I’m over at my sister-in-law’s with the laptop at the moment,and wouldn’t you know it? There’s thunder in the area. I haven’t seen anything really exciting on the local weather radar yet, but I’m inside, just in case. (Up until just a few minutes ago the weather was very nice — about 75° and partly cloudy.)
There were about 20 people coming and going at various times, It was a great evening. I’m still over at my s-i-l’s house, and we’re just hanging out and griping about stuff.
LOL . . . I am being very deferential to you and not saying anything about the food part of the day.
My weather map doesn’t show all the way to Portland but there are some pretty exciting-looking red areas down about Mount Rainier. Maybe that’s what you’re hearing. 🙂
The usual: Excedrin, ice packs, backrubs, dark room, hot shower. It’s not a horrible headache it just grates on me when it sticks around for 3 or 4 straight days with no break.
I’m planning to pretend I’m not in an airplane. I’ll bring my mp3 player and close my eyes and hopefully it’ll seem like I’m in a car bouncing along the highway. I find that denial works well for me.
I remember that doll because it was the only one I ever had. Her name was Nancy Nurse. Which sort of sounds like a porn movie now that I think about it. I hated her because she didn’t do anything. All my friends had dolls that spoke, or wet their pants.
I have no idea what happened to her. I think I quickly discovered her abilities were severely limited and I left her under my bed. My favorite plaything back then was mud and the stones from our driveway.
and the crazy critter machine. It was basically an OVEN you set on your floor, usually carpeted, and you put these gells into molds and it made bugs and worms. Really cool!
That reminds me of those psychological experiments with the rhesus monkeys being taken away from their mothers with only a faceless doll for comfort. No wonder those Amish get married at 16. Just looking for love. 🙂
It doesn’t get dark here until about 9:20 and we have a 2-year-old, so no fireworks for us. The weather was a wonderful 72 with little wind and no real humidity. Guess I’ll watch Minn. try to keep their 11 game streak going. How can KC be up 5 – 2 on my Twins!?!?!
Celebrate your civil liberties while you still have them 😉
I’ve had this one now 3 times in less than two weeks. It’s not a nightmare just amazingly VIVID and each time… the same.
I’m on the phone, not sure to whom… but it’s a friendly call… oh I recall… it’s a call from a teacher – like a internet school but this was a call in question period.
I am asked, “If you had a time machine and could go back in time and do away with certain people who would you get rid of?”
My only response… was that I didn’t feel free enough to answer it. I was asked if I could put in writing. Are you CRAZY? In writing?? That’s worse than over the phone or the net.
Then I look up from my floor and two men are looking down at me. They’re like the Gestapo.
I think 13 is hard for everybody. You’re just so in between everything and you’re growing fast and hormones are kicking in and of course your parents get really lame when you’re 13.
I didn’t used to remember mine but since I’ve been on an antidepressant I do. They’re nice dreams and not weird. It’s sort of like visiting people and places that I don’t remember because depression robbed me of my memory.
I’m sitting here listening to the sound of fireworks. Did I say “sound”? It’s more like WWlll out there. It was disturbing the boran2 boy, but he is finally asleep. I put all of his stuffed animal friends into his bed to “protect” him.
they just started here, the loud bangs. My son is 13 and doesn’t dig them at first. He’s better about it but it takes a few minutes to realize it’s not “something else”.
Speaking of which… I need to run now and go scratch his back while someone sets off these things..
Our latest anniversery (number four) was spent in southern Tasmania.
To celebrate our anniversery, we’ve been taking weekend trips to Tasmanian wilderness areas. South Cape Lagoon (pictured) is the furthest south you can get to in Australia by land. Only the south island of New Zealand, the southern tip of South America, and a few odd uninhabited islands are south of here.
Click for a larger image.
That’s Imogen standing on the cliff above the lagoon.
There is nothing but one small island (Macquarie, a reasearch base) between this lagoon and the Antartic. Can you feel the cold? We sure could. Oh, and to get here, you have to walk 7 km through rain forest and swamp.
yoohoo! Anybody here? I’m just about ready to go visit the neighbors and have a bedtime beer, then hoping I can get to sleep but that doesn’t happen easily even on the best of nights.
but it ended well in that we went for a walk in the park by the Sheyenne River just before sunset.
As slow as this is going here I may as well drop the first photo in this FBL.
Spent part of the day at Barnes and Noble for some free perusing and I read a great article in the last Utne Reader, forget the title now, but it’s the article listed on the cover, about recovering from trauma. Some very interesting concepts which could be used by most all of us and I highly recommend.
