last night there were skinheads on my lawn
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Some people say that bowling alleys got big lanes
Some people say that bowling alleys all look the same
There’s not a line that goes here that rhymes with anything
I has a dream last night, but I forget what it was
I had a dream last night about you, my friend
I had a dream–I wanted to sleep next to plastic
I had a dream–I wanted to lick your knees
I had a dream–it was about nothing
I bought my first bowling ball for my faculty/grad student league at my first post-Ph.D. faculty job. The model name of the ball was Captain Fantasy – I swear! I wasn’t great, but it was loads of fun and there was always beer 🙂
I haven’t bowled since I broke my wrist a little over a year ago, though, and I miss it (well, mostly the beer, I guess)…
Thanks for the comments…you’ll have to explain that “contact” thing to me…I can’t figure out how to add you – or anybody else for that matter…Ha! Just a lo-tech guy in a hi-tech world.
Hi everybody. I came home a little early from Chicago cuz my sister wasn’t feeling well. We were supposed to leave early tomorrow, but instead came home tonight. Is everybody having a nice holiday?
4th of July lawn work is the worst — all the neighbors have extra time to make their lawns look extra special. Poor you 🙁
I had a great time. It was mostly family time — a lot of people came in from a bunch of different places. We consumed much wine and talked far into the night. I think everyone had a good time.
I’m not too disappointed to come back a little early — I wasn’t looking forward to getting up at the crack of dawn to come back tomorrow. I have to be at a BBQ tomorrow at 3 (yes, another family thing).
I haven’t been around lately because I’ve been busy in so-called “real life.” BUT, I have gotten a little gardening done. I took this photo of the cherry tree for you guys.
It’s not cafe-quality, but illustrates well the daily frustration I face — you can see this tree from all our front windows and we can’t get the cherries! Ah well, at least we have well-fed birds and squirrels.
I tried that once. The tree is actually deceptively tall. After a whole lot of work, we managed to gather quite a few cherries from the lowest branches — they’d all been pre-pecked. I’d say one or two out of every hundred or so is edible. Still, they look so tempting, don’t they?
and a can with a bent edge attached, not sure if that would work for cherries.
But I did see some old timers in my home town with a unique berry harvesting method. Chokecherries are not much bigger than large peas, so if they’re high up on the tree they’re hard to get. Well, these guys were using a pruning pole and cutting the ends of the branches that had the berries, and picking the berries after they fell to the ground. They claimed that new branches grew back for next year.
If you cannot afford your own ball, one will be appointed to you at no charge.
I don’t have the cash for a ball. Oh sure, I have some, but not the kind that’ll work for knocking over pins. 😛
Well if you did that would be a medical anomaly.
Not necessarily. I’ll bet Stephen Colbert’s big brass balls could do the job!
Bowling League? If I know this place, we’ll be in the gutter very quickly!
Hey Toni? How was your trip down to Florida? Any pics yet?
Got carried away with the question marks. How was that long drive with Andrew?
Florida was great. No pics, yet. We just got home this afternoon. I am about to start laundry to rid my clothes of my mother’s cigarette smoke.
I can relate to the smell of cigarette smoke. My mom sent a package for Christmas last year and not only did everything smell, but the candy canes TASTED like cigarettes.
Yuck! It will take days for everything to air out, including the toys we took.
Long time no “see”!
Speaking of gutter balls, last time I bowled, a few months ago with the kidlets, I made an amazing… 29.
Don’t ask.. but no, I wasn’t drunk.
The 4 year old in the other lane had a higher score and advised me of the gutter pillows… ACK
That’s the lowest score I’ve ever heard of, DJ. Good going!
The two games before I got somewhere in the 60s and 80s. I claimed my wrist was, ahem, tired… 🙂
Machine bowling is more style. The more you drink, the better your score.
I stink at bowling and that scores sounds… right up my alley.
Are you still in Florida or are you back home?
Hi Andi. We’re home, finally after the three day drive. I thought about you as we passed through Cincy today. I saw the signs for Indiana:)
we are planning a get together in Chicago on October 7. So far it’s tentatively me and Jim, maryb, Second Nature, Iowa Victory Gardener, IndyLib, olivia, and several other maybe’s.
We hope you can come. If you want to bring Andrew, we will tailor any activities so they will be suitable.
