Froggy Bottom Lounge ~ Happy Hour I
This is a semi-hosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Leave the firecrackers outside or you’ll scare the dogs.
Anyone need a beverage?
Need a drink?
Need you ask.
ask! How’s the windon washer world?
I must be drunk.
Geez and Happy Hour just opened.
Been hitting the cooking sherry there SN?
Maybe this will explain. Plus see this early morning’s cafe.
All done. Lots of light here now.
If you had left them dirty, you could have had the asklets do little drawings with wet fingers on the glass.
It would have been like the expensive embroidered curtains. 🙂
Lace. Even more pricey.
Just my point. Dirt is a cheap curtain.
You cooking out tonight, FM. We’re just trying to decide where to go for dinner because I don’t feel like heating up the kitchen and no one wants to stand outside to grill something.
I’m not cooking anything tonight. It’s just me and Family Mom and we still have hot dogs and hamburgers from last night. It’s microwave city for us tonight.
The city is shooting off fireworks about a half a mile from us tonight. So we’ll go to see those.
That sounds cool. I think we’ll go here since they have a really good grilled vegetable salad.
That looks really good. Oh the advantages of living in a city.
I’ll eat for two then. I’ll think of you while I’m pigging out. See you later – have fun at the fireworks.
Have fun at the pigging out. 🙂
Damn, I wasn’t fast enough.
How’s the painting going Kansas?
I finished the big parts! Now just touch up and clean up.
Thanks for asking, FM.
I need a drink. FM, how do you stand this heat and humidity? All I want to do is sleep.
What do you think I’ve been doing. 🙂
I would probably still be asleep if my friend from MI hadn’t called me.
Did you do a lot of shopping?
Nah, I just challenged myself to walk around outside and go to different shops and just look around. I did get a marble candleholder at Goodwill for $1.98. I’m such a spendthrift.
But with the heat and the fact that I hadn’t eaten lunch, I suddenly felt like I was going to barf or pass out. Not fun.
Yeah I love going to goodwill and flea markets.
The fun part in passing out just depends on how hard you hit your head. Just enough and you wake up in la la land for awhile. Quite pleasant really. 🙂
Not very pleasant if you pass out on fresh, black ashphalt with a surfact temperature of at least 150 degrees. But the extra sleep would have been nice.
Yeah that’s the drawback on passing out. You don’t really pick your time and place.
That marble candleholder sounds nice.
It goes in my bedroom and will double as self-protection. If an intruder comes in I’ll just conk him on the head.
I would set the bird on them and have it clean their teeth. If that didn’t freak out an intruder, I don’t know what would. 🙂
LOL, FM. I think George and his snaggleteeth would scare away the meanest of crooks. Or that yapping would drive them insane.
Need a drink? Me too. (On my third now.)

Working on one of these now:
Please join for a glass.
OK I’ll ask, ask. Is that wine?
Sorry FM. I spaced out elsewhere.
Yes, that is a red from Scicily.
No problem ask. I figured you were looking out of newly clean windows.
Evening, All! Here’s a white rose fer ya to celebrate the holiday! Another Valley Girl, looking angelic in the scorching heat, don’t ask me how they do it!
And thanks to DJ, TT, and O for your responses to my comment last night. Sorry I kinda dropped out… I was suddenly overtaken by a very aggressive nap attack.
That’s been happening to me lately. It’s kinda freaky.
Something in the air?
Hi MM. That rose is beautiful.
Nap attacks are nothing to apologize for. 😉
Yup. That one was a classic. Didn’t wake up till 11:30 at night, and then had to settle for another “nap” to get the remainder of a night’s sleep. Hey. Whatever!
Having a happy Fourth, out where you are?
Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are enjoying your day…it is hazy and humid here in downstate NY…
Hi Psi. Get all you stuff done today?
Psi, where are you located? I’m in Westchester county.
OMG, you can’t believe how yummy the grilled vegetable salad is at California Pizza Kitchen. It’s got roasted red peppers, japanese eggplant, asparagus, scallions, roasted corn and avocado in a balsamic dressing.
That is all.
That is all.
No dessert?
Stop it! I’m trying to be good. I had lentils and rice for lunch.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a bad influence — I do mean to be bad but I don’t mean to influence others to be bad; if they are, I just consider that a happy accident.
That’s ok Scabface, I didn’t take it personally. 😛
I get a little bitchy when I haven’t had fat or sugar for a while.
I’m going to have to be on best behavior while you’re here.
Hell, let’s be fancy and both be on our best behaviour. I’m not sure I remember how to do that, though. I think it involves smiling a lot and not belching.
This could be a problem because I define a failure to be on best behavior in terms of external cues — specifically, if my mother gives me a look of ineffable sadness and says my name in a tone of voice that would lead other people to assume that I just killed the last bald eagle in the world.
Fortunately bald eagles are making a remarkable comeback.
Do Baked Lays count as junk food?
Its definition is based on local standards.
What book are you not now reading?
I’m not now reading Listening to Prozac since the first time I read it I was too depressed to understand it. Seems it is far more interesting this time.
I’d be interested in hearing about it. I’ve heard of it but don’t really know the details. Will you have it finished before you get here?
Do I need to add Baked Frito Lays to the Wednesday grocery list which already has half-and-half on it?
I would love it if you kept all the junk food out of sight for me. Except for half and half of course.
The book was written in 93 about the transformative effects of SSRIs, specifically Prozac on minor or chronic depression, anxiety, low self worth and sensitivity to rejection. It’s amazing reading the case stories now that I’m on an SSRI and the way they correlate so closely with my results. I’m glad that I didn’t really read it before or I’d think I was just imagining my good results.
and there isn’t much junk food to be had here but we’re pretty good on the fat side (I have a weakness for cheese).