I googled utne reader and went from there … found the current issue and scanned for the article on trauma, then went back and scanned for the article on yoga. No subscription necessary. I’m having some trouble w/ your white flower though … that’s a tricky one.
Hey, I know sumptin’ ’bout Canadians, ’cause I lived in WPG and Brandon, (some decadences ago now). In WPG I had senior citizen ladies, complete strangers, strike up a conversation at the supermarket checkout counter. And me with my long hair, darn close to the shoulders, ha!
Something you ain’t already heard? Hmmm, let me meditate on that for a bit. (Wasn’t the cabin story enough??? ha!)
construction article too. I was saving talk of that one till dada showed up, but a link sure would be handy, since you’re on a roll, pretty please! With cane sugar on top!!!
specifically on the Coolpix 3200, but I continue to be frustrated with missing the greater learning experience of a camera with more directly adjustable settings vs. menu selections.
Clean tables and a bucket of water in case your sparklers get out of hand.
I’m over at my sister-in-law’s with the laptop at the moment,and wouldn’t you know it? There’s thunder in the area. I haven’t seen anything really exciting on the local weather radar yet, but I’m inside, just in case. (Up until just a few minutes ago the weather was very nice — about 75° and partly cloudy.)
75 sounds awfully nice to me. Even in the middle of the night it’s warmer than that these days. Yuck.
Did you have a big get-together?
There were about 20 people coming and going at various times, It was a great evening. I’m still over at my s-i-l’s house, and we’re just hanging out and griping about stuff.
It does feel stormy here, too. I thought it was my tummy growling 🙂
LOL . . . I am being very deferential to you and not saying anything about the food part of the day.
My weather map doesn’t show all the way to Portland but there are some pretty exciting-looking red areas down about Mount Rainier. Maybe that’s what you’re hearing. 🙂
I was hoping little Andi could come over and play with us.
Awww! Look at the Independence Day stockings hung with care, hoping that Uncle Sam would soon be there!
Yeah it’s the wrong holiday, so what? Hey Toni, how’s it going? Has everything aired out yet?
Everything is fine tonight. The airing out process is going well. I do laundry slowly, so it should be mostly done tomorrow.
How are you doing SN?
It should be good aversion therapy for Andrew anyway.
I’m working on a 3 day headache and slowly coming out of a foul mood. Sorry you asked? 🙂
No. I guess that there’ll be no fireworks at your picnic.
What have you tried for your headache?
The usual: Excedrin, ice packs, backrubs, dark room, hot shower. It’s not a horrible headache it just grates on me when it sticks around for 3 or 4 straight days with no break.
Are there a bunch of new Andrew-in-Florida pictures I should be looking forward to seeing?
She took lots of pictures but you can hardly see Andrew through the haze of cigarette smoke.
Or I would be if it weren’t true. And my lungs weren’t hurting.
Yes, soon. We celebrated his 2nd birthday a few days 2 weeks early, so I have some Andrew eating cake for the first time photos.
You should hold onto that bad mood till the plane lands in Indy — I find bad moods to be the perfect accompaniment to air travel.
I’m planning to pretend I’m not in an airplane. I’ll bring my mp3 player and close my eyes and hopefully it’ll seem like I’m in a car bouncing along the highway. I find that denial works well for me.
and I brought the sparklers (’cause I don’t play with dolls).
I remember that doll because it was the only one I ever had. Her name was Nancy Nurse. Which sort of sounds like a porn movie now that I think about it. I hated her because she didn’t do anything. All my friends had dolls that spoke, or wet their pants.
My mom bought me one doll which I never touched and she never tried again. But my lincoln logs …
dolls scared me. I’d have to take them off the dresser or turn their faces to the wall at night.
I have no idea what happened to her. I think I quickly discovered her abilities were severely limited and I left her under my bed. My favorite plaything back then was mud and the stones from our driveway.
and the crazy critter machine. It was basically an OVEN you set on your floor, usually carpeted, and you put these gells into molds and it made bugs and worms. Really cool!
Yard darts – what a great idea those were. Launch a weighted, sharpened steel dart high into the air and see where it lands.
You should have gotten some Amish dolls. They have no faces.
That reminds me of those psychological experiments with the rhesus monkeys being taken away from their mothers with only a faceless doll for comfort. No wonder those Amish get married at 16. Just looking for love. 🙂
in all the doll faces… 🙂
SN, did your mom make your Christmas stockings?
It doesn’t get dark here until about 9:20 and we have a 2-year-old, so no fireworks for us. The weather was a wonderful 72 with little wind and no real humidity. Guess I’ll watch Minn. try to keep their 11 game streak going. How can KC be up 5 – 2 on my Twins!?!?!