And as much as it pains me, I’ll refrain from smelling his head.
I am sure that husband will appreciate that.
I just saw that and I will have to look at my school schedule and my husband’s schedule. I would love to go and Chicago is a great place.
I hope it works out — it will be really great if you can come.
How’d your trip go?
Hi Olivia. The trip was great. How have you been lately?
Good to hear that you had a great time.
How about some… HUMAN BOWLING?!? ACK!!!
if it was more like HOCKEY 🙂
Did you see Stevie retire today?
I’m a Stevie Yzerfan.
That was the first news we heard when we crossed the state line. Sad, but it was time. He has had so many serious injuries.
I can’t imagine how stiff and sore he’s going to be as he ages.
But, he will be missed.
Stevie was a hockey g-d! His poor knees though. My spouse has the same knee owwies… aka… no cartiledge (sp) left in his knees at all.
So does my brother.
Even toofless … 🙂
here …
Shhh don’t tell anyone… but while in college, the spouse was speared…
in the mouth.
Knocked him out cold, broke his jaw in 7 places, put him in a coma for two weeks and ended his career. And he lost several teeth. And later on in life due to crappy Navy dental, lost the rest of his teeth.
Ouch DJ … ouch. I hope it ended the spearer’s career too …
The dude was banned from all hockey. No one would play with him from other areas even.
That is terrible DJ.
Oh DJ! That’s terrible. Did the other guy get banned for life?
Yup. It was a retaliation on a clean check. The dude got him while the both of them were at a face off. Wayne never saw it coming.
Camper Van Beethoven
Every day, I get up and pray to Jah
And he decreases the number of clocks by exactly one
Everybody’s comin’ home for lunch these days
Last night there were skinheads on my lawn
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling
Some people say that bowling alleys got big lanes
Some people say that bowling alleys all look the same
There’s not a line that goes here that rhymes with anything
I has a dream last night, but I forget what it was
I had a dream last night about you, my friend
I had a dream–I wanted to sleep next to plastic
I had a dream–I wanted to lick your knees
I had a dream–it was about nothing
Take the skinheads bowling
Take them bowling!
I love this song!
I lived through the “ordeal.”.
Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful suggestions and kind thoughts.
How’s the ol’ ticker?
Yeah, but wasn’t it dada that advised against taking pictures in public???? Now he want’s me to take chances??
The ol’ ticker has dropped from 160 bpm, to 150 in the last half hour, ya suppose there’s need for concern?
Or maybe he was talking about pix of the railing … yeah, that’s probably more like it. He wouldn’t want you getting arrested right?
It only dropped 10 in 1/2hr? That’s not a good sign NDD … not good at all … 🙂
Just saying hi while I reminisce about the good old days! But, I guess it’s okay to be out of it, sometimes. We have to roll with the changes.
Hi mm. How are things?
I read that you worked today … but you’ve got the day off tomorrow?
With me, you are never out of it. You are right smack dab in the middle of my heart and thoughts!
I bought my first bowling ball for my faculty/grad student league at my first post-Ph.D. faculty job. The model name of the ball was Captain Fantasy – I swear! I wasn’t great, but it was loads of fun and there was always beer 🙂
I haven’t bowled since I broke my wrist a little over a year ago, though, and I miss it (well, mostly the beer, I guess)…
…and the shoes, those cool shoes too.
Beware the Tragedy of Naked Bowling…from the twisted mind of the late Hunter S. Thompson…
Bowling is bad fully clothed … naked bowling would be a run-screaming/eye-blinding kind of event.
What Olivia said!! 🙂
giggle… but I had to share it with my hockey friends. (((Dada))))
I just report ’em…:{)
Thanks for the comments…you’ll have to explain that “contact” thing to me…I can’t figure out how to add you – or anybody else for that matter…Ha! Just a lo-tech guy in a hi-tech world.
You fake it well then … 😉 I’ll send an e/m.
I’ve done shooting fireworks, mosquitoes have sucked me dry of blood, and I’m fricken worn out.
Other than scratching incessantly, everything is good.
Good to hear you survived sort-of. 🙂
Hi Olivia. Actually my nephew was really good about it. He didn’t have any big time fireworks, but he enjoyed it just the same.
He got a big laugh when I told him that his uncle and I used to get Roman Candles and pace of 10 paces each, turn, light them and fire at each other.