My external cues would be my mother’s fingernails digging into my thigh while she gives me “the look.” Fortunately I haven’t seen the look since the last time we went to mass together.
The face is the one untouched part of my body ….
Ow! I love that the header is ‘restaurant review’ since your elbow looks like raw meat.
that my injury was the result of throwing myself on the ground and throwing a temper tantrum because of terrible service from the wait staff.
What did I miss? How did you hurt yourself?
part of this conversation started was in emails.
During my bike ride I decided to make an intimate connection with mother earth. Unfortunately, she happened to be covered with asphalt at that point.
Oh I’m sorry Andi.
Was it a brain disconnect or a mechanical malfunction?
A combination of brain disconnect and poor design — I was on a people trail where there was a triangle of cement posts designed to keep vehicles out. They are rather tricky to weave through and I didn’t pay quite enough attention and caught my handlebar on one of them which twisted me into the other one.
But I’m lucky. The last person to have a run-in with one of them broke his collarbone and leg.
I’m glad your injuries weren’t as severe.
Last time I fell from a bike I broke my shoulder. In the hospital for a week. Mine was mechanical malfunction. I gave the bike to a guy I worked with, told him about it and he wreck 2 days later. That bike was cursed. 🙂
I hate rejection…it can be so painful when it involves asphalt.
Asphalt can be so unforgiving.
that sticks to the emotional plane.
Ouch! I would have thought Mother Earth might have a softer lap than that.
Andi, didn’t realize you were one of those crazy-assed mountain bikers going off jumps and whatnot … 😉
Or taking on those three-post traffic control thingamajiggies! Yikes! Was it painted yellow?
Did you have a good day?
Okie dokie, O! Just a bit confined to the part of the house that gets cooled off by the AC.
Et toi?
It was painted yellow on top but the problem wasn’t seeing it, it was maneuvering through it. I don’t have depth perception and I must have gotten a bit too close and caught it with my handlebar.
Can happen to the best of ’em! Don’t quite understand about why you don’t have depth perception, though. Do you wear glasses?
I don’t have depth perception because I was born cross-eyed and had an eye operation to uncross them when I was 6. I was among the earliest kids to have this operation and they didn’t understand till later that changing the way someone sees after they have learned to see that way requires post-operative therapy. I have a host of peculiar eye problems/behaviors.
And that picture of you in so damn cute I just want to scoop you up and give you a hug. With a waterproof pad on my shoulder of course to catch the drool.
I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know that I’ve got the drool thing under control.
Very brave to forge ahead on the bike circuit with that drawback. It must also make driving difficult. Reminds me of my son who lost the inner-ear part of his balancing function at the age of 3 due to streptomycin toxicity. He has been able to compensate adequately, but was always at a disadvantage on skateboard, roller blade, and skiing type activities. Aside from that he has managed to compensate very well.
But… judging from your photographs, you certainly have more “vision” than most of us!
Road bikes aren’t really a problem since I rarely have to judge depth but I was the world’s worst raquetball player.
Daytime driving is okay but I don’t like to drive at night and I really hate road construction where they put those big temporary concrete barriers along the lanes.
They just break bones.
As for me — I’m just a klutz with a road bike.
You’re lucky you didn’t break something by the sounds of it …
Actually, I was going pretty slow so a serious owee was pretty unlikely.
And who is it that broke their leg and collarbone … ?
Do you ride one of those racing bikes where your ass is way up in the air and you’re all hunched over? Those never seemed like such a good idea to me since my ass is basically my center of gravity.
Are you guys watching the Tour?
Don’t know who the guy was who had the serious injuries — just some poor schlump who was a lot less lucky than I was.
Indy’s been quiet – have you heard anything from her since her birthday? Not that I’m checking up on her or anything…
I’ve heard from her via email (I sent her a pdf of the cafe yesterday and she answered). Also, she was lurking earlier.
Oh good. Not that I worried.
The one that was bleeding? He’s okay — it was a superficial cut from one of those giant green hands. He was back racing the next day.
I was scrolling up this time instead of down and I just now came to this. No blood is that red. Paint, right?
Well it’s not blood, it’s scraped skin. But I’m looking at it now and it looks that color to me (except now it’s got a dark center).
Will the color of road rash one day appear as a critically important point in one of your books?
You never know. Cue: diabolical laughter. (Not laughing at your poor arm, though.)
Did I see someone say something about best behavior.
Is that possible in the cafe?
See ya’ll later.
[While {{{AndiF}}} was doing her GWB bike-riding imitation….]
Designing a new “treatment” for the window in my bedroom that soaks up the fierce afternoon sun.
It is my sincerest request that you refrain from ever including my name in the same sentence with Bush. Your cooperation is appreciated. 😉
Sincerest apologies. I mean talk about adding insult to injury! <hangs head>
I love that photo, too. If I didn’t know it was a window treatment I would have thought it was a smoothly sanded piece of wood. I love the curves and the way it fades into blackness. Very mysterious.
Hey, SN! I worked on those curtains with bamboo shade over the past two weeks, and then was surprised when I went in there this afternoon to see what funny things the light was doing with the bamboo and fabric.
What a great photo mm!
I like the music notation image! Of course the artistic arrangement does nothing towards making the room any cooler! It’s still 95-100 degrees in there.
I’ll open a new lounge in a sec.
new lounge open
You can’t assemble M-80s with a few common household chemicals in the proper proportions, but it’s amazing what you can get on the internet.