Celebrate your civil liberties while you still have them 😉
Two-year olds tend not to be very fond of fireworks anyway, at least up close.
Yeah, we didn’t take him to the parade either b/c it’s mostly a bunch of fire trucks driven by guys who never get to blow their horns, iykwim…
Too much noise regardless. We did the kiddie pool at the grandparent’s instead. Much more fun with yummy food and beer included.
I’ve had this one now 3 times in less than two weeks. It’s not a nightmare just amazingly VIVID and each time… the same.
I’m on the phone, not sure to whom… but it’s a friendly call… oh I recall… it’s a call from a teacher – like a internet school but this was a call in question period.
I am asked, “If you had a time machine and could go back in time and do away with certain people who would you get rid of?”
My only response… was that I didn’t feel free enough to answer it. I was asked if I could put in writing. Are you CRAZY? In writing?? That’s worse than over the phone or the net.
Then I look up from my floor and two men are looking down at me. They’re like the Gestapo.
They shoot me in the face.
Sweet dreams, eh?
The ending sucks, but what’s your answer to the question?
Well I do mention that it wouldn’t be the typical, “I’d go back and get rid of Hitler”.
that’s just it though Toni… I’m too nervous to post … because it’d be several.
The ending changed the last two times. The first time I just felt that there was someone else who entered the room.
It is a very creepy dream.
How are your kids, DJ?
Kids are being kids. Fighting and warring with each other. Danni is off to a burger joint with a friend. They came over to get her.
It’s odd – I go on a fast and the people around me all of a sudden go unorganic 🙂
How’s the cake eating birthday boy?
Sleeping and much calmer than he was at Grammy and Grandpa’s house.
How long will you fast?
Till tomorrow and then again Thursday but TH will be in public.
My son has actually been a bit of a poop the last few days. Don’t know why… just been a real rude crude dude with a tude.
It must be making the rounds of boys that age this week, cause CBtE has been driving me crazy lately.
Boys… they all need a good thwapping upside the head or something. Cripes. What a week with em.
Aren’t they both 13? That is just the worst age. I remember just being mad all the time when I was 13….when I wasn’t crying.
I have one son, 13- Wesley
and one daughter, 11 – Danni
She can really egg him, too, some days.
When does Wes turn 14? CBtE has about 8 more weeks till he’s 14.
I’m fantasizing about when he goes to sleep-away camp in August…6 days of pure bliss on my part.
I hope SN is right, and that 13 is the worst. Does that apply to boys, SN? Or just you at 13? 🙂
I think 13 is hard for everybody. You’re just so in between everything and you’re growing fast and hormones are kicking in and of course your parents get really lame when you’re 13.
Just for the record, I’m not lame, I “suck”.
Just thought you should know.
are much better than what my son seems fitting to call me.
When he’s really mad… he calls me a “Bush Supporter”
At least he’s creative… 🙂
He tries so hard to ridicule or make snarky comment but he comes up short. Then there’s other times where he’s almost a genius at put downs. LOL
EEk! I’ve been having really vivid dreams about my grandmother’s house. She died 20 years ago.
I rarely remember my dreams. My husband almost always does and he tells me his dreams most mornings.
I didn’t used to remember mine but since I’ve been on an antidepressant I do. They’re nice dreams and not weird. It’s sort of like visiting people and places that I don’t remember because depression robbed me of my memory.
It sounds like your body is doing its part to help your recovery.
I think so too.
I’m sitting here listening to the sound of fireworks. Did I say “sound”? It’s more like WWlll out there. It was disturbing the boran2 boy, but he is finally asleep. I put all of his stuffed animal friends into his bed to “protect” him.
An army of furry little protectors.
That’s so cute. How old is boran2 boy?
He’s 7. (usually going on 12 but tonight it was 2.) 😉
they just started here, the loud bangs. My son is 13 and doesn’t dig them at first. He’s better about it but it takes a few minutes to realize it’s not “something else”.
Speaking of which… I need to run now and go scratch his back while someone sets off these things..
Wish him goodnight!
It’s the first few minutes. His dad walked in the door as they started. So it’s all okay now.
However he might get his rude remarks grounded to Mars, soon. :/
how to sleep so that I avoid all the places that hurt when there are places that hurt pretty much everywhere.
Wonder if I can sleep doing a headstand?
Night all.
Night Scabby.
What happened??
Night Andi. I’m sorry your in pain. Did you have a bike incident?
SHe posted a picture in the last lounge. Lots of road rash.
It did look painful.
Andi… BE CAREFUL!!! 🙂
Feel better!
I think I will turn in for the night. See everyone later.
Turn into what?? 🙂
Good night Toni!