Teaching him stuff like that … lol. 🙂
You’ll sleep well tonight after your busy day. Did you have some bedtime icecream yet?
Have to have someone to carry on the traditions. 🙂
No ice cream tonight I’m afraid. All gone until I make some more.
I’m trying to use some of the extracts I already have, so I’m thinking of something with almond.
Maybe chocolate almond truffle chitlin.
How about peppermint choc. chip? That would be great on a really hot day. Supposed to be 97 here tomorrow.
Don’t have any peppermint, but do have choc. chip.
They’re predicting around 100 tomorrow for us.
mint chocolate chip is my favorite. Make that Family Man — and tell me in detail how good it is.
I’ll have to get by with the chitlin extract.
You know that stuff is really hard to find. 🙂
You had my mouth watering as I read along until I hit the last ingredient … ugh … way to ruin a great mental image FM 🙂
… you’ve got a nasty streak too I see … 😛
The man of mystery returns. 🙂
I tend to agree with you.
I’m going to the bottom and saying good night to all.
Sounds like it’s time for a cool shower and to bed.
I’m getting ready for it. I just wanted to drop in cuase I missed everybody today. Seems like I’ve been running since I got up.
Forgot to add. Not one snake down by the pond. Woo Hoo!
Well it WAS dark. They were probably slithering all around you and you didn’t see them. Sweet dreams.
Hi everybody. I came home a little early from Chicago cuz my sister wasn’t feeling well. We were supposed to leave early tomorrow, but instead came home tonight. Is everybody having a nice holiday?
Hi Mary. Sorry to hear about your sister, but I’m glad your home safe.
Holiday? What’s that? I haven’t been able to slack since Friday.
Have your slave driving relatives been at you again 🙂
Nope. Just family in and out and nephew staying until tomorrow. Plus a lot of lawn work today.
Did you enjoy your time in Chicago?
4th of July lawn work is the worst — all the neighbors have extra time to make their lawns look extra special. Poor you 🙁
I had a great time. It was mostly family time — a lot of people came in from a bunch of different places. We consumed much wine and talked far into the night. I think everyone had a good time.
I’m not too disappointed to come back a little early — I wasn’t looking forward to getting up at the crack of dawn to come back tomorrow. I have to be at a BBQ tomorrow at 3 (yes, another family thing).
sorry your trip was cut short, hope your sis is better soon.
Think of tomorrow as a de-compression day you didn’t expect and enjoy the fireworks.
that’s EXACTLY what I was thinking.
I haven’t been around lately because I’ve been busy in so-called “real life.” BUT, I have gotten a little gardening done. I took this photo of the cherry tree for you guys.
It’s not cafe-quality, but illustrates well the daily frustration I face — you can see this tree from all our front windows and we can’t get the cherries! Ah well, at least we have well-fed birds and squirrels.
I have one word for you — ladder.
I tried that once. The tree is actually deceptively tall. After a whole lot of work, we managed to gather quite a few cherries from the lowest branches — they’d all been pre-pecked. I’d say one or two out of every hundred or so is edible. Still, they look so tempting, don’t they?
damn birds — so wasteful 🙂
and a can with a bent edge attached, not sure if that would work for cherries.
But I did see some old timers in my home town with a unique berry harvesting method. Chokecherries are not much bigger than large peas, so if they’re high up on the tree they’re hard to get. Well, these guys were using a pruning pole and cutting the ends of the branches that had the berries, and picking the berries after they fell to the ground. They claimed that new branches grew back for next year.
Well if the birds and squirrels are eating them then they’re not falling on the ground making a mess right?
The critters have a nasty habit of only eating half, so it’s still pretty messy. In the heat, they tend to take on a sort of fermented smell, too.
of making their own mess…hope you got a garage Izzy.
that is SO true!
What do you mean you “can’t get them”…birds and squirrels beat you to them?
Of course — they’re up at the crack of dawn and I’m… well, you guys know all about that.
Night all. I’m a tired little camper.
See ya’ll tomorrow.
chitlin extract for ice cream, hmmm, that gives me another idea for lutefisk…
…but you guys seem to have done it!
unspoiled batch in the next FBL
Did SN take off? Is anyone putting up a new cafe?
Okay, I put up a fresh cafe.