Into a froggie!
Okay, you be Kermit and I’ll be Miss. Pi… uh…
I’ll be Madeline Kahn. 🙂
Madaline was awsome, and though she passed many years ago – I still miss her.
I have the Muppet Movie on DVD. Maybe I’ll watch it later.
Our latest anniversery (number four) was spent in southern Tasmania.
To celebrate our anniversery, we’ve been taking weekend trips to Tasmanian wilderness areas. South Cape Lagoon (pictured) is the furthest south you can get to in Australia by land. Only the south island of New Zealand, the southern tip of South America, and a few odd uninhabited islands are south of here.
Click for a larger image.
That’s Imogen standing on the cliff above the lagoon.
There is nothing but one small island (Macquarie, a reasearch base) between this lagoon and the Antartic. Can you feel the cold? We sure could. Oh, and to get here, you have to walk 7 km through rain forest and swamp.
And Happy Anniversary to you both … 🙂
my oh my that’s a great panorama shot!!!
Hi Olivia and NDD.
We stayed in this bungalow, in our own private rainforest fern gully. With an outdoor hot tub to watch the stars from.
So, except for the still sore knees (from the long walk to the lagoon and back), it was a great weekend.
If I ever get to Tasmania I’m going to find out where that place is.
‘Brings back some of my memories of N CA redwoods and outdoor hot tubs.
We stayed at Huon Bush Retreats – at the Stream Side cabin.
That’s beautiful! It looks so lush and private … 🙂
Here’s a map to give you perspective.
The road ends a Cockle Creek, and you walk from there.
yoohoo! Anybody here? I’m just about ready to go visit the neighbors and have a bedtime beer, then hoping I can get to sleep but that doesn’t happen easily even on the best of nights.
It’s a quiet night here at BT …
so far!
How was your day NDD?
but it ended well in that we went for a walk in the park by the Sheyenne River just before sunset.
As slow as this is going here I may as well drop the first photo in this FBL.
Spent part of the day at Barnes and Noble for some free perusing and I read a great article in the last Utne Reader, forget the title now, but it’s the article listed on the cover, about recovering from trauma. Some very interesting concepts which could be used by most all of us and I highly recommend.
This it?
Yeah, that’s it. Super! Now I can send it on to some friends.
Also there was an article directly following that one about a guy in a wheel chair who teaches yoga.
The trauma article led into that one. I thought the guy’s name was in the trauma article.
yoga article
to say you’re mighty impressive at the research!!
You have a subscription to Utne Reader, or is that accessible to anyone.
I googled utne reader and went from there … found the current issue and scanned for the article on trauma, then went back and scanned for the article on yoga. No subscription necessary. I’m having some trouble w/ your white flower though … that’s a tricky one.
thanks, I found the bamboo article too.
LOL … 🙂
And I used to have my motorcycle license and rode dirtbikes for fun. 😛
Canadian woman!!!
LOL … So tell me something about you we haven’t heard before.
that just capped off the sum total!
Hey, I know sumptin’ ’bout Canadians, ’cause I lived in WPG and Brandon, (some decadences ago now). In WPG I had senior citizen ladies, complete strangers, strike up a conversation at the supermarket checkout counter. And me with my long hair, darn close to the shoulders, ha!
Something you ain’t already heard? Hmmm, let me meditate on that for a bit. (Wasn’t the cabin story enough??? ha!)
not yet revealed … I’ve got tons … 🙂 And yes, the cabin story was a good one!
who has yet to come up with a story.
You must have missed it … the nursing home one.
hey, that one doesn’t count! We’re waiting for something more exciting yet?
construction article too. I was saving talk of that one till dada showed up, but a link sure would be handy, since you’re on a roll, pretty please! With cane sugar on top!!!
I found it!!!
article was Matthew Sanford, paralyzed at 13 in auto wreck… This one is worth reading too.
White blossoms green leaves
A nice ending to the day I’d say. I think you’ve mastered the macro NDD — what do you think?
And what is this btw? 🙂
actually I don’t really know, but they’re relatively common around here.
specifically on the Coolpix 3200, but I continue to be frustrated with missing the greater learning experience of a camera with more directly adjustable settings vs. menu selections.
Well, better some progress than none I suppose.
the fireworks over at Shoreline Amphitheater…just too damn tired to go out and find a place to watch them (or any others).
Hope everyone had a relatively good day…so-so hereabouts, but hopefully tomorrow will be better…
It’s good to see you.
should I open up a new cafe? Just got home from the downtown fireworks, it’s raining hard now. funny timing.
Sure … I wasn’t holding off b/c it was just me and NDD … but it is getting full.
come on over to the new lounge